GUEST EDITOR: ANTHONY CAPORALE When I started Art of the Drink back in the winter of 2005, I had one goal in mind: to try to make the sometimes intimidating world of spirits and bartending feel a little more inclusive. I wanted to take the viewers behind the bar – that monolithic divider between server and guest – and show them first hand the history, the science and the stories that make our trade so extraordinary. Art of the Drink has always been about sharing and learning, which is why I was particularly excited to be asked to edit this issue of Chilled. As you turn the pages, you’ll be embarking on a bartending journey throughout Asia. I’ve enlisted some of the most respected names in mixology to serve as your guides. None other than Junior Merino, The Liquid Chef, recounts his remarkable experiences bartending in Japan. Nicole DiMattei, an associate mixologist at Art of the Drink, explores the past and future of tea as a cocktail ingredient. The founder of BourbonBlog.com, Tom Fischer, reveals the surprising relationship between Asia and that most American of spirits, bourbon. The picture painted makes it clear that although Asian flavors are sometimes viewed as a recent trend in western mixology, in fact this ancient and venerable culture has been profoundly influencing what we drink for centuries. For my part, I believe we haven’t yet begun to explore the rich variety of ingredients and traditions that Asia can bring to western cocktails. I hope that this issue piques your interest and serves as an inspiration for shopping expeditions, mixing sessions, lively discussions and most importantly good drinks shared among good friends. Drop me an e-mail with your creations, or better yet follow me on Twitter and mix one up for me next time I’m traveling by your bar! Kanpai!
Anthony Caporale
Anthony is the producer and host of Art of the Drink TV (www.aotd.tv), a Culinary Management instructor at New York City’s Institute of Culinary Education (www.iceculinary.com), and the U.S. Brand Ambassador for Drambuie (www.drambuie.com). He can be reached at chilled@artofthedrink.com and followed on Twitter @DrinkArt.