

When you sponsor the podcast, you have an opportunity to support our Children’s Fund, which helps the hospital address the greatest needs of our patients and families and directs funds toward where they can do the most good.
Youbelieveinabetterworldforchildren.Wherenokidsarehurting.Wherenoparent wakesupatnightworriedaboutwhat’snext.Thisiswhatdrivesyou:Acompelling needtodosomethingforkids.
As a nonprofit, Children’s Hospital Colorado is fueled by donors like you. Weshare a common belief that a child’s life can and should be filled with limitless possibilities. Together, we are catalysts for change, partnering to create a healthier future for kids. We’remaking adifference in the lives of eachand every child who needs us.
Thank you for considering how your generosity can make a difference for patients atChildren’sColoradoandbeyond.
As one of the top 10 pediatric hospitals in the country, Children’s Colorado has defined and delivered pediatric health care excellence for more than a century. We are 100% dedicated to caring for children at all ages and stages of growth. In fact, we see more, treat more and heal more kids than any other hospital in our region.
Wehavemorethan3,000pediatricspecialistsand5,000+full timeemployeesonstaff,allhelpingtocarryoutourmission ofprovidinghigh qualitypatientcare,research,advocacyandeducation.Ourunparalleledpediatricexpertiseleadstohealth outcomesthatareamongthebestinthecountry.
In addition to providing the best possible care for kids, we also work hard to keep kids out of the hospital. Through medical research and advocacy efforts, we are working towards a world where kidsare safer, healthier and can spend less timein the hospital and more time being kids. And because our medical research is shaping the future of pediatric care, we can provide cutting edge treatments years before they are available anywhere else.
Astheregion’sonlynonprofitpediatrichealthcarenetwork,Children’sColoradoisfueledbygiving.Thankstogenerousdonors, Children’sColoradocantreateverychildwhocomesthroughourdoors,regardlessofafamily’sabilitytopay.Everydonationwe receiveprovidesinnovative,family centeredcaretochildrenwhoneedustoday,whilefuelingresearchbreakthroughsthatleadto newtreatmentsandcuresinthefuture.
ChartingPediatricsisaweeklypodcastforprimarycarehealthcareproviderswhocare forkids.Inthisseries,multidisciplinaryspecialistsfromChildren’sHospitalColorado examinethelatesttreatmentsforthemostcommonconditionsandcurrenttopicsin pediatricmedicine.ListenerscansubscribeonSpotify,iTunes,GooglePodcasts,Google Playorwherevertheyliketolistentopodcasts.
Listens per episode average
“Down to earth advice about topics relevant to my pediatric patients. Even after 22 years of practice, I get useful tidbits. I especially like hearing the response to ‘What aspect of your job do you like the most?’ Thank you!”
“I’man aspiring pediatrician, and this was definitely the best podcast to accompany my long commute. I learn so much in each episode, and it also gives me a glimpse of the amazing faculty at Children’ s Colorado. My only hope is that one day I can train with those featured on this podcast.”
DanNicklas,MD,istheDirectorofResidentEducation for Primary Care and Medical Director of the Pediatric Call Center at Children’sColorado. Dr.Nicklas isa member of the American Academy of Pediatrics; involved in graduate and undergraduate medical education and research; and is a practicing primary care pediatrician.
AlisonBrent,MD,isthe MedicalDirectorofChildren’s Colorado’sSystemofCare. Dr Brentisinterestedinprocess andsystemimprovement,aswellastheintegrationand implementationofclinicalcareguidelinesinprimarycare practitioners’ offices.
DavidBrumbaugh,MD,istheChiefMedicalOfficerat Children’s Colorado and a pediatric gastroenterologist Dr Brumbaugh’s philosophy is to engage families and their pediatricians in establishing goals of care, keeping the child at the heart of every decision
“I’m a Navy pediatrician stationed out in Guam, practicing generalpediatrics.Ithasbeenchallengingandrewarding, but I have missed academic medicine so much. For that reason, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your podcast. I listen to a few episodes a week, and without a doubt you have helped me improve the care I deliver to kids outherewithoutanylocalpediatricspecialists.”
Asa generalpediatrician,I love to listen tothis on my commute. Interesting, with expert guests, and perfectly concise and oriented for pediatric generalists. So glad that this exists.
Charting Pediatrics is an award winning, 5* rated weekly podcast for pediatric providers in its 5th Season with an audience of 50,000 + pediatric provider listeners each month from 192 countries that is produced by Children’s Hospital Colorado in Denver. Many of our listeners live in rural and underserved areas where accessing high quality and timely medical education is more difficult Our trainee listeners represent the future of pediatric medicine and allow Children’s Colorado to connect with the best and brightest future pediatric experts to join our mission in creating a healthier future for children
Charting Pediatrics is currently seeking an underwriting sponsor for a mutually beneficial partnership that will provide philanthropic underwriting through the Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation to help fund world class, innovative pediatric care.
BybecomingthePresentingSponsorofChartingPediatrics,youwillreceivethefollowingbenefitsforeveryepisodebroadcasted inone year(limitedtotwosponsorsannuallyfromdifferent,noncompetitiveindustries). Donor will have the right of first refusal at the end of the sponsorship.
Fundingforthis sponsorshipcanbedesignatedto general support withinyourareaofinterestatChildren’sHospitalColorado.
• Charting Pediatrics Presented by (Sponsor name) logo lockup to be used on all applicable materials representing the podcast (sizing limitations may apply)
• A pre-taped on-airinterviewfromsponsor’sleadershipthroughouttheseason
• Pre roll:Amentionatthebeginningoftheepisode
• Post-roll:Amentionattheendoftheepisode
• Mention as presenting sponsor in Show Notes
• Verbal recognition as the presenting sponsor of Charting Pediatrics at Physician Town Halls
• Recognition as presenting sponsor of Charting Pediatrics in community physicians’ network marketing materials
• Recognition as presenting sponsor of Charting Pediatrics in Q Magazine, a quarterly clinical publication mailed nationally to 26,000 pediatricians, family physicians and pediatric specialists
• Customizedsocialmediapostsregardingsponsorship(Twitter,Facebook)
• Corporate recognition on Charting Pediatrics webpage and Children’sHospital Colorado Foundation website
• Abilitytoprovideyourcompany’smissionstatementonChartingPediatricswebpage
• Creation of a comprehensive impact report summarizing the partnership
• ExclusiveopportunitytoengagewiththeChartingPediatricshostteamandattendrecordings
• Recognition in applicable Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation publications
• OpportunitytohaveaChildren’sColoradoexperthosta“virtualtalk”foryouremployeeswithsubjectsrangingacross pediatrichealthandwellness
• Specialized and unique employee engagement opportunities
• AnnualrecognitioninChildren’sCircleofChampionsandCharlesC.Gate’sSocietyinperpetuity
• Physical recognition opportunities inside Children’s Hospital Colorado *based off available recognition spaces
By becoming a BundleSponsor of Charting Pediatrics, you can sponsor four episodes withtheoptiontotarget your preferred topic of pediatric medicine (i.e ; COVID 19, Pediatric Cancer, Sports Medicine, Vaccines, Women and Minorities in Medicine, Mental Health, etc.) *
*Topics are on a first come first served basis
Fundingfortheseepisodescanbedesignatedtogeneral support withinyourareaofinterestatChildren’sHospitalColorado.
• One on airinterviewfromsponsor’sleadershipthroughouttheseason
• Atleast one mentionas a sponsorper episode
• Customizedsocialmediaposts(Twitter,Facebook)
• Listing on Charting Pediatrics webpage
• Recognition in applicable Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation publications
• Specialized and unique employee engagement opportunities
• OpportunitytohaveaChildren’sColoradoexperthosta“virtualtalk”foryouremployeeswithsubjectsrangingacross pediatrichealthandwellness
• AnnualrecognitioninChildren’sCircleofChampions
• Physical recognition opportunities inside Children’s Hospital Colorado *based off available recognition spaces
BybecomingaTopic Sponsor,youcansponsoroneepisodeofChartingPediatrics
Fundingfortheseepisodescanbedesignatedtogeneral support withinyourareaofinterestatChildren’sHospitalColorado.
• Atleastonementionasasponsorduringtheepisode
• Customizedsocialmediaposts(Twitter,Facebook)
• Listing on Charting Pediatrics webpage
• Recognition in applicable Children’s Hospital Colorado Foundation publications
• Specialized and unique employee engagement opportunities
• OpportunitytohaveaChildren’sColoradoexperthosta“virtualtalk”foryouremployeeswithsubjectsrangingacross pediatrichealthandwellness
• Annualrecognitionin Children’sCircleofLeadership