What is Child Heart Foundation All About

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CHILD HEART FOUNDATION making hearts smile

Who We are Child Heart Foundation is a registered NGO based in Delhi. We have our 12A and 80G certifications. We support children with congenital heart defects born in underprivileged families, Our focus is families who are financially challenged and can’t meet the treatment expenses for heart surgery or intervention. Child Heart Foundation was conceived by parents who have been through similar situations and have gotten over with their tough part of life and now want to “give back” to the needy families. It was founded by these 7

What We Do

Child Heart Foundation is an NGO which aims to help children with heart disease born in underprivileged families and raise funds for them. Our aim is to raise funds for the poor family unable to bear the treatment cost of their children.

How we work Child Heart Foundation works by following these seven steps. 1. Free OPD on every Thursday. Screening of heart defect in child by pediatric cardiologist Dr. Vikas Kohli. 2. Registering the family under CHF program. After heart disease is confirmed in the child his family is registered under CHF. Required documents are Income certificate and referral letter from a doctor. 3. Scrutiny and Verification of submitted documents by the family. 4. Family photos and videos is required as a consent. 5. Scrutinizing referral letter and estimate letter

Programmes under which Child Heart Foundation works

1.HriDAAN: Financial Assistance Program Our goal at Child Heart Foundation is to provide support to the parents whose child is born with congenital heart disease. We register patients who are diagnosed with cardiac defect and the family lacks the funds for treatment. We raise funds for their treatment and get them treated.

2. JeeVANSH: Fetal Cardiology Program •During Pregnancy, normal ultrasound is carried out as general practice but there are certain congenital diseases which are not visible in normal ultrasound and can thus get ignored. The need is therefore to get early screening and detection of heart defect for appropriate future decisions to be made. •At Child Heart Foundation, we are the only center where this evaluation is done free of charge for economically poor pregnant women.

3. HriYANSH: Free Pediatric echo program

We have free OPD for children on every Thursday • Who because of overload of patients in government hospitals, have to wait for months and sometimes years for consultation and treatment. • Who cannot afford private consultation and echo tests

4. PraDAAN: Cardiac Nutrition and OPD Counselling for Infants

•Cardiac nutrition becomes an issue in children with heart disease with large shunt and increased pulmonary blood flow. •We at Child Heart Foundation, help these children by counselling the families and reinforcing the importance of healthy diet and planned nutrition.

5. SuGYAAN: Community/School Health awareness •The objective of this program is to create awareness about the incidence and cause of heart disease in school going children and to introduce and educate about the importance of healthy eating and healthy living. •This program connects us with the young children and also with the school/institute staff and indirectly the individual families thus the impact is much more.

6. Hridaya Saksham: Specialized Training for Pediatric Cardiologists •A huge gap exists between India's requirements for pediatric cardiologists and the available numbers. It is generally recommended that one infant and newborn heart surgery program is required for 5-10 million people. This would translate into a requirement of at least 1,000 pediatric heart centers for all of India. Only about 32 centers and 130 trained pediatric cardiologists are available. •In order to bridge the gap, CHF initiated this program to train medical fraternity in Rural and semi Urban areas of the Country. This will increase the screening and diagnosis of children with CHD.

7.Fundraising: Raising funds for the Heart Treatment of child •Child Heart Foundation is one of India’s rarest volunteer parents based nongovernmental organization. Families and friends play an important role in raising funds for various projects which we undertake. •Funds are raised through few corporate donations and also by individual donations. •During 2017-18, We also raised funds through various crowdfunding sites, this helped us in two ways: •By running our campaigns on crowdfunding platforms, we could create a substantial awareness about congenital heart diseases.

Contact Us

Child Heart Foundation 130 Uday Park, New Delhi 110049 Email id: sunita@childheartfoundation.com Mobile No.: 9999142268 Phone No.: 011-40519163

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