Portfolio_Landscape Architecture_English

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My Eyes for Landscaping 「Experience at King of the Pirates as a Part Time Job」

__The power of "OMOTENASHI" that I've got from my part time job experience



Diploma 「Landscape of 香雨 (KOUU) ー Construct a Green Infra Network around Kanda River Basin ー」 __Green Infrastructure works effectively when it s planed around a river unit not around points.



__I've joined IFLA Student Charrette 2018 in Singapore. The students are classified teams and each of them had theme Biophilia. Smart, Resilience. And we designed each site based on these theme.


Diploma 「Landscape of 香雨 (KOUU) ー Construct a Green Infra Network around Kanda River Basin ー」 Japanese people have more than 400 words about rain. One of them 香雨 (KOUU) is old Japanese word and means beautiful respectable rain. These words show that Japanese people have had close relationships with rain since long time ago. In this proposal, re-construct the relationships between water, green and us by Green Infra system.

01 What is Green Infrastrucuture? ⑴Definition for this Work ¦to Connect human and Nature  "Greenn Infrastrucuture" is defined as constructing infrastructure based on ecological networks and land. Nowadays, our society is filled up with grey infrastructures. The way of Green Innfrastrucuture can help to connect potentials of nature with our human society.

Green Infra Human Society


⑵Definition in Other Nation ■European Union  …Green Infrastructure is for Ecosystem Service


自然的、第二自然的な場所で生態 系サービスの広範囲にわたる環境 をデザインし管理するように戦略 的に計画された緑と水のネット ワークは環境の状態、そして市民 の健康と生活の質を改善すること ができ、生物多様性を強化する。

Green Economy

Create Job Opportunities

Enhace Biodiversity


■United States of America  …Green Infrastructure is for Stormwater management improve

Environmental Condition

Air Quality improve


Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Space for Recreation

Water Purification


Citizens Health


Quality of Life

グリーンインフラは流出 雨水を減らし雨水を環境 的に社会的に、そして経 済的に雨水の元へ誘導す る。


Social Benefits


Environmental Benefits

Green Infrastruacture

Economic Benefits


(under ground,sea,river)


Green Infrastructure

⑶Nature and Human ¦ the Goal of this Diploma Work

Begining(∼Edo era) Nature is filled up with ecological systems. Human lived in these systems. We took some benefits from them though, we didn t take too mush of it.

Developing Society With developing our civilization more, our society got bigger. It had a presense in nature. Then we took more benefits than in Edo era.

Industrial Evolution

Getting too much benefit from eco system collapsed the balance in nature. Because the attractive force from our society to eco system was too strong, our society was pushed away to the edge of nature system. Moreover, the green infrastructure system became weak.

Isolation of Us

Because of the industrial evolution, our society has been almost isolated from nature. In addition, the green infra system has been lost and we can t live together with any disasters and environmental changes. And we destroy nature a lot.


Remarking Green Infra system would make human societies and ecosystems get closer again. Then human society takes benefits from eco systems. And our society with green infra gives good influences for ecosystems.

02 Background

03 Construct a GI Network at Kanda River Basin

⑴Environmental change by the global warming ①Climate Change Heat island, Swealtering night(the night, that temperature is more than 25℃),Heat injury, Influence for the ecology

②Increase of stormwater Cause of mudslides or floods, influences for agriculture

⑴6 functions of stormwater management

⑵ 12 Functions of Green Infrastructure ③Squalls Because of too much rainwater over the capacity, conventional infrastructures doesn t work.

①Stormwater Management Stormwater is controled by using raingardens or greenway to infiltrate, flow and keep water.

②Resilience from Disasters In the case that a mudslide occurs, trees catch earth and the sand. To prevent a mudslide, trees are also used to catch rainwater not to flow into a cliff.

③Generate Beautiful Landscapes The plants make the landscapes more beautiful

④Hold CO2 in Plants or Underground CO₂

Plants take co2 into their bodies as resource of photosynthesis. The CO2 will stay with the plants if they wither.

⑨Generate Biological Energy

⑤Ecological Education

Eco systems would be energy hubs for example cleansing biotope, microbial power generation and microbial filtration system.

Green infra system is good place to study and to know how ecosystem works for

⑥Traditional Education

Landscapes with using original landforms and traditional landuse have almost goof influence.

⑦Green for Recreation

Lives with trees and flowers are good for mental health and stress reductions.

⑧Health Care

The increase in green spaces give people many opportunities for walking and cycling .

GI of stormwater management can be classfied to 6 functions. Relationships between them is illustrated below. a. Keep  Leaves catch the waterdrops and hold them.

⑩Biotope for Creatures

Spreading green space means increase in biptope. It help the eco systems recovering.

b. Stay  Plants suck rain water in through their roots.

⑪Precautions for Fire

The water rate in trees are depends on trees species. Using high water rate tree along the street works as a precautions of fire.

c. Retent  The soil where plants live on is soft, so much stormwater.

⑫Place for Communication

Living with green infra increases opportunities to talk and co-operate with other person than living in grey infra.

e. Store  Plants with pools or

d. Flow  Stalks and roots help stormwater to flow slowlier.

basins help stormwater to turn into the vapor.

f. Clean  植物の根部分に住 む微生物などが手助 けをし、雨水が浄化 される。

⑵ 6 Functions with Landform of Kanda River Basin or Plant Succesion

⑵Flood in Cities ①Case of Inundation Inside a Levee There is no space for stormwater because of the heavy rains and the ground that constructed by

②The Damage of the Flood In tokyo, the damages by the inundation inside a levee is about 4 times higher than the flood from the rivers.

③The Damage in Cities If the severe squall has occured in cities, casualties may occur and the public transportations will not work

I made charts about a relationships with 6 functions and landforms of Kanda river basin, 6 functions with plant succesion below.

[with Landforms of Kanda River Basin]

① a. Keep


⑥Reclaimed Land


④Shallow Valley in Terrace ⑦Low Land (Bottom of the Valley) ⑤Cliff (Edge of a terrace)

Green Infra Functions

②Tiny-Terrace ③Musashino-Terrace

b. Stay c. Retent d. Flow e. Store f. Clean

[with Plant Succesions] ①Bare soil


③Low tree

④Gemination of red pine trees

⑤Red pine tree forest

forest with ⑨Gemination of ⑥Gemination of ⑦Gap by fallen tree ⑧Mix deciduous trees and evergreen trees Deciduous tree evergreen trees

⑩Ever green trees forest

⑪End of the sucession

Stage of Plant Succesion



Δ2 3


Δ5 25





Δ50 80

Δ50 80















There is no plants with enough leaves to keep water

To correspond with climate changes and disasters, I combined green infra systems using traditional landuse and native lives and landforms. When green infra systems construct as one network, the effect would be stronger. To correspond the issues,main resource of green infra system is WATER. The minimum unit of water is a RIVER, so in this proposal, I choose Kanda river and designed three sites of Kanda river basin. And I propose these site for future 100 years. My vision for 100 years is the green infra network will be stronger, and ecosystems and human society get closer to each other again and when some areas get damages from disasters, this network would be resilience.

Connect Potentials with Green Infra 1

ー Connect the dots of potentials of the land, and make them as lines Green Infra Potential

Make Faces from the Lines 2

ー The lines are connected and they will be faces.

Trampolines Make High Resilience 3

Re sil ie

ー Trampolines Network is Efficient  (For example, when the flood occurs, the network reduce the damage by the flood and help the land recovering. It s like that tramplines do.

4 「Huge Tramplines」

nc e

ー To make lines at a river basin, there will be many tramplines. Then many trampolines are connected, there would be a hige tramplines network.

Tree crown is small to catch water Tamagawa Waterway

Green Infra 6 Functions


There is not enough roots can hold water

It depends on species of trees

Depth of roots is more enongh than grasses

It is hard to live in soil with moisture



Much attentions are needed. The effects are depends on depth of roots and shapes of roots

Makinng stormwater garden with hydrophytes




To enrich the water source of Kanda river, make a the mixed forest evergreen and deciduous by using Edo-Infra and water filtration plant.


Upstream-A Inokashira Pond

Zenpukuji River

Middle basin-B,C,D Kanda River

Nihonbashi River

Red pine trees prefer inland

Imperial Palace

Sumida River


There is no evidence that red pine tree have a role of cleansing water Progress is needed because Green infra is effective for the ecosystems and us.

For d,e and f, cutting low trees are needed.

Progress is needed. The forest of Red pine trees are too simple as a landscape. and it does not have Green infra functions so much.

If f is needes, succession should be backed.

About a, it is needed on the cliff. because ever green trees have the leaves in all seasons.

If c is needed, ever trees should be cut frequently.

Control the stormwater to reduce the damage of the landslide. The fountain from the cliff shows stormwater flow that controled by this area s propsal

Middle Basin ー B.C.D

To reduce disasters from tidal waves or flood inland, make the band of swales along the Edo infra. The line will be a mark of the sea line in the future.

Downstream ー E

Moisten the Kanda River Basin Using Edo infrastructure  Target area of upstream of Kanda river is the water source. By combining Edo infrastructure and water treatment plant, this area will work as a part of GI system. Now, the stage of vegetation transition is "Bare ground" here. By transforming the stage into the mixed forest evergreen and deciduous, the infiltration capacity of this area will be changed to high catchment. Infiltration at upstream can help water gush out again at Inokashira pond (the water source of Kanda river ).

Edo Infrastructure "Tamagawa Water Way" and Modern Infrastructure "Water Treatment Plant" Lo w Strip-shaped Agricultural Development

er in g

of gr ou nd

w at er

Slow sand filter system

This is the largest water treatment plant Musashino was poor in water. This that have slow sand filter system in development helped that people Tokyo. These pool are independently could get water equally. In the each other, so they can be separated. details of this development, to divide land striply against the A Sakai Water Treatment Plant waterway.

d oo Fl

Tamagawa Water Way

This waterway had a lot of semi waterways in Edo town.

Kanda River

B Waterway in a House Area

Kanda river has a close relationship with people's life as a typical urban rivers in Tokyo.

Traditional old house area

Up-stream basin To increase in infiltration capacity for water resource of Kanda river, re-construct the conventional water treatment plant to plant purification systems

There are old low houses, alleyways...These spaces give us different impressions comparing with developed city.

04-1 Upstream(Current Situations) ⑴Taget: Sakai Water Treatment Plant

Sakai Water Treatment Plant Inonkashira pond is the resouce of Kanda river. The low level of ground water in the pond had been proceeded since 1955. And in 1963 the ground water level was too low to resource for Kanda river. So now, at Inokashira pond, water is pumped up to the river.

Tamagawa waterway

Inokashira Pond

神田川 Kanda River

Traditional Old House Area

04-2 Upstream(Proposal)

⑵Tamagawa Waterway ■Edo Infrastructure

Tamagawa waterway was made from Hamura to Yotsuya 43km way, in 1653.

■Devided by Road


Currently, Sakai water treatment plant and Tamagawa waterway is devided by the road. And the water level of Tamagawa waterway is low and there are a lot of plants that are not maintained.

⑶Separated Tanks at the Water Treatment Plant ■Purification System with Microbe

■Recycled Water

There is no connection with the water though Tamagawa Waterway is next to Sakai Water Treatment Plant. The water flowing in Tamagawa Waterway is a recycled water.

[Structure of Slow Sand Filter System]

The water system does not using the drug that has a carcinogenic risk, and the water has good taste. The slow sand filter system needs less consumption energy.

With classifying the map symbols in the old map(1909), strip shaped agricultural development can be seen. Strip shaped agricultural development was developed around Musashino plateau. At Musashino plateau, a surface layer is thick Kanto-Loam (volcanic ash). Under the surface, there is thick gravel layer. Because these 2 layers help water infiltrate, people could not get water easily around here. Then, the strip shaped development was done. The way of dividing land vertically is effective to supply land for people equally .




Tamagawa Waterway

Make pedestrian road

Bio Filter Sand Layer




4 5m/day(0.2m/h)

Chlorinate Water Move the opend waterway to center

Cleaned Water

Water Supply Pipe

Devide tanks and shift them

Tamagawa Waterway

[Old Map in 1909]

Using the old map, create patterns of Strip-Shaped-Agri cultural Development.

(In the case of Sakai Plant, the water come from Tama river in western Tokyo)

Gravel Layer The slow sand filter system cause the clogging by microbes. It is necessary to be scraped the surface layer of 10 cm, every 20 to 40 days.

Diagram of Operation 1


Take water from covered waterway

Original Water

■Cons and Pros

A.Moisten the Kanda River Basin_@Sakai Water Plant

Take water from opened waterway

Take Water

The slow sand filter system is to filter water slowly into the sand layers. And the microbes at surface layer help to clean water. In the generally popular rapid filtration system,five or six tanks are used at one system. In Sakai water treatment plant, there are 20 tanks and all tanks are separated.

⑷Strip Shaped Aguricultual Development

Operating Procedure 1 1906 年東京年地図をトレース

People will decrease gradually so northern tanks would not be used.

[Structure of Strip Shaped Development] Satoyama Forest


Tamagawa Waterway Supply water to town from northern tanks

Aguricultual Field


At all northen tanks, take bio cleasing system

≒675m At some of soutern tanks,take bio cleansing system

Waterway ≒72m

Tamagawa Waterway

From some of southern tannks, water overflow to Tamagawa waterway

At all southern tanks,take bio cleansing system

The strip pattern is traced and the pattern is layered the Sakai water treatment plant plan.

Dividing the tanks and shifting them each other.



・Conventional Water Tank



Conventional Water Tank



・Lawn Ground Bare Ground

・Plant Purification Tank


Tamagawa Waterway

① Planting Japanese oaks ①Take bio cleansing system experimentally

There is no ground that rainwater can penetrate even if it rains.

①Too much trees Sidewalk next to Tamagawa waterway doesn t work as a place that people can enjoy nature. There are too many trees and shadows, and the trees haven t been treated well.

② Green way with Komorebi

③ Planting Japanese alder ③ハンノキを植栽 ③ ③

③ ②Water purification plant that was closed to the city The water purification plant is located GL+2.5m and people can t access easily.

At the wetlands made by overflowing water, オーバーフローで生まれた湿地に、潤 plant the Japanese alder that prefers wet soil. 沢な土壌を好むハンノキを植栽する。

③ Japanese alder forest spread

④Capacity of Purification The alder forest spread into the tank. Some of the tanks work as a water purification plant and the another ones are ruined. With the decreasing of the population, reduce the water supply amount.

Reducing care at Tamagawa waterway side helps to the proceed plant succession.

Seeds flew to the greened tank and the Japanese alder forests are spread

② Coppicing Regularly to manage coppices in five to seven years. Vegetation is managed so as not to proceed to phase of evergreen forest.

④ ③

③Make promenade

Because there is main road in parallel to this road, make promenade and remove roadway. This promenade makes good accessibility water plant and Tamagawa water way.

Mom! Here is Water strider !

Can I have a look?

This area consists of concrete and water and it's not open for citizen.

The place the activities are occured is changing from the side of Tamagawa waterway to the side of purification plant

③ Patience of evergreen tree

② Move the main place for activity

To creat Komorebi using Japanese maple and Japanese zelkava.

② ②

① ①

② Plant Management Thinning out plants in Tamagawa waterways and make bright space. Plant the Japanese maple and Japanese zelkava.

So that the land don t get burden, wait the recovering on their own power from bare land to grass phase.

After water is cleaned, water flows directly into waterpipes underground.

Plant the trees by people at the land where recovered slowly over time. Then the Japanese oaks that are

①Minimize the load of the land

In addition to the system of microbial purification, the system of plant purification is proposed.

① Purification with plants everywhere At Sakai Water Purification Plant, water is purificated by plants and microwaves. Here would be natural energy plant.

Making some of the plants with plant purification makes people who come to Tamagawa waterway come to the water treatment plant.

Breeze is so relaxing It s Japanese flower!

What s this?

By the plant succession progresses, this area becomes full of green. It will be used as a path that people walk along with dogs. Also it is used as a biotope that kids are able to learn nature, and a playground for kids.

I can enjoy birds singing.....

Nooooooo! I falled in mud!

Here is the space for the people IN the nature. While regular management, people enjoy their own activities here.

By the population decrease, people don t come here frequently. To continue picking weeds up and coppicing. The phase of the plant succession is kept at Mixed forest.

Manage and Visualize Stormwater

Use the Cliff terrain, to prevent the disasters, to visualize the flow of the water as a landscape design Mejirodai Sports Park

Target area of the middle basin is the valley and the cliff that was worn by Kanda river. First, control stormwater at C (Mejirodai Sports park) to prevent the outflow of rainwater into cliff and to prevent landslides. If the landslide would occur, new landscape would born. Also, visualizing water gushing can be an opportunity that people notice the system of the water management.

Mu d


It is located on the cliff. It can be a key point of controlling the water.


C Mejirodai Sports Park D Tennis Coat

M ud sli


Plants on the Cliff

Japanese Garden

This is located under the cliff.

Edogawa Park

Edo Komon

Stormwater is controlled on the cliff. And the controlled water is visualized in a park for local people

It is traditional craft in this area. The basin of Kanda river is one of the most famous area for it.

05-1 Middle Stream C,D,E (Current Situation) ⑴Target_C.Mejirodai Sports Park/D.Tennis Coat/E.Edogawa Park

Mejirodai Sports Park Edogawa Park

Inonkashira Pond

Kanda River

Since the culture have been started, Japanese garden have been managed by hand. So if it would be damaged, people who had the gardens restore them.

Flo od

Tennis Coat

Middle-stream basin

Japannese Garden

/F lo od

Spring Water Spring water from the cliff. Rain water that infiltrated on top of the cliff appears from the cliff.

05-2 Middle Stream C,D,E (Proposal)

⑵Hazard Map(Mudslide/Flood)

C. Operation garden _Mejirodai Sports Park

D Acceptable garden _Tennis Coat

Mejirodai Sports Park




Higo-Hosokawa Higo-Hosokawa Garden Garden (Japanese (Japanese Garden) Garden)

Reduction of disasters

E Visualize Garden _Edogawa Park

Deep root of the tree

Green Infra at Cliff



Operation Garden

Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (Japanese Garden)

ー This is the garden to reduce the damage of the mudslide. Stormwater is controlled so as not to flow into the cliff.

C:Mejirodai Sports Park

Water Depth (Flood)

Edogawa Park

D: Tennins Coat Acceptable Garden

ー When controlling garden cannot reduce the damage of mudslide, here will be a place for new landscape by the earth and sand.

MudSlide Hazard Area Dangerous Zone

Management Garden

Higo-Hosokawa Garden (Japanese Garden)

ー Japanese gardens are preserved. So after the garden damaged, these would be repaired by gardeners.

Special Dangerous Zone

Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (Japanese Garden)

⑶Traditional Craft Edokomon Visualize Garden

At first, Edo Komon was used for Samurai s kimono. Gradually, Komon was used among normal local people. Then craft mans started to design Komon with vegetables, dishes and some humor. Thanks to these humor, Komon have been getting famous. To make Edo Komon, the cloth that is painted will be washed. this procedure is called MIZUMOTO. MIZUMOTO had done at Kanda river before government banned it. The riverside landscape with EDO KOMON cloth were very common around this town and the landscape was very local.

ー Gushes from the cliff make people visible water flow from Mejirodai sports park to Edogawa park.


E: Edogawa Park 。

1:2500 中流域広域平面図

B,C C,D- In the Case that a Mudslide Happens

05-3 Middle Stream|site C・D (Proposal)


Mejirodai Sports Park


C Mejirodai Sports Park

B Control Garden_Mejirodai Sports Park


House Area Tennis Coat

D Tennis Coat


Protection Forest against the mudslide damage

Kanda River

①The deciduous trees are planted at the area near the people activities. At the other areas ever green trees are planted.

C,DB Stormwater Control


②This is the area without trees and furniture to reduce the earth and sand.


Stormwater is cleaned at the entrance cleansing garden. Stormwater flow into the water or they are C kept in puddles.

③This is the area for oak trees. Oak trees have deep roots, so oak trees can catch the earth and sand.

Mudslide by Heavy Rain


①Leaves catch rainwater and they help water to flow slowly.

Cleaned stormwater is used at water features

Rainwater overflows to the east side of this area Flow into the raingarden

②Protection oak forest catch the earth and sand and houses are be in safe.

■1:200 AA Section

Water flow to underground tank

Stormwater is filtered into undergroud pipe and flow to the east side of the park.

At the tennis coat, grey infrastructure is used. And pipes catch water from the park.

In this waterfeature, cleaned rainwater is used. And the water overflow from the waterfeature into raingarden


After the Mudslide

Stormwater flow into rain garden along the road

①Flame work is constructed ②Trees with deep roots are planted at new landform

When it is rainig, rainwater in this area flow to the east side.

③Oak tree forest get maintenances regularly.


A Water is controlled not to flow under this line. Tree roots and leaves keep stormwater not to flow quickly.

■1:50 a Raingarden Section


Recovering from the Mudslide

At the slope oak tree forest get maintenances regularly and this new forest help the damaged slope recover fast.




a Raingarden

b Waterfeature

■1:50 b Waterfeature Section


D E- Edo Komon_ Diagram

DC- 許容するニワー災害防備林 Acceptable Garden__Protection Forest

Patterns of Edo Komon


比較的根が深く張るコナラ林は流 Oak trees have long deep roots. It help them not れた土砂を受け止めても to tember when倒れにくい they catch the earth and sand.

There is the area土砂として流れる可能性があるため without any trees and furniture. Because when mudslide happens, 植栽を施さないエリアを設ける trees and furnitures would be the earth and sand.

子供の遊び場としてのコナラ林(雑木林) Oak Trees for Kids コナラをベースにした雑木林のエリア

Area of Oak Trees 雑木林には生き物が多く住む。 また、萌芽更新により明るい林内 Oak forest is good place for cratures. Regular で子供の遊び場に適している。 management help inside of the forest to keep bright.


1:800 1:800

学生寮テニスコート 学生寮テニスコート



Kanda river basin is famous for Edo Komon. At Kanda river, craftsman washed and dried the cloth with Komon. This procedure is called "Mizumoto". In this proposal, take Komon patterns and Mizmoto as a base of design. And to make visible stormwater management as Green Infrastructure in Edogawa park. Kanda river was dug deeply so as not to get damage from flood. So it is hard for people to enjoy here as a riverside. For this situation, how people can enjoy "river" is considered a lot.


u a Band of Check and Paddles

■Plan Image Band of Dot

■Section Image Band of Dot

①The pavement has Check pattern (Edo Komon).


At the cliff, plant Japanese Zelkova and Smooth Japannese Maple


Puddle 水たまり

Pavement 舗装パターン

Rainwater from east side of the park flows between gravel.

c ハザードの帯 _ 浸水時の高さを体感する

In the case of flood, the water will come arise

g c Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo_Management Garden

The Japanese garden of hotel Chinnzanso Tokyo is the natural habitat of Camellias. Here was designed as Japanese Garden in 1878 by Aritomo YAMAKAKE. It is desirable to preserve this garden, because of its traditional value.

To plant Japanese Silver Grass and Sedge. These grasses are Japanese native species. It grows to about 1m high.

e d



Infiltrate and store 地盤に浸透しつつ、たまる

■ee Section [Band of Hazard]

■dd Section [Band of Gravel] People can enjoy the soundscape from it. In summer it work for heat island measures.


e Lawn Plaza Adjacent to the Cliff_ Detention Basin ■1:100 gg 断面図  芝生広場から崖地にかけて


b Visualized Green Infrastructure and Retention between gravel

定期的な萌芽更新による丸太 Log by regular management ー生き物のすみか、子供の遊び場 ー Biotopes for creatures

Deck デッキ

②Some of the dots are made depressions in random

Rain garden 小さな雨庭


神田川f Kanda River

③Rainwater come into the holes and plants would appear

崖の上の小学生が行う落ち葉かき Collected Leaves by regular management ー集めた落ち葉は次の土壌の元になる ー the leaves would be future soil

Places adjacent to the band of rain garden, grow Poplars (It make sound easily with small wind). The sound attract people and it help people to notice rain and wind.


E- Band and Green Infrastructure D ■Diagram

dd Band of Raingarden_Wetland with Japanese native plants 雨庭の帯 _ 水田雑草群落が構成する湿地 ■1:100 ff 断面図  湧水の帯と GI とデッキ

Japanese Garden and Green Infrastructure ①In the case of Mudslide Disaster|Inside of the Garden

②In the case of Flood Disaster|Riverside of the Garden 神田川の外水氾濫に備えて桂垣を用いる


According to the hazard map here, in the case of flood, the water level would be 1 meter height. To use these grasses help people to recognize the distance between disasters.

Undo a form by hands Along the river, plant Hachiku (bamboo). Hachiku have a good water resistance.

To bend bamboo and add to the fence which the structure is grid pattern.

Muddy stream will be filtered and only water will enter into the garden.


Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo (Japanese Garden)



20m 18m







22m 20m

Spring Water from the Cliff ー Place people can enjoy Green Infrastructure can be a recreation area.





E- Plan 1:500



Forest Lawn Plaza





Band of Hazard e

Band of Gyogi(Dots) Band of Fountain Rain Garden

Kanda River

Band of Toshi(Check)

Rain Garden

c c

d d

f Rain Garden f

Band of Spring Water ー Refreshing sound and cold air are born here

Band of Dot ー Adults have to stoop to walk around here. Everything in this area, eye levels are adjusted to kids so kids can enjoy all of things.

Mangroves grow along the Edo infrastructure protect the land and become new coastline ー Edo Infra×Sea level Rise×Mangrove ー Target are of downstream zone, Ningyo-cho, low land of downtown Tokyo. It is the reclaimed ground and also an alluvial fan of Kanto Plain. Here, to form mangrove bands based on schools and Edo infrastructures. This band play an role as Green Infrastructure to reduce the damage from the storm surge damages and sea level raise. This Green Infrastructure plays a role not only to reduce the damages from heavy rains. It will also plays a role as a sea line after 100 years in the future .

Flo od・ St o rm

Mangrove Su rg

Climate changes and the vegetation changes "From deciduous broad-leaved forest zone, to the tropical rainforest zone, laurel forest zone"


Hisamatsu Kids Park

Sumida River Edo Waterway  Waterways in Edo era. In Edo era, downtown Tokyo was called "Water city". In the underground of Tokyo, there are still spreading waterways networks.

Downstream of Kanda river is connected to Sumida river. And Sumida river is connected to Tokyo Bay. So Sumida river is an important key to solve the problem such as inundation inside a levee and a storm surge.

Down-stream basin

To correspond the sea level rise and the storm surge, mangrove trees are planted along the Edo waterway

⑴ Target_ Hisamatsu Kids Park

F. Hisamatsu Kids Park Sumida River

Inokashira Pond

Nihonbashi River Kanda River


⑴Hazard Map:Storm Surge

Mangrove remove the wave +

Reduction of the damage from storm surge

High water absorption capacity

Kanda River

Mangrove Green Infra


The depth of Water Sumida River


Mangrove Band

0.5-1.0m 1.0-3.0m 3.0-5.0m


Mangrove trees are planted along the Edo water way. This band helps to reduce the damages

地域の水が集まる場所 内水氾濫の被害の軽減の役割


1:20000 高潮HM


1m 2m

⑵Hazard Map:Flood



Nihonbashi River Mangrove Band

Mangrove trees are planted along the Edo water ways and these water ways are very near from sea level +3 or 4 meters

The depth of Water 0.1-0.5m 0.5-1.0m N

1.0-3.0m 3.0-5.0m


1:20000 内水氾濫HM

2030(10 years later) 2050(30 years later)

1:5000 下流域広域平面図

2070(50 years later) 2120(100 years later)

F-Role of Mangrove Fresh Water and Sea Water

F- Green Infra as an Educatinal Tool

F- Perspective Image F- 海面上昇時の効果

Making the educational facilities as cores of mangrove forest is not only for good infrastructure. This is also good for environmental education. Raising mangrove trees with kids makes that mangrove to be not only plants. this is also the sign of that coastline will come here. When people who raised up with mangrove trees become adults, they would tell their kids the meaning of mangrove forest. This would be new type of tools of environmental education that grey infrastructure have never done.

Mangrove can be useful for disaster by rain and sea

Coastline in the future

Mangrove live along the coastline. Mangrove forest would be a symbol of the future coastline.

Mangorve forest is expanding to the school ground

Roots of mangrove as a Filter

In the case the damage of high tide occurs, their roots would filter the sand flowing into the city

Diagrams of Study of Environment

Reduce the Waves

Mangrove trees work as tetrapod blocks


Educational facilities would be cores. Plant mangrove trees experimentally in school grounds.

Japanese alder forest start withering with sea water. Instead of them, mangrove trees would be planted. People who raise up with mangrove trees will become adults. When they have their children, tell them why mangrove trees are here.

Mangrove trees are raised by kids in classes and club activities

=It would be a chance to know "why is the mangrove trees here?" Soil with the leaves of mangrove is rich of fertilizer. It would be good for creatures

Bank of CO2

GL -30cm

Mangrove forests keep 3 or 4 times CO₂ as many as CO2

Adults would join the project to extend the mangrove forest

Everyday kids see mangrove trees through their normal lives.

=Kids would pay attention to sea level rise and water

Mangrove trees can be observed on the deck and under the deck.

After school, kids can enjoy playing with mangrove trees.

F- Time Span and Expandation of the Mabgrove Band Current

ー There is no place for stormwater in this area. And the ground level is low so it would have huge damage when storm surge occurs



ー Reduce the damage of flood

ー Plant mangrove trees from the shool grounds to the waterways

50years ー If super typhoon comes,

mangrove band reduce the damage from it


ー Mangrove forest would be            a symbol of the future coastline.

①Sea water is rising into land

①There are school ground and green space

①Storm water flow into school grounds

The bannd of mangrove is getting bigger.

②the band would be retarding basins.

①Raise the mangrove trees with kids


②Adults and kids join the project to transplant mangrove trees

Mangrove trees filter the sand flowing into city,

③Educational facilities would be retarding basins.

② School grounds play good roles as retarding basins


内水氾濫時、地形に沿い、 地側に水が流れ貯まる

There is a few super dikes here. This area is weak against water disaster because there are 3 rivers and sea.

The mangrove trees reared by kids at the school grounds would be big enough then. The adults who reared mangrove trees in their childhood and the kids transplant mangrove trees together.

If it is raining heavy, stormwater flows into the school grounds and Edo waterways with green infra. At the time of storm surge, the water flows into land with going up Sumida river.

F- Section Image (Flood) Block

When the advent of the super typhoon comes, the sea water will coming into the land from Sumida river by heavy rain and strong wind. Then the band with mangrove trees and school ground receive water. And mangrove trees take and hold salt.

When the sea level rises, the mangrove band that planned 100 years ago protect the coast line in the future. It means old infrastructures have potentials to use nowadays.


1m 2m

In the future, sea level rise

F- Section Image (Ses Level Rise) Promenade (Pavement)

Hisamatsu Kids Park(Edo waterway) Promenade(Deck) Alder Forest Rain Garden

School Ground


Mangrove Band

Experimentally Mangrove Forest

School Ground

Hisamatsu Kids Park(Edo waterway) Promenade(Deck)


When it's sea level rise, Japanese Alders die and plant mangrove trees

Central walk path is made of wood deck plant Japanese Alders. These trees prefer moisture. Water Level (GL+0.5m)


When it normal rains, rainwater come here from house block and here work as 遊水池

Plant mangrove trees experimentally along the school ground.When it's heavy raining, rainwater come into school ground.

To construct the school with raised floor style .The school ground would be sea.

Water Level (GL+1.0m)

When a super typhoon come or it's squall, the deck would sink. Instead of normal transportations people would use boats.

These deck made of dead Japanese alder wood. To make deck is for sea level rise.

IFLA Student Design Charrette 2018

03 「UNDERSTANDING MANGROVE DYNAMICS THROUGH LIVING MUSEUM」 I've joined IFLA Student Charrette 2018 in Singapore. The students are classified teams and each of them had theme Biophilia. Smart, Resilience. And we designed each site based on these theme.

01 What is IFLA Student Charrette 2018 ①Site and Theme

③Participates of this Charrette

02 Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Students from 15 countries(Japan、Singapore、Thailand、Chili、Malaysia、France、 China、Honngkong、Indonesia、Australia、Columbia、Cameroon、USA)

03 Proposal「Understanding Mangrove Dinamics thorough a Living Museum」

"The Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve ecosystem has two display modes composed by the interactions between water, flora, fauna and the visitor, but mainly produced by the seasonal change of tides. In the past the extent of mangrove forest was spread across all Singapore,but currently the mangrove forest is critically reduced. Our vision for the future is to create a green link of mangroves in the north side of Singapore as an adaptive proposal not only to conserve current wildlife but also to increase the biodiversity across the territory. improve the visitor experience and the ecosystem adaptation to new urban and global dynamics it is proposed a Living Museum through the development of a digital platform to interpret the ecosystem "

1. the Wetland for Migratory Birds

2. Mangrove Forest of Singapore

②Schedule of the Program Day1

Welcome Celemony with 35 students, Tutors and Jury Teams and Team Members were anounced at night SMART

Day2 Day3 Day4



am: Site Visit pm: Groupe Work Groupe Work am: Groupe Work pm: Presentation


3. Main Issues of the Site

Undeveloped Infrastructure

4. Proposal Diagram

Lack of Activities

No Narattive

1.Acknowledge ECOSYSTEM VALUE -Through digital and physical infrastructure

2.Refitting Spaces for Visitors of all ages and Capacities -Provide destination and guidence across the trail

3. a Ecosystem Narrative through a Story Telling Guiding the trail

Proposal ¦ Interactive Story Board

Proposal ¦ Landscape Design Response ■REFITTED PODS ー 3D Visualization in real time

■DEGITAL TECH UNDERSTANDING ー Sensors to track behaviors data collection for reserch purposes and education +Interactive guide MANGROVE LANDFORM TYPOLOGIES

3D Visualization

Crocodile Alert!

1g thest

din ore an ve f t s r o de gr Un man


ing Fla atch the w on ird nt - B poi




e or tio d n ap nec g aa d Sin con Plaz roun t - yg es pla or




an sp m hot Pod as n em





5arvest n

h tio on ribu ition b t r Ca con exhib od


6reline n






io bit


i xh







s nd






n tio

8tides n



e a Ch - Pod

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io bit


e ng ha tre 2 e c n c ate r ce spa


Kids trail 20 min 500km!

m to g Cli - Visi herin t ga


TIDE LEVEL SENSOR Projection Mapping High tide

Water flow through the trail

Low tide

Dwarf mangroves to regeneration nurs-

■Decks around Mangrove Forest ー Making decks with each types of mangrove process make visitors understand mangrove easier.

a. Overwash

c. Dwarf

C U RAT OR I A L P R OP OS A L Under the objective of improve the visitor experience and the ecosystem adaptation to new urban and global dynamics it is proposed a Living Museum. The museography approach is developed though a digital platform to interpret the ecosystem when the visitor is into the landscape, providing a narrative of the place, a story-telling in real time.







f. Riverline BRIDGE

Rest place


Rest place








High tide Low tide


a Tr

b. Basin













d. Fringe S



a Tr


i Tra

st Re ace pl



st Re ace pl







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