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Table 1: Summary of Issues Discussed in the Panel Discussions and Presentations
How can the two agreements and five model laws of the TTTFP be adopted and domesticated by tripartite Member States ahead of the adoption by the Council of Ministers and official signing and endorsement by the Heads of State Summit in order to counter the delays?
• There is need to ensure that the TTTFP multilateral agreements and model laws are adopted and domesticated by tripartite Member States since TTTFP delays will continue before adoption and endorsement by the CoM and HoSS
• This will lead to seamless adoption, domestication and commencement of implementation by Member States
Though the multilateral agreements and model laws are not yet adopted, they are good and progressive. But when is the adoption, domestication and implementation going to happen?
• Many tripartite Member States are not waiting for the official adoption, signing and endorsement of the model laws and multilateral agreements
• Zambia made amendments to the Road Traffic Act No.11 of 2022 based on the TTTFP model legal framework as the best way to govern the road transport subsector
• Model legal framework has introduced demerit points for erring drivers and penalties will be instituted once a certain threshold of points is accrued
How about maritime and inland waterways agreements, is there anything for the region and at continental level?
• SADC is the lead REC on road transport or TTTFP issues
• COMESA leads on railway transport matters for the region
• IOC has taken the lead on maritime transport (and inland waterways)
• New programme aimed at linking the Mediterranean Sea with Lake Victoria via Nile River is being supported by the African Development Bank (AfDB)
Will there be successful adoption, domestication and implementation of the TTTFP multilateral agreements and model laws?
• RECs are confident that TTTFP multilateral agreements and model laws will be adopted, domesticated and implemented
• TTTFP multilateral agreements and model laws will change the way the road transport sub-sector operates in the region
• Harmonised regional road transport sub-sector will not only benefit Zambian road transporters, but others in the transporters as well