Mushroom times No.4

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Mushroom Times Mushroom Times Newsletter is published every two months by China Edible Mushroom Business Net (CEMBN) in China. Devoting to service the development of global mushroom industry. Complimentary CEMBN inner newsletter.







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Managing Editor: Hao Lee Executive Editor: Nina Zhang Editors: Tess Li Wendy Wang Graphic Designer: Kun Zhang Xiongyi Yin Advertising Manager: Yan Chen Editorial Board: Louis Avaldi Chris Bailey Steven Muro


China Edible Mushroom Business Net (CEMBN) Room 201, Haoyue office block, No.128, Lugu Road, ShiJingshan District, Beijing, China Tel: 86-10-68658322 Email: Website: Follow us on our social media platforms to receive the latest mushroom news from around the world. @CEMBN_China China Edible Mushroom Business Net

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ent s, ple con as trib utio e eld ns s.




PG4 TOPIC NEWS ◆ The 11th China Mushroom Supplies Expo & Mushroom Factory Development Meeting was successfully concluded

PG6 SPECIAL REPORT ◆ China Shiitake industry research report


PG13 LOCAL NEWS IN CHINA PG16 ENTERPRISE FEATURE ◆ Pep®film——international brand leader

PG20 INDUSTRIALIZATION NEWS PG22 NEWS IN PICTURES ◆ Expo participants visited shandong linyi Agaricus bisporus production base ◆ Shiitake bag factory went into operation in desert mushroom industrial park ◆ Learn to protect and appreciate mushrooms in nature ◆ Canada wild ganoderma lucidum can alleviate the adverse reaction of chemotherapy

PG26 MUSHROOMS QUOTATION ◆ China main varieties of mushrooms quotation (sep to oct,2015) ◆ Dried wild mushroom price


Cover Story

Displaying Technology achievements Expanding market The 11th China Mushroom Supplies Expo & Mushroom Factory Development Meeting Good News! The 11th China Mushroom Supplies Expo & Mushroom Factory Development Meeting was held by CEMBN on 9th-12th, October in Lianyungang city of Jiangsu province. More than 1000 related leaders and guests attended the opening plenary session, and several local media reported this at the instant of occurrence. In fact, China Mushroom Supplies Expo has been held successfully for ten years by CEMBN. These years, more than 5000 domestic and foreign enterprises attended the expo. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of participants also attended. Most worthy of mention was that new mushroom products and technical achievements had a high volume of impressions, which reached 10000 items. At the same time, total volume of business reached more than one billion CNY. China Mushroom Supplies Expo is the best platform for enterprises to display image, expand the market, resource integration, communication and cooperation. According to introducing, Near to 300 exhibitors and 1200 participants attend this expo, which is the biggest event in the previous expo. During the Expo, Yuchun Lee, president of CEMBN, made an important speech about China mushroom industry. He expressed that China mushroom industry is facing with a lot of changes such as structural adjustment, transformation, upgrading, and the pattern of economic growth. So to speak, the fundamentals of mushroom industry are positive, but the structure is not reasonable so that restrict industry to develop. 1 Industrial layout is not reasonable 2 Consumption of regional structure is not reasonable 3 Products structure is not reasonable 4 Product market circulation structure is not reasonable 5 Industrial chain structure configuration is not reasonable 6 The structure of resources development and utilization is not reasonable 7 Technical personnel structure is not reasonable 8 Enterprise financial investment allocation structure is not reasonable Therefore, he thought that the restructuring of mushroom industry is imperative. We need to consider from multiple perspectives to consider such as “Internet +”,”Made in China 2025”, “Ecological and environmental protection”, “Recycling economy” and so on. Meanwhile, we need to combine structural adjustment, transformation, upgrading, and the pattern of economic growth. 1 Factory transfer to Intelligence in Production 2 Strengthen the deep processing of products of edible mushroom 3 Strengthen the development of new products


Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015

Cover Story

ket channels Boosting mushroom industry development Expo Highlights 1. Innovative development as the purport During the Expo, more than 1000 new equipment, products and technologies were shown. Meanwhile, a dozen of mushroom experts, scholars and entrepreneurs shared and communicated their experience. 2. According to problems to organize the contents Over 20 market researchers surveyed China edible mushroom industrialized production, used three months, which was organized by China Edible Mushroom Business Net and Edible Mushroom Editorial Department. “2014/2015 China Edible Mushroom Industry Development Report” was issued during the Expo, which provided most valuable reference and help for participants. 3. Boost industry intelligence During this exhibition, “the development of edible mushroom machinery and equipment industry” and “the production promotion of edible mushroom industry intelligence” and other special symposium was held, and we also invited authoritative experts and entrepreneurs to interpret and discuss so as to boost edible mushroom factory production “Saving labor, time and cost “ and high efficiency environment protection and other innovative ideas. 4. Explore new trade mode of network electricity suppliers During the exhibition, professionals were invited to discuss the edible mushroom industry “internet +”, and “How to use the electronic commerce to expand domestic and foreign markets “ & “How to achieve efficient convergence of product distribution and financial system to study”. Aim to break the market bottlenecks. 5. Recommendation: Investment and Financing & Listing Channel During this expo, some entrepreneurs (has been successfully listed) are capital operation experts who were invited. They help participants to learn capital operation and general requirements of investment and financing, which can help enterprises realize the combination between industry and finance, even transformation and upgrading. 6. The strategy of “One Belt One Road” By the strategy of “One Belt One Road” ,more and more foreign mushroom enterprises will be organized to attend Expo.Through business communication, we hope to develop foreign market and seek cooperation. 7. All-around media publicity advantage Website, Magazine and Newspaper are our media publicity advantages, which has strong propaganda force, high popularity, good rallying point and cohesion. The 11th China mushroom Expo was a mushroom industry event, which also was the international exchange and cooperation platform. Results Show, Trade, Information Exchange, Innovation and Development into one Expo. Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015


Special Report

CHINA SHIITAKE INDUSTRY RESEARCH REPORT Shiitake is a famous edible and medical mushroom, which not only has rich nutrition, delicious flavor, but also is the treasure in Chinese dishes. Shiitake contains all kinds of protein amino acids and rich in amino acids that human body need, which account for about 35.7% of total amino acids. The modern medical research found that the fruiting body and mycelium of Shiitake contain a large number of bioactive constituents, such as: lentinan, which can effectively improve human immune system and have an obvious effect in reducing cholesterol, predicting colds and fighting against cancer.


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Special Report Under the condition of more people and less land in China, an effective way of Shiitake cultivation was developed through use the waste of agricultural and forestry to produce high quality protein product. In China, farmers of Fujian, Henan, Zhejiang and other regions depend on growing and processing Shiitake successful with a better life. Shiitake is one of export of agricultural products with the international market competitive advantage after China entry into WTO. Since 1990s, Chinese Shiitake annual output and trade volume accounted for about 80% of the world.

Market is the precursor of Shiitake industry development. With the rapid rhythm of life, the single production form of the traditional dried Shiitake has been unable to meet the demand of the market. In recent years, duo to the improvement of keeping fresh technology, the small packaging of fresh Shiitake appears on the the supermarket shelves of large and medium cities. Fresh Shiitake can also be exported to Europe and the United States by sea, air transport and other transport modes. Shiitake deep processing and export are still the leading and motivation of Shiitake industry development in the future.

Four Main Producing Areas Suizhou, Hubei Suizhou Shiitake is famous in Chinese and foreign for its features such as size uniformity, flesh thick, short stem thick and large cap. Suizhou Southwest Big Hongshan area and Suizhou Northeast Tongbai mountain area are the main production area, and Sanligang Shiitake market is a large distribution center of mid-south region, the annual turnover

is nearly one hundred million CNY. Suizhou Shiitake is a typical export-oriented industry, the total value of output is about ten billion CNY and earn foreign exchange through exports is 590 million dollars, which ranks the first around the country. In the countryside of Suizhou, almost all the villages have build mushroom farms. In recent three years, Mushroom Times 路 Sep/Oct 2015


Special Report in Suizhou, 160 million Shiitake bags are produced through the method of Shiitake bag cultivation per year. Dried Shiitake is self-produced, which is about 40 thousand tons that accounts for more than 40% of whole province’s total output. The annual export of dried mushroom is about 35 thousand tons, accounting for more than 20% of total national exports.

Pingquan, Hebei Hebei "Pingquan Shiitake" has been achieved the national ministry of agriculture awarded the certificate about "agricultural products geographical indications". In recent years, Pingquan county seriously implement "quality, technology, leader, market" strategy, promotes the development edible mushroom industry and has set up edible mushroom research institute, edible mushroom research association and productivity promotion center and other four research institutions, successively introduces more than ten new species and research and promote more than twenty new technologies, greatly improve the mushroom industry science and technology content. Meanwhile, Pinhquan also creates "Senyuan", "Runnong", "Dry Age", "Three trees" and other green fresh mushroom brands. Drive the peasants the surrounding areas to effectively improve popularizing rate of new technology through the edible mushroom processing technology demonstration park, mushroom standardized production base.

Qingyuan, Zhejiang Qingyuan county is the birthplace of artificial cultivation Shiitake in the world, where be called "China Shiitake City". Qingyuan Shiitake is famous for its characteristics such as pure, noble, aromatic flavor, nutrition-rich, unique flavor". In 2014, the number of employees are nearly 70 thousand people in Qingyuan county who work on Shiitake production and related industries, it accounts for 35% of the county agricultural population, the production always stay at 150 million bags and the total annual value of output up to 2 billion CNY, accounting for 52.3% of the value of agricultural total output in the county. Meanwhile, the value of "Qingyuan Shiitake" brand is 4.617 billion CNY, up 81 million CNY from 2013.

Xixia, Henan Xixia is Chinese famous Shiitake village. Shiitake is one of the most characteristic of the export agriculture products. Xixia Shiitake and its products export amount to 46 thousand tons in 2014, its value is 650 million dollars, respectively, in the same period up 36.6% and 32.7% from last year, 70% of Shiitake in Japan market comes from Xixia. At present, Xixia has total build 15 Shiitake professional towns, 110 professional villages and 170 standardization cultivation bases. Nearly 35 thousand farmers engage in Shiitake producing. The annual output of Shiitake is 280 thousand tons, and the production value is over 3 billion CNY.

Shiitake Technology According to the season, Shiitake cultivation can be divided into Spring cultivation model, Summer cultivation(anti season cultivation model) and Fall cultivation model.


Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015

According to the different cultivation facilities, field and methods, Shiitake cultivation can be divided into Shiitake stereo-cultivation in high altitude forest, soil-cover culture

Special Report in forest, cold tents cultivation, tilt type and cross to place pattern, semi soilcover cultivation and trellis model etc. Now, Shiitake cultivation technologies have a greater development and appear a new model of liquid spawn bags cultivation, low carbon type Shiitake production technologies in mountain area. It is worth mentioning that the emergence of photovoltaic greenhouse, which let Shiitake cultivation to enter a new world.

Shiitake Varieties Shiitake varieties can be classified into middle and low temperature type, middle temperature type, high temperature type. At present, the main varieties of Shiitake cultivation are Cr02, Cr04, L26, Xiang VII, Taixiang, Wuxiang I, Shiitake 867, Shiitake 937 etc. 1. Shiitake 808 is a commonly strain, which is used by mushroom farmers. Its outstanding characteristics are long cultivation period, long fruiting period, full shape, thick cap, dense quality, no significant change after the cap absorbing water, long shelf life, suitable for fresh sales, high dry-matters content. Dried mushroom weight : Wet mushroom weight= 1: (7 ~ 8), fruiting in advance when summer. 2. Shiitake 931 belongs to high temperature type, which has many advantages such as wide range of temperature during fruiting, big model, flesh thickness, short handle, anti high temperature and strong disease-resistant ability.

China Shiitake Market As the consumers understood the nutritional value of Shiitake, Shiitake became an indispensable food. In recent years, Shiitakes are sold well all around the world, especially the emergence of anti seasonal Shiitake, which has broken the summer Shiitake market gaps, and enrich people’s dining table. At present, the anti seasonal Shiitake price tends to grow, the price of Shiitake in Henan area even reached 10 CNY/ kg. The factors that affect the market price of Shiitakes are as follows: 1. Changes in market supply and demand, the production oversupply and the price declines.

Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015


Special Report

On the contrary, the price increase. Habits affect consumption, the off-season price is downturn, supply and demand of traditional festival market booming, volume and price. Product quality level, the overall quality of product can still remain relatively strong prices in the market downturn. According to the Shiitake series standards: Pushing whole process of Shiitake standardized production in order to develop high quality Shiitake, which will become the main direction of Shiitake production development in the future. The development of seasons balanced supply: the traditional Shiitake industry after baking Shiitake to sell, the fruiting seasons concentrated in November to May of the following year. In recent years, great changes in domestic

and international consumption, single dried mushroom consumption has shift to lay equal stress on dried and fresh mushroom consumption, and even fresh mushroom consumption is more and more active. So Shiitake industry will according to the market requirement to consider appropriate arrangements for dried mushroom and fresh mushroom variety ratio, the ratio of ordinary to high quality Shiitake planting. Meanwhile, fresh mushroom also need adapt to the seasons of equilibrium consumption demand. Four seasons fruiting and balancing market will be achieved by the combination of various temperature type varieties and the combination of cultivation pattern. Develop toward intensive production and industrialization operation: intensive production process has a division of labor, it can set up spawn bag companies, training material companies and cultivation farms. Scale management is conducive to build brand, open up the market and access to scale efficiency so that Shiitake production tends to large volume, full range, good quality and high price. Develop toward new material resource: for a long time, hardwood resource is more and more scarce due to constant use. Then shift to sawdust-saving cultivation such as recycle waste mushroom bags, agriculture and forestry waste resources to produce Shiitake, which became the new production development direction. Develop toward deep processing: Develop toward Shiitake polysaccharide, lenthionine, Shiitake frozen products, instant leisure food, puffed food, condiment, health drink, drug and functional health food so that let it form a diverse Shiitake production products.

The trend of industrial Shiitake development Shiitake originated from China, and Shiitake artificial cultivation is also firstly start in China, Shiitake mushrooms occupy 30% of China edible mushroom export. According to statistics, China Shiitake total output reached 7.103125 million tons in 2013, which occupied 22% of the edible mushroom total output and became the highest yield edible mushroom species. In recent years, the biological efficiency of Shiitake production in China is much higher than other countries. Meanwhile, the wholesale price of fresh Shiitake remained in 10 CNY/ KG throughout the year in 2013, the production efficiency steady rise, which is in sharp contrast with industrial edible mushrooms (such as: Enoki mushrooms, King oyster mushrooms, Hypsizigus marmoreus etc.) oversupply and declined benefit. The development of the industry is very stable, and the


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market is long-term bullish. Shiitake factory cultivation is an inevitable trend: from China current statue and market analysis of Shi-itake industry, at present, the development of Shiitake industry is still in farmer workshop production and the main body is still farmers. However, with the rapid development of Shiitake industry, the increase of domestic market consumption, the traditional cultivation has been far from the meeting the needs of market and the modern factory cultivation model becomes an inevitable trend. The advantages and disadvantages of industrialized cultivation: the model of factory production of Shiitake reduces the labor intensity and the cost, it benefits for

Special Report farmers continue to increase income and ensure mushroom farmers get relatively stable income. The model of factory production of Shiitake is through centralized sterilization and centralization drying to reduce firewood consumption and energy consumption. It also can reduce the risk of snowstorms, typhoons and fires, so as to improve the ability of standardization management and food safety market access. But there are still lack mature and complete production equipment and the process support, integrated environmental control system is not necessary, factory produc-

tion management technology personnel shortage and other constrains on the development of Shiitake factory production. It need to cultivate varieties suitable for the cultivation of factory, optimize the production technology, research and develop a special machinery for the Shiitake cultivation. The realization of factory production is Shiitake farmers’ “China Dream”, it’s also the only way for Shiitake industry becoming bigger and stronger in China. If Shiitake factory production technology can really realize, it would effectively pro-mote the edible mushroom industry to the new com-manding heights.

Shiitake production quality and safety issues Shiitakes nutrition is rich, loved by consumers. However, in recent years, the quality and safety problems of Shiitake are also occurred frequently. Such as the false Shiitake spawn, Shiitake excessive pesticide residues, due to export Shiitake detected in beetle class pest were returned in some regions. Shiitake as a characteristic agricultural industry, its quality and safety issues can’t be ignored. Therefore, it’s necessary to strengthen the standardization construction of edible mushroom park, strengthen environmental construction of edible mushroom base, strengthen safety supervision and technical guidance, increase edible mushroom product safety supervision and strengthen the main responsibility of processing enterprises and establish a series of product quality traceability system.

How to choose high quality Shiitake High quality Shiitakes have characters of round neat, caps hypertrophy, face smoothing and dried quality. It has a hard feeling when hand knead stipe, immediately release the leavening as before. The color is yellow and brown, cap lamella closes and white, the stipe mushroom be short and thick, far smell aromatic, no burnt, rain flake, mycophenolate and debris. The different in Shiitake varieties, the quality requirements are also different.

disease, it is necessary to seriously analyze the reasons, as soon as possible to take preventive measures, completely eliminate or inhibit its spread. When it is necessary to use chemical to prevent, must before the fruiting or after picking mushrooms, do not be directly sprayed on the mushroom body, so as to avoid the remained poison effect on human health. Shiitake fruiting body always appears "Candle mushroom"(without cap), "Pineal mushroom", "Litchi mushroom" (without stipe or the cap no opening) and others when it in the growth process, which belongs to the physiological disease. Prevention methods are the following: 1. Learning about spawn characters, prevent fault of introduced spawn. 2. Grasp regular of coloring , prevent temperature out of control. 3. Master the principle of variable temperature, prevent temperature difference. 4. Timely and appropriate amount of water, prevent water being wet too early. 5. Ripening mushroom appropriately, prevent too dry and too wet. 6. Pick appropriately, prevent overripe.

Pests and disease control The north common Shiitake pests include: infectious microbe, pests and disease. Which are the enemy of Shiitake production and directly affect the effectiveness of spawn production and cultivation. So, producers who engaged in edible mushroom must pay high attentions, and adhere to the "prevention first, combining prevention and treatment" principle. Once discover the pests and Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015


Local News in China Chengbu Reishi was exported to southeast markets

It is reported that Chengbu Miaoxiang Edible Mushroom Professional Cooperation from Hunan province was found in 2014. The cooperation always leads local farmers to cultivate Reishi, Shiitake and other edible mushrooms, having a obvious benefits. At present, the cooperation has cultivated Reishi and Shiitake of 100 mu, the annual output value is over 8 million CNY. The Reishi products were exported to southeast markets.

Artificial Bolete was very popular in International Agriculture Fair

Recently, the fresh Bolete of Hongzhen Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd were welcomed by customers in 2015 11th Kunming and pan-Asian International Agriculture Fair. Hongzhen is a large scale company with de-

veloping, producing, promoting and selling, devote to artificial cultivating rare wild mushrooms. This year, the company artificial cultivated out Bolete. It can produce 500 kilograms per day. Hongzhen company is the first to study out the artificial cultivation bolete, which become the leading position in the world. The products main sell to the markets and gourmet restaurants of Kunming, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. The artificial bolete has the similar minerals, protein, crude fat, amino acid and other elements to wild ones.

Bayi area establishes a Reishi base in the light of local conditions

It’s reported, the altitude of Tongmai village of Tibet autonomous region is over 1800 meters, the climate is pleasant, it’s very suitable for the growth of Reishi. Early 2013, through the “two committees”actively strive, under the technicing instruction of Technology Bureau, with Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Bureau’s financial support, Tongmai became the first village to experimenting to cultivate Reishi. Now the village has experimenting to cultivate 400 mu Reishi, and establishes the Reishi base. At present, the productivity and quality of local Reishi has improved, and the villagers are also increasingly confident to grow Reishi.

Tianlin county plans to build a large edible mushroom base

Tianlin county, Baise city, Guangxi province plans to build a large edible mushroom base. The project is being invested by Tianlin county Investment Bur eau, t he t ot al i nv e s t m e nt i s 100 million CNY. It can produce ten thousand tons Shiitake, Black fungi, Reishi and other edible mushrooms a year. It’s introduced, Ding’an town and Badu village are rich in resources and wild area, which have good natural conditions for producing edible mushroom. Meanwhile, through using agricultural and “three remains” in the forestry area as the advantageous condition, people produce edible mushroom , and the market has wide development prospects.

A citizen found a huge Reishi, which weighs 30kg Mr. Liu who engages horticulture, likes to collect antique and rare stones. He also has a huge Reishi that weighs 14kg. Mr. Liu said the Reishi is found in a deep mountain this March. This Reishi’s weight is 30kg when just picked, then through natural drying, Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015


Local News in China Reishi’s weight is only 14kg. A closer inspection revealed this Reishi is antique and tough. Its obverse is taupe, and having annular grain. Its back is uneven yellow. The stipe is short. The diameter of this Reishi is 67 cm, height is 58 cm. It exudes a slight bitter smell. Reishi is honored as “panacea” since in the ancient time, and having high medicinal value.

icine of Asians. In nonclinical field, it is usually used to treat: stomach pain, gastrointestinal disorders, lym-ph node inflammation, cancer, as well as promoting physical fitness and preventing various diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the property of Phellinus igniarius is gentle, its taste is bitter and pungent, and channel tropism is liver and vesica urinaria. In ancient time, there is a legend said that if obtaining the yellow lumps (Phellinus igniarius) grows on mulberry, dead people will revive.

Frozen mushroom products are exported to Mexico

Artificial Phellinus igniarius is cultivated successfully for the first time

At present, under the leadership of Leiping, who is the expert from Shaanxi Institute of Microbiology, the artificial Phellinus igniarius is cultivated successfully for the first time. Nearly 5000 mushroom bags of Phellinus igniarius have grow fruit-body, which are desirable. Phellinus igniarius is traditional med-


Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015

According to the information, Agaricus bisporus, Pholiota nameko and Shiitake are always main varieties in Chengde mushroom industry. These mushroom products has been exported to more than 10 countries and regions such as Japan and USA. Now frozen mushroom products from Chengde city are exported to Mexico for the first time. Chengde strictly implement prenatal regulation, and supervise each link such as raw materials cultivation, reserve and process. In this way, it is not only enhancing the enterprises’ core competitiveness and customer’s approval, but also expanding the scope of Chengde export food.

Hui county Shiitake mushroom industry has a good development

It’s reported, Hui county, Gansu province not only has a high vegetation coverage and forest resources, but also has a good ecological environment, which is very suitable for edible mushroom growth. In the recent years, in order to effectively develop edible mushroom industry to become benefiting industry and solve the industry development problems, the county government focus on the edible mushroom development. County agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau, vegetable station and other business units pay a close attention to the implementation of policies, and also formulate a series of measures to support the development of edible mushroom industry. Up to now, the county totally has build three cultivation demonstration points for producing Shiitake mushroom, which can reach ten thousand bags. At the same time, they also has develop more than 30 households and 12 specialized cooperative organizations, which can produce 600 thousand mushroom spawn bags. It is predicted that the output value can achieve 6 million CNY.

Enterprise Feature


SHANGHAI HITEC PLASTICS Shanghai HiTeC Plastics is a EuropeanChinese joint-venture manufacturing high quality 3-layer agricultural films and geomembranes in a newly built plant in Shanghai. It is the largest foreign investment of its kind in China, with a fully paid share capital of 10 million Euros. HiTeC's greenhouse films are wellknown around China, capturing a le-


Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015

ading share in the “high quality” segment of the market. A very significant part of the company's production is exported to America, Australia, Asia and Africa. "Know-how", product design, specifications, quality assurance systems and all special additives are supplied from Europe, based on the latest technology. Management of the company is entrusted to experienced European executives and talented Chinese professionals.

PLASTIKA KRITIS GROUP Plastika Kritis group is a major international producer of agricultural films with production facilities in 3 strategic locations : PLASTIKA KRITIS S.A. in IraklionCrete, Greece AGRIPOLYANE S.A. at St Chamond, France SHANGHAI HiTeC PLASTICS Co. Ltd in Shanghai, China

Enterprise Feature

The products of the Group are exported throughout the world. Utilizing its 40 years of experience and knowhow, the deep knowledge of plastic materials and their uses in agricultural applications, the intensive research carried at its laboratories and experimental farms, the Group can provide optimized solu-tions for protecting crops, improving yields and increasing farm revenues. The group produces its own additive concentrates, i.e. the critical components that provide the films with their

special attributes. It has, there-fore, a significant advantage in terms of quality consistency, know-how creation and cost structure. With its 3 locations,

the Group can service efficiently and competitively any part of the world, independently of raw material price and currency fluctuations. Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015


Enterprise Feature Products GREENHOUSE FILMS Greenhouse films combine toughness and long lifetime with optional features such as thermic effect, anti-dripping effect, antifogging effect, diseasecontrol effect and other useful characteristics that transform the film to an active contributor to plant protection, growth and productivity.


black opaque inside, usually 8-9 mils thick (200-230 mic.). They are carefully folded and packed in strong carton boxes. Silage bags offer an easy, safe and economic way for temporary storage of maize, grass, grain and other products, allowing for optimal fermentation conditions and preservation of their nutrient value due to the tightness and lack of air inside them, even when the stored product contains up to 25 % humidity. HiTeC can offer along with the bags the know-how about the whole technology and machinery needed for filling the bags. FILMS FOR ANIMAL SHELTERS

HiTeC manufactures wide 3-layer black/white, black, black/ green and white/green silage films. The white layer, facing the sky, reflects heat and prevents overheating of the stored product, while the black layer assures total opacity which is necessary for maintaining the quality of the stored product and its nutrient value. Due to their 3-layer structure the films have lower gas-transmission than monolayer films and lead to better fermentation of the stored product, hence in better quality of the animal feed and more milk production. The recommended thickness of silage films is 125-150 mic. They are UV-stabilized for 1 year or more and can be produced at widths up to 20 m. HiTeC's latest range of silage films is based on highstrength polymers (metallocenes), which can be made thinner than regular PE films (110-125 mic.), while at the same time being stronger and safer. SILAGE BAGS HiTeC offers top quality 6.5'-14' silage bags for storage of animal feed and grain. The bags are made with a unique combination of advanced polyolefins, offering strength, softness, UVresistance and low creep. Bags are bright white outside and


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Polyethylene films offer an efficient and inexpensive solution for covering farm buildings and livestock shelters for poultry, pigs, sheep, cattle etc. Farm buildings and animal shelters can be covered with a single layer of thick film (usually 200-250 mic.). More advanced structures are composed of 3 materials : an external special animal shelter film (200-250 mic.), an insulation material, and a thinner film (150 mic.) inside, as support. HiTeC offers for this application special 3-layer black/white film with a thickness of 200-250 mic., widths of up to 16 m, and a lifetime of 3-5 years depending on the area of use. Other colors can also be offered upon request (e.g. black/ green, white/green). FILMS FOR CONTAINER LINERS HiTeC specializes in manufacturing special polyethylene films for container liners. The films are made with high quality, food approved, polyethylene materials and combine strength and flexibility. The usual thickness is 120-150 mic. HiTeC also manufactures liners for transporting liquids in

Enterprise Feature Technology

containers. These liners are made of special polymers at a thickness of up to 1 mm and have proven to be extremely reliable. GEOMEMBRANES & POND LINERS

HiTeC manufactures high quality 3-layer co-extruded HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE & EVA geomembranes at large widths and at a thickness of 0,3-2,5 mm. The geomembranes are made from virgin polymers specially selected for their strength and other useful characteristics. They are formulated with fine carbon-black to ensure the maximum lifetime and with antioxidants for protection against thermal degradation. Geomembranes are used in a variety of applications, such as: Water reservoirs Landfills lining and capping Irrigation canals Mining Highways, dams, lake banks Aquaculture Pond lining Lining of metal tanks HDPE geomembranes are made according to GRI- GM13 international standard at a width of 7 m and at a thickness range of 0,75-2,5 mm. They have the highest strength and chemical resistance. LDPE, LLDPE & EVA liners are made at 0,3-1 mm at widths of 4-14 m (seamless), depending on the thickness. They are more flexible than HDPE, can be made in large widths and are easier to handle. HiTeC's geomembranes are welded using hot air or hot wedge equipment by specialized installers.

MANUFACTURING CAPABILITIES The company's plant in Fengxian, Shanghai, has a capacity of 28,000 MT/year (60 million lbs) and can be considered as one of the most modern of its kind worldwide. Its lay-out ensures high productivity combined with strict safety & protection stan-dards for employees. Production equipment is of the latest US & European technology. It is capable of producing agricultural films up to 20 m wide and geomembranes up to 2,5 mm of thickness. It can process the latest generation of ultrastrong polyethylene (metallocenes) as well as traditional polymers such as LDPE, LLDPE, HDPE & EVA. Production lines are fully automated : production set-up, processing parameters, formulations, gravimetric feeding of materials and size changeovers are monitored, controlled and adjusted with a sophisticated computer system. HiTeC's films and geomembranes are all produced with 3-layer co-extrusion technology. They consist of 3 inseparable layers, each made of different polymers and containing different additives. Every layer contributes to the quality of the film with its useful properties, thus achieving an optimum performance. QUALITY ASSURANCE The company operates according to the principles of "Total Quality" and has been certified according to ISO 9001. Its laboratory is equipped with all necessary instruments for performing all necessary tests according to Chinese and international standards. Detailed quality records are kept for each lot, ensuring total traceability. RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT The company places enormous importance in research and development of new products, tailored to the particular requirements of each area, greenhouse type and crop. Product development is carriedout in the company's laboratory by qualified engineers as well as in cooperation with European and other international companies through joint development projects, exchange of information and experience. HiTeC has established its own agricultural experimental station in its plant in Shanghai, with a number of green-houses that permit test-ing and comparison of new products in actual farming con-ditions. Mushroom Times 路 Sep/Oct 2015


Industrialization News




t is learned that Hongyunlai Mushroom Production Base from Tongxiang city is a Shiitake production base. The production base was a project, which was introduced for last year, and has been invested more than 10 million CNY. The production base mainly rely on liquid mushroom spawn to cultivate Shiitake. On the other hand, the production base can ensure that output 8 tons of Shiitake per day in new cultivation greenhouses when put all into production. The base officials expresses that the mushroom factory has a great prospect, and also could ensure the quality of production. Now Shiitake mushrooms from this production base have enter to the market, which are in short supply everyday.



ecently, King oyster mushrooms grow well in low temperature rooms of Sichuan Green Food Agriculture Co, Ltd, Zi-gong industrial park. It’s reported, Sichuan Green Food Agriculture Co, Ltd is main use mulberry branch, after crushing it, mixing with corn cod, peanut shells, soybean meal, wheat bran and other materials to make edible mushroom medium. Through bagging, sterilizing, inoculating and cultivating in low temperature rooms, after two months, the fresh King oyster mushroom can be sold on the markets. At present, the daily output of King oyster mushroom is about 5 to 6 tons, which can be sold to Chengdu, Chongqin and Zigong markets.


Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015

Industrialization News



ecently, the edible mushroom factory is invested 30 million CNY by Haixin Modern Agriculture Develop Company, which starts

to operate and produce. It is reported that the production line of this factory that can process 3000 tons edible mushroom per year. They also builds a producing room (80 mu) and a freshkeeping storehouse (2000 stere). Meanwhile they plan to cultivate 3 million mushroom spawn bags every year. After operating, the mushroom factory will produce 5000 spawn bags and process 40 thousand bags per day, the output value can reach 70 million CNY. It is worth mentioning that this factory can solve the employment for 200 persons and help over 1000


farmers to increase their incomes. It is introduced that this mushroom factory can improve the production efficiency and quality. At the same time, they bought the apple tree branch and corncob as the raw material to breed and make spawn bags, and then they sell the spawn bags to local farmers in low prices. Finally, they buy-back farmers’ fresh or dried mushrooms, and then sell.


ccording to the market needs to adjust varieties frame, Dachuan Bio-Mushroom Industry Co,. Ltd reconstructs a Beech mushroom production line through adjusting the ventilation, light, dry and humidity. Now the company has begin to pick the first batch of Beech mushroom. After the production line completing, it can produce 20 thousand bags of Beech mushroom per day, and achieves a diversification result. Yunaijian, the manager of the company has more confidence to produce Beech mushroom due to the successful reconstruction of mushroom production line. He plans to expand Beech mushroom production line, and also will produce Agrocybe cylindracea.

Mushroom Times ¡ Sep/Oct 2015


News in Pictures



n 12th October, The 11th China Mushroom Suppliers Expo & Mushroom Factory Development Meeting was successfully concluded. On last day of Expo, participants visited Shandong linyi Ruize Agaricus bisporus production base, which used Dutch advanced edible mushroom cultivation techniques and production facilities. Meanwhile, the production base not only used Agricultural Waste as cultural materials, but also used computer to control the environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, illumination and ventilation. Finally, the industrialization and modernization production of Agaricus bisporus was realized through building complete automation system. Now the production base can produce Agaricus bisporus 1500 tons per year, and consumes crop straw 6000 tons. According to reports, from design to build, the base's production lines are completed by Yancheng Aifeier Mushroom Equipment Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. So to speak, Ruize and Aifeier can achieve the cooperation, which is the powerful combination to develop the domestic the Agaricus bisporus production so that shorten the mushroom industry development level between China and international.


Mushroom Times 路 Sep/Oct 2015

News in Pictures



few days ago, Shiitake bag factory went into operation in Desert Mushroom Industrial Park, and went on sale. At present, average daily output is 40 thousand Shiitake bags. Meanwhile, the factory can produce Shiitake about 1.5 KG per bag. Welcome to Industrial Park for business cooperation. At the same time, Industrial Park will help mushroom farmers to explore market.

Mushroom Times 路 Sep/Oct 2015


News in Pictures



t is understood, Murmansk region is located in the north of the Arctic Circle ushered continuous rainfall in the last month, which makes a large number of wild mushrooms growth, the local residents began to pick and sell wild mushrooms. However, when people enter the forest, they will see many different shapes, colorful mushrooms, if they see these mushrooms, don’t hurry to pick them. Maybe they are likely rare fungus, or are endangered. So author calls, even if some mushrooms can not eat, please do not be arbitrarily trampled, we should protect and enjoy them. (source:


Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015

News in Pictures



ecent years, Micheal, who is a wild mushroom picking fan, picks many kinds of rare Ganoderma lucidum such as Turkey Tail fungus, Phaeoporus obliquus and Pine tree sap fungus in the mountains of Canada. After a long period of time of observation, the understanding and application, he find that the effect of anti-cancer is very obvious through eat wild Ganoderma lucidum, which can alleviate the adverse reaction of chemotherapy and boost the body’s own immune function. According to reports, Canada wild Ganoderma lucidum’s growth environment is very specific such as cold, pure air and abundant tree species. Micheal expressed that wild ganoderma lucidum increasingly scarce in China and southeast Asia due

to keen demand. he wants to bring wild Ganoderma lucidum to China, and provide to people who need it. Meanwhile, he will cooperate with Chinese mushroom deep-processing enterprises, and let “Fairy Grass On Earth” fully played its roles.

Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015


Mushroom Industry Report

State of the German Mushroom Industry Lelley, GAMU Ltd.

A brief summary of the German mushroom industry In Germany, mushrooms, especially the common mushroom (Agaricus bisporus), are generally cultivated in modern enterprises. The growing areas are air-conditioned so that the temperature, humidity, airflow and air quality are regulated by suitable computer-controlled technology. The growth substrate consists largely of horse manure, poultry manure and cereal straw. Lime and gypsum are used for regulating the pH of the substrate and its structure. The growth substrate undergoes a


Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015

fermentation process comprising several phases. It is then inoculated with highquality mushroom spawn and spread in layers ~16 cm thick on tiered shelf beds. After it has been completely colonised by the mushroom mycelium, the substrate is covered with a layer of peat 5 cm thick. Har-

vesting commences 18-20 days after application of the peat layer and lasts for 2-3 weeks. During this period, up to 30 kg of mushrooms are harvested from each square metre of substrate surface. There are about 30 major mushroom growers throughout the country.

Germany’s mushroom industry is not large Although mushroom cultivation in Germany began back in the middle of the 19th Century, and Germans’ per capita annual mushroom consumption of 3.2 kg is one of the highest, the

Mushroom Industry Report expanded their capacity while others have ceased mushroom production altogether. Since the previous year yielded very poor straw, which (along with horse manure) is the basis of the mushroom cultivation substrate, net revenues for the past two years were slightly lower than usual. The key edible fungus cultivated in Germany is still the common mushroom (A. bisporus). Although other cultivated fungi such as the king oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii), the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) and shiitake (Lentinula edodes) are slowly catching up, production of these mushrooms in Germany for the year 2012 totalled only about 2,000 tons.

Mushroom consumption is increasing slowly but steadily

quantity of mushrooms produced in the country is not very large. In 2012, production was nearly 62,000 tons, well below the production figures of the leading European nations such as Poland (238,000 tons), the Netherlands (250,000 tons), France (108,000 tons) and Spain (98,000 tons). Based on a survey by the German Mushroom and Edible Fungus Growers Association, to which nearly all German mushroom growers belong, 54,000 tons of the total production was sold on fresh markets and 8,000 tons in processed form. These production levels remained stable compared to the previous year, although some producers have

In 2011, sales of fresh mushrooms in Germany increased by nearly 2% following an 8% rise in the previous year. In 2010, a generally tight supply of vegetables in the country had a distinctly stimulating effect on the market for the common mushroom, by far the most important fungal species. When the food trade was searching for cheap promotional items in 2010,

they often resorted to mushrooms. This additional impulse faded away in 2011 because fresh vegetables were conveniently available throughout the year. Nevertheless, sales rose by 2%, in line with the growth rate for fresh vegetables overall. Consumer prices for mushrooms have now risen again slightly after a drop in 2010. Consumer spending grew by almost 5%, which is clearly a better result compared to that for fresh vegetables (-4%). A point worth noting is that demand for chestnut mushrooms is increasing slowly but steadily in Germany. According to Mr Jochen Winkhoff, General Manager of the German Mushroom and Edible Fungus Growers Association, the high point of the market for chestnut mushrooms is generally reached in the autumn. Since chestnut mushrooms have a higher dry matter content, their taste is particularly intense. A survey of distributors in the trade press suggests that the increasing consumption of chestnut mushrooms is not to the detriment of the classic white varieties. Therefore, it is possible to state that there is a slow increase in the overall consumption of mushrooms in Germany. This trend is also supported by the relevant statistics. The trend towards buying chestnut mushrooms

Mushroom Times 路 Sep/Oct 2015


Mushroom Industry Report approximately 30,000 tons. Hungary follows in third place, but with only 500 tons. Hardly any other edible mushrooms are imported into Germany in any quantity. One exception is fresh chanterelles, large quantities of which are brought in from eastern Europe (Poland, Belarus and the Baltic States).

Consumption of processed mushrooms is declining

continued in 2011 and 2012. Market share by volume purchased increased from 19% to almost 22%. In terms of expenditure, it is now as much as 29%. The market share of organic mushrooms has increased too, but their proportion of overall mushroom consumption is still low. The share of organic products is now just under 3% of the volume of fresh mushrooms purchased. It is over 6% in terms of spending, although most of the organic mushrooms sold are of the more expensive chestnut variety.

The majority of mushrooms consumed are imported A good 50% of the fresh mushrooms consumed in Germany are imports. As already stated, domestic production for the fresh market is about 54,000 tons. Of this, however, approximately 6,000 tons are exported. An additional 8,000 tons of German mushrooms are processed. Imports of fresh mushrooms were about 62,000 tons in both 2011 and 2012. The Netherlands and Poland are the main suppliers of fresh mushrooms, each accounting for


Mushroom Times 路 Sep/Oct 2015

Sales of preserved mushrooms have been declining in recent years. This is shown by data from various trade organisations. Depending on the source, the level of annual decline is put at between 5% and 6%. Over the past eight years, the statistics show a 22% decline in the volume of processed mushroom sales. The proportion of households buying processed mushrooms has decreased during this period by 8% to 59%. At the same time, the frequency of such purchases dropped, although the amount spent per purchase hardly changed. This is essentially dictated by the package

sizes. Consumer prices for preserved mushrooms have remained stable in recent years; compared to 2003, they have risen by over 25%.

Summary The future prospects for the German mushroom industry seem favourable and we anticipate a further increase in mushroom consumption in Germany. The reason is that people are realising that mushrooms are a healthy food. This recognition is spreading, along with the well-known idea that regular consumption of fruit and vegetables is healthy. However, it is not expected that the rising mushroom consumption in Germany will lead to a significant increase in German mushroom production. The existing mushroom industry will be able to hold its own well into the future, but increasing consumer demand is expected to be covered mostly by higher exports to Germany by foreign mushroom producers.

Mushrooms Quotation China Main Varieties of Mushrooms Quotation (Sep to Oct,2015) Mushroom Name



Price/CNY (Sep.)

Price/CNY (Oct.)

King oyster mushroom



6.50 CNY-9.00 CNY

5.50 CNY-8.00 CNY

Enoki mushroom



6.00 CNY-8.00 CNY

5.50 CNY-9.00 CNY

White mushroom



12.00 CNY-16.00 CNY

8.00 CNY-13.00 CNY

Shiitake mushroom



10.00 CNY-15.00 CNY

7.00 CNY-16.00 CNY

White Beech mushroom



2.25 CNY-3.00 CNY

2.25 CNY-3.25 CNY

Brown Shimeji



2.25 CNY-3.10 CNY

2.25 CNY-3.25 CNY

Agrocybe Cylindracea



8.00 CNY-14.00 CNY

13.00 CNY-19.00 CNY

Pleurotus Nebrodensis



18.00 CNY-30.60 CNY

20.00 CNY-30.00 CNY

Pholiota nameko



10.00 CNY

8.00 CNY


Mushroom Times 路 Sep/Oct 2015


Mushrooms Quotation

Mushroom Name



Price/CNY (Sep.)

Price/CNY (Oct.)

Seafood mushroom



9.00 CNY-12.00 CNY

12.80 CNY-13.20 CNY

Oyster mushroom



5.00 CNY-6.00 CNY

3.00 CNY-7.00 CNY

Cordyceps militaris



14.00 CNY-30.00 CNY

15.00 CNY-26.00 CNY

Panus Giganteus



20.00 CNY-24.00 CNY

20.00 CNY-27.50 CNY

“Shiitake mushroom (Grade A)”



20.00 CNY

18.00 CNY

Pleurotus Cornucopiae



7.50 CNY-8.00 CNY

6.50 CNY-8.00 CNY

Hericium Erinaceus



20.00 CNY

22.00 CNY

Shaggy Mane



11.20 CNY-16.00 CNY

10.00 CNY-16.00 CNY

Straw mushroom



16.00 CNY-24.00 CNY

16.00 CNY-24.00 CNY

Cloud Ear fungus



8.00 CNY

8.00 CNY

Pleurotus Geesteranus



9.50 CNY-10.00 CNY

8.00 CNY


Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015


Mushrooms Quotation Dried Wild Mushroom Price Product Name




2050 CNY 2650 CNY 2900 CNY

The price of 2050, with 2cm stipe The price of 2650, cut down 3-5cm stipe, spring Morel The Price of 2900, cut down 4-6cm stipe, Grade A

Black Truffle

950 CNY 1400 CNY

The price of 950 is the 2-3cm slice The price of 1400 is the 3-5cm slice


850 CNY

Grade A

Termitomyces albuminosus

240 CNY 280 CNY

The price of 280 is the new arrival


320 CNY

Grade A

Boletus aereus

120 CNY 150 CNY

The price of 150 is the Grade A


190 CNY 280 CNY

The price of 280 is the Grade A

Bamboo mushroom

580 CNY

Yunnan wild mushroom, Grade A

Agaricus blazei murill

165 CNY

Grade A

Wild Ganoderma lucidum

280 CNY 380 CNY

The price of 280 is 5-10cm The price of 380 is 10-15cm

Laetiporus sulphureus (tremella)

260 CNY 380 CNY

The Price of 380 is over 5cm, Grade A

Hericium erinaceus

90 CNY


Cordyceps flower

105 CNY

High quality

Lactarius volemus

75 CNY

Grade A

Mushroom Times 路 Sep/Oct 2015


The Sound Of Global Mushroom Industry

America Canada: U.S.A.: Automated mushroom Finding life passion harvester can change traditional production in the mushroom model It is introduced that Arrow and Joe struck the right note in fulfilling a life passion from reading a mushroom book to opening a fungi farm. According to Arrow, “for me personally, to be able to dedicate myself to something, it needs to connect to the larger universal picture, and mushrooms do just that. The patterns the mycelium form are remarkably similar to the structure of our brains and even the pathways of the Internet.” In 2013, the young couple watched a video featuring mushroom guru Paul Stamets in which Stamets posed the notion that every mushroom farm should become an ecological center of healing.Getting started was a whole new ballgame for the Floras. The couple hope they are not only provide more delicious and fresh mushrooms for customers, but also that they start working closely with the fungi and the earth, to the point in which we are able to educate others on the fundamental importance of fungi in our lives and ecosystems. (source: inlander)


Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015

The Robotics and Automation team at Vineland Research and Innovation Centre (Vineland) in Ontario, has been working on developing a robot that has the potential to significantly change Canada’s fresh mushroom industry. Commercial mushroom production is labour-intensive. Not only does a mushroom crop require many harvesting cycles, but the picking itself is a manual task, that can cause physical strain. Researchers and the industry have been investigating for a number of years the possibility of developing automated harvesting systems, but as mushrooms are susceptible to handling damage, a real solution has yet to be found. During our visit at Vineland, they were surprised to get a glimpse of one of the first successful automated mushroom harvesters. The robot’s software algorithm can decide when to pick a mushroom by analysing a number of factors.The cycle to analyse the bed, crop and pick one mushroom takes six seconds. Using a proprietary gripper to pick the mushroom, the robot then cuts the stem and places the mushroom in a box. The automated mushroom harvester, now moving to a second phase of development, has the potential to change traditional mushroom cultivation. “We believe our unique technologies could revolutionize the mushroom industry globally, not just in Canada.” said Culley. (source:Freshplaza)

Brazil: Sorocaba University held a mushroom seminar

Not long ago, Brazil Sorocaba University hosted the eighth Internet Mushroom Session and the seventh Domestic Mushroom Seminar. The topics are: production and biotechnology, agricultural enterprises, health and environment. Researchers are from 7 countries and regions around the world to attend this seminar. According to the research report shows that the consumption of mushrooms is increasing year by year in the world, the demand for mushroom products is greater than production, so in the seminar, experts pointed out that in Brazil, for example, encouraging enterprises mass production and researching how to improve production efficiency are problems mushroom industry faced. In the past ten years, the chairman of the seminar, Marli said, although the mushroom in the field of food and drug application is becoming more and more common, but relatively speaking, the study is not enough. It is hoped that this seminar has a further impact on improving the efficiency of edible mushroom production, the medicinal scientific research, technology and culture.

The Sound Of Global Mushroom Industry

Asia South Korea: Thailand: Forest Edible MushAn 88-year-old man hot Reishi has more be- room Research Celoves mushroom photo- nefits for human body nter established Shiitake Mushroom Assography ciation Japan:

It is understood that living in St Paul, Brazil City, the 88-year-old Japanese Nishioka Gochi, he hot loved take photos with insects and mushrooms, after retirement. Since 2012, St Paul botanical garden as a starting point in shooting, through 3 years, he shot more than 800 photographs in total, including a variety of mushrooms to shoot up to 300 species. At first, he only show his work to children who loved photography, but he felt he shoot these mushrooms spend much effort on it, these pictures need a bigger stage to show, so that more people can understand the world of mushrooms. At present, the old man is communicating with the Japanese school and edible fungus company to exhibit his photography.(source: nikkeyshimbun)

Research shows that Reishi has 250 kinds of beneficial functions for human body. It can reach equilibrium state of human body, preventing disease and regulating the physical and mental health. Thailand mycologists JOUR described Reishi pharmacological has: 1. Help to resist human body disease deterioration, when the brain lacks of oxygen caused by “free electrons” aggregation, causing Alzheimer and brain memory decline, leading to myocardial infarction. It can timely drive respiratory and metabolic functions of fast running and the combination of Reishi antioxidant and free radical, controlling the body ceases to be destroyed, so as to protect the brain and heart and other vital organs. 2. Promote liver detoxification function. The function of the liver has more than 500 work reserves, Reishi is the first one can break the body of toxins, preventing liver cancer material. It can also strengthen immunity, enhance and optimize the white blood cells and germ, fungi, viruses caused by cancer. 3. Reishi also has the functions of helping sleep, letting the body fully rest, the secret-ing growth hormone, improving the quality of life. Thailand as one of the mushroom producing countries, people pay more and more attention to the cultivation of Reishi. Thailand annul Reishi export volume rises more than in previous years, driving the development of the mushroom industry. (source: khaosod )

It is understood, Yeoju city Gyeonggi South Korea mainly cultivates Shiitake mushroom that as a pillar industry. Not long ago, Forest Edible Mushroom Research Center established Mushroom Association in Yeoju city, members of the association can free to organize research and exchange Shiitake mushroom cultivation technology, through the introduction of scientific planting technology to improve production efficiency. While joint procurement and sales to help members to increase income. President of the association said that under the help of Forest Edible Mushroom Research Center, the association actively organize various research activities, Yeoju city planting mushroom to create high-quality products and all over the country are numbered. (source: asiae)

Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015


The Sound Of Global Mushroom Industry

Europe Spain: The aircraft fuel can be obtained from the fungus in the future

At present, Spanish researchers found a kind of fuel for jet aircraft.In the land, using rotten leaves and fruits can extract fungus, researchers hope that in the next five years, the process can become economically viable way to produce aviation fuel. Most of the hydrocarbons produced by the fungus are derived from oats, wheat straw, and the food which can not be eaten. The research team at Washington State University in the United States to use fungus to extract petroleum hydrocarbon (the main components of the fuel jet aircraft), the test fungus for the production of fuel has a special role. In the last ten years, it has also been high used in producing bio fuels in the manufacturing industry. The fungus as the basic essential mold also can be transformed into sugar. It has an important role in the construction and development of human cause. (source:radiorebelde)


Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015

Poland: The distribution of national wild fungus atlas comes out At present, Poland has entered the harvest season of Porcino and other wild mushrooms. Due to the Porcino and wild mushrooms in the local market demand exceeds supply, the prices rose significantly, 250 grams of wild Porcino value 15 PLN (Poland Currency). So experts are on the basis of the previous research data and report, rendering the atlas of the whole Polish wild mushrooms, for wild mushroom picking enthusiasts as a reference. The distribution map has many polish and famous places to visit, such as the ancient forest near the capital of Warsaw, Kampinos National Park. (source:warszawawpigulce)

Denmark: Mushrooms on the seabed are expected to become an anticancer “ new weapon”

Recently, some researchers at the Aarhus University in Denmark found that mushrooms on the sea floor may become “new weapons“ to against cancer. This project leader Lorents said, the scientists have been looking for a new approach to treat cancer, although scientists know that there are a lot of mushroom resources in the seabed, but never try to search for the seabed. Now the researchers are searching for mushrooms as the latest cancer drugs from the Mediterranean, Chile’s coast, Indonesia’s coral reefs and seaweed. It can be said that the new discovery will become the gospel for cancer patients. Different from the previous anticancer drugs, using the seabed mushroom development of anticancer drugs, actually it impacts on the cell matrix of human body. (source:

The Sound Of Global Mushroom Industry

Others South Africa: Truffle cultivation will become a new industry

Truffle is one kind of very expensive mushroom variety, which is very popular in Europe. Truffle requires specific growth conditions, so the artificial culti-vation of Truffle is very not easy. But now in South Africa, a handful of Truffles through the correct cultivation method was successfully planted by artificial. It is understood, Mpumalanga Province mycologists Leon Potgieter owns 28 hectares of black Truffle plantation, which is South Africa’s the first commercial of planting Truffle plantation, and with a European company to establish a cooperative relationship. They planted the black Truffle price will reach about $1648 a kilogram. According to Potgieter introducing, four years ago, they began to plant Truffle. About the next year Truffle will reap, which is expected to grow 50 kilograms black Truffle per hectare and per hectare of Truffle will sell about $75000. Potgieter said he hoped more farmers to join this industry.He believed that Truffles cultivation will become a new type of industry in Africa.(source: howwemadeitinafrica)

Zambia: China-aided center helps Zambian farmers improve their life Rosemary Zulu, a small-scale farmer in Zambia. After attending the mushroom cultivation training program, which was organized by China-aided Agricultural Technology Center, she builds a mushroom farm, and has a lot of benefits. Zulu from Chongwe district, east of Lusaka, the Zambian capital, is among hundreds of Zambian far-mers who have benefited from the agricultural center. They has built 14 demonstration centers. The demonstration center in Zambia has so far conducted 39 trainings in which 791 smallscale farmers, students and other Zambians have been trained. The center has since established mushroom, maize, soya beans and vegetable demonstration bases in different parts of the country, with the furthest being in Luapula Province, 1,000 kilometers from Lusaka. The center has also been conducting research on new crop varieties as well as providing extension services to the farming community in Zambia.(source: coastweek)

New Zealand: Many edible mushroom companies began using new packaging

Recently, several New Zealand edible fungus companies began to use the new concavity materials, and Te Mata is one of them. This new type of packaging is made of waterproof, renewable and biodegradable materials, within 90 days can be decomposed. It is reported that the mushroom products of Te Mata mushroom company are all over New Zealand’s major cities in the supermarket, and the company continues to use the new packaging materials, and promote in the major supermarkets. Since 2013, the company began to search for new packaging materials, in order to better sell their products, according to the introduction, they will not increase the products price because of significantly packaging, and they will continue to provide fresh green food for customers. (source:

Mushroom Times · Sep/Oct 2015


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