Lead photographer Vincent A Chavez
On behalf of our Publisher, Cornell ‘Chico’ Stevens. We would like to officially welcome you to Cattura Vanity Magazine.
Publisher Cornell Chico Nieves
‘Cattura’ is Italian for ‘to capture’ and we plan to capture and bring to you STUNNING, INTERESTING, AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL IMAGES, PEOPLE AND PLACES FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD.
Editor-in-Chief Yvonne Msdivadazz
Chico vision for Cattura Vanity was to bring you fashion from all for all women. So, together, we will be be celebrating beauty diversity through fashion and lifestyle. We look forward to receiving your stories, submissions and ideas and bringing you the best of the best.
Graphic Designer Sarah Marie Station
Cattura Vanity Magazine will officially launch
This Edition Featuring Michael Levine
in 2014 until then please enjoy our series of mini-mag features on women in the fashion industry
Simplicity Strength Sophistication
making a difference.
10 Questions with
Michael Levine 1. Please tell Cattura Vanity Magazine who you are and what you do.
I am an author, celebrity publicist and motivational speaker. My company is Levine Communications Office. I have written over 18 books. My most famous is Guerrilla PR.
2. How did you become such a successful celebrity publicist?
I loved entertainment and politics from a very early age and decided to combine the two. I left home at the age of 17 and interned for companies and built my way up. I quit college after 6 months and I started my own company in June 1st 1983.
3. Where were you born where do you live now?
I was born and raised in NYC.
4. What is the best advice that you can give to someone who wants to become a publicists.
The best advice that I could give is to put your career on steroids by interning as much as you can. Learn the true ins and outs of the pr world.
“Education follows motivation”
5. What is your formula for success?
Continue to work hard. The principle of success really is very simple and that success is very hard. Success is a poisonous idea.
6. Which celebrities have you represented as a publicist?
I have worked with A-list celebrities such as Barbara Streisand, Prince, Cameron Diaz, Michael Jackson, Charlton Heston and many more.
“ Continue to work hard. The principle of success really is very simple and that success is very hard. Success is a poisonous idea. “
7. Who was your most memorable and
9. How do you detoxify, relax from the
challenging client?
humdrums of your career.
I would have to say that Michael Jackson’s
Turn off cell phones especially when I go to
molestation case was the most memorable and
dinner. I society were to reduce texting by 98%
the most challenging.
we would see a greater increase in the quality of life.
8. Have you worked or represented anyone outside of the entertainment
10. What changes would you like to see in
the entertainment industry?
I have had the pleasure of advising three
Simple. Technology.
presidents, (both parties) and representing companies such as Nike, Pizza Hut, and Sharpe.
“Education follows motivation”