Mad Science Experiment with Millicent Quibb
Mil ilk

What you need to create eggsaladent
magic milk:
What to do:
(Uselotsof colours!)

Milk A small bowl
Dish soap
Cotton swabs
Food colouring

(Like excellentbut with more mayonnaise)
(Justenoughto coverthebottom)
Pour the milk into your bowl.
Add a few drops of food colouring to the top of the milk.

Put your dish soap into a separate bowl and dip the cotton swab into it.

Carefully touch the top of the milk with he cotton swab.

You should get a spectacular, amazing, wonderful EXPLOSION of colour!

Mad Science Experiments with Millicent Quibb
Danc orm

What you need to create your own wriggling worms:
3 tablespoons of baking soda

A cup of white vinegar
A cup of warm water
Gummy worms
What to do:

Result: (No, you can’t eat them!)
(The thinner the better!)
Cut the gummy worms into long, thin strips.
Add the baking soda to the warm water and stir.
Drop the gummy worms into the baking soda and water mixture and wait 15 minutes.

Fish out the gummy worms and add them to the cup of vinegar and wait...
Soon the worms should start dancing to the top!
(If it’s not working add a little baking soda to the vinegar!)

Mad Science Experiments with Millicent Quibb
Antiq Ink

What you need to create the invisiblest invisible ink you’ve ever seen:
Lemon Small bowl Paper

Cotton swabs
A delicious secret
What to do:
Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a bowl.

Add half a teaspoon of water to the lemon juice and stir.

Dip a cotton swab into the lemon and water mixture.
Using the cotton swab, write your secret message onto the paper and let it dry.
When you’re ready to revel your message, carefully run a hot iron over the paper.
Your secret message should appear! not(Forexampleifthere wasamonstrousworm withgiantteethliving underthetownreadyto EATUS!Uh,Imean, justforexample...)

(But don’t let the Krenetics Research Association see it!)