Best Ways to Handle Your Child’s Temper Tantrums Follow us:
Introduction ďƒ˜The when, how and why of tantrums has been a popular topic of discussion and the conclusion is, it is a sign of frustration and anger when the child fails to put words to his/her emotions.
Child’s Temper Tantrums Why does a child throw tantrums?
Common Actions during Tantrums:
Inability to express emotions
Super hungry
Holding breath
Hitting Whining
How to Manage Tantrums? It can be nerve-wracking to handle tantrums. So here are a few ways on how you can manage your child’s tantrums:
1. Remain calm: Being patient is the key that will unlock the door to your child’s tantrums. Don’t be in a hurry to respond. Take your time to choose your actions. 2. Ignorance is bliss: This trick works when your child is throwing tantrums without any rhyme or reason. Ignore the behavior and once your child doesn’t get the response, the tantrums will stop.
How to Manage Tantrums? 3. Teach how to control negative emotions: Narrate small stories or cite your example to tell how self-control can be gained in fighting against screaming, shouting and kicking. 4. Talk your heart out: Communicating with the child and explaining to him/her the reason for saying “NO” to a particular thing is important. Don’t tag your child as “bad boy/girl” when your child throws tantrums.
5. Distract and divert: Crack a joke or engage your child in some other activity which deviates the child’s mind.
Child’s Tantrums How to use distraction as a medium for avoiding tantrums?
Sing Make a funny face Get your child’s favourite toy Make the child exercise Draw, cook or involve your child in some activity
Contact us ďƒ˜ Get in touch with experts at Childventures Early Learning Academy who are passionate about their work and have experience in handling tantrums. ďƒ˜ For further help and assistance, you can reach out to or make a call on 905.332.7539 or 877.797.9534.