The headteacher’s drive, “determination and passion for
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Welcome To CHS I aM DElIghTED TO wElcOME YOu TO chIchESTEr hIgh SchOOl FOr BOYS anD gIrlS. FrOM SEPTEMBEr 2016 OnwarDS, ThE TwO SchOOlS arE jOInIng TOgEThEr In an ExcITIng DEvElOPMEnT FOr chIchESTEr EDucaTIOn. as Executive Principal I am already used to both school communities and am very much looking forward to our future as one highly successful high School.
expectations. we want all our students to feel safe and happy in the chS environment; their wellbeing is vital to their success.
we are a close and supportive community, working hard to achieve the best for all our students. Every individual is valued in the school and we ensure that everyone has the opportunity to develop their talents whatever they may be. we recognise that every student has his/her own starting point; understanding the person and charting the right educational course is essential to that student’s success.
Our values and aims are summed up in the following way:
Encouraging our students to be confident, caring and capable of taking on life’s challenges is at the heart of what we do. we set high standards and nurture our students so that they are able to meet and exceed our
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Respect for each other and for learning Equality of opportunity and experience for all A Community that supports and nurtures all its members Achievement for all
Every day I am given ample reason to feel proud of chS and proud of our students. I am sure that, as you find out more about us, you too will see the very special qualities of our school. Yasmin Maskatiya, Executive Principal
the school permeate every aspect of its work. Her outstanding leadership, together with that of other leaders and governors, has significantly contributed to the high quality of teaching and students’ outstanding achievement.
OFSTED July 2015
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High Academic Achievement wE arE an acaDEMIcallY SuccESSFul 11-18 SchOOl, cOMPrISIng aPPrOxIMaTElY 1,500 STuDEnTS. ThE caMPuS IS lOcaTED wIThIn ThE BEauTIFul caThEDral cITY OF chIchESTEr anD IS SET In largE anD PlEaSanT grOunDS. ThE SIxTh FOrM IS juDgED TO BE OuTSTanDIng anD IS lOcaTED On ThE SITE. Ours is a friendly, caring school with a reputation for high academic achievement – our results at gcSE and a-level place us in the top performing schools in west Sussex. Our results are well above the national average and we are very pleased with the number of students leaving to go on to university. Each year we have students gaining places at Oxford and cambridge along with other leading higher education institutions. Sixth Form students receive outstanding guidance on how to make successful applications. Our students in Years 7-11 follow the national curriculum in their lessons and also have a wide range of excellent
extra-curricular experiences to choose from within the local, national and international community. Our students come from a wide range of primary schools and therefore it is vital that we ensure each student’s transition is carefully and thoughtfully managed. we are proud of how quickly and successfully our new Year 7 students make the move to the high School and settle in very well. we have a dedicated transition team which ensures that every student has the best chance of an excellent start at chS.
It is wonderful to see how “excited and proud the students are of their school. ” ParEnT
junior leadership team, “whichTherepresents the views of
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The Kemnal Academies Trust wE havE BEEn an acaDEMY SIncE SEPTEMBEr 2013 anD BElOng TO ThE ThE KEMnal acaDEMIES TruST (TKaT) FrOM whOM wE rEcEIvE a rangE OF SuPPOrT anD DEvElOPMEnT. The TKaT ethos, which chS subscribes to, is as follows: ‘all of the academies within TKaT believe that outstanding teaching and learning must be central to every decision made and every development introduced. all of our academies work together to share best practice, resources and
knowledge in all aspects of school life, so that all stakeholders make outstanding progress. Our academies share the values of high attainment and optimise opportunities for staff and students. we strive to achieve excellence. In addition to the opportunities we are able to give to our students, all of our staff are valued as professionals. we believe in investing in them to ensure that they are able to develop as lifelong learners.’
students, is fully integrated into the process of school improvement.
OFSTED July 2015
“The junior leadership Team is the student voice and we really do make a change, designing the new canteen and school uniform. we speak directly to the school senior leaders and they really listen.”
“we have really strong Sports teams that achieve very well and compete against some of the best teams across the country.”
“The relationships between students and teacher are really strong and create a really good working environment, our teachers make learning fun.”
We have really “appreciated the excellent
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Teaching & Learning At CHS EnSurIng ThaT Our TEachIng IS ThE BEST IT can BE IS ThE MOST EFFEcTIvE waY OF EnThuSIng Our STuDEnTS anD hElPIng ThEM MaKE ThE MaxIMuM PrOgrESS. we want all our students to:
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Be happy Develop their interests and talents achieve academic success Be confident, independent individuals
chS is a richly varied school catering for students of all abilities and a wide variety of learning styles. Therefore our approach to teaching and learning is that it must be tailored to the individual as much as possible. This means a balance of academic challenge, support for the individual and a stimulating curriculum. we place a strong emphasis on English, Maths and Science but also ensure that our students are able to pursue their interests and talents.
all of our teaching is based on our chihi5 principles:
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Engaging subject knowledge and skills Challenge and support for all Variety of learning experience Progress checks and feedback Relationships: positive, respectful relationships throughout the school.
support and guidance the school has given.
is a high priority “for Safeguarding the school. Students
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Pastoral Care & Support wE arE PrOuD OF ThE rElaTIOnShIPS wIThIn ThE SchOOl anD ThE PaSTOral carE wE OFFEr. Students are supported by four strong Pastoral Teams. Each student belongs to a house which provides a smaller, nurturing environment
contact with home is important and our partnership with parents is a key way in which we provide a safe and nurturing place for our students.
we have heads of house, Pastoral and attendance Support Managers as well as a strong team of tutors to support, guide and enthuse our students.
Transition from primary school is carefully handled and forms part of a year-long pattern of support in Year 6 which culminates in an Induction Day for the children and an evening for the parents to meet with staff at the school.
Every student is known, cared for and encouraged.
reported that they feel very safe at school and parents agreed with this view. Students’ behaviour in class and around the school is exemplary. They are proud of their school and know that they are respected by staff.
OFSTED July 2015
The promotion of students’ “spiritual, moral, cultural and
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Beyond The Classroom OF cOurSE qualIFIcaTIOnS arE vErY IMPOrTanT BuT SchOOl IS aBOuT Much MOrE Than ExaMInaTIOnS. a wide range of curriculum enrichment activities enable our students to have plenty of opportunities to develop their individual interests:
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Full range of sporting clubs and opportunities: Football, netball, hockey, rugby, athletics, Football, rounders, Stool ball, Dance and gym creative arts: Drama, more Dance, Performing arts activities, the School Band, choir, Photography and art clubs Outdoor learning: Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Silver and gold awards, combined cadet Force, Outdoor learning club
There is a range of ways in which our students can show citizenship and responsibility:
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Becoming a Prefect in Year 11 head Boy and girl in main school head Boy and girl in the Sixth Form junior leadership Team: a cross school team that works with the Senior
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leadership Team to bring about improvement in the school Peer mentors and Buddies Sports leadership Form representatives house representatives ‘rights respecting’ Elected members Sports captains
Educational visits are also an integral part of our provision. Over the last year the following has been on offer to the students:
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Trips to wimbledon and other sporting venues Museum and art gallery visits rewards trips at the end of the year, including residential camping experiences as well as day trips. Theatre trips to london and elsewhere Science and Technology activities at local universities geography Field trips International visits: Barcelona, Paris, Italy, new York
social development is outstanding and is embedded in all aspects of the school’s work. Students are exceptionally well prepared for life in modern Britain.
OFSTED July 2015
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Our Sixth Form wE arE vErY PrOuD OF Our SIxTh FOrM anD Our STuDEnTS’ achIEvEMEnTS In ThEIr STuDIES. Our examination results for a-level identify us as one of the leading Sixth Forms in west Sussex. we are very successful in placing our students with top universities across the country. The Sixth Form is part of the high School but it also has its own identity and accommodation. Its focus is to ensure that every student has every chance of achieving future success. There are high expectations of what each
student can do as well as support for how to make the best transition to university, college or work. Sixth Formers have opportunities to fulfil their potential in a variety of extracurricular activities as well as through ‘giving something back’ either in school or in the wider community. This could involve charity work or acting as peer mentors for younger students or student leaders in the wider life of the school.
Kingsham Road, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8EB Telephone: 01243 787014 Fax: 01243 832670 Email: Web: Executive Principal: Yasmin Maskatiya
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