9 minute read

Member in the Spotlight: Nature Play at Kids World Gilston

Educator in Profile:

Becky Borg

Meet Becky Borg, who works at Willow Early Learning Centre.

1. What is your role within your service and what do you want to achieve in the next five years?

As an educator at Willow Early Learning Centre, It is my responsibility and role as an educator to ensure care and attention is of the highest standard resulting in Quality Outcomes for children. As an educator, I enjoy assisting children not only to gain knowledge but to analyse, synthesise and evaluate. I thrive on creating an atmosphere that is stimulating, nurturing, encouraging, safe, and adaptive to each child’s individual and unique needs. After being an educator for many years, I enjoy sharing what I have learnt along the way and helping others to feel more comfortable, positive, supported and confident in their roles too.

Within the next five years, I look forward to continuing to gain more knowledge in best practice and learn more skills to allow for personal and professional growth in both early childhood and business. I would also love to create a children’s storybook using positive affirmations to share among educators in the hopes they could take the opportunity to read and practice these affirmations from the storybook with the children on a daily basis as part of their routine.

2. What/who inspired you to forge a career in early learning?

My inspiration to forge a career in early learning came from a variety of sources. As a little girl, I always wanted to work with children, as I would often play “teachers” with my brothers and family. Throughout my teenage years, I would spend a lot of time at my grandparents’ businesses which were hostels and nursing homes. I was able to assist and witness firsthand the positive environments created and the impacts that my family had created to give these wonderful people a stimulating, fun, caring, nurturing and loving environment. Another inspiration was from my Mum who loves her career in a school environment and continues to follow her passion working with children. I began my studies for early childhood in high school and it was during my placement where I absolutely loved and enjoyed the early years learning environment. After finishing year twelve, I began my early years career working as a lead educator with three to five-year-olds while also studying for my diploma. Being so used to studying and working, I decided to enrol in University where I completed a few courses relating to both education and business. This is when I realised my passion was truly in the early childhood environment.

3. What do you find rewarding about working in the early learning sector?

Working in the early childhood sector has plenty of rewards especially after being in the industry for over fifteen years. I love every minute of it and knowing that we as educators are playing some part in equipping a future generation with the skills of becoming lifelong learners is a huge reward. From the time you step into the centre to the time you leave, you know you are making a difference to the lives of the children because today’s children are tomorrow’s future generation and we as educators have a huge impact on a child’s life.

Rewarding is witnessing the excitement and smiles from the children from when they walk through our door to hearing the conversations with their parents when they leave about the busy and adventurous day they had, that truly says it all. Another rewarding part for me is sharing lots of conversations with the children throughout the day. It gives me so much joy to be able to acknowledge and listen to our precious children as they have so much to say, it always makes my day and puts a smile on my face.

4. How would you describe your early learning philosophy?

I believe all children are brought into this world as unique individuals striving to learn and share experiences. Children to me are the most precious people that live by example. I believe children should be provided with learning experiences that allow them to explore, create, investigate, experience, make choices and foster a sense of independence and achievement. I am passionate about bringing out the best in every child. I acknowledge that each child is part of a family that includes all adults and children who have significant relationships with that child, and the family are the primary caregiver. I believe it is important to complement the role of the family in the child’s life through staff and families working together in partnership. I recognise the importance of listening to the children to better understand their needs, interests and the contribution they make to their families, the centre and the community. I believe it is vital to support children and provide them with the opportunities to develop foundation skills as early childhood education is the foundation of a child’s future education.

5. How do you engage the families in your service?

We engage with the families in our service in a number of ways. Our families are involved in every aspect of what we do. I feel maintaining a supportive and respectful relationship with the families allows them to feel not only supported but also empowered in their role as parents. We as educators want the families to feel supported and safe. We use Storypark as a tool to engage with our parents as well as face-to-face engagement - not only in a professional way but also in a friendly and meaningful way. Families are a huge part of our job. As an educator, I continue to actively seek and incorporate parent suggestions into our educational program. By incorporating this parents will have confidence in our services and feel that their input is valued. Incorporating and actively listening to families is one way as an educator, we can acknowledge and support a child’s family and culture. I do this by reaching out to families to see if they have any ideas to share or materials that we can implement into our program. Our centre has an open door policy where our parents can spend as much time at our centre as they like, interacting, playing or sometimes even sharing a special talent or their culture.

6. What is your biggest challenge as an educator and what strategies do you put in place to manage these challenges?

As an educator for many years, I believe the biggest challenge is the time! I believe many educators will agree and share the same challenge. We all know that time goes so fast especially when you are having fun! As an early childhood educator, I endeavour to use every bit of time to the fullest and not waste a second as time is so precious and we can never get it back. Time will never change but how we manage it will help us to create the most successful and engaging learning environment. If I ever come across a challenge, my dedicated team of professional educators help through the challenges. Working together, reflecting, documenting, effectively communicating and delegating assists in developing a positive medium for delivering success.

7. How have the challenges you faced helped you grow as an educator?

The challenges I have faced have helped me grow as an educator through many ways. No day in early childhood is ever the same and any challenges you face as an individual or as a team will always offer the opportunity to grow and learn.

In regards to time, having time management and organisation is key. We need to remember as educators, what is happening right at this moment and how we can make the most out of this moment. Over the years, I have learnt the importance of being present with the children. Engage in the moment and listen to what they are saying to you. If you are a passionate and dedicated educator, that will inspire you to push forward to achieve your goals and overcome challenges.

8. What is the most important skill you hope to develop in the children you educate and care for?

I believe the most important skill that I hope I can develop in our children we educate and care for is to ensure they have a sense of belonging and to feel safe and secure in our environment.

As an educator, I believe in giving children opportunities, foundations and skills to become creative individuals so that they are able to not only communicate effectively, but also demonstrate the social and emotional skills to give anything a try, express empathy and show respect not only to others but also to themselves. A child who is confident and comfortable within their own identity and self has the disposition for many greater skills in life. By providing an enriched learning experience, the children will have a love for learning, ask questions, investigate and will be empowered to create an understanding of the world in which we live in.

9. What advice would you give to someone who wishes to start a career in early learning?

My advice that I would give someone who wishes to start a career in early learning is to begin by starting with work experience in an early childhood centre and enrolling into a course. If you feel that early childhood is something where you feel connected too and would enjoy as a career then welcome to the family. As an educator, you are a positive role model and always be aware of the importance of your role. Remember, no day is ever the same and every child is a unique and capable individual striving to learn. I highly recommended attending all professional development courses/webinars as knowledge and experience is crucial and so beneficial. Never be afraid to ask questions throughout because we all started somewhere in the beginning. Live each day as if it is your last! Remember to live in the moment! Spread love, kindness and happiness every day. Celebrate the achievements no matter how small. Believe in yourself and the rest will fall into place. Overall, if you are committed to giving children the best start in life, are energetic, passionate, hardworking, spontaneous, have a positive mindset, engaging, nurturing, devoted, creative, enthusiastic, dedicated and love children then welcome to the most rewarding career there is!

10. Finally, what’s your fondest memory from your own childhood?

I have so many memories from my childhood that I will cherish forever. I was always surrounded by family and friends where I felt so loved, valued and always enjoyed spending so much quality time together. Some of these memories include staying with my Nanna and Pop, learning to ride a motorbike with my Dad and Uncle, shopping with my Aunty, arts and crafts, holidays, decorating my cubby house, cooking at home with Mum, celebrating life events with all of the family, swimming in the canals and building sand castles on the sand in our backyard. Thinking back on all these wonderful memories always encourages me to create moments and experiences where the children can feel the same love, joy, excitement and sense of belonging as I experienced through my childhood.

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