Mushroom times no 5, 2015

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Mushroom Times Mushroom Times Newsletter is published every two months by China Edible Mushroom Business Net (CEMBN) in China. Devoting to service the development of global mushroom industry. Complimentary CEMBN inner newsletter. Managing Editor: Hao Lee Executive Editor: Nina Zhang Graphic Designer: Kun Zhang Advertising Manager: Yan Chen Editorial Board: Louis Avaldi Chris Bailey Steven Muro





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U d m s: If fro m p essag y o u h a rof et ess o o ve go ur ion em o d i d als eas ail. or wri M ab u ter s in shroo out e n m glo Tim rich t bal he e mu c shr s wel com o n t e oom es ind con ust ry fi eld s.

China Edible Mushroom Business Net (CEMBN) Room 201, Haoyue office block, No.128, Lugu Road, ShiJingshan District, Beijing, China Tel: 86-10-68658322 Email: Website: Follow us on our social media platforms to receive the latest mushroom news from around the world. @CEMBN_China China Edible Mushroom Business Net

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Cover Story

China Mushroom Processing Industry Current Situation and Development Trend By Wang Jianan, Li Jing, Wei Shuxin, Liu, Lina 4

Mushroom Times 路 Nov/Dec 2015

Cover Story China is the biggest edible mushroom production country. The total yield is 31,696,800 tons mushrooms, accounting for over 75% of the world, directly output reached 170,700 million CNY, indirect value reached 682,800 million CNY. There are 20 million people work on edible mushroom industry in China. Edible mushroom is the fifth biggest crop in China at present, next to grain, oil, fruit and vegetable. Mushroom is the new industry that can make waste become food as well as the road to rich for farmers. But, for now, the primary processing as the main, the sale of deep processing is less. Fresh, dried, canned and pickle account for 95%; snack food, Condiment, fortified food and others only account for 5%. There are many processing problems in China, low deep processing, less innovative products, low deep processing technology and less achievement reserves, these conditions restrict edible mushroom industry development. So, China mushroom industry need to increase investment and improve innovation ability. 1. Processing current situation 1) Primary processing current Due to mushroom sporocarp contain abundant water and easy rot, it will lose nutrition value and product value. The technical of after picked is very important, it restrict mushroom industry sustainable development. It is the effective way of improving mushroom quality, extending shelf life and expanding market for strict post harvest commercial management. At present, China is relative backward in post harvest commercial management, don’t have built standard sort, grade, cool, antiseptic, package, storage and transport post harvest management and quality control system. 2) Primary processing technology Fresh mushrooms have short shelf life and easily damage during the transport, then it would decrease the woods

value. So, besides the fresh sale, most of mushroom will be processed, demand the market and regulate low and peak season. A.Drying processing Usually, the water would control 10%-13% in drying processing food. The drying processing food have little water and count against microbial growth, it have long shelf life. Drying processing is one of widely storage methods, but not all mushrooms suit for this method, for example, the taste of dried White mushroom is worse than fresh mushrooms; fresh Oyster mushroom and Hericium erinaceus’s taste are more better; drying Flammulina velutipes need steam 10 min first. There are two normal drying processing methods: Natural drying, using sunlight and wind to dry mushrooms. This method suits for the family processing; Artificial drying, putting the mushroom into furnace or oast, using hot wild, microwave or far infrared ray. After drying, the mushroom can bagging and storage. B. Salting Processing When the fresh mushrooms have a bad price, it need storage for long time to sell. The salting process is the easiest method. Put the mushrooms to high degree salt solution, because of the hyperosmosis that can stop the microbial activity, this method can storage long time. C. Canning processing Canning processing is to seal the mushroom in the vessel, kill the most of microbial inside and stop the invading ones of outside, then storage the mushroom for a long shelf life. This kind of food is called canned food that use seal vessel and high temperature sterilization. In theory, all kinds of mushrooms can be processed canned, but the most edible mushroom canned are Flammulina velutipes, White mushroom, Straw mushroom, White fungus and Hericium erinaceus. D. Quick frozen processing Quick frozen processing includes mushroom sort, clean, color protection, blanching, cooling, grade, sort, packing and kept in cold storage. In order to demand long time Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015


Cover Story

storage and stop rot condition, it must control packing process. There are two frozen processing packing methods: first, quickly packing the mushroom after quick frozen use plastic container in -30-35; second, frozen the mushrooms again, and put them in -18. 3) Deep processing technology Mushrooms not only have a good taste, but also contain a lot of nutrition, widely use in drug filed. Mushroom deep processing product belongs to medicine and health product, so the deep processing technology of Chinese medicine and health product also suits for edible mushroom deep process. A.Submerged fermentation technology Fermentation belongs to biological engineering which is an important way of biological engineering transform to productivity. Mushroom submerged fermentation technology not only achieve mushroom mycelium quantity production, but also can extract polysaccharide, alkaloids, terpenoids and sterol that are good for human body, provide powerful guarantee for functional foods development production. B. Superfine technique Now, the powder of less than 3μ in diameter is called ultrafine powder in abroad. Superfine technique is developing in recent decades. The materials can fully remain its effective constituent after superfine smashed. Reishi and Poria cocos will increase the specific area of polysaccharide and triterpene after superfine smash, easy to absorb. Flammulina velutipes and Shiitake contain abundant dietary fiber, if these two mushrooms are superfine smashed, it will improve the DF use ratio. C. Microencapsulation technology Many of mushroom can be better control effective constituent the release rate after Microencapsulation technology, it can shield the bad taste of triterpene. At present, Microencapsulation technology is widely used in edible mushroom, medicine and biochemical engineering. D. Supercritical fluid extraction technique Supercritical fluid extraction technique is one of the new technology development in recent years. Now this


Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015

technology has achieved remarkable results in biochemical, medicine and other fields in China, especially in extracting Ganoderma lucidum triterpenoid alcohol and Mongolia tricholoma polysaccharide. E. Biological enzyme technique Useing biological enzyme technique in mushroom processing can destroy the dense structure of cell wall of mushroom and improve the function such as polysaccharide, protein material dissolution, as well as in digestion macromolecular substances of small molecules, to spread, miscellaneous, improve product flavor. F. Superhigh pressure technology Superhigh pressure technology is one of top food technology. This technology can not only keep the food natural flavor and nutrition, but also lower energy consumption. It is researched that superhigh pressure technology sterilization is fast and efficient. Now, this technology has been used in edible mushroom industry in China.

2. Mushroom product development direction Edible mushrooms are credited with nutrition, nourishing and medical functions, Providing foods with repairing and healing effects. With the technology development, there are many mushroom products in the market. The product rendering multi-function, diversified development, is expanding constantly enrich the consumer market. Therefore, edible mushroom has tremendous advantages and market potentials, plus with more and more attention. 1) Accompaniments With the rapid development of economy, especially the accelerating rhythm of life, the idea of “one meat, one vegetable and one mushroom” recommend by FAO identified by the consumers. But, mushroom consumption still in the need to cook, the single pattern limited the consumption. In resent years, more and more fast foods occured in the market, including vegetable food, but the mushroom food is less than the vegetable. In order to enrich edible mushroom accompaniments, improve the quality, make full use of the unique taste of mushroom, combine market hot spot and the new raw material, use modern science technology, adopting new technology and formulate to develop good taste and high nutritional value accompaniments, such as mushroom ham. 2) Snack food Snack food is one of the goods which fast moved consumers. With the consumption level developing, more and more consumers have a demand for quality and quantity of snack foods. Now, canned mushroom and dried mushroom products are the usual snack food in China. Besides, mushrooms are also made into conserve, preserved products, cheese, salted products, sauce, confectionery and different snacks. It not only expanded edible mushroom

Cover Story processing field,but also increased mushroom products in the market. 3) Functional foods Recent years, mushroom healthy food have a quick development, modern science has confirmed edible mushrooms have special nutrition and medicine value on molecular. Nowadays, edible mushroom foods are welcomed by consumers with its safe, nature and high nutrition. Mushrooms have anti-cancer effect. But, we are not very clear in activity mechanism. Besides, mushroom contains zinc, selenium and germanium, so the mushroom functional foods are good for human health. 4) Condiment Mushroom condiment is made by mushroom and other flavors, having different tastes and functions. Mushroom condiment belongs to compound condiment, having good medicine function and development prospect. Mushrooms are delicious because it contains multi-amino acids and high nucleotide; many mushrooms have peculiar flavor because it contains alcohol and aldehydes. So if mushrooms are made into condiments, like soy, vinegar and aginomoto, it will add more delicious on your food. 5) Cosmetic Edible mushroom contains polysaccharides, nucleosides, polypeptide amino acids, polyphenols and triterpene that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-wrinkle, antiaging, whitening and moisturizing function. Bolete have strong antioxidant activity, it is the anti-wrinkle and antiaging beauty product; white fungus have whitening and fade effect, many mushrooms have moisturize effect, the effect of oyster mushroom than glycerinum’s in suitable conditions.

3. China edible mushroom processing industry development trend 1) Deep processing ability is more and more strong, comprehensive utilization of resources is higher and higher Developing edible mushroom deep processing can adjust market supply, effectively alleviate the pressure of the market, improve the added products value and increase the export. Chinese processing enterprises is transforming from primary processing to deep processing, a part of enterprises has transformed to high technology development. Medicine mushroom industry development need more attention. In recent years, under the world influence of the environment and life changes, scientists are also looking for new medicine and edible homologous biotechnology. Edible mushroom is a new function food developing in recent years, its main characteristics ar in accord with some related functional factor type of the world health organization,which has attracted more and more attention. The next step is to further deep processing mushroom,develop mushroom active ingredients and improve mushroom’s added value,these

are becoming the focus in the world. Mushroom processing direction is to function food and instant food development in the future. At present, there are a few type instant foods and brand, so it has huge market in China. 2) Processing raw material specialty In china, edible mushroom processing rate increased year by year. But, at present there are problems in mushroom processing in China,such as taking more attention in early period than last period of mushroom production, production and processing is ungear and the processing based on the mushroom processing industry development is restricting China’s mushroom processing industry development. So processing raw material specialty is the only way of mushroom processing industry development. Foreign edible mushroom processing rate reached more than 70%, of which the specialty type mushroom is a member, these mushroom is based on the process requirement during the cultivating period. It not only ensures the quality,but also reduces the processing cost. 3) Processing equipment develop to new, efficient, energy conservation and environmental protection direction Efficient, energy conservation and environmental pro-tection are the important subjects in the world. It is also the important direction in China mushroom processing industry in the future. High processing technology promotes high advanced equipment, like mushroom beverage canned production equipment, aseptic packaging equipment, superfine grinding equipment and quick-freeze equipment. 4) Pay attention to the quality management and food safety in processing Because of the long industry chain, mushroom processing have environmental, processing, fresh-keep, storage transportation and pesticide problems. China need to build international market standard, consummate mushroom processing management, and ensure product quality and safety.

Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015


Local News in China “Rice and Black fungus Rotation Planting” model was opened

Recently, the farmers are busing putting spawn bags in rice field of Xiakou town. Next month, the spawn bags will grow Black fungus in this field. It’s introduced that the rice field were contracted by Jiangshan City Dawn Agricultural Technology co.,Ltd. In 2010, the company introduced “Rice and Black fungus Rotation Planting” model, they grew rice in the first half of year and they grew Black fungus in the second half of year. This year, the company production base of “Rice and Black fungus Rotation Planting” model has reached 300 mu. The promotion of“Rice and Black fungus Rotation Planting model can not only insure the stability of grain production,but also enhance the development of Black fungus industry”. The cycle of both double harvest of grain and Black fungus are also done.

Wuchuan county edible mushrooms sell well in many market In recent years, Wuchuan county focuses on developing edible mushroom c u l t i - v a t i o n . N o w, h u n d r e d s o f mushroom greenhouse have been

built in the county. They have grown Pholiota nameko, Hericium erinaceus, Pleurotus nebrodensis, Oyster mushroom and others. At present, the mushroom products have been sold to Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning, Hebei and other province markets.

High income, a young couple grow Oyster mushroom in the cave

It is reported that a young couple grew Oyster mushroom in the cave of Miyun county, Beijing. It successfully opened a new road to get rich. Oyster mushroom belongs to lowtemperature type edible mushroom, the fruiting amount is greatly reduce in summer. But this cave is divided into four layers, the special construct formed warm in winter and cool in summer. The natural endowment of ventilation, low light level, constant temperature and constant humility which are mushroom favorite environment. A few days ago, the couple introduced

the condition of Oyster mushroom to journalists. Grown in natural cave of Oyster mushroom bright color, succulent hypertrophy, delicate taste is pure natural green product. And this growing model has broken traditional seasonal concentration listed rule, loved by consumers. At present, the Oyster mushroom daily output reaches two tons. According to the price of 10 CNY per kilogram, estimating monthly sales revenue above 500 thousand CNY.

High standard construction, Shiitake mushroom production and processing base

T h i s y e a r, L v k a n g y u a n S h i i t a k e Mushroom Co,.Ltd in Linfen city Shanxi province decided to build a larger standardization Shiitake mushroom production base , the integration of the profound processing factories. It used the development model of “company + base + farmers” to drive the surrounding farmers form Shiitake mushroom modern industrial chain, which provide more jobs for the local people and help achieve employment at home. At present, the company has invested more than 10 million CNY to build the high standard Shiitake mushroom Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015


Local News in China base in Lechang town Quwo county, including cover the area of 50 mu, the output is over 1000 tons. This project is expected to invest 30 million CNY, covers an area 300 mu. The base can achieve the annual cultivation of 5 billion bags Shiitake mushrooms and implement the management modernization, factory production model.

Ramaria botrytoides can be artificial cultivated in Wuyi mountain

Recently, two senior mushroom farmers Mr. Zhu and Mr. Huang have achieved artificial cultivated Ramaria botrytoides after three years in Wuyi mountain. It is introduced that the yield of Ramaria botrytoides was stable after two years, success rate is over 90%, have 4 fruiting times and would be last 4 months. At present, Mr. Zhu starts to cultivate the next production and produces 80 thousand logs. Mr. Zhu said, he will expand the production scale if the yield is stable at this time. His products would be sold to the markets from all over China. It is introduced that Ramaria botrytoides is a kind of fungi species and it is welcomed by customers. Its color is pale or deep gray, the shape looks like coral and claw of mice, so it also


Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015

called “mice claw”. At present, the price of Ramaria botrytoides is 30 CNY/ kg, which has a prospect and promote value.

Realizing largescale Ganoderma leucocontextum artificial cultivation

Waste spawn bags can achieve resource recycling

Usually, spawn bags that are infected by bacteria (bad spawn bags)always be treated as a waste. However, people use the “bad spawn bags” to produce summer mushroom spawn bags in Qingyuan county, Zhejiang province. It is introduced that after the “bad spawn bags” is sterilized, new spawn bags can be produced. It not only reduced the production of edible mushroom production waste, but also reduced the consumption of wood resources both in economic and environmental protection. At present, Caiduan edible mushroom production base has rationally used 10 thousand the “bad spawn bags”, and the new materials produced 100 thousand bags. Now Chikengyang tier 2 base uses 380 thousand “bad spawn bags” and produces 350 thousand summer mushrooms, which effectively utilized the waste resources.

Recently, artificial Ganoderma leucocontextum are harvested, which are cultivated by Vegetable Institution of Tibet Academy of Agricultural Sciences. These Ganoderma leucocontextum are transferred to the Tibet Ganoderma Biological Science and Technology Co. , Ltd with researching on product development. It is reported, Ganoderma leucocontextum is a new species covered by Guangdong Institute of Microbiology in 2014. In China, the common Ganoderma includes Ganoderma lingzhi, Ganoderma lucidum and Gano-derma sichuanense. These Ganoderma have similar shapes, easy to confused. But, they have a little difference, the color of common Ganoderma is darker than Ganoderma leucocontextum, spore is smaller than Ganoderma leucocontextum; G. Tsugae and G. Oregonense also have similar shapes with Ganoderma leucocontextum, but these Ganodermar are bigger than Ganoderma leucocontextum, and they often grow in the trees. Nowadays, Ganoderma leucocontextum can be artificial cultivated in scale, and successfully harvested spore powder.

Enterprise Feature

KINGFIT—— Refrigeration equipment leader in China Founded in 1998, Zhejiang Kingfit Environment Co., Ltd. is formerly named Zhejiang Qingfeng Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. covers an land 100000 square meters. KINGFIT Environment is a high-tech


Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015

comprehensive company with many years’ experience of develop-ment, design, production, sales, installation and maintenance of heating and cooling equipments. Our company invests 5% of sales volume in the

R&D center every year and has built strict national testing center. In addition, our company technically cooperates with many prestigious domestic universities, employs many European and American experts as our

Enterprise Feature

technical consultants, actively absorbs the latest technology achievements at home and abroad and constantly introduces advanced manufacturing technique and testing equipment, with create conditions for enterprise’s sustainable development. KINGFIT Environment has passed ISO9001, CE CQC certifications and received 21 independent research-ing and development patented technologies including surface treatment refrigeration system, mushroom house environment integrated machine, Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015


Enterprise Feature temperature heat pump boiler, food refrigeration unit, air dryer, air separation equipment, cooling tower and etc. Our company has 27 domestic offices and our products are exported to more than 30 countries around the world and highly recognized by our customers at home and abroad for good quality and sound service. KINGFIT Environment will keep devoted to providing the most energy-saving and comfortable environment system design scheme for industry and agriculture, and spare no effort to make contributions to global energy conservation and environment protection. flooded type evaporator, refrigeration equipment evaporator, anti-corrosion high efficient heat exchange tube and etc. Our company also successively wins honors of “National HiTech Enterprise”, “Provincial Technology Research Center”, “National First Class Energy Efficiency Products”, “China CQC Energy Saving Certification”, “Provincial Major Technology Awards” and etc, which make KINGFIT the pilot of cooling and heating equipment manufacturers in China’s industry and agriculture field. KINGFIT already has many sound high-tech production lines for man-ufacturing, surface treatment chiller, mushroom environment machine, industrial chiller, grain cooler, high


Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015



ecently, the farmers of Sanlian Edible Mushroom Cultivation Cooperative are picking King oyster mushroom. It is reported that the cooperative adopts advanced mushroom equipment, which achieved intelligent and automatic production, and the product achieved standardization, branding and scale. The high quality King oyster mushroom are welcomed by customers of Beijing, Shanxi, Zhengzhou and Luoyang. At the same time, the cooperative also provides some jobs for over 110 farmers.



t is reported that Jihainong company invested over 20 million CNY by Jilin Overseas Agricultural Investment and Development Group Co., Ltd, built in Zambia. This company is supported by academician Li Yu research team of Jilin Agricultural University, built the biggest edible mushroom factory in Zambia. They main produce Oyster mushroom and King oyster mushroom, it can produce 2-3 tons mushrooms per day. The mushrooms not only sell in Zambia markets, but also export to South Africa, Tanzania, Malawi and other surrounding countries. At present, the research team is developing White mushroom, Hericium erinaceus, Straw mushroom, Black fungus and other mushrooms suitable for Africa. The housewife Catherine of 32 years old said, “My husband doesn’t like to eat too much meat, he likes mushrooms of Jihainong. The mushroom is delicious and cheap, common customers can afford it.” Edible mushroom is the traditional food in Africa, contain high protein, Amino acid, Vitamin and low fat. Mushroom was called “the meat of poor people”. WHO propose the reasonable diet concept “One meat, One vegetable and One mushroom”. For the Zambia and other countries common people, corn as the main food and simple diet, developing edible mushroom industry can undoubtedly provide timely help to them. Next, Jihainong will expand mushroom production, build mushroom workshop to 7 hectares, the daily yield will reach 15 tons. Now, Jihainong present a plan about China and Zambia agriculture cooperation, the plan details are negotiating. Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015




ecently, white mushrooms are grew well in the new large edible mushroom base of Yangjiazhai village. It is predicted that the mushrooms would be harvested in the end of December. It is introduced that the base area is 6.5 mu, mushroom bed of 6300 square meters. The base can produce 62.5 thousand kilograms White mushrooms and over 250 thousand Oyster mushrooms per year. It can increase more than 400 thousand CNY output value, and transfer agriculture labor force 120 times.



t’s reported that Hebei Chengde Zhonglan Mushroom Industry is the first modern edible mushroom c o m p a n y, w h i c h r e a l i z e d t h e anniversary of Shiitake mushroom production. This company began operating in February, 2014. The


Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015

company has 13 warm air conditioning hairy fungus sheds,whose total area is 10400 square meters; 66 water airconditioning double fruiting sheds of a total area 265000 square meters and has built 1000 square meters cold storage.

At present, the company can realize 1.2 million bags of the annual production Shiitake mushroom. The annual output can reach 950 thousand tons. Through the modern shed rooms, it improved Shiitake mushroom production conditions and enhanced Shiitake mushroom output and quality, which Shiitake mushrooms are welcomed by consumers. It also enriched the local people vegetable baskets effectively and boosted the development of the local characteristic agriculture economy.

News in Pictures



ecently, a hunge Reisi was found by a lumberjack. The Reisi weighs 70kg, 1.2 meter long, 0.5 meter wide and 0.65 height, and its diameter is 30-40 cm. Many people think that it is a thousand year Reishi. Expert evaluated its value is 5000 USD. (Source: vietnamnet) Mushroom Times 路 Nov/Dec 2015


News in Pictures



It is reported that a teacher found 10 Octopus mushrooms in Manioc Plantation from Nakhon Ratchasima province in Thailand. The teacher said, when she found these mushrooms, there are many flies and ants. At the begin, these mushrooms look like bolls, inside have deep green mucus and have bad small when cutting them. The teacher found when the mushroom wither, and these bad smell will vanish. (Source:


Mushroom Times 路 Nov/Dec 2015

News in Pictures



ecently, a Reishi bonsai that is consist by Reishis,It looks like a peacock showing its tail,which attracted visitor’s attention in a flower shop of Suzhou city Jiangsu province in China. It is introduced that Reishi bonsai is a natural and great gift, which is also loved by literati. So, Reishi bonsai are welcomed by customers. It can not only effectively enlarge the Reishi sale, but also increase producer’s benefit.

Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015


Mushrooms Quotation China Main Varieties of Mushrooms Quotation (Nov to Dec,2015) Mushroom Name

Type Standard

Price/CNY (Nov.)

Price/CNY (Dec.)

King oyster mushroom



5.00 CNY-8.00 CNY

6.00 CNY-8.00 CNY

Enoki mushroom



6.00 CNY-9.00 CNY

7.50 CNY-11.00 CNY

White mushroom



6.00 CNY-9.00 CNY

8.00 CNY-12.00 CNY

Shiitake mushroom



9.00 CNY-15.00 CNY

8.00 CNY-16.00 CNY

White Beech mushroom



2.25 CNY-3.70 CNY

2.50 CNY-3.30 CNY

Brown Shimeji



2.50 CNY-3.70 CNY

2.50 CNY-3.3 CNY

Agrocybe Cylindracea



10.00 CNY-18.00 CNY

9.00 CNY-16.00 CNY

Pleurotus Nebrodensis



20.00 CNY-36.00 CNY 14.00 CNY-36.00 CNY

Pholiota nameko



7.00 CNY-12.00 CNY


Mushroom Times 路 Nov/Dec 2015

9.00 CNY-12.00 CNY


Mushrooms Quotation Mushroom Name

Type Standard

Price/CNY (Nov.)

Price/CNY (Dec.)

Seafood mushroom



Oyster mushroom



3.00 CNY-6.00 CNY

4.00 CNY-7.00 CNY

Cordyceps militaris



20 CNY

20 CNY

Panus Giganteus



3.30 CNY-3.50 CNY

3.00 CNY

“Shiitake mushroom (Grade A)”



17.00 CNY

16.00 CNY

Pleurotus Cornucopiae



4.00 CNY-8.00 CNY

8.00 CNY-10.00 CNY

Hericium Erinaceus



22.00 CNY

22.00 CNY

Shaggy Mane



7.00 CNY-16.00 CNY

8.00 CNY-16.00 CNY

Straw mushroom



20.00 CNY-22.00 CNY 20.00 CNY-24.00 CNY

Cloud Ear fungus



5.40 CNY

5.00 CNY

Pleurotus Geesteranus



5.00 CNY-12.00 CNY

8.50 CNY-12.00 CNY


10.00 CNY-12.00 CNY 11.20 CNY-15.00 CNY

Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015


Mushrooms Quotation Dried Wild Mushroom Price


Product Name




1950 CNY 1990 CNY 2550 CNY

The price of 2050, with 2cm stipe The price of 2650, cut down 3-5cm stipe, spring Morel The Price of 2900, cut down 4-6cm stipe, Grade A

Black Truffle

900 CNY 1350 CNY

The price of 950 is the 2-3cm slice The price of 1400 is the 3-5cm slice


850 CNY

Grade A

Termitomyces albuminosus

240 CNY 280 CNY

The price of 280 is the new arrival


320 CNY

Grade A

Boletus aereus

110 CNY 135 CNY

The price of 150 is the Grade A

Boletus edulis

195 CNY 270 CNY

The price of 280 is the Grade A

Bamboo mushroom

560 CNY

Yunnan wild mushroom, Grade A

Agaricus blazei murill

165 CNY

Grade A

Wild Ganoderma lucidum

260 CNY 360 CNY

The price of 280 is 5-10cm The price of 380 is 10-15cm

Laetiporus sulphureus (tremella)

260 CNY 350 CNY

The Price of 380 is over 5cm, Grade A

Hericium erinaceus

80 CNY


Cordyceps flower

100 CNY

High quality

Lactarius volemus

65 CNY

Grade A

Mushroom Times 路 Nov/Dec 2015

Demand Information The variety



Dr.Md.Arif Mahmud



Costa Rica

Mr kelvin Thuy


Andrew Lelliman

United Arab Emirates

Amjad Ali


Export fresh truffle

Rino Ambrosio


Recruit technician regarding mushroom cultivation,to work in European.

Leo Rodenrijs


Shaktii Agro Ted Cotton


Seek the investor in Canadian mushroom Farm

Denis Vidmar

the United States

Provide pitch peat organic fertilizer.specific mushroom pakaging.

Uzmah Yousaf


1, Import mushrooms to the Middle East. 2, Build farms and seek investment partners.

Andrew Oelliman

United Arab Emirates

Sell equipment for mushrooms.

Kick Van der Voort


Milad Arebi


Les Hooglugt


James Kyambadde


Newton Ninne

the kingdom of Bhutan.

Savar Mushroom


John Eric Rodriguez

the philppines

Titisak Kulklaoprakarn


Mushroom spawn bottle Mushroom spawn bag Termjte mushroom 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

White Agaricus bisporus mushroom and bortabello mushroom 35mm-45mm. White parachate-opening agaricus bisporus mushroom 55mm-77mm. Bortabello (parachate-opening) 60mm+. Edible mushrooms. Oyster mushroom.

Export dried toadstool

Cottonseed hull

Family farm,intend to cultivate lucid ganoderma,without any wood. Seek China Compost producers. Intend to develop family-cultivated mushroom, seek guidance. Referring to 5000 farmers. Provide Cordyceps sinensis all the year, seek long-term cooperation partner. Individual household. Intend to sell dried lucid ganoderma and dried oyster mushroom. 1, India manufacturer for sweet spricot beautiful mushroom(Indian would be best) 2, Intend to buy dried mushrooms. 3, Intend to counsel the variety that can be cultivated under the tropical humid climate( 28-38°). 4, Seek package material which can keep the freshness of mushrooms but do not humidify the inner packaging bag. 5, Seek whether exist the variety that is similar to pleurotus eryngiiin in Thailand (suggest making a butt joint with Thailand’s exhibitor) 6, Seekthe producer which can produce culture medium containing enzymes. 7, Portable mushroom bag sealer. Ask to buy agaricus blazei muril、cordyceps militaris and Antrodia.

Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015


The Sound Of Global Mushroom Industry

America Canada: America: Great Lakes MushConsumers can pick room farm offers fresh the fresh mushroom mushrooms for supermarket Canada border

Looking for super-fresh mushrooms? Head on over to a Kroger grocery store in Indiana, where you can pick them yourself. Instead of selling already picked and packaged button mushrooms, Kroger grocery stores in Indianapolis and Bloomington, Indiana, give customers the chance to pick them by hand from a compost stand. Sure, you have to get your hands a little dirty, but at least you know they are as fresh as can be. One user pointed out, there’s really no waste with mushrooms, as the staff can just make new compost out of them and grow new ones. Now this way of ecological picking are popular with customers. (Source:


Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015

Great Lakes Mushroom farm is a distributor and marketing company that was founded in 2012. Essentially, their business involves taking mainly Canadian mushrooms and selling them across the border under the Great Lakes Mushroom Farms brand. Walk into any Whole Foods store in the American Midwest, you’ll find their products. The store stocks about two dozen different kinds of mushrooms. The President said that supplying mushrooms for border is the first step for company’s development, which will effectively drive the company and Canada’s agricultural economic growth. (Source:

America: Shiitake mushroom products is more and more popular with consumers

Edible mushroom demand continues to increase, which promotes the sales of edible mushrooms. Kiniry from Oakshire company estimates that Shiitake mushroom prices have increased only 2% to 5% since 2013, despite the surge in demand. “The pricing of mushrooms hasn’t moved as quickly up as we would like to see it.” Nonetheless, the increase in demand has resulted in consistently strong business for Oakshire. It has also meant that certain specialty varieties, such as shiitake, are becoming more and more popular with consumers. (Source: freshplaza)

The Sound Of Global Mushroom Industry

Asia Turkey: Self-sufficiency mush- Wild mushrooms room cultivation apart- generate additional ment come into use revenue for villagers South Korea:

Lately, South Korea’s agriculture ministry expressed that 22 apartments will be rent in order to build mushroom farm and vertical farm equipment in SH project resident community in Seoul. It is learned that vertical farm equipment is used for growing crops on the high-rise building in city. Mr.Park, SH project director said that vertical farm equipment will be install on the roof of the 22 apartments. At the same time, underground space of these apartments will be utilized more fully. He predicts each underground space will produce 2000 kg mushrooms per month, which will bring great benefits for the residents. Until now, SH project resident community has about 160000 households. Once these mushroom farms are finish building, which will have a large number of employment opportunities (source: chosun)

According to information, hill farmers increase their incomes through picking wild mushrooms in Kütahya Province in Turkey. Some farmers expresses that they get a lot of rain this year so that many wild mushrooms grow in forest. At present, wild mushrooms has a good market, and the price is 5 to 7 Lira per kilogram. Due to clean water and soil in local, wild mushrooms without any pollution, people in other regions also come forward and buy these mushrooms. (source: milliyet)

Indonesia: Strengthen the cooperation, and Enlarge production

Recently, Lebak, Oyster mushroom cultivation expert in Banten in Indonesia, who said in an interview that Oyster mushrooms brought him great benefits. Now he will continue to develop mushroom business, expand production value and output. It is understood that his Oyster mushrooms not only supply in the local market, but also export to other countries. Muncang, Rangkasbitung and Kalanganyar will be developed to cultivate Oyster mushroom, which has been confirmed by Banten government who will provide economic and technical assistance. Furthermore, the expansion of Oyster mushroom cultivation will solve many problems such as the employment squeeze. Argus, the director from Ministry of Agriculture, who said that we should strengthen the business cooperation with the outside world, and strive to achieve output and yield increase at the same time. (Source: antaranews)

Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015


The Sound Of Global Mushroom Industry

Europe German: Mushroom Model, cognize wonderful fungus world

It is reported that a special mushroom simulation growth model is showed in the natural history museum of Coburg, German. This model is almost based on fungus living environment and style, and has many colorful fungi. Through using the model, we can better learn fungus living environment, children also will have a interest to learn. It is also can use microscope explore wonderful fungus world. (Source:npcoburg)


Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015

Europe: Severe shortage of wild mushrooms Wild mushroom prices are skyrocketing due to shortages in Europe. According to Luc Wolfs from Mushroom City, mushroom wholesalers have been paid a lot of money this season for the different mushroom varieties, but right now the prices are extreme. Chanterelle mushroom’s price will not less than 30 Euro per kg, Porcini mushrooms will be sold at 37-39 Euro. Because right now there are shortages in Spain and Portugal, and Poland’s recent wild fungus supply is very little. If the wild mushrooms are too expensive, some customers settle for oyster, shiitake or chestnut mushrooms. (Source: freshplaza)

France: Us i n g mu s h r o om log box, you can eat mushroom after 10 days

It is reported that more and more consumers want to buy mushroom log boxes to grow in their kitchen. It is not only can enjoy the mushroom cultivation, but also can eat freshest mushroom. It is learned that most log boxes are Oyster mushroom. Consumers think, using log box to grow mushroom is interesting and easy and the mushroom is fresher than those in the market ,so they like it.Now mushroom log boxed are becoming the perfect Christmas and birthday gifts, it will become a special ones for natural lover. (Source: piwee)

The Sound Of Global Mushroom Industry

Others Fiji: For the first time, succeeded in cultivating 3 types mushrooms

Three unique species of mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum, Auricularia polytricha and Oyster mushroom) have been successfully cultivated and harvested by Chinese agricultural experts from a farm in Fiji, which is for the first time. 300 tonnes of the harvested produce will soon be sold locally for consumption and medicinal purposes. Project co-ordinator Lin Zhansen said the age old saying (Fiji could not grow product for the consumer market) is over. Although Fiji’s climate is unfavorable for mushroom growth, they were able to grow the mushrooms by arrangement of soil and water to regulate earth thermal and moisture thus bring about a solution to the technical problem of high temperature. (Source: fijitimes)

Nigeria: A woman gardening lecturer grow mushroom earn millions dollars Miss. Adedokun is a woman gardening lecture in a university. She thinks that Nigeria government need to encourage farmers to grow mushroom, which will earn billions dollars. Adedokun relays on her research about mushroom, won African women agricultural development and research award. It is reported that she has a big mushroom farm, her products was sold to local hotel and other African countries, now, she earned millions dollars. Adedokun said mushroom contains a lot of protein and nutrition, it plays a very important role in improving African people diet. (Source: )

Australia: Kergunyah mushroom farmer produce high qualit y mushroom

That’s not only in his physical working environment but also trying to keep on top of the best way to produce high-quality mushrooms. It’s much more complex than most people think, but it is this challenge that has kept David interested for almost three decades. “Growing mushrooms is part science and part art,” David said. “I really love it.” It is learned that the number of mushroom growers in Australia has fallen dramatically in recent years, from about 100 to about 45. David’s business is small, but he still produces 2.5 tonnes of mushrooms each week, or about 120 tonnes a year. He expresses that they only produce high-quality mushrooms for their faithful clients. (Source: weeklytimesnow)

Mushroom Times · Nov/Dec 2015


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