ChinChing Hsu

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| Graphic Design | Graphic Desig


| Metal Craft | Metal Craft | Photographic | Photographic | Painting | Paintin g

Š2014 Š2014ChinChing ChinChingHsu. Hsu.All Allrights rightsreserved. reserved.

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting |

[ 走向心中的理想,前進未知的挑戰 ]

| | Graphic Design | | Metal Craft | | Photographic | | Painting |

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | 潤 手工皂 | V I 設計

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | 請重視全球暖化議題 | 海報練習

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | 細見廣告稿 | 房地產廣告

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | 朗曦科技 D M | A4 三摺頁 D M 設計

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | 臺北 2 0 1 5 第 3 0 屆亞洲國際郵展 | 主視覺設計 相關延伸

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | 臺 北 市 立 天 文 館 - 地 球 小 子 帶 您 看 地 球說故事特展 | 公仔設計 延伸周邊商品設計 整體氛圍營造

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | W CE - 3 2 n d Word Con g res s of En dourol og y an d SWL | 主視覺設計

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | W CE - 3 2 n d W o r d Co n g res s of En dourol og y an d SWL - Gal a D i n n er | 主視覺設計

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | 2 0 1 4 CO MP U T E X T AI P EI 公設 - 南港展覽館光廊地貼 | 合成 - 1 8 7 0 x 1 8 7 0 cm

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | SEM I CO N T ai w an 2 0 1 4 公設 | 公設延伸

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | 小吃 - tak e a s l ow b i te | 金工創作

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | 金工創作

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | 高雄 - 大東文化藝術中心

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting |

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting |

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | 彰化 - 八卦山

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | 青埔的四季 | 水彩

| Graphic Design | Metal Craft | Photographic | Painting | 青埔的四季 - 冬天 | 水彩

[ 經歷 ] 織品轉印設計助理 儲存媒體 - 美編 網路賣場 - 美編 房地產企劃 - 設計 展覽活動 - 平面設計

[ 學歷 ] 輔仁大學 - 應用美術系 台南科技應用大學 - 視覺傳達設計

徐重 晴




Portfolio of ChinChing Hsu. Š2014

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