Chichester High School, Head's Up 12th edition 22 04 16

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22nd April 2016 12th Edi+on

‘An outstanding school’ OfSTED – July 2015 Dear Parents and Carers We are deep in our prepara#on for the forthcoming examina#ons. Students are to be congratulated on their commitment and focus. At the moment we are quietly op#mis#c about how they will do - the indica#ons are that this year will equal our best ever achievements as two schools. Ul#mately though, it is about the individual young person and, as we have said to the students, that is our priority in the coming weeks. Best wishes Yasmin Maska ya - Execu ve Principal

Duke of Edinburgh SILVER - During the weekend of 18th – 20th March, fourteen Yr11’s undertook their Silver D of E Training Expedi#on on the South Downs. Working in three groups, the students walked, carrying all the camping equipment and food they needed to be self-sufficient for three days and two nights regardless of the weather and condi#ons. Star#ng in Storrington, the groups travelled in a ‘zig-zag’ pa.ern along the South Downs, finishing at Ditchling beacon on Sunday. The weather for the dura#on was overcast, but dry becoming a li.le colder at nights. This made for an excellent excuse to build a camp fire each night. Well done to everyone involved.

Chelsea Football Academy - We travelled to Cobham with Brandon Williams and Jacob Carroll who were both selected to represent the Chelsea Colleges Programme against the travelling Japanese side, Yokohama U17’s Their selec#on was a massive achievement for the boys who both represented the school well throughout the process. The Japanese ou6it proved too strong and won the game but the process for Jacob and Brandon has much more value. This opportunity will be of benefit to the football academy back in school. Pictures are on @chsfootballacad

Our Ski trip - We had a great #me in Austria! We were based in a resort called Nassfeld which is fabulous for all types of skiers. It’s one of the top 10 ski resorts in Austria and is situated directly at the border with Italy. The ski resort has impressive mountain panoramic views and we were fortunate to have some superb weather whilst we were there. Everyone had fun and enjoyed the opportunity to learn to ski.

SSAT - The schools, students and teachers network celebrates our excep+onal a4ainment at CHSG CHSG has been na#onally recognised for its excep#onal 2015 performance by the Schools, Students and Teachers network (SSAT). Educa#onal Outcomes data analysis from SSAT has shown that the school is in the top 20% of non-selec#ve schools na#onally for high average grades achieved by students. The school’s SSAT Educa#onal Outcomes award will be presented at a regional celebra#on event held to draw a.en#on to the work of high-achieving, improving and innova#ng schools and teachers. Sue Williamson, Chief Execu#ve of SSAT said: “It is my great pleasure to commend Chichester High School for Girls on their excellent 2015 performance, and to have the opportunity to highlight and share their great work at the SSAT Educa#onal Outcomes celebra#on evening. I have the privilege of visi#ng a lot of schools and I am always impressed by the crea#vity of teachers in engaging and inspiring their students”. “I hope that SSAT’s Educa#onal Outcomes award will highlight the professionalism, commitment and hard work of the leaders, teachers and students at Chichester High School for Girls. Recognising and sharing successes like this is at the heart of SSAT’s mission, so I’m delighted to congratulate Chichester High School for Girls on their achievement.” Learning more about medicine - Bishop Luffa kindly hosted a visit from Sam Wickham, Outreach and Recruitment Officer at Brighton Medical School. The session was arranged to give our aspiring medics in KS4 and KS5 the opportunity to gain knowledge and informa#on on the applica#on process, and to ask any ques#ons rela#ng to a medical degree or a career in medicine. Over sixty students a.ended the session including 6th Form students from The Regis School, and Year 10/11 pupils from Ormiston Six Villages Academy and CHSG. All students were given very valuable informa#on on the M.M.I. interview process carried out by most Universi#es when recrui#ng medical students, and Sam iden#fied the skills and a.ributes that are key to a successful medical career.


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Sports Relief ’UPDATE!’ - As a school, we raised an amazing

£1329.54! There is one young man who has to have an extra pat on the back! Year 8 student, Jonathan Simmons raised £232 all on his own! He worked really hard to ensure he was sponsored for his 10k run and completed it with his Dad and Aunty. Congratula+ons Jonathan - you are a star!

Head of School, Mr Brown wanted to personally congratulate and thank Jonathan on behalf of the school and Sport Relief. A video of pictures can be found on the school website and on YouTube. The YouTube CHS page is called Chi High.

Judo - Three Chichester High School 6th Formers have recently qualified as Bri#sh Judo Associa#on and UKCC Level 1 Coaches in Judo, allowing them to run a class and even grade players up to Orange Belt or 9th Mon. Over the last two months, Toni Burgess, Nathaniel Spreckley and Ma4hew Mossop have had to take part in coach training weekends, plan and run a series of sessions at their Judo Club and then face an assessment by two independent verifiers. The planning for this started back in October, because as well as qualifying as coaches, they have also had to qualify in both First Aid and Safeguarding and Protec#ng Children. Their Chichester Ronin Judo Club coaches are delighted that aQer years of study these students are now able to support others beginning their journey into the sport. The representa#ve from the club said, “Standing in front of any crowd of people and speaking confidently is not easy. When you are teaching a class of 5 to 8 year olds and then a class of 30 to 40 year olds, it can be daun#ng! On top of this the candidates were assessed by, among others, Steve Gawthorpe, a 7th Dan Black Belt, Olympian and World Championship bronze medallist. We are incredibly proud of their commitment and this achievement.” Just in! Nathaniel Spreckley (CHS 6th Form) and his sister Emogen Spreckley (CHSG) both took part in the Sussex Trials Judo Compe##on in Worthing. Emogen achieved Gold in the Junior Under 70kg and Nathaniel achieved Bronze in the Seniors Under 66kg Compe##on. Both have now qualified for the Sussex Squad and will be training with them every month in Crawley. They will hopefully go on to represent the County next month, if selected for the Inter-Coun#es Championship. Well done! CCF Con+ngent Banner - The Con#ngent recently received a generous dona#on of £266.76 from CHSB, this money was the return of War Bonds purchased during the Second World War. We have now been advised that the Chichester Rotary Clubs will be presen#ng us with a cheque for £500.00 at their ‘Thank You’ Dinner on Wednesday 20th April – incredibly generous of them. The Con#ngent will be represented at the dinner by Capt. Gaffney, Flt Sgt Hook and Sgt Gray. These two dona#ons cover the cost of the new Banner, but if anyone would like to make a dona#on to the Combined Cadet Force, the money would be used to support cadet ac#vi#es. Please contact Capt. Gaffney on


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Antweight Compe++on - Eight Yr8 and 9 pupils got the opportunity to take part in the annual Antweight compe##on at Ricardo Engineering on Tuesday 15 March 2016. Ricardo is a global engineering and strategic, technical and environmental consultancy business. During the visit students got the opportunity to visit various parts of the company facili#es, including the manufacture of the latest engine for the McLaren motor car, as well as seeing the current car during test and development. The compe##on challenged the students to design and make a remote control robot which could take part in two different events, Sumo wrestling against the other robots and a Football match. Students were also awarded marks for innova#on of the robot and how it works and team efforts during the design and build. The students worked very hard and outshone a number of other schools which a.ended the event. On the way out of the site the students were treated as two Chinook Helicopters were prac#sing their landing and hovering skills less than 100 yards away on the runway. Girls Team Boys Team Lauren Jensen Akshay Bethan Quartly-Brown Adam Choi Bronwen Brown Shivam Naik Amelia Hayes Tom Hewi. Jonathan Brown, Chief Engineer at Ricardo, was clear about the impact that events such as this have on those who a.end. “This was the 6th annual event and they really do get every year….the key thing is that we’ve had the opportunity to impact on these kids (and their teachers) just how great it is to work in engineering, something they probably had no idea about before. Some of the comments I overhead from the kids during the event were so very inspiring, they were genuinely blown away by what we do here. Par#cularly pleasing was that a large number of the posi#ve comments that I heard were from girls – let’s hope we have sown the seeds of a world in engineering to a new genera#on of both girls and boys.” Jonathan Brown. CCF visit Middle Wallop - Fourteen Army cadets from the CCF visited the Army Air Corps Depot at Middle Wallop on Tuesday 8th March 2016 and were fortunate enough to be given a flight in a Gazelle helicopter piloted by Capt. Macklin, our host for the visit. Each flight lasted 20 minutes and the cadets travelled over Salisbury Plain across to the City of Salisbury itself. Needless to say, the standard assessment back on the ground was 'amazing!'


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Star student - Star Student - On both 14th and 15th April we were joined by staff from the Widening Par#cipa#on Team at the University of Chichester. All year 7 tutor groups at both CHSB & CHSB had the opportunity to play a giant board game, which focused on educa#onal pathways, future ambi#ons and how to progress successfully in educa#on. In keeping with the game’s #tle ‘Star Student’, students were able to win ‘stars’ for answering ques#ons correctly and working well as a team. The students presented themselves well and towards the visi#ng staff, as well as enjoying the ac#vity. Huge thanks to the University of Chichester Team for facilita#ng such a useful and enjoyable event for Year 7 students.

Visi+ng The Wi4erings - On Wednesday 16th March 2016 and Thursday 17th March 2016 the Year 10 GCSE Geography students went to West Wi.ering and East Head Spit to collect the data for their GCSE Controlled Assessment. On both days the students were extremely lucky with the weather and a good #me was had by all. The day was divided into two sessions; one was measuring the beach and the pebble size on the beach, whilst the other was walking around the East Head Spit and evalua#ng the different methods of sea defences. A massive well done to all the girls involved in the trip. Chemistry UV experiment - Astronauts on the Interna#onal Space Sta#on, such as Tim Peake, need the strongest UV protec#on we can provide. In our experiment, we used UV colour changing beads to measure the rela#ve amount of UV radia#on. We inves#gated liquid coa#ngs (such as oil and sunscreen), different materials (including aluminium foil and coloured cellophane) and finally tried out different par#cle sizes. We looked at how well each factor protected against UV light. During these experiments we learnt to predict possible outcomes and further understand experimental procedures for an inves#ga#on. Our results have been uploaded to h.p://, so they can be shared with other students worldwide, crea#ng an interna#onal database, which can be used by scien#sts designing spacesuits. Jessie Brown, Y12 Chemistry student.


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CHSG House fun! - lots of money was raised by the CHSG Houses during Sport Relief week. Not only did they raise £550 for Sport Relief, MALALA raised £380 for Cancer Research Kids & Teens, EARHART raised, £474 for Chestnut Tree House and Missing Persons, ENNIS raised £116 for Crohns Disease and Young Carers and ROWLING collected lots of clothing #nned food and slept out for Stonepillow. MALALA asked the girls to bring in money in order to cover the CRUK le.ers

EARHART made it all about the hair! Teachers had their heads shaved and legs waxed. Girls were also given free access to pain#ng teachers hair! Wigs also played a large part in their fundraising.

ENNIS kept a baton moving all day!

ROWLING slept out all night, toasted marshmallows and got freaked at 4am by thinking that the 6th Form Centre is haunted!

Is it?


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School Games Fes+val 2016 - What a way to end the term with an ac#on packed School Games Fes#val. Girls performed in Gymnas#cs, Dance and Netball. This year’s winners are Year 7 Earhart, Year 8 Rowling and Year 9 Earhart, congratula#ons to all. A big ‘thank you’ to our Year 11 Sports Leaders, who organised and ran the event. Rocket Seeds - The seeds have arrived from the UK Space Agency!

A group of students have planted the seeds and will be looking aQer them as they grow. The group have called themselves ‘ChiRockets!’ The group gave Tim Peake a wave and tweeted that the process has begun. We were really chuffed when Tim actually ‘liked’ the tweet from space! Lots of other people are interested and have communicated with us via social media, they include the UK Space Agency, ESA Educa#on, The EYE Project, The Royal Hor#cultural Society, Libby Jackson from the Space Agency and Dr Helen Mason from Cambridge University. Dr Mason is the Assistant Director of Research within the Department of Applied Mathema#cs and Theore#cal Physics (DAMTP) and more locally, Manor Nursery and Henry Adams We’ll keep you updated with how the rocket seeds progress.

Izabelle Cooper - Izzy Cooper in Yr 10 has competed in her busiest ski season so far. It started in January with the Anglo Sco[sh races where Izabelle took part in 2 slalom and 2 Giant slalom races, her first season in the U16 category she came away with a personal best of 4th posi#on in the Giant slalom and 2 top 10’s. Training con#nued in Les Houches, France in prepara#on for the races in Leogang, Austria, finishing with 4 top 10’s but feeling disappointment during her Giant Slalom run as her ski popped off and she lost #me pu[ng it back on. During half term Izzy moved on to Bormio, Italy where she competed in her first English Alpine Championships, this was her most challenging set of races so far and nothing like she had experienced before, this is where she had her first taste of Super G and with minimal training on the larger skis, Izzy was happy with her achievements in this event. The final races of the season, The Delancey Bri#sh Children's Championships were held in Tignes, France. With a mixture of weather ranging from heavy snow to scorching Mediterranean sunshine, with changeable ski condi#ons underfoot, it was a busy week and aQer comple#ng every run and coming away with 4 top 15 results, Izabelle says “I am very happy to have had this opportunity and would like to thank Chichester High School for their support”


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Yasmin Cooper - Yasmin insists the success she found at the Delancey Bri#sh Na#onal Alpine Ski Championships exceeded her wildest expecta#ons aQer winning another gold medal. The women’s Na#onal Junior Championship giant slalom race was contested in Tignes, France on the final day of ac#on and Cooper’s #me of 2:20.22 minutes saw her take gold ahead of Lucinda Dilworth and Phoebe Long in the U18 category. That was a sixth gold medal of the Championships for the 17-year-old, while she also added a pair of silvers and a bronze to her collec#on. Such was Cooper’s success that she took the overall U18 and overall junior – contested by athletes under the age of 21 – #tles but the teenager is adamant she never expected such glory. Chichester High School would like to congratulate both Yasmin and Izzy Cooper on their skiing achievements. Their dedica on to their sport is truly wonderful. Calling all students, we would love to hear about and share your achievements. Parents, please let us know what your child is up to, be it musical, spor ng or a hobbie outside of school. Please email Mrs Waller at with a paragraph and a picture.

Girls football training - We had a fabulous turnout for the first girls football training session. Our very own England football star and current Year 12 student, Hollie Olding was at the assembly that Mr Palmer and Mr Murphy delivered to the par#cipa#ng year groups. We were overwhelmed by the support the club has had. Speak to Mr Palmer if you would like more details. The team went into Yr7/8 assemblies but want to convey that everyone is welcome if they would like some training. See you on the astro aEer school on Thursdays Hollie Olding - John Griffiths has named his England Women’s Under-17s squad for next month’s European Championship finals – and the head coach has kept faith with the 18 players that got them there. The Young Lionesses have been drawn in Group A alongside Serbia, Norway and host na#on Belarus. England cruised through qualifying by winning five of their six matches, including two 13-0 victories, across two separate group phases. They sealed their place at the finals with a comfortable 5-0 win over Iceland in March. Griffiths’s side scored 38 goals in qualifying with Manchester City’s Georgia Stanway and Chelsea’s Alessia Russo leading the charge with nine goals each, while Liverpool’s Niamh Charles registered five goals in six matches. Group B comprises Germany, Italy, Czech Republic and holders Spain. The finals will take place between 4-16 May. The top two teams in each group will progress to the semi-finals, while both finalists and the third-place team will qualify for the FIFA Women’s U17s World Cup in Jordan in September. Congratula+ons to Hollie from the CHS community. We are really proud of your achievements and thank you for your support with the new Chichester High School girls football team.


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