Do not make these pre-production mistakes While making a film, you must spend considerable amount of time in planning during preproduction stage. During this stage, you plan for various activities from start to end in order to make your film. During this period, you need to spend your time well in planning. Make sure that you do not miss any important thing. If you miss anything and discover it during post production stage then it becomes very expensive for you.
Therefore, you must avoid following few mistakes while tying up various agencies including any key grip renting company. Visit this page to know more about us. 
Forgetting any important item during budgeting Budgeting before production of film is an important exercise. If you forget even a small item during this stage you will have to pay a heavy price for it later.
Skipping market research You must spend little time in doing proper research about the market response for the kind of film that you are making so that you can make necessary changes in your script.
Going without any back up You must always have back up of your script so that during the production stage, you should not be handicapped.
Not having any story board You must create proper documentation of the script
Expecting to arrange for equipment at the last moment Tie up with an equipment renting company in advance
Not having any clear objective Your objective of film must be clear at this stage
Not having proper schedule Your schedule must be ready and you should strictly follow it during production
Avoiding these mistakes will enable you to make your film smoothly.