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Library News
Adult Book Choice Circe by Madeline Miller In the house of Helios, god of the sun and mightiest of the Titans, a daughter is born. But Circe has neither the look nor the voice of divinity, and is scorned and rejected by her kin. Increasingly isolated, she turns to mortals for companionship, leading her to discover a power forbidden to the gods: witchcraft. This powerfully written novel will have you gripped from the very start.
Childrens Book Choice How to Bewitch a Wolf by Abie Longstaff Charlie is finally testing her powers as a witch. But when new boy Zack joins the school, everything goes wrong. He seems perfect - but Charlie is sure there’s more to him than meets the eye.
at Boston Library February Events
Harry Potter Book Night Thursday 6th February 3.30pm – 5.00pm. Join us for a night of Potter magic. Come dressed up as your favourite character; take part in a Treasure Hunt and other free, fun craft activities. Suitable for ages 5 to11.
v Boston Library opening hours Mondays - 9am to 5pm Tuesdays - 9am to 5pm Wednesday - 9am to 5pm Thursdays - 9am to 6pm Fridays - 9am to 5pm Saturdays - 9am to 4pm ä Telephone 01522 782010 (charged at local rate) or log on to www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/libraries.
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Welcome To David Hallgate Opticians Why Is An Eye Examination So Importan t?
One in two cases of sight loss can be avoided.
Your eye health is very important to us, and only by having the most advanced equipment can we provide early detection, monitoring and treatment of eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetes. David Hallgate Opticians have invested in a Spectralis 4D eye scanner. Unlike colour retinal photographs our system helps us to look below the surface at each layer of the retina to create a high definition map, that provides us with such detailed and invaluable information.
Prior to your sight test we will use the Spectralis 4D eye scanner. You will simply sit at the instrument and we will scan your eye using a light beam. The scan only takes a few seconds and you can blink normally. There is no discomfort and the camera will not touch your eye.
One in two patients with glaucoma don’t know they have the disease.
Glaucoma is a hereditary disease. 50% Of patients are unaware they have the condition.
One in two patients with diabetes are unaware they have the disease.
Diabeties is a serious disease that can cause sight loss. Early detection and treatment is so important to prevent this.
One in two sixty year olds have some form of cataract.
Hundreds of thousands of cataract procedures are carried out every year.
To get the best outcome its important to have a full eye health check beforehand.
One in two cases of serious sight loss is caused by age related macular degeneration.
AMD can affect simple activities like driving, and watching tv, as it can rob you of your central sight. Just another reason to book your eye examination. The scan and eye examination will take approximately 45 minuites. We are at 86-88 Wide Bargate, Boston near Gala Bingo and you can contact us on (01205) 310710 or through our website davidhallgateopticians.co.uk
The website also provides information on all the services we provide including - NHS examinations - Single vision glasses from £50 and free for those with income help - Varifocals from £89 with a 3 month no quibble money back guarantee - Childrens’ glasses free - Standard retinal screening free - 3 Months interest free credit - Contact lenses from £8 a month
CALL US ON 01205 310 710 www.davidhallgateopticians.co.uk 86-88 Wide Bargate, Boston Lincolnshire PE21 6SE
Lets Eat
Laura James is a local resident with a passion for food. Laura likes to use good quality ingredients to make wholesome food. Working in the food industry for over 12 years Laura thinks of food day and night and is always thinking of the next creation.
Chicken and Chorizo Bake
10 mins prep Serves: 4
• 2redonions,peeled andquartered • 4garliccloves,peeled andfinelychopped • 12minichorizo sausages,halved lengthways Ingredients
• 4chickenbreasts • 1 tbspsmokedpaprika • 250g cherrytomatoes • 2courgettes(yellowor green),cutintocoins • 1 can(400g) chopped tomatoes
1. Pre-heattheovento180oc/160ocfan/ gas4 2. Breakupthequarteredredonions slightlyandputintoalargeroasting tray, addthechoppedgarlic,chorizo,chicken andsmokedpaprikatothepan 3. Cookinthecentreoftheovenfor30 minutes 4. Removefromtheoven,tossthe ingredientstogether,theoilwillhave releasedfromthechorizoandbeableto coattheotheringredients 5. Addthecherrytomatoes,courgetteand thecanofchoppedtomatoes 6. Returntothecentreoftheoftheoven forafurther15minutes 7. Servewithpaprikaroastedbaby potatoes Method
Top Tip • If you can’t get hold of mini chorizo sausages, use a cooking chorizo sausage instead and cut it into coins
Super Chocolatey Brownies Ingredients
1. Linea25cmsquarebrownie/caketin withgreaseproofpaper 2. Pre-heattheovento180oc/160ocfan/ gas4 3. Meltthechocolateandthebutter inaheatproofbowlsetontopofa simmering saucepanofwater(this iscalledabainmarieandallowsthe ingredientstomeltgentlyandevenly) 4. Stirthechocolateandbuttermixture untilcompletelymeltedandfully combined–carefullyremovefromthe heat 5. Addthecastersugarandtheflour tothechocolatemixtureandstirin thoroughly 6. Addthebeateneggstothemixture gradually(inabout4stages) 7. Whenthemixtureiscompletely combined,addittothepreparedtin andspreadevenly 8. Placeinthecentreofthepreheated ovenandcookfor30minutes 9. Thebrownieshouldlookflakyonthe top,butstillbesoftinthecentre 10. Allowthebrownietocompletelycool inthetin 11. Removefromthetin,removing the greaseproofatthesametime 12. Cutinto16portionsanddustwith icing sugar
15 mins prep 30 mins cooking
makes approx 16
Top Tips • If you decide to microwave the chocolate and butter mixture instead of in the bain marie, ensure you check on it regularly as it can easily burn • Make sure you add the eggs at the end of the process, as if they go straight into the melted chocolate and butter mixture they will cook and ruin the mix