7 Most Unique After-School Programs

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7 Most Unique After-School Programs Gone are the days when kids used to learn piano, dancing or baseball. Nowadays, kids spend their afternoons is learning the most unique and transformative experiences. In this post, we are sharing the 7 unique programs that you may have not heard about and when you do, you will definitely want your kids to participate.

1. Harp playing: Kids who are not a fan of taking regular traditional piano lessons but want to learn playing a musical instrument should try hard lessons. They will get the benefit to grow positive emotions through music at a young age. 2. Physical activities: To boost confidence and self-worth encourage your child to take physically strenuous activities like Jiu-Jitsu, martial arts or kickboxing.

3. Robotics Hard to believe but there are after-schools teaching kids to become programs and build Lego robots. 4. Dress designing: There are certain non-profits that offer unique confidence building lessons like music production and designing your own clothes. 5. Survival classes: The after-school programs encourage to strengthen the bond between kids and Mother Nature. The connection is fostered by teaching them some survival skills in the wild. 6. Farming lessons: There are some unique finds for kids who love farming and animals. You can enroll your kids to create compost, take care of animals or learn some useful skills about weeding and irrigation. 7. Business: From basic business skills like product design, marketing and costing, the kids will learn useful life lessons like teamwork, leadership and may be formal training to launch their own startup business someday. With every day a new learning opportunity awaits, so make sure your kids are taking advantage of it and participating in the most unique and life enriching after-school activities. For more information on how to bring out the best in your child through afterschool programs, get in touch with Childventures. It is a modern childcare facility that has developed an excellent reputation in Ontario.

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