INTO THE DRINK How doEs your sHow tIE IN dIvINg ‘INto tHE drINk’ aNd sEarcHINg for a ‘coLd drINk’? When we first announced the concept of a show about scuba diving and drinking … it was a little taboo within the diving industry. A lot of people take diving and safety very seriously -- and rightfully so -- and the notion that the two could be married in the same show was met with … let’s just say, a little resistance. Point is, millions of scuba divers enjoy the sport they love and a cold adult beverage at the END of the day. And that’s all we’re doing: enjoying the underwater world, some new cultures, and then celebrating it all with a cocktail. Is that so wrong? you HavE LoggEd tHousaNds of dIvEs IN HuNdrEds of dEstINatIoNs. wHat was tHE crazIEst tHINg you HavE ENcouNtErEd dowN tHErE? That’s actually an easy question. Last August when we were filming an episode on the Big Island of Hawaii, we were doing a popular night dive where manta rays congregate by the dozens. We were wrapping up the dive when all of a sudden one of the mantas accidentally hooked onto one of our cameraman’s underwater rigs and carried it off hundreds of yards while the camera was still rolling. We were fortunate that the manta dropped the camera practically under our dive boat, lights pointing up so we could find it easily. Another cameraman caught the whole event on video and we produced a video that scored half a million hits on YouTube. Not only was it an amazing experience but it was also a great viral marketing tool. Talk about win-win. Google “Manta Mugs Cameraman” on YouTube and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
Photos courtesy Liquid Assets
Into the Drink is a travel show like no other, taking viewers beyond the map and into the unknown. It’s an intoxicating celebration of exotic destinations near and far featuring electric diving, colorful people, eclectic nightlife and vibrant spirits. Each journey Into The Drink introduces viewers to local breweries and distilleries and dives into regions around the world shared by some of the most mystifying creatures in the ocean. Into The Drink’s host, Nick Lucey, guides us through the sights, sounds and even the smells from some of the most unique local spirits to the poshest of vineyards; from the tide’s ebb to the captivating wrecks, whales and adrenaline-pumping marine life in the middle of the deep blue sea.