ChicagoDefender 102418

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Chicago and suburbs $1 Volume 113 No. 26 | October 24 - 30, 2018


Jussie Smollett Page 11

Stop Domestic Violence Domestic violence month raises awareness

Let’s Play: Page 12


Community Calendar: Page 13 POWERED BY REAL TIMES MEDIA



City News

(ISSN: 07457014)

Education Advocate Phyllis Lockett Receives 2018 Golden Apple Impact Award

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Wednesday – Tuesday October 24 - 30, 2018

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Senior Editor: Katara Washington Patton Society Columnist: Carolyn Palmer Graphic Designer: Diona Jackson Contributing Editor: Sharice Bradford Contributing Writers: Rick and Brenda McCain, Charles Preston, Deborah Bayliss, Marshelle Sanders Photographer: Worsom Robinson ADVERTISING

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Kwame Raoul

Kwame Raoul Releases Personal Ad About Healthcare As the statewide general election draws nigh (early voting happening now through election day on November 6), you no doubt have noticed the ads heating up. Recently, Democratic candidate for attorney general Kwame Raoul released an ad that got personal—he shared his diagnosis of prostate cancer and the healthcare that saved his life. “I lost my father to prostate cancer. My day came three years ago. As a cancer survivor and son of a community physician, I know how important access to healthcare is. That’s why when I replaced Barack Obama in the state senate, I fought to expand Obamacare. Healthcare should not be a privilege; it should be a human right. …” the ad says. Kwame lost his father and both grandfathers to prostate cancer. An old-fashioned doctor who made house calls, Kwame’s father often came home with a block of cheese or home-cooked meal, because he would never turn away a patient who couldn’t afford care. In the Illinois Senate, Kwame led the effort to give hundreds of thousands of low-income Illinoisans access to medical assistance under the Affordable Care Act. Last year, he helped pass a law prohibiting health insurance plans from denying coverage due to pre-existing conditions. Raoul is running against Republican Erika Harold and Libertarian Bubba Harsy.

Silver Room Block Party Receives Inaugural Economic Impact Award This month, the Downtown Hyde Park Chicago Special Service Area #61 announced its inaugural economic impact award. The first recipient is Eric Williams, owner and curator of the Silver Room Block Party. This year, the annual summer party, drew more than 40,000 festival goers to downtown Hydpe Park for an incident free community event, which generated nearly $4 million in revenue for businesses.


Bertha Cromwell

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2 October 24 - 30, 2018

Williams, center in red, and the Block Party team, receive impact award. Photo by Kaye Cooksey

Golden Apple, a leading Illinois nonprofit committed to developing and recognizing great teachers, will honor Phyllis Lockett with the 2018 Golden Apple Impact Award at the nonprofit’s annual fundraising event to be held at the Ritz-Carlton Chicago on Tuesday, October 30, at 6 p.m. Lockett is the Founder and CEO of LEAP Innovations, a national nonprofit that works with schools to implement and scale personalized Phyllis Lockett learning models. The Golden Apple Impact Award honors a private individual, company, policy maker, or decision maker who has impacted the lives of many in Illinois through his or her significant, positive engagement in education. A primary focus for LEAP is to champion the development of today’s and tomorrow’s teachers. LEAP has worked with more than 800 Golden Apple Scholars, aspiring teachers who receive comprehensive preparation to work in Illinois’ most challenging schools, to ensure that the student is at the center of their own personalized learning experience. “Phyllis has been a true catalyst for positive change in education - embracing partners and innovating within the schools and communities that can benefit the most,” said Alicia Winckler, CEO of The Golden Apple Foundation. “Thanks to her tireless efforts to bring personalized learning to classrooms and support teachers in these efforts, more students have a customized learning experience and are empowered to learn.” “While I’m so humbled by this incredible honor, the Impact Award is a personal call-to-action for me to work even harder, to help all children -- in Illinois and beyond -- realize their full potential,” said Phyllis Lockett, founder and CEO of LEAP Innovations. “With the world changing so quickly, we must prepare our students for jobs that don’t yet exist, by fueling their passion for learning, and building on their unique strengths, passions and aspirations.” Lockett, the daughter of Chicago Public Schools teachers, launched LEAP in 2014 to fuel and scale the movement of personalized learning and help all students realize their full potential. LEAP has worked with more than 120 public schools in Chicago to personalize students’ educational experiences, giving them access to tailored and meaningful learning opportunities. Research has found that students in LEAP partner schools outpaced their peers in traditional classrooms by 13 percentile points in literacy. The Impact Award will be presented to Lockett at Golden Apple’s annual fundraising event, which supports the Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois program, and will be hosted by CBS2 anchor Rob Johnson. For more information or to purchase tickets, please contact Lisa Wagner at or visit THE CHICAGO DEFENDER

Cover Story

Stop Domestic Violence

Domestic violence month raises awareness By Sharice Bradford Defender Contributing Editor We have seen the color pink everywhere this month in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. However if you have seen the color purple or purple awareness ribbons, it is a reminder that it is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The statistics of those who suffer at the hands of domestic partners are startling, the facts are devastating and the numbers are increasing. Here is what you need to know about domestic violence and what you can do to help. Every 9 seconds someone is the victim of domestic violence. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, domestic violence assault is the most common violent crime in the U.S and the most underreported. More women are injured each day as a result of domestic violence than by rape, muggings and car accidents combined. Domestic violence is defined as the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as a part of a systematic pattern of power and control perpetuated by one intimate partner against another. Federal and state laws define domestic violence as abuse perpetrated by a current or former spouse, a co-habitant, or co-parent. It includes physical violence, sexual violence, threats, and emotional/psychological abuse. Emotional abuse is defined as verbal abuse, financial control or isolation of the victim. Physical abuse, the form we most often hear about and see, is slapping, punching, choking and stalking. Sexual abuses is forced sexual acts, excessive jealousy and harassment. While this list may not be exhaustive, it is generally how domestic violence shows up in intimate relationships. The frequency and severity of domestic violence varies dramatically. Domestic violence is prevalent in every community and affects people regardless of race, age, socio-economic status, religion, sexual orientation, nationality or gender. In most cases physical violence is not the only form of abuse perpetuated. Physical viTHE CHICAGO DEFENDER

Whit Devereaux olence is often accompanied by emotional abuse and controlling behavior. The effects of domestic violence can range from physical injuries, different forms of trauma and in the most extreme cases, death. The effects of domestic violence can last a lifetime and span generations. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, domestic violence is most common among women between the ages of 18-24. Since marriage rates in the United States have declined and people are dating longer, domestic violence rates continue to rise. It is not always easy in the early stages of relationships to determine if a person will become abusive. However domestic violence intensifies over time. Abusers can be great at the beginning of a relationship and then become more controlling and aggressive as the relationship progresses. Women are not the only ones affected While many domestic violence victims are women, men can be victims of domestic violence as well. Nearly 1 in 10 men in the United States has experienced some form of intimate partner violence. This violence can be rape, stalking, physical violence, or sexual assault. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, 1 in 18 men are severely injured by intimate partners in their lifetime. According to a National Intimate Partner Survey, approximately 1 in

Charity Muhammad 71 men have experienced at least one psychologically aggressive behavior from a partner in their lifetime. These behaviors include being kept track of by demanding to know whereabouts, being insulted or humiliated, or feeling threatened by partner’s actions. Teen domestic violence is on the rise Female and male high school students have reported being physically or sexually abused by a dating partner. For high school females, almost 21 percent have reported being victimized while 13.4 percent of males admit to being victims. According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), close to 1.5 million high school students in the United States encounter dating violence each year. What is most alarming is that most of these instances go unreported. According to Teenage Unlimited, only 33 percent of teen victims ever report the crime. Same Sex Couples Individuals who self-identify as lesbian, gay and bisexual have an equal or higher prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence, according to The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. The survey reports that this population experiences a significantly higher lifetime prevalence of rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner. Rates of some form of sexual violence were

higher among lesbian women, gay men and bisexual women and men compared to heterosexual women and men. This shows that domestic violence does not discriminate against sexual orientation either. Why Stay? Many people may blame the victim and ask why do they stay in the relationship? This is not fair to the victim. Ending an abusive relationship is more about the victim being able to safely leave their abuser, not simply choosing to walk away. Many victims have lost their lives trying to simply walk away from an abusive relationship. This year alone there have been 494 fatalities related to domestic violence, according to the National Domestic Violence Hotline. The reality is that when a victim tries to escape, the domestic violence may not end. In fact it may intensify. This is because the abuser has lost control over the victim. An abuser may stalk, harass, threaten, and try to control the victim after the victim leaves the relationship or escapes the relationship. In many cases victims are in more danger when they seek help or directly following the escape of the relationship. One-fifth of homicide victims with restraining orders are murdered within two days of obtaining the order and one third are murdered within the first month, says information from the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Stories of Survival

Whit Devereaux was able to escape. Currently she is an advocate and resource for others who are attempting to leave their abusive relationships. She has also written a book entitled “Not By My Own,” which talks about her experience. Devereaux states, “I made a promise to God that if He got me out of my abusive relationship, then I would make it my business to go back and help others. My advocacy is keeping my promise now that I am free. There is life after abuse and I want to help to remove the shame and stigma attached to domestic violence by celebrating the gift of life beyond it.” Devereaux is hosting an event on October 27, 2018, to honor and celebrate domestic violence survivors. She has partnered with the WINGS Program, Inc, and a portion of the proceeds from the event will benefit the domestic violence agency. Advocates, survivors and victims are invited to attend the event. To register or donate, please go to notbymyown. Similarly to Devereaux, Charity Muhammad is also a survivor. Muhammad advises, “As a survivor, the most important thing to know is that “there is always a way out. I was 21 years old when a co-worker told me this. When she spoke these words to me, it was as if chains fell off my mind and the tunnel vision I was experiencing slowly began to dissipate. The possibility of escape had never occurred to me, certainty not the thought of making it out alive. I didn’t leave until 2 years later, but through those years, I carried her words with me, those words aided me in my escape.” Muhammad shares “I had been abused as a child so when I entered the abusive relationship with my ex, I had already been groomed to believe that being beat and sexually violated was the norm. I soon believed that I had somehow caused this abuse to occur and that I deserved it. Even years after I escaped my abusive partner, I still believed that I was responsible for the mental, physical, and financial abuse I received. As a survivor Muhammad and her team now work to help others. Muhammad continued on page 4

October 24 - 30, 2018 3

Cover Story Allstate Continues Commitment to Ending Domestic Violence that dramatizes the differences By Sharice Bradford Defender Contributing Editor between the recognizable, visual signs of physical abuse and the invisible signs of financial abuse, In 2005, Chicago-based insur- exposing the hidden challenges ance giant Allstate began the Pur- these victims face. The PSA ends ple Purse campaign. The Allstate with a call-to-action for people to Foundation Trustees discovered help empower survivors in their some startling facts about the im- communities. The Allstate Founpact of financial abuse on domes- dation Purple Purse® Challenge tic violence victims and decided takes place now until October 31 to commit to using their financial and rallies 300 domestic violence expertise to make a positive differ- nonprofits across the country to ence in addressing the impact of raise funds to provide crucial serfinancial abuse on victims of do- vices to domestic violence survimestic violence. Allstate also rec- vors. ognized that domestic violence is •For the second year, Williams an issue that affects more women has designed a limited-edition purannually than breast, ovarian and ple purse to raise funds for the lung cancer combined. cause: a unique suede and leathSince that time the Purple Purse er backpack. Purple Purse partner Foundation helped more than 1.3 organizations will use the purses million survivors of domestic vi- in their fundraising efforts, and a olence, invested more than $60 select number of donors will win a million dollars and trained more purse during weekly sweepstakes. than 11,000 advocates to help do•Now through the end of Ocmestic violence victims and survitober, Chicagoans are also invited vors take steps towards financial to visit the Chicago Purple Purse independence. Named the Purple street art mural, located at the Purse Foundation because a purse Hollywood Cleaners in Wicker represents the center of a womPark. Part of a national campaign, an’s financial domain and purple the mural art contains a message for the national color of domestic that highlights the invisible nature violence awareness. of financial abuse. This year, in honor of Nation"For more than a decade, The al Domestic Violence Awareness Allstate Foundation has put a Month, The Allstate Foundation, spotlight on this devastating issue, the non-profit arm under the Chistood up for the victims who have cago-based insurance corporabeen silenced, and given hope to tion, is leveraging its expertise as the survivors trying to break free," a financial services leader to adsaid Vicky Dinges, Allstate's sedress financial abuse, an often-innior vice president of corporate visible control tactic and one of relations. "Everyone needs to the primary reasons victims can’t care about this pervasive issue. “just leave” through the following: With Serena joining us to deliver •Together with program am- this important message in 'Invisibassador Serena Williams, All- ble Weapon,' we hope more men state Foundation Purple Purse, and women will speak up about has launched “Invisible Weapon,” domestic violence and financial a thought-provoking, new PSA fea- abuse and be compelled to end it turing and narrated by Williams – once and for all."

From restrictions on spending to ruined credit, the signs of financial abuse are often invisible, and many people don't even know it exists. According to a 2018 national public opinion survey conducted by The Allstate Foundation, nearly 50 percent of respondents are unaware that financial abuse is a form of domestic violence. "I'm proud to speak up for women who can't use their voices, and let them know we're working to end the cycle of abuse," said Williams. "I hope that after viewing the video, people will be more aware of the hidden signs of financial abuse and they'll understand the need to help those who've been burdened by it." Championed by The Allstate Foundation, nearly 300 domestic violence nonprofits from across the U.S. are participating in the 2018 Allstate Foundation Purple Purse Challenge. Now in its fifth year, the annual fundraiser coincides with National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Funds raised by participating nonprofits will go toward providing life-changing services for survivors and their families, such as financial aid and financial empowerment, emergency shelter and child care, and food and transportation. In addition to the money that domestic violence nonprofits raise on their own, The Allstate Foundation has dedicated nearly $800,000 in incentive grants. There will be daily and weekly fundraising challenges, and at the end of the Challenge, the nonprofits that raised the most in their division can receive grand prizes up to $100,000. Since the Allstate Foundation Purple Purse Challenge began in 2014, it has raised nearly $10 million for state and local domestic violence nonprofit organizations.

this can be done by letting your elected officials know how important this matter is. Advocate for increased education in classrooms for middle and high school students so that they can learn about healthy relationships, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. Donate to local or national domestic violence programs. Make sure you know the numbers for domestic violence assistance in case you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence. Know that help is available 24/7. Help is also totally confiden-

tial. You can contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800.799.SAFE. NEVER tell your abusive partner of your plans to leave. This could be the difference of life and death. It is also encouraged that you have a safety plan in place when exiting an abusive relationship. Some elements of a safety plan include the following: •Establish your independence. Open savings and credit card accounts in your name only and specifically instruct institutions that your partner is not to have access. •Leave money, extra keys, copies of important documents, extra

Domestic Violence, continued from, Page 03

also feels that for many survivors telling their story is a positive outlet and a means of release. Because of this, she has a blog ( where many of the entries are contributions of abuse survivors. Both women credit therapy with helping them move past the trauma they experienced at the hands of their abusers. How You Can Help It is important that the federal definition of domestic violence include dating violence and stalking; 4 October 24 - 30, 2018

Serena Williams If you or someone you know is in Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) a domestic violence situation, call or TTY 1-800-787-3224. the National Domestic Violence

medicine and clothes with someone you trust so you can leave quickly. •Determine safe people you can stay with and plan leaving with. •Review and rehearse your safety plan. •Keep a packed bag at a trusted relative’s or friend’s home. •Plan where you will go if you have to leave. If you are a victim or wish to assist a victim, you can also develop safety plans while living with an abuser or during pregnancy. You can use Google to find a safety plan that fits your individual needs.

Yes the statistics are daunting, and currently, there is no end in sight. Maybe domestic violence awareness should become a daily advocacy cause for more people and we can begin to see effective changes in laws and sentencing and protection for victims. There is still an enormous amount of work to be done, and hopefully we can make some lasting and impactful changes. Just think in the time it took you to read this article, about 20 people have been victims of domestic violence and that is 20 too many.


Politics Interview with Mayoral Candidate Troy LaRaviere By Charles Preston Defender Contributing Writer Mayoral candidate Troy LaRaviere has been a thorn in Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s backside. The former principal of Blaine Elementary has long criticized the Emanuel administration for ineffectiveness in educational policy and lambasted the leadership of former Chicago Public Schools (CPS) CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett – a now convicted felon serving 4 1/2 years for driving millions of dollars in principal training contracts to SUPES Academy, her former employer. LaRaviere is widelyknown as the man who stuck his neck out to expose Byrd– Bennett’s corruption, consistently challenges Mayor Emanuel’s support of charter schools, and advocates fiercly for special education. In 2016, LaRaviere resigned from his position at Blaine Elementary School amidst CPS’s allegations of insubordination and engaging in political activity while on the clock. Many believed CPS’s charges against LaRaviere acted as direct retaliation for his courageous activism. Now the current President of the Chicago Principals and Administrators Association, LaRaviere spoke to the Chicago Defender about his campaign to become Chicago’s next mayor. Chicago Defender: Take me back to your growing up in Chicago and describe your relationship to the city. Troy LaRaviere: Sure. My mom was a White woman from the North Side. Back in the late 50s and early 60s, she came to 43rd street for the blues clubs. She got pregnant and her mother told her that she needed to give the child up for adoption or leave. So, she left. She was a high school dropout, homeless, and lived in poverty for years. She pretty much lived off the kindness of friends, a network of Black women– who took care of her and her kids. She spent a lot of time in Bronzeville. By the time I was born, she lived in Englewood. I grew up around 68th and Justine–Peoria, Back of the Yards, 58th and King Drive, and 43rd and Vernon. I also spent a little time in Chatham, on 82nd and Ingleside. CD: Why run for mayor? What pushed you, a former principal, to get involved in politics? TL: I didn’t only speak out against the CEO or CPS. I underTHE CHICAGO DEFENDER

Troy LaRaviere stood that CPS didn’t govern itself. Barbara Byrd-Bennett and Forest Claypool didn’t have any power. Janice Jackson didn’t have any power. These are spokespeople. The office pulling the strings belonged to the mayor. It was clear. If I wanted to make sure young people got the resources they needed, then I needed to target the mayor’s office. At some point, you have to decide if you want to do more than just point at a problem. There are four main problems with our public officials: irresponsible management of public money; incompetent management of public institutions; corruption–our elected officials are bought and sold, at a drop of a dime they would sacrifice public good for personal gain; and finally, racism and segregation. What do we need to solve those four ills? I’m looking at myself and my record proves me capable of solving them. CD: There is a big field of candidates and I’m curious what separates you. Would you define yourself as a progressive? TL: Yes. CD: Right. A lot of the candidates in the race do as well. So, comparatively speaking, what makes Troy LaRaviere unique?

TL: Well, those four things. Who has a record of responsible management of public money in this field? Who has a record of actually improving public institutions in this field? Who has a record of anti-corruption? I define corruption as sacrificing the public good for personal gain. I’m the only candidate in the field who has a record of sacrificing personal gain for the public good. People talk that talk. There is only one candidate in this field who has walked the walk. Go back to 2015 and look in the Washington Post. Look in the Chicago Sun-Times. You will see one principal risking his career to call out Barbara Byrd-Bennet’s contract and the filthy conditions our kids were living in. Their education to me was more important than keeping a job. I don’t know of any candidate in the race who says that they are going to flip that downtown-neighborhood relationship. We’re going to be spending billions in the neighborhood and let downtown take care of itself with the massive amount of private capital they already have. CD: If elected, what new initiatives are you looking to establish? TL: Well, that’s one of them –

flipping that TIF relationship. We will spend downtown’s billions on neighborhood job growth, economic development, Mom-andPop stores. I just announced a plan to hire 10,000 teachers in Chicago Public Schools. The Chicago Public School district is the most understaffed public school district in Illinois. We’re ranked 857th out of 858 school districts in the state. The average Illinois school with 600 students has 59 staff members. You know how many staff 600 students in CPS school have? CD: Not a clue. TL: Thirty-seven. That’s 22 missing people. That’s a counselor, a social worker, a nurse, someone who can reduce trauma, psychologist, five classroom teachers to reduce class size, a drama teacher... CD: So two things that have been really pressing to the Black community over the last few years are gentrification and policing. What initiatives do you propose in regards to policing and displacement? TL: I’m the only candidate with a plan to make this one city through ending racism and segregation. This city was segregated on purpose and it won’t be desegregated unless it’s on purpose. We have to involve every neighborhood to establish an economic development plan for itself that the city would support. Policing is an extension of government and we must name the brutality. The system is targeting Black communities for revenue. It’s not just an individual police officer we’re dealing with. We don’t need 1,000 new cops. Police man hours are used to over police Black communities, so we need to conceive a new way of policing. CD: Do you feel any pressure from the competition you face in this race? Are the big-names running for mayor another obstacle? TL: I still have to define my-

self and make it clear who I am. When Rahm was in, that felt easier. When people jump in, who call themselves progressives, and can fool people into believing they’re progressive, it makes it a little bit more urgent to define myself and make it clear that that’s not progressive. That’s exactly what I’m getting at. Almost every candidate is a Democrat. I think this mayoral race will define what Chicagoans see as progressive. But a serious discussion is warranted because we don’t know what “progressive” means anymore when all the candidates define themselves like that. The people who pass themselves off as progressive use social issues to do so, like “I’m progay marriage.” Rahm can claim to be progressive on that. “I favor to end cash-bail” is another one. These are issues that don’t cost their wealthy campaign donors, and people who support the Democratic party, a dime. But when you start talking about making the wealthy pay their fair share, or creating a real-estate transfer tax on properties over $1 million, I doubt you will hear Toni Preckwinkle and mainstream Democrats support that. Joe Berrios, Cook County Assessor, over assessed the property values of Black people and working class people, and under-assessed the property values of downtown wealthy residential neighborhoods. Toni Preckwinkle refused to withdraw her support of this man. He was basically draining wealth from poor Black and Brown folks in Chicago, so that wealthy folk can keep winning. She refused! Her loyalty to the Democratic Party is stronger than her loyalty to working Black and Brown people of Chicago. They say I bit the hand that fed me. No, I bit the hand that was stealing from the hand that feeds me. My loyalty is to taxpayers. There is no one in this race that can say that.

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October 24 - 30, 2018 5


Chicago State’s New President Says School Is Thriving By Deborah Bayliss Scott also served as chair of ChiDefender Contributing Writer cago Housing Authority Board of Trustees and also served on the CSU Board of Trustees. Chicago State University’s new Additionally, Scott has taught president is looking forward to at some of the nation’s most comgreat things as the dust settles petitive law schools, including from all the troubling factors that left the South Side institution with- Northwestern University School out state funding, administrative of Law, The University of Chicago turmoil and teetering on the brink Law School and John Marshall Law School. She previously served on of closure. the Board of Visitors at Indiana “The rumors of CSU’s demise University Maurer School of Law are not true,” said CSU president and was Vice Trustee from 2010Zaldwaynaka (“Z”) Scott who was 13. Scott holds a law degree from unanimously voted by Chicago Indiana University Maurer School State University’s Board of Trust- of Law and a Bachelor of Science ees’ to serve as the school’s12th Degree in Journalism from the Unipermanent president and assumed versity of Illinois at Champaign-Urthe role on July 1, 2018. bana. Scott doesn’t shy away from Ready to take on whatever lies all negative factors in CSU’s past ahead for the school, Scott told and added that under her leader- the Chicago Defender that CSU is ship, CSU has a renewed focus recovering from all the challenges on growing student enrollment, the school has faced such as the building the school’s regional and lack of state funding as a result national reputation for scholarship of the Illinois budget impasse, a and academic research, improving 793-day-long budget crisis that the resources and opportunities lasted from July 1, 2015, to August available to the student body, and 31, 2017 and the declining student increasing alumni and community enrollment. engagement. “We were down to a skeleton Prior to her current role, Scott crew,” Scott said about the more spent more than 16 years as an than 300 CSU employees who Assistant U.S. Attorney in the were laid off due to the budget Northern District of Illinois where impasse. “CSU like other state she served as Chief of the General public institutions faced lack of Crimes Section. She also served funding due to the lack of funding as Illinois’ first Executive Inspec- from the state. It was a [big] loss tor General for the Agencies of the to CSU’s operating budget. A lot of Governor and Public Universities. our staff was laid off and expenses In that role, Scott created an in- were cut drastically. Bills couldn’t dependent executive branch state be paid. Vendors weren’t paid. agency from inception, developed The economic impact was felt by the United States’ first statewide us and the businesses that we do ethics training platform for state business with. We faced closing, government employees, and creat- but we are on the way back.” ed a protocol for the investigation CSU typically receives between of claims of misconduct, waste, $35-$37 million from the state for fraud, and abuse. a full year, but received significantScott’s business and civic in- ly less during the budget crisis. volvement spanned 30 years. She The staff and other cuts concurrently serves on the Board of tributed to the university’s accredDirectors for the Ann & Robert H. iting agency placing the school on Lurie Children’s Hospital Medical notice over its financial resources Center where she co-chairs the and planning. Administrators also board’s subcommittee on diversideclared financial exigency. ty, and Just the Beginning, an orgaPurchasing, library and advisnization devoted to improving the ing operations were impacted by diversity pipeline in the legal field. 6 October 24 - 30, 2018

the cuts imposed under financial exigency. The cafeteria reportedly was closed and student dormitories were without hot water for weeks, leaving students to shower at the gym, according to published reports. CSU’s overall student enrollment currently is 2,294 for fall 2018. In 2015 Chicago State enrolled 4,767 students, according to a 2016 Inside Higher Ed news article. Those numbers reflect an almost 52 percent decline from the 2010 level, when the university enrolled 7,362 students. Chicago State faced a lot of issues even before the Illinois budget crisis with a series of scandals that included controversial hires under the university’s former president, Wayne Watson, a lost lawsuit brought by James Crowley, the school’s general counsel, who reportedly turned whistle-blower, according to the Inside Higher Education article. A jury reportedly awarded Crowley $2.5 million after he alleged Watson threatened him over the disclosure of public records. Additionally, a state ethics investigation found in 2016, according to the article, that Watson violated university policy by making false allegations against two board members who were trying to push him out of office in 2013. Staying Afloat The school has managed to stay afloat despite all the obstacles. Chicago State’s closure would be a big loss to the community in terms of jobs and the chance for low-income students to attend a university. Gov. Bruce Rauner reportedly has said he wants to turn the school around but that it’s difficult and the level of transparency in the past has been atrocious. The biggest challenge going forward, Scott said, is letting the public know CSU is open. “There has been so much published that CSU was closing.” Scott said. “Those publications did not bother to circle back to

Zaldwaynaka (“Z”) Scott say CSU is fully operational and accredited. I’m excited about the future. We have a new dean of students. My overall focus is on student enrollment, hiring a new counselor. We already have one so the new hire makes two. I’m also focusing on telling our story and making sure the community and our students and elected officials are adequately informed, and that we are engaging our alumni.” For Scott, promoting the school more is key to CSU’s success. “We get students from all over the world,” Scott said and we receive all kinds of grants from the National Institutes of Health for health policy, science, chemistry and all kinds of research and innovation. We have student exchange agreements with India and Taiwan and we are opening up for an exchange agreement with Vietnam. We’re doing research all over the world.” “We are very fortunate to have President Scott as our University leader,” said CSU board chairman, Rev. Dr. Marshall Hatch. “Her vi-

sionary leadership will guide Chicago State University as a dynamic educational flagship of academic excellence and opportunity. Her vision also extends to helping create a flourishing surrounding community. Chicago State is indeed on the move.” A new report card from the University of Southern California’s (USC) Race and Equity Center ranks Chicago State University as tied for #2 in the nation and #1 in Illinois for leading public universities in educating Black undergraduates. “We are thrilled to be recognized for the important contribution Chicago State University continues to make in giving access to higher education opportunities to minority communities,” Scott said. “Access is the core of our mission, which is why we invest in student support services, programs and academic research opportunities that positively work to develop students beyond the classroom, further shaping their educational experience and outcomes for success”. THE CHICAGO DEFENDER

Community Rosalyn Johnson Celebrates Her Birthday by Blessing the Homeless with Meals By Marshelle R. Sanders with someone, you’re blocking Defender Contributing Writer your blessings. I started to realize that my contribution is that I love to cook for people, so that’s how The two paramount days of I came up with the idea to feed your life are the day you were born people.” and the day you find out what your Johnson’s birthday is on Sunpurpose is. day, October 21, but on Friday, OcSouth Side native Rosalyn John- tober 19, her husband and friends son has found one of her purposes parked on 55th and State and then and decided on her 54th birthday headed to lower Wacker drive for in 2016 that she would like to give the day until they gave away all 56 back to people who have nothing meals they packed. by serving them a good meal. Her “My husband, my sister and I inspiration comes from her pastor cook all the food. I pack up everyand a popular daytime talk show thing with my mom, my husband, host. my friends. I have another friend “I’m a big fan of Ellen DeGe- that bakes cakes for me, so they’re neres. She is so kind and gives getting homemade cakes this year away so many contributions to along with the food. They get pop people who are in disadvantaged and get a bottle of water, they get situations. I also was in church silverware, hand wipes. I try to give one day, and my pastor said, if you everything to them just as if they have a gift and you don’t share it


are sitting at a restaurant or at home at the kitchen table. I want them to feel like that’s how they’re being treated.” For the past two years, this deed brings good feelings to the receivers, Johnson and her team. Using your unique gifts to help others can be a gift to yourself as you enjoy a self-esteem boost for making others’ lives better and make the world a better place. Helping others can make people feel worthier of good deeds, trust in the decency of people is reinforced, and you feel more connected to yourself and others. Johnson stated, “A lot of this [homelessness] stems from a lack of jobs and mental health issues. I’m a real big fan of kindness. I always say that kindness is contagious; so many people reach out to

Rosalyn Johnson (center) with her team who helped feed the homeless for her birthday (l-r) Anthony Johnson, Jocelyn Gregoire, Tanya Carter and Derrick Young of CBS Channel 2. me to send me donations, or they want to do the same thing I’m doing. I hope that this could become contagious throughout the whole city so the people who are less fortunate would have what they

need.” Each year she plans on continuing to travel throughout the city to give a hot meal to the less fortunate as her blessing and purpose.

October 24 - 30, 2018 7

8 October 24 - 30, 2018


2019 NOMINATION FORM Nominee Information Name of Nominee


Title/Positions Company/Affiliation Years in Industry

The Chicago Defender Men of Excellence Awards celebrate local African American men who inspire others through their vision and leadership, exceptional achievement and participation in community service.

Address City/State/Zip Day Phone Evening Phone

They are men who exemplify extraordinary strength and commitment to their profession and to the community. These men do it all while filling the roles of leader, father, teacher and professional.


Criteria Proven success within his profession/industry

The selected honorees will join an exclusive society of 550 professional men who have previously received this distinction.

Positive role model whose contributions encourage others Active in community service or organizational involvement Local African American male executive or business owner

The Men of Excellence reception will be held on Friday, February 1, 2019 at the Hyatt Regency Chicago Grand Ballroom.

Questioned to be Completed Describe specific accomplishments that demonstrate nominee’s excellence

1. The nominee must be a man (at least 21 years of age) who resides in Chicago metropolitan area (the city of Chicago and contiguous communities within fifty (50) miles radius of the city center). 2. The nominee must be active in his career or profession. Career or profession is defined as paid employment in his field. Nominees must agree to have their photograph and biographical information published in The Chicago Defender. All nominees selected as a Chicago Defender Men of Excellence will be featured in a 2019 edition of the Chicago Defender. 3. Evaluations will be based on the quality of a nominee’s achievements, rather than the quantity of information submitted. 4. Selections will be made by the Chicago Defender Men of Excellence Selection Committee based on following criteria: • Local African American Male Business executive or entrepreneur. • Proven success in career/profession • Positive role model • Demonstrative community service

Describe nominee’s community service activity/organizational involvement

How has the nominee mentored others?

Nominator’s Contact Information Name Title Firm/Organization Address City/State/Zip Day Phone Evening Phone E-mail

E-mail submissions to: or Mail to: Chicago Defender Media Company 4445 S. King Drive • Chicago IL 60653

Nomination Deadline • Friday, November 23, 2018 • 5:00 PM THE CHICAGO DEFENDER

October 24 - 30, 2018 9

CP Around Town By Carolyn Griffin Palmer


Celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness Month Eta Xi Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated hosted their Sixth Annual Bras and Bagels for Breast Cancer Awareness on Saturday, October 14th at Macy’s in River Oaks. Attendees enjoyed informative presentations, free certified bra fittings, a fashion show, a make-up demonstration, premium raffle prizes and a cute gift bag filled with gifts from Dior. The Mistress of Ceremonies was Mary Mitchell. Presenters included: Karyn D’angelo, Macy’s Cosmetics Department Manager, and Bright Pink and Eula Lewis of Carolyn & Karen Spiritual House for Breast Cancer Survivors. Karyn D’angelo shared her story as a breast cancer survivor and Cursten Sturghill shared about the proactive methods she took to avoid breast cancer given her family history. Upcoming Events: Literacy of Chicago’s 50th Anniversary Gala will take place on Thursday, October 25, 2018, from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm, at the Historic Glessner House Museum, 1800 S. Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60616. Chicago Gemmologist/Story Coach Mr. Barry B. Mixon has been selected to serve as keynote speaker for the evening. Tickets are $100 and are still available. There will be Hors d’oeuvres, Silent and Live Auctions; Raffles, Music and Tours of the Glessner House. For more information and tickets, go to www.LITERACYCHICAGO.ORG. or contact Mr. Richard Dominguez, Executive Director, at 312-8701100. Happy Birthday, Ms. Lillie Patterson, who turned 100. Lillie Patterson

10 October 24 - 30, 2018

Members of the Marshall High School Faculty and Staff came together to reminisce about and celebrate their experiences and memories while at Marshall.

Eula Lewis of Carolyn & Karen Spiritual House for Breast Cancer Survivors, Karyn D’angelo, Macy’s Cosmetics Department Manager, Mary Mitchell, Henrietta Leak, and Lisa L. Cooper

At the sneak preview of the Government Contractors Business Forum Series at the Metropolitan Club are: Attorney Gina Davis; Chief Procurement Officer for the City of Chicago Shannon E. Andrews; Helen Davis Gardner, M.D.; Chairman, Attorney Anita Ponder of Quintairos, Prieto, Wood and Boyer.


Jussie Smollett Advocates for the Trevor Project and Turns Up the LOVE in Chicago By Marshelle R. Sanders Defender Contributing Writer For all the “Empire” fans in Chicago, Jussie Smollett (Jamal Lyon) does way more than just act in a hit television series. He’s also an author, is currently helping save lives with an LGBTQ youth organization [Trevor Project], making music and directing. On October 11, The “Empire” actor and singer showed how much he loves and cares about Chicago by celebrating “National Coming Out Day” with AT&T and friends Shangela [Ru Paul’s Drag Race and A Star is Born] and singer-songwriter Wrabel. Smollet, 35, has teamed up with the Trevor Project, a well-known LGBTQ advocacy group, for its “How to Save a Life” campaign. Smollett is encouraging supporters to apply to become volunteer crisis counselors for TrevorText and TrevorChat—the group’s text and web chat support services for queer youth. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth are more than four times likely to attempt suicide than their straight peers, and nearly half of all transgender adults have made a suicide attempt – most before the age of 25. Each year The Trevor Project answers more than 68,000 calls, chats, and texts, but estimates that more than 1.5 million LGBTQ youth experience suicidal ideation and could benefit from its services. Volunteers who sign up through the “How to Save a Life” campaign will increase the organization’s capacity to serve more LGBTQ youth than ever before. “It’s heartbreaking to think of the amount of LGBTQ youth out there who feel hopeless and alone, or think they don’t have support,” said Smollett. “Just one supportive person can decrease an LGBTQ youth’s risk of suicide by 30 percent, and The Trevor Project is giving everyone the amazing opportunity to be that person. I can’t encourage you enough to apply — volunteering your time can save lives.” Smollett also encouraged people to check up on each other because you never know what people are going through any time of the day, which is why you should lead with love. Smollett described a time where he had to help someone in a situation where they felt they didn’t want to live anymore and how he dealt with it personally. “It’s about love and letting them know how loved they are, that they are important and necessary in the place they are in, in this world. It’s about stepping up and being a friend, being honest like I’m checking up on you and not only people that are vocal about their pain but the people that are not vocal, who are always smiling.” L.A. based musician Wrabel, who also THE CHICAGO DEFENDER

performed that evening, described how he was afraid to come out when he was 23 years old. “I stayed up all night with one of my best friends trying to prepare to come out to my family because I had fallen in love. I mean it was hard. I grew up in the church, so I had it in my head that this will go away, or something is wrong.” D.J. Pierce [known by his stage name Shangela Laquifa Wadley] is an American drag queen, reality television personality best known for competing on RuPaul’s Drag Race. Shangela, who is also co-starring in 2018 A Star is Born and plays the emcee of the drag bar, advised LGBTQ youth or anyone who is struggling with coming out, to do it for themselves. “The most important thing is to understand that who you are in your self-discovery and that it is an OK place. Realize that you are coming out for yourself, it is not about coming out for other people, seeking acceptance from other people or love from others. You must find that the most significant part about coming out is self-realization-- looking in the mirror and going, ‘you know what, I love every part of who I am inside and out.’” At the event, Smollett performed songs such as: “Good Enough,” “You’re So Beautiful,” “Hurt People,” off of the “Empire” soundtrack and his independent debut album entitled: “Sum Of My Music,” that is available in stores now. Throughout his set, two of five of June’s Diary members, Ashly Williams and Shyann Roberts, were his background singers. June’s Diary is an American girl group formed by singer Kelly Rowland and choreographer/director Frank Gatson Jr. on the B.E.T. docu-series “Chasing Destiny” in 2016. Jussie also announced that the girl group had been signed to his independent label and they will be working on music soon. In addition to music, Smollett has a book out that he wrote with his siblings called: “The Family Table.” In it, they share their love of cooking and their recipes. Smollett has been busy not only directing a couple of episodes of “Empire” but also investing in a YouTube series as an Executive Producer along with Issa Rae. The series is entitled: “GIANTS,” and stars James Bland. Season 5 of “Empire” has begun, and The Lyons are picking up the pieces after losing Empire to Eddie Barker. Smollett, who plays the middle son “Jamal Lyon,” is writing enough songs to fulfill his obligations to Empire records even as he tries to get out of his contract. Smollett also spoke about his character on the dating scene. “Jamal is a hoe (laughs), no in all seriousness, Jamal is a monogamous dater.” Smollett’s mission on the show is to express to the audience that two healthy gay Black men can be in a relationship. In real life, Smollett admits that he is currently in

a relationship with a boo he is in love with. As a member of the LGBTQ community and a person of color, Smollett loves what the Trevor Project has done for people for a long time and all the work that they do in the community particularly around suicide. “So many times, the youth are not reached out to, and no one is reaching out to them, but there are resources, there are places, there are people that love them and care about them. They will go and look for somebody because they feel so alienated by their environment. That’s why it’s so important to become a mentor and to reach out to them. This is about having love, with all the s*** that’s going on in the world, this shouldn’t be the focus. [discrimination because of sexuality]. If you or someone you know is feeling hopeless or suicidal, the Trevor Lifeline crisis counselors are available 24/7/365 at 1-866-488-7386. www.TheTrevorProject. org And you can keep up with Smollett and his moves on his official website http://

Jussie Smollett

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October 24 - 30, 2018 11

Flyin’ West: A Poignant Look at an Untold Story By Rick and Brenda McCain Let’s Play There are a plethora of historical stories about African-Americans not mentioned in the history books or taught to our children. These are amazing narratives about the remarkable achievements Blacks made Brenda and Rick McCain to shape the course of the United States and the struggles they had to endure, just to taste a little portion of freedom and equality. In the effort to educate our society about these amazing people of color, American Blues Theater brings to the stage “Flyin’ West,” a theatrical masterpiece by Pearl Cleage. After the end of the Civil War, many former slaves benefited from the opportunity of the Homestead Act to own property and to use that land to support themselves or to develop it and sell it for a profit. Against all the odds and enduring the dirty stain of slavery that was abolished through the Emancipation Proclamation, Blacks fled to a land called Nicodemus, Kansas, a place where abolitionists provided them with freedom and opportunity to purchase 160 free acres of federal land via the Homestead Act of 1862. Set in the fall of 1898 in Nicodemus, Kansas, where some widowed and unmarried African American female pioneers who were affected by the cruel and hostile environment, left the South and ran their farms and ranches. The play focuses on three sisters and their work in the all-Black town. Leading the cast is Sophie Washington (Tiffany Oglesby), a strong-willed and independent woman who has two younger sisters--Fannie Dove (Sydney Charles), who is leveled headed and has a very nurturing soul, and Minnie Dove Charles (Tiffany Renee Johnson), the youngest of the three who is the only one married. Minnie has just come back home from London with her husband, Frank Charles (Wardell Julius Clark), who is an uppity mulatto and is passing for White. The cast also includes Miss Leah, whose husband and children died so she also lives with Sophie and Fannie, and the slow-talking yet kind-hearted Wil Parish (Henri Watkins), who is willing to kill to 12 October 24 - 30, 2018

Tiffany Oglesby, Tiffany Renee Johnson, Sydney Charles. Photo by Michael Brosilow keep peace. The content in “Flyin’ West” is bold, and the women are fierce, strong and memorable because of what they have endured by leaving the oppressive South in hopes of enjoying the freedom that they were denied. The levels of complexities are explored as “Flyin’ West” explores pivotal topics from domestic violence, women’s rights, determination, race relations, miscegenation, racial passing, separation, dreams of home ownership, intermarriage between races and freedom. The emotions run high in “Flyin’ West” as Sophie fights to retain her property and the surrounding land from prospectors with hopes to get other landowners to vote on future developments in Nicodemus instead of selling their land.

American Blues Theater Presents Flyin’ West By Pearl Cleage Directed by Artistic Affiliate Chuck Smith October 5 - November 3, 2018 Things get intense when one member of the family seeks out their own agenda, and plans are made that could destroy years of hard work. It’s a recipe that you don’t want to miss. Director Chuck Smith has once again brought to the stage an educational work of art with “Flyin’ West.” Similar to his recent play, The Delaney Sisters’ “Having Our Say,” at the Goodman Theatre, that educated and inspired the

audience about the history of African-Americans, Smith continues to delight Chicago audiences with his wisdom by introducing us to great theatrical productions that shouldn’t be overlooked. Playwright Cleage is well known as a best-selling author of a book called “What Looks Like Crazy On An Ordinary Day,” which spent nine weeks on the New York Times bestseller list and was an Oprah Book Club top pick. When “Flyin’ West” came out in 1994, it was listed as the most produced new play in the country, and its premiere at American Blues Theater gives the audience a taste as to why it received such high praise. Kudos to American Blues Theater for putting together an excellent educational booklet about Nicodemus, Kansas, female home-

steaders and stories featuring Ida B. Wells, conversations from Frederick Douglass and information about Domestic Violence. This Backstage Guide booklet provides the incredible backstory of actual events and truly compliments the play and needs to be shared. Let’s Play highly recommends “Flyin’ West” at the American Blues Theater! The cast includes: Sydney Charles (Fannie Dove) Wardell Julius Clark (Frank Charles) Tiffany Renee Johnson (Minnie Dove Charles) Joslyn Jones (Miss Leah) Tiffany Oglesby (Sophie Washington) Henri Watkins (Wil Parish) THE CHICAGO DEFENDER

Community Calendar OCTOBER 25 Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corp. Benefit Dinner Continuing the legacy of building community, culture and collaboration, the dinner will honor or-ganizations and people who have made a difference in the community. Robin Robison is the guest MC. Includes cocktails, live auction, dinner, awards Crowne Plaza Chicago 753 W. Madison 5:30 p.m. cocktail reception 6:30 p.m. dinner and awards program For tickets or more information, visit: or call (773) 483-3696 Business attire

OCTOBER 27 What If…Carolyn Adams Breast Cancer Foundation Casino Day At Four Winds Casino $45 Bus Package includes: $15 Instant Slot Credit, up to $10 Food Credit, Continental Breakfast, Free Giveaways Pick up at 10 a.m. 11840 S. Marshfield Ave, 167th and Pulaski (Walmart)

OCTOBER 27 AND NOVEMBER 10 Free Beginners Yoga Class Kelly Library 6150 S. Normal 9:30-10:30am Please arriver 5 minutes early For More information: YogaWithRenita@


Pearls, Pumps and Jeans Tea Talk Sheila Tolbert Ministries hosts “The Seven Crowns of a Lady” Pearls, Pumps and Jeans Tea Talk Eden Room Freedom of Grace Church 667 W. 87th St Chicago Heights 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Tickets: $50 To register or for more information, visit

OCTOBER 27 Chatham Family Fall Fest Studio Movie Grill 210 West 87th Street 12pm-8:30pm Tickets available via

OCTOBER 27 Annual Halloween Festival and Haunted House Gary Comer Youth Center 7200 S. Ingleside 1pm-5pm Admission is free THE CHICAGO DEFENDER

OCTOBER 27 Family Fun Day Interactive, hands-on science experiences for students in grades K-12. This week features “Playing Telephone.” How can you make your own phone system with common household items? How smart is artificial intelligence? And more. Illinois Institute of Technology Siegel Field, Southeast corner of 33rd and State Street 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free Register at or by calling (312) 567-8850 Attendees under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

OCTOBER 27 Domestic Violence Survivors Celebration Celebrate survivors of domestic violence! Enjoy an engaging discussion with expert panelists, vendors and food and sweet treats. Meet survivor and award winning author Whit Devereaux, author of Not By My Own. Private location in Chicago; register for more information 2-5 p.m. Tickets start at $10; a portion of proceeds will be donated to WINGS Program, Inc., a domestic violence agency providing housing and services to end domestic violence. For more information or tickets, visit

OCTOBER 29 AND NOVEMBER 19 Free Mental Health Awareness Training Provided by Sertoma Centre This series of free training to the community on how to identify signs and symptoms of mental illness, reduce stigma, understand recovery and treatment and how to help during a mental health crisis. West Pullman Park, 401 W. 123rd St, 10am-12pm Please RSVP to Sierra Petersen ( NOVEMBER 19 Jesse Owens Park, 8800 S. Clyde Ave, 10am-12pm. Please RSVP to Sierra Petersen (

NOVEMBER 3 Prostate Cancer Pathways for Patients and Caregivers A free educational event and webcast providing live video and audio presentations from medical experts. Includes valuable information on prostate cancer testing and treatment options, and a presentation from expert and author Dr. Jeffrey Albaugh on erectile dysfuncation ED) and incontinence related to treatment. NorthShore University Health System Skokie Hospital, Sharfstein/SH Rooms A, B, and C, 9600 Gross Point Road Skokie, IL 10 a.m. -3 p.m. (doors open at 9 a.m.) A free lunch provided for pre-registered, in-person attendees. To register, visit mainstreamchicago. com/ustoo-pathways-chicago-registration or call (877) 978-7866. The presentation will also be available via livestream; register at the above address to receive streaming instructions.

NOVEMBER 3 Lupus Patient Educational Event Searle Conference Center at Rush University Medical Center 1725 W. Harrison St 9:30am-1pm To tegister, go to: or email

NOVEMBER 7 Evening of Jazz Musical Arts Institute Board of Directors presents its “Evening of Jazz” featuring Grammy Award winner Jeff Lorber Fusion. Promontory Chicago Hyde Park 7 p.m. This is a benefit performance for the Musical Arts Institute For tickets, visit

NOVEMBER 10 Beyond October 3241 S. Federal St. For more information or to register, visit: Free food, activities, and health screenings; sponsored by the Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force, uniting to end disparity.

October 24 - 30, 2018 13




Chicago Transit Authority Proposed 2019-2023 Capital Program of Projects, 2019 Operating Budget and Program, and the Financial Plan for 2020 and 2021 Notice is hereby given that the Chicago Transit Authority Board desires public comment before it considers an ordinance to adopt the proposed 2019-2023 Capital Program of Projects, 2019 Operating Budget and Program, and the Financial Plan for 2020 and 2021. You are invited to a public hearing that will be conducted at the date, time, and location listed below: Day & Date: Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Time: 6:00 P.M.

Location CTA headquarters 567 W. Lake Street Second floor conference room Chicago, Illinois, 60661 These facilities are accessible to people with disabilities. The proposed 2019-2023 Capital Program of Projects, 2019 Operating Budget and Program, and the Financial Plan for 2020 and 2021 will be available for public inspection, in standard size print and large print, on Thursday, October 18, 2018 and will continue to be available between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. through Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at the CTA reception desk, second floor, Chicago Transit Authority, 567 W. Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60661. These same financial documents will also be available during this period on CTA’s website,, in both pdf and plain text formats. At the public hearing, an American Sign Language Interpreter and a Spanish interpreter will be available on site. Individuals with disabilities who require other accommodations to review the budget should contact Amy J. Serpe, Manager, ADA Compliance Programs, aserpe@ at 312-681-2608 or Relay. Written and oral comments will be taken into consideration prior to adoption of the proposed 2019-2023 Capital Program of Projects, 2019 Operating Budget and Program, and the Financial Plan for 2020 and 2021. This input will be welcomed at the public hearing or by correspondence addressed to Gregory P. Longhini, Assistant Secretary of the Board, Chicago Transit Authority, 567 W. Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois 60661. Input can also be sent via e-mail to: glonghini1@ or fax to 312-681-5035. The deadline to submit written comments is Wednesday, November 14, 2018 by 12 noon.

PUBLIC NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK, ss. Circuit Court of Cook County, County Department, Domestic Relations Division. In re the Marriage of Rodney Miller, Petitioner, and Deena Miller, Respondent No. 2018D 630830. The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given to you, the above named Respondent, that a Petition has been filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois by the Petitioner, for Dissolution of Marriage and for other relief; and that said suit is now pending. Now, therefore, unless you, the said Respondent, file your response to said Petition or otherwise make your appearance therein, in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, Sixth District, Room 2049, 16501 South Kedzie Parkway, Markham, IL 60426 on or before, November 5, 2018, at 10:00 am, court room 0202, default may be entered against you at any time after that day, and an Judgement for Dissolution of Marriage entered in accordance with the prayer of said Petition. Dorothy A. Brown, Clerk. Published Date(s) October 17, 24, 31, 2018


Project Engineer, Chicago IL. Perform civil eng duties/designs 4 pre-constrctn & constrctn proj in deep fdtn & earth retentn indust. Prep soil boring analysis, site conditns, eval & review staging reqs 4 bidding; Represent eng matters during negotiatns w/clients; Prep eng designs 4 drilled shafts, micropiles, driven piles, braced & cantilevered retentn systms utilzng var. install techs; Manage AutoCAD drafting svcs; Create bdgts in HeavyJob; Analyze & forecast fincls; Submit RFI’s 4 conflicts; Negot. pricing 4 work; Facil changes during constrctn, incl. analysis & optim; Ensure completn contract close-outs. Reqs: Civil Eng Bach or rel field + 2 yrs exp in positn inv. AutoCAD, HCSS HeavyJob, DeepEx2018, Pile Buck, GRL WEAP softwrs & Chicago Bldg Code, AREMA, FHWA, & AASHTO design manuals. Valid driver’s lic, Bkgd & edu chks. Resumes: Ashley Prosser, Rec. Mgr,PaschenCareers3@fhpaschen. com or F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen & Assoc LLC, 5515 N. E. River Rd, Chicago, IL 60656.

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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Plaintiff, -v.LINDA R. JONES, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY-INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, ILLINOIS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, VANGUARD LOFTS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Defendants 17 CH 12531 1250 W. VAN BUREN ST., UNIT 403 CHICAGO, IL 60607 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on August 29, 2018, an agent for The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on November 30, 2018, at The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive, CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 1250 W. VAN BUREN ST., UNIT 403, CHICAGO, IL 60607 Property Index No. 17-17-117-036-1043 (Unit 403)17-17-117-036-1193 (Unit P100). The real estate is improved with a residential condominium. The judgment amount was $44,065.91. Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the sale payable to The Judicial Sales Corporation. No third party checks will be accepted. The balance in certified funds/ or wire transfer, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in “AS IS” condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale. Where a sale of real estate is made to satisfy a lien prior to that of the United States, the United States shall have one year from the date of sale within which to redeem, except that with respect to a lien arising under the internal revenue laws the period shall be 120 days or the period allowable for redemption under State law, whichever is longer, and in any case in which, under the provisions of section 505 of the Housing Act of 1950, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701k), and subsection (d) of section 3720 of title 38 of the United States Code, the right to redeem does not arise, there shall be no right of redemption. The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. You will need a photo identification issued by a government agency (driver’s license, passport, etc.) in order to gain entry into our building and the foreclosure sale room in Cook County and the same identification for sales held at other county venues where The Judicial Sales Corporation conducts foreclosure sales. For information, contact Plaintiff’s attorney: HEAVNER, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC, 111 East Main Street, DECATUR, IL 62523, (217) 422-1719 Please refer to file number 624955041. If the sale is not confirmed for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the purchase price paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. HEAVNER, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC 111 East Main Street DECATUR, IL 62523 (217) 422-1719 Fax #: (217) 422-1754 Attorney File No. 624955041 Attorney Code. 40387 Case Number: 17 CH 12531 TJSC#: 38-7115 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff’s attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I3098572

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“The Home of Personal Service” 7030 S. Halsted St.

318 E. 71st St. 5911 W. Madison St.


(773)723-4400 Taylor Funeral HOME, LTD.

63 East 79th Street Chicago, IL 60619 & 5350 W. North Ave. 773-488-7300 Chicago, IL 60636


Funeral Home LINDSEY James Lindsey......….. Wake was held: Friday, October 19, 2018; 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. @ Canaan Baptist Church, 6659 South Harvard Avenue. Funeral was held: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Interment: Mount Hope Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois. Arrangements Entrusted To: Taylor Funeral Home, 63 East 79th. Street, Chicago, IL 60619: (773) 488.7300 Powell-Jones Debra Powell-Jones......….. Wake was held: Friday, October 19, 2018; 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. @ Taylor Funeral Home. Funeral was held: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Interment: Washington Memory Gardens, Homewood, Illinois. Arrangements Entrusted To: Taylor Funeral Home, 63 East 79th. Street, Chicago, IL 60619: (773) 488.7300 HERBERT Toryannah Herbert.......….. Wake was held: Monday, October 22, 2018; 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.@ Carter Temple C. M. E. Church, 7841 South Wabash Avenue. Funeral was held: 11:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m. Interment: Burr Oak Cemetery, Alsip, Illinois. Arrangements Entrusted To: Taylor Funeral Home, 63 East 79th. Street, Chicago, IL 60619: (773) 488.7300


(773)846-6133 (773)626-4222 GOLDEN GATE FUNERAL HOME

2036 W. 79th St.

(773)846-7900 “Families Come First at Golden Gate” RANDALL Sarah L. Randall........….. Prepast will be held: Saturday, October 27, 2018; 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. @ Saint Felicitas Catholic Church, 1526 East 84th Street. Mass will be held: 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m. Interment: Evergreen Cemetery, Evergreen Park, Illinois. Arrangements Entrusted To: Taylor Funeral Home, 63 East 79th. Street, Chicago, IL 60619: (773) 488.7300 JONES Gloria Jean Jones.....….. Wake will be held: Saturday, October 27, 2018; 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. @ Taylor Funeral Home. Funeral will be held: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Cremation. Arrangements Entrusted To: Taylor Funeral Home, 63 East 79th. Street, Chicago, IL 60619: (773) 488.7300 BRADSHAW Kenneth Bradshaw........….. Prepast and Wake will be held: Monday, October 29, 2018; 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. @ Apostolic Church of God, 6320 South Dorchester Avenue. Funeral will be held: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Interment: Sunset Memorial Lawns, Northbrook, Illinois. Arrangements Entrusted To: Taylor Funeral Home, 63 East 79th. Street, Chicago, IL 60619: (773) 488.7300

CALAHAN Funeral Home

EDWARDS Catherine Edwards.....….. Wake will be held: Wednesday, October 24, 2018; 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. @ Taylor Funeral Home. Funeral will be held: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Interment: Lincoln Cemetery, Worth, Illinois. Arrangements Entrusted To: Taylor Funeral Home, 63 East 79th. Street, Chicago, IL 60619: (773) 488.7300

WESTON Emma M. Weston. ….. Visitation was held: Saturday, October 20, 2018; 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. @ Calahan Funeral Home, 7030 S. Halsted Street. Funeral: 11:00 a.m.12:00 p.m. Interment: Mt. Glenwood South. Arrangements Entrusted To: Calahan Funeral Home, 7030 S. Halsted St., Chicago, IL (773) 723.4400

BARNETTE Bernice Barnette.....….. Wake will be held: Thursday, October 25, 2018; 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. @ Taylor Funeral Home. Funeral will be held: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Interment: Mount Hope Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois. Arrangements Entrusted To: Taylor Funeral Home, 63 East 79th. Street, Chicago, IL 60619: (773) 488.7300

SMITH, SR. John Smith, Sr. ….. Visitation was held: Saturday, October 20, 2018; 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. @ Christian Fellowship Church, 445 W. 119th Street. Funeral: 11:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. Interment: Cedar Park Cemetery. Arrangements Entrusted To: Calahan Funeral Home, 7030 S. Halsted St., Chicago, IL (773) 723.4400

RADCLIFF Jerome Radcliff.......….. Memorial Service will be held: Friday, October 26, 2018;12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. @ Taylor Funeral Home. Arrangements Entrusted To: Taylor Funeral Home, 63 East 79th. Street, Chicago, IL 60619: (773) 488.7300

GREGORY Raymond Gregory. ….. Memorial Service is held: Thursday, October 25, 2018; 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. @ Calahan Funeral Home, 7030 S. Halsted Street. Interment: PRIVATE. Arrangements Entrusted To: Calahan Funeral Home, 7030 S. Halsted St., Chicago, IL (773) 723.4400

POPE Elnita Pope.......….. Wake will be held: Saturday, October 27, 2018; 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.@ Dixmoor Community Church, 14700 South Marshfield Avenue. Funeral will be held: 11:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m. Cremation. Arrangements Entrusted To: Taylor Funeral Home, 63 East 79th. Street, Chicago, IL 60619: (773) 488.7300

Cherished memories of those we loved

CLARK Jean H. Clark. ….. Funeral Service is held Saturday, October 27, 2018, 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. @ New Promise Land Church, 8956 S. Vincennes. Interment: Mt. Hope Cemetery. Arrangements Entrusted To: Calahan Funeral Home, 7030 S. Halsted St., Chicago, IL (773) 723.4400 SANGSTER Jaunita Sangster. ….. Visitation is held: Saturday, October 27, 2018; 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. @Living to Live Again Deliverance, 7810 S. Ashland Ave. Funeral: 11:00 a.m.12:00 p.m. Interment: Private. Arrangements Entrusted To: Calahan Funeral Home, 7030 S. Halsted St., Chicago, IL (773) 723.4400


Legacy Sponsors

Advocacy Sponsors

#currentsituation Innovation Sponsors

Our Race to Equity

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2018 HILTON CHICAGO Black Tie Gala Red Carpet and Champagne Reception 6pm - 7pm Dinner & Performance 7PM – 10PM After Party 10pm

Leadership Sponsors

Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly

Allstate Insurance Company Ameren Illinois AT&T Illinois ComEd Shell Oil Company State Farm Insurance UPS-Central Region U.S. Bank Wintrust

Marc Morial, National Urban League President and CEO

For tickets or sponsorship opportunities, visit or call 773-451-3564 #CULGFD57

Come In. Stand Out.


RSVP Upper School (Grades 9–12) Saturday, November 17 • 10 a.m. Apply to Parker Visit • Accepting applications for Grades JK–12 • Need-based financial aid available

Tuesday, October 30, 2018 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Wright College 4300 N. Narragansett Ave. Chicago, IL 60634 The Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA) will host a community career fair. Don’t miss your opportunity to meet representatives from companies looking to hire individuals to work at O’Hare and Midway International Airports in the following area: •Airlines •Cargo •Concessions

•Hospitality •Construction •Security and more

The CDA is committed to administering a robust community outreach and workforce development program. These career fairs are designed to ensure that hiring opportunities are afforded to residents from all corners of the city, including those jobs made possible by the modernization projects at both O’Hare and Midway International Airports. @fly2ohare @fly2midway

@fly2ohare @fly2midway

/fly2ohare /fly2midway




October 24 - 30, 2018 15

16 October 24 - 30, 2018


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