FEDERAL RIDING CHANGES LIKELY TO FAVOUR MP STRAHL IN FED ELECTION New boundaries mean a much smaller electoral district
{ Page A3 }
Fair schedule
{ Pages A12 & A14 }
Trial seeks to answer who stole more than $40,000
Toad-ly awesome
BY PAUL J. HENDERSON phenderson@chilliwacktimes.com
Greg Laychak/TIMES
Project co-ordinator Kendra Morgan shows where manholes were inserted to bring in extra light to attract toads to the tunnel. BY VANESSA BROADBENT vanessa.broadbent@chilliwacktimes.com
Western Toad and Red Legged Tree Frog, begin their journey out of the wetland in into the woods, crossing roads while doing so. This doesn’t always work out too well for the toads with many ending up run over by passing cars. “There’s nothing you can do about it,” explained FVC’s project co-ordinator Kendra Morgan. “The roads go around the wetland; they have to
cross the roads.” But the FVC has come up with a solution: a toad tunnel. A culvert was built under Elk View Road to provide the toads with a safe place to cross. Directional fencing was also installed to guide the toads towards the tunnel. “Very few of them go into the culvert willingly,” Morgan said. “They need to be enticed into it with fencing.”
The tunnel hasn’t been the FVC’s first attempt at saving the toads. Over the years, many different methods have been used, including road closures, detours and even moving the toads across the roads in buckets. While all of these methods helped in keeping the toads safe, none of them were good long term solutions, especially the bucket brigades. “People were picking them up and they’re very small and unfortunately, easily hurt,” Morgan said. “Also, putting them in the buckets and walking { See TUNNEL, page A6 }
f you’ve ever driven up Ryder Lake during the early summer months, you’ve probably noticed road closures or detours due to toad migration. This year, you might even have seem some construction on Elk View Road. That’s because The Fraser Valley Conservancy (FVC) has been working hard to build a toad tunnel for toad migration. Each year toads from Ryder Lake’s wetlands, including the at risk
Conservancy builds a permanent solution to a temporary problem
he jury trial of a Chilliwack woman accused of stealing more than $40,000 from an RCMP exhibit room continues into its third week. Jaime Tiller who worked as an exhibit custodian at the Chilliwack detachment is charged with one count of theft over $5,000 and one count of breach of trust after a routine exhibit audit in August 2011 revealed $37,000 of Canadian currency, $46 in US currency and nearly $4,000 in Government of Canada cheques was missing. Crown counsel EB IRST Louisa Winn and Rebecca Beeny First reported on have so far called chilliwacktimes.com a number of witnesses against Tiller including police officers, her supervisor, her union representative, members of City of Chilliwack staff and a friend who Tiller lived with for a period of time. The BC Supreme Court trial started slow as the nine women and three men in the jury were frequently excused and called back into the courtroom to deal with objections and legal clarifications. So far the Crown has painted a picture of a woman who had access to everything in the exhibit room, and { See TILLER, page A7 }
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A2 Thursday, August 06, 2015
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Five candidates seeking our federal votes CHBC.15JJ.MEN9.BW.EL.indd
rime Minister Stephen Harper visited Rideau Hall on Sunday to recommend the dissolution of Parliament thereby transforming himself into Conservative Party candidate, and leader, Stephen Harper. The longest election in Canadian history is on, although for those paying attention in Chilliwack, it’s been on for months. Five official candidates are in place for the new riding of Chilliwack-Hope, a significantly smaller electoral district than the previous Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon. Incumbent Mark Strahl seeks a second term in office in the new riding, and he faces challenges from university professor Seonaigh MacPherson for the NDP, and local business owner Louis De Jaeger for the Liberals. Also in the race is university student Thomas Cheney for the Green Party and musician Alexander Johnson for the Libertarian Party of Canada. And while Chilliwack-Hope is about as safe a Conservative riding as they
BC Chevroelt ad material. Insert: July 30, 2015 2.5” x 1” 1 2.5” x 1” None NEWSPAPER None 100%
2015 Federal Election October 19
BY PAUL J. HENDERSON phenderson@chilliwacktimes.com
come in Canada, the candidates for the two main opposition parties think now is the time for change, and they’ve been working hard for months to challenge Strahl. In contrast, in recent days, Conservative volunteers have been out putting up large Strahl signs around town but his online presence has been non-existent. As of Wednesday morning, he had no election web presence, his candidate page on the Conservative Party site was blank, and his last social media comments on Facebook or Twitter were from July relating to recent government funding announcements. MacPherson and De Jaeger, on the other hand, have been pushing their candidacies for months and have only recently ramped up the rhetoric.
General Motors XXXXXXXX 7-27-2015 3:52 PM Conservatives Liberals 7-27-2015 3:52 PM Mark Strahl Grudgfield, Adam Louis(CAL-MCL) De Jaeger
MacPherson is a relative unknown in the community but she’s been posting on her election Facebook page since April. She holds a PhD from UBC and is department head of adult education at the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV). She has also written a blog since last November focused on her campaign. De Jaeger is owner of Bravo Restaurant and Lounge downtown, and has been campaigning as Liberal candidate for months. In March, he focused on a leaked Conservative fundraising letter that said Vancouver Liberal MP Hedy Fry claimed the local demographics were changing and, as the letter signed by Strahl said, “She clearly believes that Chilliwack and Hope voters aren’t as ‘enlightened’ as Liberal
Production:Studio:GM:BCChe...nals:CHBC.15JJ.MEN9.BW.EL.indd Minion Pro, Louis
NDP Seonaigh MacPherson
Green Thomas Cheney
Black voters from Vancouver. ” Five months ago, De Jaeger said he had already knocked on 3,000 doors and was getting a good vibe from voters as the community evolves. And while his name recognition in the community is high, NDP party faithful are quick to point out the NDP finished second in 2011, 2008, 2006 and 2004. As for demographic changes, few question that it is happening in Chilliwack, a traditionally small and big “C” conservative area, but UFV political science professor Hamish Telford said Liberal optimism likely overstates how fast change happens. Telford said it’s unlikely the shift is happening fast enough to unseat the Conservatives anytime soon. “Not in this election and probably
not in the next election either,” he told the Times back in April. “I think this is a process that will unfold over decades rather than months.” Almost daily, federal polls come out, the most recent of which put the NDP out in front, but few focus on specific ridings or even regions. Poll analyst Éric Grenier, however, who runs threehundredeight.com uses a formula to analyze various polls and has created projections for all 338 federal ridings. As far as accuracy is concerned, Grenier’s 2011 overall projection was close to what actually happened, as he predicted 166 Conservative seats (actual: 161), 103 NDP (actual: 106), and 34 Liberal (actual: 37).
Change favours Strahl Final decision kept city intact BY PAUL J. HENDERSON phenderson@chilliwacktimes.com
hile the federal riding of Chilliwack-Hope will sound new to many voters, it was actually created two years ago when the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for B.C. adjusted borders to allow for six new federal seats in the province. And the change could favour Conservative incumbent Mark Strahl as the new electoral district takes out areas north of Hope that have been more likely to vote for parties other than the Conservatives. An Elections Canada project offers a glimpse into how the votes received in the 2011 election transpose onto the current ridings. Strahl won Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon four years ago with a decisive 57 per cent of the votes ahead of the NDP’s Gwen O’Mahony’s 26 per cent, those same votes today would mean Strahl would take 59.6 per cent of votes in Chilliwack-Hope, with the NDP at 23.5 per cent. When the new boundaries were a n n o u n c e d , St ra h l i m m e d i at e l y
announced he would seek re-election in the new riding. “Chilliwack-Hope is entirely contained within my current riding of Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon,” Strahl said in August 2013. “I was born and raised in Chilliwack, and my roots in both Chilliwack and Hope are very deep. I’m looking forward to running here in the next election.” A draft of the report had considered boundary adjustments that would have split the city in half. The adjustment would have, for example, grouped Promontory residents in a riding with folks in 100 Mile House, and people in Vedder Crossing in an Abbotsford riding. The final decision kept the city intact, and Chilliwack-Hope (with the same name as the provincial riding represented by Laurie Throness) includes the eastern Fraser Valley south of the Fraser River from Chilliwack to Hope and a little beyond, the Chilliwack River Valley, Cultus Lake and the Columbia Valley. Other communities moved out of Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon include Kent, Harrison Hot Springs, Yale, Boston Bar, Lytton, Lillooet, Cache Creek and Ashcroft, which are now in the new riding of Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon, while Pemberton moves to West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country riding.
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Libertarian Alexander Johnson
{ See ELECTION, page A6 }
A4 Thursday, August 06, 2015
› News
James gets 18 mths in prison for threatening BY PAUL J. HENDERSON phenderson@chilliwacktimes.com
Chilliwack man who threatened his ex-girlfriend on two separate occasions, one of which where a gun was fired, will spend the next 18 months in jail. But Troy James’s sentence last Friday in provincial court in Chilliwack is not even the most serious charge he faces. Whether or not he was sentenced for this case, James would still have been in custody and back in court Aug. 5 facing numerous serious charges alongside Jonathon David Olson. Those charges are in connection with an Oct. 4, 2014 incident that
He still has to face more serious charges involving a botched home invasion, a car jacking and a police chase
allegedly involved a home invasion at a mistaken address in Chilliwack, followed by a car jacking and a police chase. The sentence on July 24 stemmed from two separate incidents, the latter of which in June 2014 ended with a gun fired through the window of a home where his ex-girlfriend lived. In Chilliwack provincial court in March, 21-year-old Alysha Archie testified that she and James had dated for a little over a year ending in March 2014. Later that month or in
April, she said James called her at her mother’s house and threatened her. “He said ‘I’m going to come there and beat the s--t out of you and anyone who gets in my way,” she said. James did come over, during which time Archie hid in her grandmother’s room in the house. Then in June of that year, the young woman was asleep in the morning in her new boyfriend’s house on the Shx:whay Village reserve in Chilliwack. When someone knocked on the front door, Archie answered and
Riding Club celebrates 80 years of memories BY HELEN LARSON Special to the Times
met a blonde woman who asked if her new boyfriend, Keith Cailing, was home. Archie testified that’s when the woman yelled “Troy! Troy!” “I said ‘oh my God, something is going to happen,’” Archie testified. “I ran into the bathtub and hid. . . . I heard a gunshot and I heard glass shatter and then I really freaked out.” A bullet hole was found in the ceiling of the home and remnants of a bullet were found on the floor. Judge Gregory Brown found James guilty on both counts on April 16.
Last week at sentencing, Brown called the second incident of uttering threats “as serious as they get.” Crown counsel sought six months in custody for the first count and 18 months for the second, following two years probation. Defence counsel Gurpreet Gill asked for 30 days and 60 days for the two counts, followed by one year of probation. Brown gave two months for the first count and 16 months for the second count where a firearm was used. He declined to a Crown request to ban James from the Shx:whay and Skowkale reserves because family members of the father of three children by three different women live on reserve.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers 8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 8A4 www.chilliwack.com
great impact on the club and the comTAKE NOTICE that the Council of the August City of Chilliwack hold a at Public Hearing, as noted Tuesday, 20,will 2013 7:00 p.m. munity in the early years. Pages of hisabove, on the following items: tory were turned with memories and Council Chambers stories all afternoon. Comments like 1. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2013, No.Charter, 3944 (RZ000806) In accordance with Section 26 of the Community theB.C. Council of the City 8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, V2P 8A4 “this club made me who I am in the Location: 5971 Wilkins Drive (a portion of) community today” were overheard by of Chilliwack gives notice of its intention to sell the vacant property located at www.chilliwack.com Owners: Alfred Sawatzky and Jenny Lynn Sawatzky many. 43215 Keith Wilson Road, as shown 2on the map below, and legally described as: President Sharon Peel was overportion of the subject shown on as the noted map a 634m TAKE NOTICE that Purpose: the CouncilToofrezone the City of Chilliwack will holdproperty, a PublicasHearing, whelmed with the turn out and support Parcel Identifier: 013-567-373 below, from an R1-A (One Family Residential) Zone to an R1-C (One above, on the following items:Residential – Accessory) Zone to facilitate a 2 lot subdivision and theFamily from the community from Johnston Legal Description: Parcel “Q” (Statutory Right of Way Plan 5303) South Packers, O’Connor Chrysler, The Water 1. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW No. 3944 (RZ000806) construction of a 2013, single family home with a legal secondary suite. Store, Mount Cheam Lions Club, The West Quarter Section 10 Township 23 New 5971 WilkinsLocation Drive (aMap portion of) Chilliwack Agriculture Society and the Location: Westminster District Except: Plans BCP40803 and Chilliwack Museum and Archives. Owners: Alfred Sawatzky and Jenny Lynn Sawatzky The Chilliwack Riding Club still conEPP34591 2 tinues to have a Drill Team which prac- Purpose: To rezone a 634m portion of the subject property, as shown on the map tises every Tuesday night at Heritage below, from an R1-A (One Family Residential) Zone to an R1-C (One Family Park as well as gymkhanas, English & Residential – Accessory) Zone to facilitate a 2 lot subdivision and the Western horse shows and trail rides. There is always a place for riders and construction of a single family home with a legal secondary suite. non-riders to take part.
he Chilliwack Riding Club held an Open House celebrating its 80 year anniversary at the former Chilliwack Riding Club Hall which is now the Mount Cheam Lion’s Club Hall. There were 135 to 140 past members attending from as far as Vancouver Island, Penticton, Armstrong and Moses Lake, Wash. Some of the former members had helped build the Chilliwack Riding Club Hall. Goldie Street, in her 90s now, attended and had ridden in the first Chilliwack Riding Club Drill Team in 1938. A representative from the Chilliwack Museum and Archives was also in attendance, viewing the many pictures and scrap books from 1942 to 2015 on display from the early years and the impact the Chilliwack Riding Club and its members had on the community. Ray Wells and the Wells family had a
◗ For more information on the club contact Helen at helenlarson2@hotmail. com.
The Chilliwack RCMP is looking for the following people. If you see any of them, do not attempt to detain or apprehend them. Please contact the RCMP immediately at 604-792-4611. To remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or visit www.upperfraservalleycrimestoppers.ca. Remember: all of the listed people are innocent until proven guilty in court.
Location Map
2. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2013, No. 3945 (RZ000804) Location: 47340 Sylvan Drive (a portion of) Owner: 0945651 BC Ltd. (Nick Westeringh) Purpose: To rezone a 1.30 hectare portion of the subject property, as shown on the map below, from an R3 (Small Lot One Family Residential) Zone to an R4 (Low Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone to facilitate a boundary adjustment with the property located at 6026 Lindeman Street and the construction of a townhouse development. Location Map
Joshua Herrling Age 29 Aboriginal, height 5’8”, weight 205 lbs, black hair, brown eyes
Brody Douglas Age 38 Aboriginal, height 5’5”, weight 181 lbs, black hair, brown eyes WANTED: S.733.1(1) FAIL TO COMPLY WITH PROBATION
2. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2013, No. 3945 (RZ000804) The subject property is proposed to be sold to Larry Epp for the amount of Location: 47340 Sylvan Drive (a portion of) Peter Jewhurst $300,300.00 (including GST). The property is bare land, is 2.16 hectares in size Age 24 Owner: 0945651 Ltd. (Nick Westeringh) Caucasian, height 6’1”, and is located withinBCthe Agricultural Land Reserve. The property is within the weight 190 lbs, black Purpose: To rezone a 1.30 portion of ponding. the subject property, as shown on the Floodplain and is subject tohectare seasonal water hair, brown eyes map below, from an R3 (Small Lot One Family Residential) Zone to an R4 WANTED: S.733.1(1) CC (Low Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone to facilitate a boundary FTC WITH PROBATION X2 Inquiries with respect to this matter may be directed Wayne Moseanko, 2) ARREST S.733.1(1) CC adjustment with the property located at 6026toLindeman Street and the FTC WITH PROBATION Property Manager, at 604-793-2936, by email at moseanko@chilliwack.com or in construction of a townhouse development. writing to Delcy Wells, City Clerk, 8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 8A4. Location Map
Public Service Announcement
3. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2013, No. 3947 (RZ000810) Applicant: City of Chilliwack Janice McMurray A number of amendments to Zoning Bylaw 2001, No. 2800 are Deputy CityPurpose: Clerk proposed to provide for and regulate federally licensed commercial medicinal marihuana grow operations within the City of Chilliwack. 7091502 Persons who deem that their interest in the properties is affected by these proposed
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See dealer for details.
CHILLIWACK TIMES Thursday, August 06, 2015 A5
A6 Thursday, August 06, 2015
› News { ELECTION, from page A3 } (Still, Grenier does note: “These riding projections are not polls and are not necessarily an accurate reflection of current voting intentions in each riding.”) In Chilliwack-Hope, his calculations suggest the Conservatives will get 41.8 per cent of the vote, the NDP 31.2 per cent, the Liberals 20.7 per cent, the Greens 5.5 per cent and “other” 0.9 per cent. Those numbers are averages, but even his ceiling prediction at 45.9 per cent in Chilliwack-Hope for Conservatives, which would handily win the election for Strahl, would be a significant decline in vote getting over 2011, where he won with 57 per cent.
Pollster picks NDP Overall, Grenier’s numbers in B.C. predict the NDP will win 24 seats, the Conservatives nine, the Liberals eight and the Greens one. Locally, at least one non-partisan group has formed to encourage voter engagement and to arrange meetings and online discussion. Chilliwack Votes has a website set to launch in the next couple of weeks. Another non-partisan group has organized a public showing of the first televised leaders debate hosted by Maclean’s on Aug. 6 from 5 to 7 p.m. The event is at the Gathering Place in building A, room A1457 at 45190 Caen Ave. in Chilliwack.
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Both the Western Toad and the Red Legged Tree Frog are considered at risk species and will be using the new toad tunnel. { TUNNEL, from page A1 } them across the road, sometimes they would come back across the road—just disorientation from being in the bucket. It’s a system that is effective and raises awareness, but it’s not a long-term solution.” And although the road closures and detours worked well, they didn’t make a good long-term solution either. “It really depended on how much funding we had each year,” FVC executive director Joanne Neilson added. “Some years we had funding to do road closures, but even traffic control is very expensive.” That lead to the conservatory researching permanent options. “We wanted to have a system in place that can be used regardless of whether we have funding,” Neilson said. Because the toads using the tunnel are an endangered species,
FVC will host Toad Fest on Aug. 8 Environment Canada funded a portion of the tunnel as part of their habitat stewardship program. Other donors included the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, Vancity Community Grants and the project’s principle donor, Lafarge. The nice thing about the tunnel is that it’s not going anywhere. Despite the amount of funding received in future years, and other than the directional fencing which will likely need to be put up yearly by volunteers, the tunnel will always be there for the toads to use. The toad tunnel was planned to be installed before the toads started their journey, but an early migration prevented that from happening, and although the tunnel opened during the migration process, positive results have already been noticed. “Obviously, it would have been
better if the fencing had been up before because then we wouldn’t have had any road kill in the area, but it was interesting to see the vast difference before the fencing and after the fencing,” Morgan said. While toad tunnels aren’t a common solution in other areas, Morgan hopes that the success of this one will encourage other communities to do the same. “I learned a lot from other projects that are happening in B.C. and they were very supportive of us,” she said. “I would hope that I could provide that information to other groups.” ◗ The FVC is hosting a Toad Fest on Aug. 8 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Ryder Lake Hall, 49265 Elk View Rd. as a thank you to the community for supporting the new toad tunnel.
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HAD A STROKE? WE CAN HELP. The Stroke Recovery Association of BC is proud to announce the opening of a new service in Chilliwack. We are a non-profit organization that offers recovery programs, support, information and education to stroke survivors and caregivers so that you can get involved in the activities that matter to you and get the most out of your life. Regardless of whether you’ve had a stroke recently, or at some time in the past, we can offer assistance in finding the resources, support and community connections that can make a big difference in your recovery and re-entry into community life. We’re also looking for volunteers to assist with our exercise, recreation and support programs. Whether or not you have experience in stroke recovery, this is a great opportunity to make a very meaningful difference to people in your community. For more information, visit our website at strokerecoverybc.ca and/or contact Anna Markey, Chilliwack Stroke Recovery Program Coordinator 604-316-6718 email: cwackstrokerecovery@gmail.com
› News
Thursday, August 06, 2015 A7 Thursday, August 06, 2015 A7
Shxwhá:y Village
{ TILLER, from page A1 } was disgruntled with her job. Jennifer Massey, who was Tiller’s supervisor, told the court the now 38-year-old’s work performance was not good. “We had some trouble with her not being at work, health issues but never anything was confirmed . . . mistakes and socializing and her appearance, how she presented herself,” Massey testified on July 21. On July 27, Barb Smith, who worked as the Chilliwack detachment’s financial clerk, testified that she found money from 19 RCMP files was never sent to the Receiver General for Canada as it should have been. Later that day, CUPE Local 548 president Bryan Bickley was called to testify about a grievance Tiller had filed with the union, but for pri-
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‘And I’ll go further: I don’t like her’ vacy reasons he said he felt uncomfortable with questions the Crown asked. The jury was briefly excused and Justice Miriam Gropper ended the line of questioning. Last Thursday in court, Tiller’s defence counsel Gurpreet Gill tried to show reasonable doubt by suggesting someone else might have stolen the money from the exhibit lockers. Another exhibit custodian, Don Reimer, had access to all the files in question and may have been disgruntled in his job as he had twice been overlooked for a promotion. Reimer, who was the most experienced exhibit custodian in the department, applied for a supervisor position but the job instead was given to individuals with less experience. “How did that make you feel?” Gill
asked him. “I was disappointed to say the least,” Reimer responded. “I had put a lot of work in to that facility to get it straightened out.” Gill even pointed out that the combination to the safe in the exhibit room was Reimer’s birthday, and suggested that the reason he was not hired was because Massey, his boss, did not like him. “No,” Reimer responded. “And I’ll go further: I don’t like her.” Earlier on the stand, Massey testified the reason Reimer was not promoted was because of educational requirements that were not met. After the long weekend the trial resumed Monday with testimony from jail guard Lynn Hatcher who worked with Tiller at the detachment starting in 2007.
INVITATION TO MAKE REPRESENTATIONS NOTICE IS GIVEN, pursuant to section 6 of the First Nations Fiscal Management Act (hereafter referred to as the “FNFMA”), that Shxwha:y Village (“The First Nation”) proposes to enact the Shxwá:y Village Property Assessment Law, 2015 and the Shxwhá:y Village Property Taxation Law, 2015 (hereafter referred to as the “Proposed Laws”). DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED LAWS: The Proposed Laws are a property taxation law and a property assessment law, both made under the authority of section 5(1)(a) of the FNFMA. The property assessment law provides for the assessment and valuation of interests in land on the reserve lands of the First Nation, including appointing assessors, inspecting property, preparing assessment rolls, and mailing assessment notices. The property assessment law also provides a process for reconsideration of assessments and for a right of appeal to an independent assessment review board. The property taxation law establishes a taxation regime that taxes interests in land in the reserve, and includes provisions for exemptions, grants, preparing tax rolls and tax notices, the levy of penalties and interest on unpaid taxes, and the collection and enforcement of unpaid taxes. A COPY OF THE PROPOSED LAWS may be obtained from Murray Sam at the Shxwhá:y Village band office, or obtained online from the First Nations Gazette, Part I: Notices, at www.fng.ca. COUNCIL OF THE FIRST NATION INVITES WRITTEN REPRESENTATIONS regarding the Proposed Laws. Written representations may be made to the Council for 60 days after the date of this notice.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers 8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 8A4 www.chilliwack.com
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the August City of Chilliwack hold a at Public Hearing, as noted Tuesday, 20,will 2013 7:00 p.m. above, on the following items: Council Chambers 1. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2013, No. 3944 (RZ000806) In accordance with Section 26 of the Community Charter, the Council the City 8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, B.C. V2Pof8A4 Location: 5971 Wilkins Drive (a portion of) of Chilliwack gives notice of its intention to sell the property located at 46074 First www.chilliwack.com Owners: Alfred Sawatzky and Jenny Lynn Sawatzky Avenue, as shown cross hatched on 2the map below, and legally described as: portion of the subject shown on as the noted map a 634m TAKE NOTICE that Purpose: the CouncilToofrezone the City of Chilliwack will holdproperty, a PublicasHearing, Identifier: 000-859-940 from an R1-A (One Family Residential) Zone to an R1-C (One Family above, on Parcel the following items:below, Residential – Accessory) to facilitate 2 lot subdivision and the Legal Description: Lot 12 Block 26Zone Division “E”aNew Westminster District 1. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW No. 3944 (RZ000806) construction of a 2013, single family home with a legal secondary suite.
Location: Owners: Purpose:
Plan 1737 5971 WilkinsLocation Drive (aMap portion of) Alfred Sawatzky and Jenny Lynn Sawatzky To rezone a 634m2 portion of the subject property, as shown on the map below, from an R1-A (One Family Residential) Zone to an R1-C (One Family Residential – Accessory) Zone to facilitate a 2 lot subdivision and the construction of a single family home with a legal secondary suite. Location Map
PERSONS WISHING TO MAKE A WRITTEN REPRESENTATION must deliver the document containing the representations to: Chief and Council, Shxwhá:y Village, 44680 Schweyey Road, Chilliwack, BC, V2R 5M5. Representations should be made on or before 4:00 pm, October 5, 2015 in order to ensure consideration by Council. Before making the Proposed Laws, Council will consider all written representations received in accordance with this Notice. Please note that Council is not able to extend the public notice period. CONTACT INFORMATION: For further information or questions regarding the Proposed Laws, this Notice, or the making of written representations to Council, please contact This Notice Dated: August 6, 2015 Murray Sam at 604-792-9316.
My job is to help residents settle into their new home with comfort and ease. MICHEL, MAINTENANCE MANAGER WORKING AT CHARTWELL SINCE 2010.
2. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2013, No. 3945 (RZ000804) Location: 47340 Sylvan Drive (a portion of) Owner: 0945651 BC Ltd. (Nick Westeringh) Purpose: To rezone a 1.30 hectare portion of the subject property, as shown on the map below, from an R3 (Small Lot One Family Residential) Zone to an R4 (Low Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone to facilitate a boundary adjustment with the property located at 6026 Lindeman Street and the construction of a townhouse development.
Location Map
2. ZONING BYLAWproperty AMENDMENT BYLAW 2013, No. 3945 wide (RZ000804) The subject is approximately 20.1 metres by 38.1 metres in length Location: (a portion being 766 47340 squareSylvan metresDrive in area. Thereof)is an old garage on the property but no residence.0945651 The minimum would be considered by the City would be Owner: BC Ltd.offer (Nickthat Westeringh) $190,000.00. The property has a P1portion (Civic Assembly) Zoning and is on Purpose: To rezone a 1.30 hectare of the subject property, asbeing shownsold on the an “as is” basis. A realtor a “noLot subjects” offerResidential) would be paid City’s map below, frombringing an R3 (Small One Family Zonethe to an R4 (Low Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone to facilitate a boundary standard realtor commission upon the offer being accepted by the City’s Council. adjustment with the property located at 6026 Lindeman Street and the Inquiries with respectoftoa townhouse this matterdevelopment. may be directed to Wayne Moseanko, construction Property Manager, 604-793-2936, by email at moseanko@chilliwack.com or in LocationatMap 3. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2013,Road, No. 3947 (RZ000810) B.C. V2P 8A4. writing to Delcy Wells, City Clerk, 8550 Young Chilliwack, Applicant:
Purpose: Janice McMurray Deputy City Clerk
City of Chilliwack A number of amendments to Zoning Bylaw 2001, No. 2800 are proposed to provide for and regulate federally licensed commercial medicinal marihuana grow operations within the City of Chilliwack. 7094903
Persons who deem that their interest in the properties is affected by these proposed
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A8 Thursday, August 06, 2015
Opinion /chilliwacktimes
The Chilliwack Times is published by Black Press Group Ltd., every Thursday at 45951 Trethewey Ave., Chilliwack. The Times is a member of the Canadian Circulation’s Audit Board, Canadian Community Newspaper Association, British Columbia and Yukon Newspaper Association and B.C. Press Council.
Foolish waste of federal funds
◗ Publisher
ast week’s news that the federal government is throwing another $12 million into the Canadian Safety and Security Program smacks of more pre-election engineering designed to reinforce the fear of terrorism. On the surface, the funding looks like another boost to law enforcement agencies to fight terrorism, something most people support. What grinds on our sensibility, however, is the large portion “aimed at countering radicalization among young Canadians.” That just doesn’t pass the sniff tests. It’s been proven ad nauseam that the more you try to reach young people already staggering down that path, the more it alienates them. The funding news might have gained credence if there was a suggestion of how the de-radicalizing would occur, but the information is so vague it could range from group hugs to frontal lobotomies. The vast majority of Canadians would prefer to see that kind of cash poured into programs that make a difference for the growing ranks of our disillusioned youth. Counselling for mental health issues and victims of sexual abuse; education, shelter, health care and food for homeless youth would be more welcome. The question is, where is all that money going? And, does anyone feel any safer?
Nick Bastaja
nbastaja@chilliwacktimes.com ◗ Editor
Ken Goudswaard
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Fax 604-792-9300 Visit our website www.chilliwacktimes.com Twitter @ChilliwackTimes Facebook www.facebook.com/pages/ chilliwack-times Email us editorial@chilliwacktimes.com Send us a letter 45951 Trethewey Ave. Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 1K4
Vote and complain, but vote
ime to wake up and pay attention. It may be summer, but a federal election has been called. If you’re reading this, then that “pay attention” admonishment is pointless to write, but if your friends and family are not reading and not paying attention then, please, go poke them. It can seem like ambivalence is at an all-time high when it comes to elections at all levels. (Federal elections are actually the best for voter turnout at around 60 per cent.) Why can’t we get people to pay attention to who, how, when, why and what governs us in Canada, one of the most revered nations on the planet? We all knew this day was coming ever since fixed election dates were established. When the new Chilliwack-Hope electoral district was drawn up two years ago, then Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon MP Mark Strahl announced immediately he would seek re-election on Oct. 19, 2015. The only surprise, for some, was that Stephen Harper called for the writ to be dropped so early, a ploy to maximize the Conservative advantage, according to pundits. (Also slightly odd was that he called the federal election on a
PAUL J. HENDERSON @peejayaitch Sunday. A Conservative insider opined to me that it was a bad decision to call an election on a traditional day of rest given his heavily Christian base.) There’s a meme going around on Facebook that says 5.8 million people voted for the Conservatives in 2011, 4.5 million for the NDP, 2.8 million for the Liberals and 1.6 million for the various other parties. Who didn’t vote? Fully 9.3 million eligible voters, which, according to Elections Canada data is about right. “These people could change everything” goes the punchline. And it’s true, but maybe it doesn’t matter because that many people will not vote again. Not a rhetorical question, I don’t have the answer, but what is the way to engage the millions of eligble voters in Canada who just do not bother to cast a ballot? Part of the problem, I think, is two-
fold: cynicism and apathy. Non-voters (and some voters too) either don’t believe or trust politicians or the process. Or they don’t care. Ambivalence is worse than opposition or even anger. Just ask any teenager who feels overlooked by his or her peers. Deep down some would even rather be bullied than ignored, but ignoring is what many of us are doing when it comes to government. The source of the ambivalence could well be, paradoxically, what I would call the “Good enough” effect. For all of the frothing at the mouth from those on the left about right wing policies and from those on the right about left wing policies, in a place like Canada, things are pretty darned good. Even the most socialist of NDP governments in Canadian provinces over the years doesn’t compare to the extreme socialism enacted in various countries through history. And even the most right wing of conservative governments, similarly, doesn’t compare to what exists and has existed elsewhere. We are all a lot closer to one another than many of us would like to admit. It’s all pretty good. At least it’s good enough.
An election’s been called? “So what,” says the comfortable or the cynical. Having said all of that, we all do like to complain. Even your neighbours or family members who don’t vote probably gripe once in a while. And for all the cynicism about money and politics and rhetoric and intentions, these election candidates and their volunteers will work incredibly hard over these next few weeks to put up signs, knock on doors, hand out pamphlets and spread a message that they believe deeply in their hearts. This is hard work. Imagine, even being a Conservative in a relatively safe riding such as Chilliwack, to knock on doors wondering who’s on the other side and what they might say about you and your policies. Imagine, then, being from a less successful party how hard it is to face a critical public. But still, ambivalence is worse than criticism. To be ignored is worse than to be opposed, and we owe these people a hand of support. Or an admonishment or criticism or, at the very least, a spoiled ballot in outrage at the system. Vote and be happy. Or vote and gripe. Just vote.
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Thursday, August 06, 2015 A9
› Letters
Need to make country better for people, not politicians Editor: Why do we need a bigger government? It just means less for the people. Thirty new seats in parliament will cost millions for no benefit to the people. Longer campaigns cost more of our money, despite what you may hear from politicians. Democracy is now a joke, lies, deceit and corruption. Representation? For a political party but not the people. It’s time to ditch the political system and make our country a corporation, run by motivated people not self-serving politicians. Do we need to drop bombs in the desert or do we need to look after ourselves? Canada was once a proud country. Now it’s just a country with a sold out soul. Morally bankrupt. We used to stop wars not get involved in proxy wars between Saudi Arabia and Iran based on threat of terrorism. How many Canadians have died by terrorism? About the same as are killed each day as a result of bad driving I bet. If absolutely no one voted does that mean we have no politicians? Take our savings and make this a better place for the people not the politician. Shawn Hoornaert Chilliwack
It was Trudeau that put us into deep debt
Editor: The decision by Prime Minister Stephen Harper to place a moratorium on the appointment of senators is nothing more than a cheap political ploy to divert the attention of the electorate from the scandal-ridden upper house as we approach the upcoming fall election. It is a ploy that will only backfire as, since his promise in 2006, he has appointed 59 senators, has endured a “neutralizing” ruling by the Supreme Court, “ignored” one cheque for $90,000 that he probably knew about and has seen 31 charges levied against one Conservative-appointed senator who was one of his party’s outstanding fundraisers. In a parliamentary monarchy, such as we have here in Canada,
Editor: You talk about “revisionist history” (“Vote for the guy with the nice hair” – letters, July 30, Times) and how the Liberals balanced the budget. You leave out that it was the Nice Hair guy’s daddy, Pierre Elliott Trudeau and the Liberals, who brought us deficits in the first place. When Pierre Trudeau took office, Canada’s federal debt was about $20 billion. When he quit in 1984, it was $206 billion. With an average prime interest rate of 10.5 per cent this compounded the Trudeau debt to $400 billion, in today’s dollars. With the compound interest Trudeau
Online: www.chilliwacktimes.com Email: editorial@chilliwacktimes.com Mail: 45951 Trethewey Ave., Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 1K4 Letters must include first and last name, and a daytime phone number. Please remember, brevity is the soul of wit. added about $2 trillion to our debt. You also leave out that Paul Martin’s austerity budget had huge cutbacks to healthcare, our military, the RCMP and individuals, including seniors. And you seem to forget that we had a recession in 2008, and that the Harper government actually paid down our debt by $37 billion before the recession. And that Canada is now the economic envy of the world under this government. And I personally like paying two per cent less GST. Alan Ewert Chilliwack
Our system of gov’t is grossly outdated
our bicameral legislature is based on the English system of one house that would represent the “aristocracy” with the other representing the “commoners.” In Canada’s development of its parliamentary monarchy, we have copied the English governance structure but with the upper house members being appointed by the governing party as a result of services to the governing party after it attained power or while it was in opposition. It has been thought of as the body giving “sober second thought,” which, of course, has its own implication of the sobriety of the lower house members, Sir John A. Macdonald in particular. This concept is grossly out-of-date as we should not have a system of governance that is based on having a figurehead whose ancestral roots were based on the dominance of an individual and his or her family premised on leadership that was attained by either physical force or coercion with aristocrats kowtowing in one way shape or form to the monarch of the day in order to further their own wealth and/or power. The American bicameral congress is premised on representing the electorate in the upper house based on equality of intra-national areas of governance (states), regardless of the size or population of any one state . . . something that has not been endorsed here in Canada as can be readily seen by the population of provinces and their number of senators. Ours is a system that reflects the acquiescence of our ancestral politicians to the electorate of Lower Canada, a term which does not reflect the geographical position of the two early provinces to each other but of the pseudo-aristocratic attitude of the Anglo-Canadians of the mid-nineteenth century of Upper Canada towards the Franco-Canadians. We need to do away with the current premise of bicameralism and adopt the American republic style, which should also include doing
away with the monarchy which is nothing more than a hangover from a hierarchical society of yesteryear and that is something that Canada purports not to be touting its cultural mosaic. I hope that people have not forgotten, amid the constant repetition of Conservative Party-paid ads against Justin Trudeau, that his election campaign advisers have pulled their TV ad which shows Mr. Harper leaving his Langevin office and turning out the lights. That action is very ironic as we will find out after the election. G.E. MacDonell Abbotsford
Nestlé protest could work against us all Editor: What’s the problem with Nestlé not paying for water? How about beer, wine, soda, a cup of coffee or tea? There’s no difference, they all profit from selling water only Nestlé doesn’t add anything to it. As others have said: charging for water makes it a commodity which, under NAFTA, could then be shipped by Nestlé to the U.S. and Mexico. Who really began this protest against but really for Nestlé? Nestlé wants to buy and sell our water, but once a price is established and they pay more, we may eventually pay more too, bottled or not. Gary Huntbatch Abbotsford
Life full of choices and consequences Editor: We live in a world of many contradictions. We will frantically try to resuscitate a man who is found without a heartbeat and pronounced dead, while unborn babies with a perfect heartbeat are pronounced unwanted and sold for
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parts by Planned Parenthood. If our space exploration scientists were to find only one living cell on a distant planet they excitedly would exclaim to have found life. On the other hand, a most complex human body, still in the womb, is not worth protecting and merely viewed as a matter of someone’s choice, or as a means for political gains. Anyone who has ever seen a premature newborn in an incubator, and at the developmental stage when many babies are aborted, must wonder how a medical doctor, who swore an oath to protect life, can brutally tear one of these little ones from a mother’s womb. Life is full of choices, which have consequences. As a strong believer in a Creator, and obviously lacking the faith to believe that there was Nothing and then Nothing for no reason exploded, etc., I wonder when God is going to deal with our blatant disregard for His commandments and values as recorded in ancient Scriptures. Aside from having killed millions of unborn humans (potential Nobel Prize winners), another Scripture, holding a clear warning, is directed at anyone who would come against the Nation of Israel, the only democracy and true friend we have in the Middle East. While pre-election competition and voter-luring schemes (i.e. childcare cheques) slowly begin to dominate our news, my hope is that all parties understand the importance of supporting the tiny nation of Israel as the Scriptures not only carry a warning but also a blessing from God for those who support her. Mario C. Alleckna Chilliwack
HAVE YOUR SAY ◗ We want to hear your comments. Email us at editorial@ chilliwacktimes.com.
A10 Thursday, August 06, 2015
› Faith Today
Jesus walked on the water of faith BY JOHN SOVEREIGN St. Thomas Anglican
“As Jesus went ashore he saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.” Mark 6-34
am thankful that Pope Francis is following in the steps of Jesus. When the crowds gathered to hear Jesus, they did not come merely to see him heal their sick. They came because Jesus cut across the right and left wing religious thinking encountered in their priests, scribes, pharisees and religious leaders. Jesus spoke in simple ways of God’s personal love for them, and for all creation. Jesus was never judgmental and treated all those he encountered, including his enemies and even Judas Iscariot, with respect. People came to hear because Jesus was worth listening to, and his words were both truthful and radical. These are the steps of Jesus which Francis is following to speak truth into the midst of a deceptive world order that is hun-
gry for the golden calf. Pope Francis is returning the church today to its true calling. He is not clinging tightly to some imagined past paradigm where everyone went to church and few challenged its authority. Francis is speaking an authentic and contemporary faith willing to challenge secular powers and principalities and do so with courage. That is not what happened in Canada, years ago, when many Christians were convinced by their government and church leaders that the best way to deal with the “Indian problem” (as it was called in the day) was to build religious residential schools to deprive aboriginal children of family, language, culture and spirituality. Many Christians were convinced that this was a good idea, to help assimilate our First Nations peoples into a “white” world, speaking white language, knowing white ways, and worshipping their Creator in a white kind of way. Such cloning was truly destined to fail. If our churches had followed in
Jesus’s footsteps, we would have respected our First Nations for who they were, not who they were not, and we would have left their children with their parents, to live their own way, to assimilate (or not) European languages on their own terms, and to gain (or not) a European education on their own terms. We inflicted a very deep trauma on them, one that will last for generations. Yet to this day most of us have trouble believing our own apologies. Perhaps it is this kind of failure that has led to the decline of Christianity in North America. We don’t speak with the conviction of truth telling, or the persuasive power of love and respect. Too many Christians are into cloning and a “genetically modified faith.” Too many of us still proof text to a generation that will not listen to proof texts, they want words of love and truth that love them back with respect. We find in the New Testament, and in those first few centuries of Christianity before Constantine, a constant struggle with religious issues. In the Gospels, both John the Baptist and Jesus himself
strove against entrenched Jewish thinking, such as that of the Pharisees. Mark my words, there would be no Pharisees in the Bible, and Jesus would not have solemnly warned us against their thinking if there were no likelihood of them surviving the wars with Rome. To speak meaningful truth, we must beware the leaven of the Pharisees. Jesus changed the role of women in his world by treating them as his contemporaries, even with respect to match his respect for Jairus who was a synagogue ruler. Jesus argued with the Pharisees over the value of a widow’s mite. He challenged their judgement of a woman caught in adultery. He refused to be either a political leader, or a religious elite, and he spoke always by the Spirit of God. Jesus walked on the water of faith, not on the pebbles of legalism. By sidestepping Pharisaic rules of order and doctrine, and avoiding political power and opinion, Jesus paved the way for his people to live for him, and speak his words into a world
{ See FAITH TODAY, page A11 }
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› News { FAITH, from page A10 } dominated by deception. What would Jesus ask of us today? In what ways might we follow the example of Pope Francis. Figuring out the truth can be difficult, elusive, but the truth about things is important. It is one of the key roles of an aboriginal elder, to speak with the wisdom of age and the words of the ancestors. Just as much is expected of those of us in whom the Holy Spirit dwells, to speak the truth in love, and value others highly. God’s people love and care for one another, and do not get too caught up in doctrines and arguments. Let’s do the little things
Thursday, August August 06, 06, 2015 2015 A11 A11 Thursday,
Need for human milk donations
The truth is important
ick babies benefit greatly from human milk donations but supply in Chilliwack is down right now. Last year Chilliwack moms donated 116,695 millilitres (ml) but so far in 2015, more than halfway through the year, the volume of milk received is less than half of that. Fraser Health said it is seeing “dramatic drops” in donations in some communities in the eastern Fraser Valley, and the donations are important for premature babies in Fraser Health Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs).
that matter, feed the poor, love the unlovable, show mercy, respect creation, love God, get along and work together. There is, really, only one church. And it is not just Anglican or Roman Catholic or Baptist or United or Pentecostal. It is all the people in whom our Creator speaks, those who have been taught by God. ◗ John Sovereign is a reverend with St. Thomas Anglican.
Much like donating blood, Fraser doctor is contacted to confirm that Health says donating human milk both the donating mother and baby are can be life-saving for premahealthy and thriving. ture babies who are prone to Mothers pump their milk infections and illness. and store it in the freezer in So how does it work? milk storage bags. A miniWomen who are currently mum donation of 4,500 ml breastfeeding can visit www. (or 150 ounces) is usually EB IRST required. To simplify things bcwomensmilkbank.ca and do a quick screening to see if First reported on for mothers, every health chilliwacktimes.com they are eligible to donate any unit in Fraser Health is now extra breast milk they may also a milk collection depot. have. Once women are screened by the Mothers can conveniently drop off Provincial Milk Bank, they get blood their screened donor milk to the work done at their local lab. Then their health unit in their own community.
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chilliwack fair
of the
143rd Annual Chilliwack Fair
Country Roots and Cowboy Boots! Livestock Schedule Friday Aug. 7 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. HI-PRO Show Ring 1 Open Dairy Show - Heifers 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Ring 3 4-H Sheep Showmanship & Project 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sand Ring (dirt) 4-H Llama Performance 1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. HI-PRO Show Ring 1 Young Farmer: Holstein 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. HI-PRO Show Ring 1 4-H Dairy Showmanship 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Ring 2, Ring 3 Mini Horse Halter 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Sand Ring 1 (sand) Mini Horse Driving & Performance 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. HI-PRO Show Ring 1 4-H Holstein Club Achievement
Saturday Aug. 8 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. HI-PRO Show Ring 1 Open Dairy - Cows 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 4-H Goat Show 9:00 a.m. Ring 3 Open Sheep Show
9:00 a.m. -3:30 p.m. Sand Ring 1 (sand) Open Horse Show 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Sand Ring 2 (dirt) Open Horse Show Warm-Up 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Ring 2 4-H Llama Showmanship 1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. HI-PRO Show Ring 1 Young Farmer: Jersey 2:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m HI-PRO Show Ring 1 4-H Dairy Calf Placing 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. HI-PRO Show Ring 1 4-H Beef Fitting & Showmanship 5:30 p.m. HI-PRO Show Ring 1 4-H Beef Calf Placing
A12 Thursday, August 06, 2015
Laurie loves Chilliwack!
Sunday Aug. 9 9:00 a.m. Ring 2 Goat Show 9:00 a.m. Sand Ring 1 (sand) Gymkhana Warm-Up 9:00 a.m. Sand Ring 2 (dirt) Gymkhana 11:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. HI-PRO Show Ring 1 4-H Junior Round Robin 2:30 p.m. HI-PRO Show Ring 1 4-H Senior Round Robin 3:00 p.m. Ring 3 4-H Interclub Costume Class
Greg Laychak/TIMES - file
The 143rd Chilliwack Fair kicks off Friday at Heritage Park. This year’s big musical attraction is Canadian rock legends Platinum Blonde.
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Thursday, August 06, 2015 A13
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A14 Thursday, August 06, 2015
› Chilliwack Fair
Saturday Aug. 8 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows Open Dairy Show (HI-PRO), 4-H Goat Show (RING 2), Open Sheep Show (RING 3), 4-H Llama Showmanship (RING 2) 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows Open Horse Show (SAND 1), Open Horse Show Warmup (SAND 2) 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Grandstand & 89.5 the Drive Stage Barrel Racing 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone 4-H Dog Obedience, 4-H Rabbit (Project) 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Home & Garden Barn Jack Kouwenhoven - Wine 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield FVLMRA Lawnmower Races
11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Creative Station opens 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Home & Garden Barn Pie Contest 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Grandstand & 89.5 the Drive Stage West Coast Axemen 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. ATA Site & Multifield Parade of Power 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Freestyle Skateboarders 11:30 a.m.- 11:45 a.m. ATA Site & Multifield Field Threshing Demo 11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Hand Feed Threshing Demo 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone The Magic of Gary Savard 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Home & Garden Barn Tammy Woods 12:00 p.m. Grandstand & 89.5 the Drive Stage Saloon Opens 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Tractor Pull 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone 4-H Rabbit (Placing/Showmanship), Freestyle Skateboarders 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Grandstand & 89.5 the Drive Stage West Coast Axemen 1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows
Young Farmer: Jersey (HI-PRO) 2:00 - 2:30 p.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows 4-H Dairy Calf Placing (HI-PRO) 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows Llama Showmanship& Halter (RING 2) 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows Horse Clinic (SAND 1) 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Home & Garden Barn Andrew Christopher 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone The Magic of Gary Savard 3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Small Hand Feed Threshing Demo 3:15 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Kids Pedal Tractor Race 3:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Kids Candy Scramble 3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Freestyle Skateboarders 3:45 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Horse Drawn Hay Press Demo 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Taekwondo - Baeks 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Home & Garden Barn Tammy Woods 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows 4-H Beef Fitting & Showmanship
(HI-PRO) 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone The Magic of Gary Savard 4:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Field Threshing Demo 4:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Hand Feed Bailing Demo 4-H Beef Fitting & Showmanship (HI-PRO) 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Livestock and 4-H 4-H Beef Calf Placing (HI-PRO) 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Roller Derby NWO Roller Girls! 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Grandstand & 89.5 the Drive Stage BCRA Rodeo 8:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Freestyle Skateboarders 9:30 p.m. 89.5 the Drive Stage Platinum Blonde with Spirit Cool Sunday Aug. 9 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows Goat Show (H-PRO), Llama Performance (RING 2), Gymkhana Warm-up (SAND 1), Gymkhana (SAND 2) 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone B.C. Dairy Classroom 9:00 a.m. ATA Site & Multifield Display buildings open 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Worship Service
10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield FVLMRA Lawn Mower Races 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. ATA Site & Multifield Parade of Power, 4-H Dog Agility 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Creation Station opens 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone The Magic of Gary Savard!, 4-H Rabbit Costume 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Grandstand & 89.5 the Drive Stage West Coast Axemen 11:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. ATA Site & Multifield Field Threshing Demo 11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Hand Feed Bailing Demo 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Freestyle Skateboarders 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Home & Garden Barn Tammy Woods 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Tractor Pull 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows 4-H Junior Round Robin (HI-PRO) 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone The Magic of Gary Savard! 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Home & Garden Barn Dion Weisbrod 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Grandstand & 89.5 the Drive Stage
West Coast Axemen 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Chilliwack Chiefs 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Home & Garden Barn Andrew Christopher 2:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Small Hand Feed Threshing Demo 2:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Kids Pedal Tractor Races 2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows 4-H Senior Round Robin (HI-PRO) 2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Freestyle Skateboarders 2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Grandstand & 89.5 the Drive Stage BCRA Rodeo 2:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Kids Candy Scramble 2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Horse Drawn Hay Press Demo 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Home & Garden Barn The Magic of Gary Savard! 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Home & Garden Barn 4-H Costume 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Home & Garden Barn Tammy Woods 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Freestyle Skateboarders
TELL US WHY (See page 19 for details)
Friday Aug. 7 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows Open Dairy Show (HI-PRO), 4-H Sheep Showmanship & Project (RING 3), 4-H Llama Performance (SAND 2). 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone B.C. Dairy Classroom 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone 4-H Dog Showmanship 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. ATA Site & Multifield International Truck Show 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Creation Station Opens 11:00 a.m. - 11:30a.m. Grandstand & 89.5 the Drive Stage West Coast Axemen 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Freestyle Skateboarders 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone The Magic of Gary Savard! 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Home & Garden Barn Tammy Wood 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Freestyle Skateboarders 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Grandstand & 89.5 the Drive Stage West Coast Axemen 1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows Young Farmer: Holstein (HI-PRO) 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone The Magic of Gary Savard! 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows 4-H Dairy Showmanship (HI-PRO) 2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Parade of Power 2:30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Field Threshing Demo 2:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Hand Feeding Bail Demo 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows Mini Horse Halter (RING 3) 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Home & Garden Barn Dion Weisbrod 3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Freestyle Skateboarders 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Taekwondo - Baeks 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Home & Garden Barn Tammy Wood 4:00 p.m. Grandstand & 89.5 the Drive Stage Saloon Opens 4:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Small Hand Feed Threshing Demo 4:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Kids Pedal Tractor Race 4:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Candy Scramble 4:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. ATA Site & Multifield Horse Drawn Hey Press Demo 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Learn to Roller Derby! NWO Roller Girls 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows Mini Horse Driving & Performance (SAND1) 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone 4-H Rabbit Achievement 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Grandstand & 89.5 the Drive Stage Opening Ceremonies
6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Livestock and 4-H Shows 4-H Holstein Club Achievement (HI-PRO) 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Grandstand & 89.5 the Drive Stage BCRA Rodeo 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Freestyle Skateboarders 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Barn 2 & Murray Honda Energy Zone Suburban Swing 8:30 p.m. Bobby Wills with guest Danielle Marie
Chilliwack Fair Event Schedule
eaten path
Thursday, August August 06, 06, 2015 2015 A15 A15 Thursday,
➤ From growing food at home to the politics of the ALR, The Eaten Path is an ongoing feature that looks at what we eat, how it is produced and the path our food takes to our table.
Rookie gardener seeking wisdom
told him we were lacking acid. How? The yellowy colour of some plants’ leaves. Kouwenhoven could write a book on how to improve soil to maximize growing conditions and plant health, and he indeed has many handouts for learners such as me, but skimming over many subjects in a short period of time, he had one important tip. “If you apply nothing else to your garden except epsom salts you’ll be fine,” he said.
PAUL J. HENDERSON @peejayaitch
Battles Not knowing what was in our soil this spring since we inherited the garden as is, it’s hard to know why everything grew so well for us. But we did have a couple of minor issues, one of which was aphids on one of our cabbages. Kouwenhoven’s solution? Make a tea out of the leaves from a rhubarb plant and (don’t drink it, rhubarb leaves are mildly poisonous) spray it on the aphids. We also have two espalier fruit trees and on a few leaves of the pear tree was pear trellis rust something he said would spread if the leaves weren’t removed. A few of our beet leaves had leaf miner, which he said isn’t a big deal other than making the leaves ugly. If you see the worm, pinch it and remove the leaf. Crop rotation is important to help control this problem.
hy did my snap peas die? What are those tiny things on my cabbage? Why did my broccoli do
so well? For a rookie gardener, getting his hands dirty with soil and seeds and seedlings for the first time ever, there are so many questions about what worked, what didn’t, why and what to do next. I figure that any question I’ve got, others may too. And I decided the best way to find answers to some of my questions about my first vegetable gardening experience was to find an expert. So what does a rookie gardener do to find answers?Invite seasoned gardener Jack Kouwenhoven to my backyard, of course. The retired Kouwenhoven grows dozens of different fruits and vegetables in his downtown Chilliwack garden—which, for more than two decades, have earned him multiple ribbons at the Chilliwack Fair—and he frequently gives talks on gardening subjects to Food Matters Chilliwack. Water, water, water At first glance at our three raised garden beds, Kouwenhoven tells me we haven’t watered enough, likely a common problem given the conditions this summer. His advice? Put a layer of mulch on top of the soil to help retain moisture. Tomatoes, which we have in a small greenhouse, for example, need water twice a day. Harvesting Given the limited space we have, it’s clear I got a little greedy and planted things too close together. I planted green beans from seed, but everything else using seedlings: onions, cabbages, beets, lettuce, broccoli, snap peas and snow peas.
Paul J. Henderson/TIMES
Jack Kouwenhoven talks strawberries and soil health on a recent backyard garden tour. Everything except the snap peas grew really well and provided tons of produce, but because the plants were too close together, some were a little smaller than they could have been. My cabbage, for example, turned out great but were only about two thirds the size of regular. If you don’t mind things small, you can plant close together but you reap what you sow. My green beans produced huge amounts and this was helped along, as Kouwenhoven explained, by the fact that we picked them daily. The more you pick the more the plant produces. One of our three raised beds is dedicated to strawberries for which Kouwenhoven had lots to say. They
produced well in May and in June stopped, but the plants are thriving and creating lots of runners. At his advice, we put a long window box full of soil next to the bed in which runners are forming into new plants, which is important because—and we didn’t know this—after three years the plants need to be discarded. This is, of course, a delicate balance. “If you want to produce lots of strawberries then you have to cut the runners off but if you want new plants than you have to let them grow.” Healthy soil Soil health is Kouwenhoven’s specialty and one glance at our plants
Other tips: We have a small greenhouse in our yard in which we put three tomato plants in large pots. They produced and continue to produce relatively well, but even with frequent watering it has been a challenge to keep the plant looking as green as it should. It’s just too hot. “If it’s 30 degrees outside it’s 40 in there,” he said. So while the greenhouse seemed like a great place for tomatoes, Kouwenhoven said not in the summer. What it’s most useful for is a season extender. ◗ If anyone has any questions about these topics or anything else gardening related you can ask Jack through the Food Matters Chilliwack Facebook page or their website. To see answers to a number of questions check out the Ask Jack page at foodmatterschilliwack.com/category/ ask-jack.
Paul J. Henderson/TIMES
Jack says strawberry plants only last three years before the need to be replaced, but transplanting runners works.
Paul J. Henderson/TIMES
A greenhouse seemed like a good place for tomatoes but this year it’s just too hot.
Paul J. Henderson/TIMES
Pear trees can be susceptible to pear trellis rust and those leaves should be removed.
Paul J. Henderson/TIMES
Few things are more rewarding for a rookie gardener than pulling fresh produce out of the backyard.
When it comes to growing . . . just ask Jack
A16 Thursday, August 06, 2015
› Sports
No home field advantage against Okanagan Sun
hilliwack’s Valley Huskers fell into an even deeper slump on Saturday, with a 64-0 loss to the Okanagan Sun. The game was the Husker’s 14th straight loss to the Sun on home turf since 1999.
The Huskers finished with a total of five yards rushing and 82 yards passing, compared to the Sun’s totals of 225 and 286, respectively. The Sun softened the Huskers defence in the first half, smashing their way to 160 yards on the ground. The
high-flying Okanagan squad then took to the air in the second half amassing 202 yards. Huskers quarterback Noah Falconer completed 11 of 20 pass attempts for 50 yards, while Brenden Briden completed four of six attempts for 32 yards.
The loss keeps the Valley Huskers in last place in league standings while the win put the Sun into a tie for first overall with the Vancouver Island Raiders. ◗ The Huskers play the Langley Rams this Saturday at 7 p.m. at McLeod Stadium in Langley. 7079002
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Thursday, August 06, 2015 A17 AUG 7 - AUG 13
If you go Apocalypse Car: On display at the Chilliwack Fair Aug. 7 to 8 from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Aug. 9 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Heritage Park
SPY (14A)
FRI-THUR 12:30(3D), 3:00(2D), 4:55(3D), 7:20(2D) & 9:20(3D) FRI-THUR 5:10
FRI-THUR 12:50
FRI-THUR 12:40(2D), 2:35(3D), 5:05(2D), 7:00(3D) & 9:25(2D) FRI-THUR 9:30 FRI-THUR 2:50
FRI-THUR 2:40 & 6:50
FRI-THUR 12:35 & 7:15
Heather loves Chilliwack!
Submitted photo
Using borrowed materials from various locations including the Atchelitz Threshermen’s Museum, Oberholtzer has put together the Chilliwack Fair’s first art installation.
Art piece first of its kind at Fair
‘Apocalypse Car’ will be turning heads this weekend
See contest rules on page 19...
he apocalypse may be coming a little sooner than we’ve anticipated—in fact, it’ll be at the Chilliwack Fair this weekend. Kelly Oberholtzer, a fine arts student at the University of the Fraser Valley, has been working on an art display for the upcoming fair. She’s calling it Apocalypse Car. Oberholtzer’s piece is installation art, a modern art form in which a three-dimensional display is created. By collecting pieces from various places including the Atchelitz Threshermen’s Museum, Kelly has turned an old vintage car into something that you might find on a dystopian movie set. “Installation art is really about what you use to create it,” she explained. “You come up with a big idea and then you’re like ‘what do I have that I can make this out of? What can I actually use?’ And then as you’re developing that concept and you’re finding all those things that you’re going to use to build whatever you’re making, the concept totally changes.” And throughout her time working on the display, her concept has changed. “I was going to try and make that car into a fish, and then as I started making it, I [thought]
Submitted photo
Oberholzer was originally planning on building the car into a fish, but eventually settled on an Apocalypse Car. to attach anything permanently no, I need to highlight this car,” because it’s all stuff that people Oberholtzer said. “I even half own.” made it into Regardless, the fish and I took it all “Installation art is Kelly has still found ways to down.” really about what add her own Having that flexibility to you use to create it. creative flair. “The car change ideas You come up with frame is and “the freedom to a big idea and then insanely dusty,” she be able to do you’re like ‘what do I explained. “I whatever you paint it want” is one of have that I can make can’t or alter it in Oberholtzer’s favourite parts this out of? What can any way, so I can actually of creating I actually use?’” use the dust installation art. to make some But having - Kelly Oberholtzer designs on the borrowed all outside of the of the pieces car.” for the display, Not only is this Oberholtzer’s she’s a bit limited with how first time having her art dismuch alteration can be done. played at the Fair, but it’s the first “I have to take it down and time the Fair has included instalbring everything back,” Oberlation art. holtzer said. “I wasn’t allowed
“It’s really cool that they’re doing it in Chilliwack,” she said. “We haven’t had any contemporary art in Chilliwack that’s that approachable and that people can go and look at, especially at the Fair.” Most people’s preconceived notion of art does not include modern forms like installation art. Oberholtzer understands that, and hopes that the least her display could do is “kind of change people’s minds a bit, alter their perspective.” “More than anything, I’m hoping it will be something different,” she said. And with the chainsaws and cannons she’s attached, it definitely will be. ◗ The Apocalypse Car will be on display at the Fair on Aug. 7 to 8 from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Aug. 9 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Heritage Park.
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TELL US WHY (See page 19 for details)
A18 Thursday, Thursday, August August 06, 06, 2015 2015 A18
› Showtime
Rom-com of a different breed
Daniel Fortin photo
Tim Howe as Jamie and Katrina Barson as Cathy in The Last Five Years.
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The Last Five Years at Rotary Hall Cathy starts at the end and works backwards. Only once, at their wedding in the middle of the show, do their stories cross paths. This is Secondary Character’s second production of the season and the first time they’ve done two productions in one year. The cast of The Last Five Years is only two performers, both of which have been heavily involved with Secondary Characters before. Katrina Barson, who plays Cathy, has not only acted in past performances but was
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also the choreographer for Oklahoma! Tim Howe (Jamie) has participated in two of Secondary Characters’ previous productions, including You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown (2011), and Into The Woods (2014). ◗ The Last Five Years will be showing from Aug. 6 to 9 in the Rotary Hall Studio Theatre at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre. Tickets are $18 or $15 for students and seniors, and are available by calling 604-391SHOW (7469) or online at www. chilliwackculturalcentre.ca.
he Last Five Years may be a romantic comedy, but it’s quite different from Secondary Characters’ recent production of Oklahoma!, or any play they’ve ever done for that matter. There still may be singing and romance, but this time it’s not all about the happily ever after—in fact, there might not even be one. The play follows the five-year relationship and marriage of Cathy and Jamie, from the first time they meet to their breakup. But this play doesn’t follow a traditional timeline. Jamie tells his side of the story from the beginning of their relationship and moves forward, while
18 Voted Best Pizza Eighteen Years In A Row! And working on 19!
› Showtime Seasons
The Golden Palette Art Group’s new show “Seasons,” runs until Aug. 29 in the Art Gallery in the Chilliwack Cultural Centre. The club’s mission is to present an opportunity for artists to create and learn together in a supportive environment. There will be a reception Aug. 8 from 1 to 3 p.m. The gallery is open Wednesday to Saturday from noon until 5 p.m. and some evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Platinum Blonde at The Fair
Rock.It Boy Entertainment and 89.5 FM The Drive present Platinum Blonde on Aug. 8 at Chilliwack Heritage Park as part of the Chilliwack Fair. Tickets are free with Fair admission.
Cinema Under the Stars
Join Prospera Credit Union’s Cinema Under the Stars on Aug. 13 for a screening of Cinderella. The event is free and begins at sundown at Watson Glen Park on Tyson Road.
HHS car show
The Lakefront Car Show in Harrison Hot Springs returns again Aug. 15. Hosted by the Westcoasters and Cooters Car Clubs, there is no entry fee to view the gleaming beauties. Last year’s show attracted 130 vintage and unique vehicles. Registration is 8 a.m. with the show running from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 604-833-5520.
Shawna Caspi
Toronto based singer/songwriter Shawna Caspi will be performing live at the Tractorgrease Cafe on Aug. 16 at 5 p.m. The performance will be
Thursday, August 06, 2015 A19
What’s On email your events to editorial@chilliwacktimes.com part of her tour across B.C. supporting her new album Apartments for Lovers. Tickets are $12 and available at 604-858-3814 or by email at tractorgrease@gmail.com.
Jesse Cook tour
Rock.It Boy Entertainment presents Jesse Cook: One World Tour on Monday, Sept. 28 at the Hub International Theatre at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre, 9201 Corbould St., Chilliwack. Tickets are just $42.50 (plus facility fee and service charges) at Centre Box Office. Charge by phone at 604-391-7469 or online at www.chilliwackculturalcentre.ca.
Melody Mayhem
Chilliwack Community Services presents the fourth annual Melody Mayhem on Oct. 3, this time with a Groovy ‘60s theme. The event is from 6:30 to 11 p.m. at the Tzeachten Hall, 45855 Promontory Rd. Tickets are $50 and can be purchased by calling 604-792-4267.
Murray McLauchlan
An Evening in Concert with Murray McLauchlan is set for Oct. 24 at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre. Reserved seating tickets are $42 to $46 (depending on facility fees and service charges, tax incl.), are on sale now and are available from the the Box Office by calling 604-391-7469. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. For more info, pics and music clips, visit www.shantero.com.
s re rresidents essi side ide d nts ntts off C Chilliwack, hill hi lliw ll lli iwac iiw wack ackk, we ac we have haave h ve a llot ott tto ob bee ttha thankful hank ha h ankf nkfu nk kffu ful ull for, for ffo orr, r, from from rom amazing amazi amaz am azin az ing iin ngg rivers, riv ri ivve vers ers rs, s lakes lakke aand an d mountains moun nta taiins to incredible incredi dibl ble facilities, faci fa cili liti ties es, businesses busi sine ness sses es and and parks par arks ks to to generous g ne ge nero rouss neighbours. neigh g bo bou ur Staffers at the Chilliwack Times wanted to share what we most appreciate about our community. What about you? What do you love most about where you live? Email your answer to editorial@chilliwacktimes.com—along with a photo, if you have one—your name and daytime phone number and we might publish it! All those who participate will be entered into a weekly draw for prizes, as well as a final grand prize draw for a $1,000 travel voucher courtesy of Roblin Travel. We’re proud of our community and we know our readers are too. Here’s your chance to share why you love Chilliwack, maybe win a prize, but most of all, show a little pride in the place we all call home.
! ! ! N I W d l u Yo u c o This week’s winners are... BC LIONS TICKETS Chad Hilton
Expert Diesel Servic e
Lift Kits A/C Suspensions AirCare
Best Shop Rate in Town! Certified Mechanic - Full Auto Repair zing Speciali an pe ro u E in
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Specializing in Mercedes and BMW
• Top Soil • Bark Mulch • Bark Nuggets • Lava Rock • Landscape Rock • Compost • Drain Rock • Fill Dirt • Sand • Crusher Dust • Pit Run Gravel Bagged Items • Pink Shale Available • Black Shale
The grand prize...
$1,000 TRAVEL VOUCHER courtesy of
604.702.5666 eautiful gardens start here OPEN
Abigail Brown
Truck Rentals • Grader • 4 yd Loader Pit on Promontory Rd
BILL KELLY 604-795-3330 www.kelmorenterprises.com
Email entries to: editorial@chilliwacktimes.com • Top Soil (please put I Love Chilliwack! in the subject heading) • Bark Mulch Name: __________________________________________________________________ • Bark Nuggets Phone Number: __________________________________________________________ • Lava Rock Address: ________________________________________________________________ • Landscape Rock Why I love Chilliwack! _____________________________________________________ • Compost ________________________________________________________________________ • Drain Rock ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ • Fill Dirt • Sand a separate sheet for more information. Maximum: 150 words) • Crusher (Use Dust Mail entries to 45951 Trethewey Ave., Chilliwack, BC V2P 1K4 • Pit Run Gravel
•1.Pink Shale Enter as many times as you wish. 2. Each entry must be original in content. (photocopied entry forms accepted) • Black Shale /chilliwacktimes @chilliwacktimes Ú chilliwacktimes.com
A20 Thursday, August August 06, 06, 2015 2015 A20 Thursday,
› Sports
(See page 19 for details) SOME SHOES NEED FILLING
# of Papers
901-48 Carroll, Herron, Lewis, Marshall, Nelmes, Norland, Northview 107 903-16 Bluestone, Eagle, Falcon, Hillcrest, Mountain Park, Stonegate, Swallow 104 905-04 Railway, Rowat, Trethewey, Young 52
920-02 Newby, Wiltshire, Worthington 65 920-18 Crestwood, Haig, Leary, Meadowlark, Raven, Richardson, Wells 149 920-26 Storey, Vedder 84 921-05 Higginson, Lavender, Southdowne, Stevenson, Verbena 100 921-14 Alder, Britton, Gordon, Manuel, Sheffield, Vedder, Webb 122 924-05 Clover, Colt, Remington, Ruger, Springfield, Timothy, Village, Winchester 123
Power lifter Joanne Bunnin competed with Special Olympics Team Canada in the 2015 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Los Angeles and won three gold medals (bench press, dead lift, combination bench and dead lift). Bunnin even set a personal best in dead lift at 120 kg.
Jake Hayes dominates
Chilliwack’s Jake Hayes participated in eight races at the Western Canadian Mini Roadracing Championships this weekend, with two first place finishes in Spec Supersport, two first place finishes in Spec Under 21, three second place finishes and one third in four formula races. Hayes also set two track records at the Greg
➤ JOCK SCRAPS Send sporting events to glaychak@chilliwacktimes.com
Moore Raceway: a 1:04.6 in Spec Supersport and a 1:04.1 in Formula Supersport.
Fraser Valley jr. golf event
Kyle Claggett was red-hot at Cultus Lake Golf Course on Tuesday as he shot a five-under 58 to win the first event in the Fraser Valley Junior Golf Tournament series. Twenty-four golfers took part in the opening tourney with Kyle Alexander leading the 11-year-old division (75), followed by Sher Sidhu in the 12-year-old division (69), Brian Dale and Connor Piers
tying in the 13-year-old division (74), Ryan Alexander in the 14-year-old division (67), Claggett was tops in the 15-year-old division, Josh Banford claimed the 16-year-old division (64) and Kyle Dodds and Ryan Martel tied with 84s in the 17-year-old division. The series ends Friday at Royalwood after stops at Meadowlands and Chilliwack .
923-06 Alpine, Braeside, Dellview, Grove 115 923-12 Markel, Valleyview 67 923-18 Lear, Skyview, Sylvan, Valleyview 80 923-19 Goldspring, Springgate, Sylvan 66
960-04 McGrath, Muirhead, Munro, Nevin, Sache 68 960-08 Aberdeen, Yale 67 960-12 Caryks, Dyer, Llanberis, Parkwood, Royalwood, Rutley, Yale 125
45951 Trethewey Ave, Chilliwack
Joanne Bunnin brings home gold
START VAPING Would love to thank the following Garden Hosts:
#104 - 7491 Vedder Rd, Chilliwack, BC (By Staples)
And a special “Thanks” to this year’s volunteers and the following sponsors:
Ed & Elsie Isaak, Randy & Alyson Cockrill, Fred & Anne Hails, Mike & Anne Feenstra, Walter & Elsie Goerzen, Pauline & Terry Cross, Greg Knills & Sharon Bolton, Jim & Jean Servizi, Ken Popove, Mr. & Mrs. Medewenitsch (Chilliwack Mountain Road) and Mr. & Mrs. O’Connor (Eden Drive)
We sell everything you need to quit smoking and
Thursday, August 06, 2015 A21
Tuesday, August 20, 2013 atat 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 20, 2013 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers Council Chambers Council Chambers 8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 8A4 8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 8A4 8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, B.C. V2P 8A4 www.chilliwack.com www.chilliwack.com www.chilliwack.com TAKE NOTICE that thethe Council of of thethe CityCity ofwill Chilliwack hold a Public Hearing, as as noted TAKE NOTICE that Council of Chilliwack hold a Hearing, Public Hearing, noted above, on the following items: TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the City of Chilliwack holdwill awill Public as noted
above, onon thethe following items: above, following items: 1. 1.ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2013, No.No. 3944 ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2013, 3944(RZ000806) (RZ000806) 1. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2015, No. 4134 (RZ000899) 3. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2015, No. 4133 (RZ000912) Location: Wilkins Drive (a (a portion of)of) Location: 5971 5971 Wilkins Drive portion Location: 5665 Promontory Road Location: 43971 Industrial Way Owners: Alfred Sawatzky and Jenny Lynn Sawatzky Owners: Alfred Sawatzky and Jenny Lynn Sawatzky Owner: 1031887 BC Ltd. Owner: Lickman Travel Centre Inc. 2 2 portion of of thethe subject property, as as shown onon thethe map Purpose: rezone a 634m portion subject property, shown map Purpose: To To rezone a 634m Purpose: To rezone the subject property, as shown onfrom the map below, from Purpose:Zone a(One portion of the subject property, as shown on the map below, an R1-A (One Family Residential) toToto anrezone R1-C Family below, from an R1-A (One Family Residential) Zone an R1-C (One Family a SR (Suburban Residential) Zone toResidential a Residential R3 (Small–Lot One Family below, from athe CS2 Accessory) Zone to to facilitate a 2a lot subdivision andand – Accessory) Zone facilitate 2 lot subdivision the (Tourist Commercial) Zone to a C7 (Liquor Store) of of a single family home with a legal secondary construction a single family home with a legal secondary suite. align the zoning with the existing uses on the site. Residential) Zone to facilitate future construction subdivision. Zone tosuite. formally Location Map Location Map
Location Map:
Location Map:
2. 2.ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2013, No.No. 3945 ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2013, 3945(RZ000804) (RZ000804) Location: Sylvan Drive (a (a portion of)of) Location: 47340 47340 Sylvan Drive portion Owner: 0945651 BCBC Ltd.Ltd. (Nick Westeringh) Owner: 0945651 (Nick Westeringh) Purpose: rezone a 1.30 hectare portion of of thethe subject property, as as shown onon thethe Purpose: To To rezone a 1.30 hectare portion subject property, shown map below, from anan R3R3 (Small LotLot One Family Residential) Zone to to anan R4R4 map below, from (Small One Family Residential) Zone 4. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2015, No. 4131 (RZ000915) 2. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2015, No. 4130 (RZ000913) (Low Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone to to facilitate a boundary (Low Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone facilitate a boundary Location: 8146,Street 8160, 8174, 8188, 8202, 8216 and 8230 Brannick Place Location: 45394 Spadina Avenue adjustment with thethe property located at at 6026 Lindeman and thethe adjustment with property located 6026 Lindeman Street and Owner: Trygg Lands (Chilliwack) Ltd. construction of of a townhouse development. Owner: Manjit Hansra construction a townhouse development. Purpose: To amend the text of the AFP (Agricultural Food Processing) Zone Purpose: To rezone the subject property, as shown on the map below, from Location Map Location Map
to facilitate limited expansion of the permitted food processing uses to allow abattoir and associated processes within the following subject properties only: 8146, 8160, 8174, 8188, 8202, 8216 and 8230 Brannick Place.
an R1-A (One Family Residential) Zone to a R1-D (Infill Small Lot One Family Residential) Zone to facilitate a future subdivision.
Location Map:
Location Map:
Persons who deem that their interest in the properties is affected by by these proposed Persons who deem that their interest in the properties is affected these proposed amendment bylaws will have an opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing or,or, if you areare amendment bylaws will have an opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing if you unable to attend, you may provide a written submission, including your full name and unable to attend, you may provide a written submission, including your full name and address, to to thethe CityCity Office noproposed later than 4:00 p.m. onbylaws thethe date ofhave thethe Public Hearing. address, Clerk’s Office no later than 4:00 p.m. on date of Hearing. Persons who deem that their interest in the property is Clerk’s affected by the amendment will anPublic opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing or, if you All submissions will be recorded and form part of the official record of the Hearing. will be recorded form of and the official record of City the Hearing. are unable to attend, you may provideAllasubmissions written submission, includingand your fullpart name address, to the Clerk’s Office no later than 4:00 p.m. on the date of the Public Hearing. All submissions will be recorded and formmay part ofbe theinspected officialbetween record ofthe the Hearing. These proposed bylaws be inspected hours of of 8:30 a.m. andand 4:30 p.m., These proposed bylaws may between the hours 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, from Wednesday, August 7, 7, 2013 to to Tuesday, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, from Wednesday, August 2013 Tuesday, These proposed bylaws may be inspected between the hours of 8:30 and 4:30 p.m., Monday Friday, excluding holidays, from Wednesday, August 5, 2015 August 20, 2013, both inclusive, in a.m. the Office of of the CityCity Clerk atthrough CityCity Hall, 8550 Young Road, August 20, 2013, both inclusive, in the Office the Clerk at Hall, 8550 Young Road, to Tuesday, August 18, 2015, bothChilliwack, inclusive, inBC. the Office of the City Clerk at City Hall, 8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, BC. Please direct your enquiries to our Planning & direct your enquiries to to ourour Planning & Strategic Initiatives Department Chilliwack, BC.Please Please direct your enquiries Planning & Strategic Initiatives Department Strategic Initiatives Department at 604-793-2906. at at 604-793-2906. 604-793-2906. Please that nono further or submissions bebe considered byby Council Please note that no further information ornote submissions can beinformation considered byor Council aftercan thecan conclusion of the Public Hearing. Please note that further information submissions considered Council after thethe conclusion of of thethe Public Hearing. after conclusion Public Hearing. Delcy Wells, CMC Janice McMurray Delcy Wells, CMC City Clerk City Clerk Deputy City Clerk
3. 3.ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2013, No.No. 3947 (RZ000810) ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2013, 3947 (RZ000810) Applicant: City of Chilliwack Applicant: City of Chilliwack Purpose: of of amendments to to Zoning Bylaw 2001, No.No. 2800 areare Purpose: A number A number amendments Zoning Bylaw 2001, 2800 proposed to to provide forfor andand regulate federally licensed commercial medicinal proposed provide regulate federally licensed commercial medicinal marihuana grow operations within thethe CityCity of of Chilliwack. marihuana grow operations within Chilliwack.
A22 Thursday, August 6, 2015
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Back of Eastside Main Beach Parking
Thursday, August 6, 2015 A23
A24 Thursday, August 06, 2015