1 minute read
Academic Enrichment - Broadening Intellectual Experiences New Sports Centre Public Examinations
Public Examinations
Following the details of the Ofqual consultation that I circulated last month, we are anticipating that final arrangements for the grading of GCSE and A level students will be published later in the term. In the meantime, teachers and students are working hard to complete courses and to ensure that they are well-prepared for any assessments next term, in whatever form they take. We appreciate that the uncertainty over arrangements will be unsettling for students and as soon as we are able to, we will let you know more details.
Academic Enrichment - Broadening Intellectual Experiences
We have recently introduced a new programme of academic enrichment lessons into the Lower Sixth curriculum. Students spend one lesson every week away from their examination subjects, learning about areas which are outside of A level courses. Options, selected by students, include: Medical Ethics, Facing the Past Today and Financial Analysis.
Read more at: http://bit.ly/ChigwellSchoolAcademicEnrichment
New Sports Centre
Very shortly we will be submitting a planning application for the new sports centre. Please view the virtual consultation room to find out more about this very exciting project which will make a huge difference to the sporting options that we are able to offer pupils, as well as the flow of pupils and cars at the north end of the site.
Friends of Chigwell Half Term Photography Competition
The Friends of Chigwell invite all pupils to take part in a Photography Competition. During half term, get outside and send a picture of something that inspires you from nature. The subject can be anything – a caterpillar, a pond, frost on grass, birds migrating – be creative and have fun! Judged by Mr Edwin Aitken, Head of Art, there will be prizes in store for the best photos.
Please send photos to social@chigwellschool.org by Monday 22nd February, one photo per pupil please. Landscape is preferable. The winners for each section of school (Pre Prep, Junior School, Senior School and Sixth Form) will be announced after half term.
Senior School Assemblies on YouTube
Through our YouTube channel (Chigwell School 1629), every online assembly for the Senior School is available to watch (and re-watch!) online. Remember to hit ‘subscribe’ to receive the alerts.
Find us at http://bit.ly/ChigwellSchool1629YouTube