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Heaven on Eart


jlrirl)l(:r 4 A City of Love of the White Snake,/oss LOVefS,ZO

f Culture rfl


ritphical Position.,"


try ancl Splendid Culture,.,u r r

rl Sccltory



Sl)( )l:i

f Tourlsm y'ltrws,z0Iu





Hangzhou is "the mosf splendid

irr)(l most beautiful citY in the worl<l ," "ln the

city thero's a lake

srrrrorrn(led by magnificent anc rrnlrluc llrrilclings...


Mirrc() Polo, ltal)

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il I


t lr I




Htr-tgrnou, a famous sccrric iul(l lorrrist city which was successively named Qiar





rl ri rr


i u t< I I

-in'an in the ancient

times, is located in the norllr ol Zlrr'flrrrrg l'rovinr;c, the People's Republic of China, at thr: sor rllr rvlrrg ol llrr' \'irrrglzo River Delta

and on the estuary of tlrc l:irsl ()lrirrirscir iu)(l tlr<t Qiantang River. With clearly-den)irr(

i rlr'<

I lor rr sci rs( )r rs, ; lk'i rsi u tl wr:ttfher,

interlaced rivers an<l slrciu l rs, , rs \\'('ll , rs 1lk lt tt't's( lu(: s(r()nory

with green mountains irr)(lr k'irr rvirlr'r's, lorlir\"s llirttgzltott has

been reputed as "l l(:ir\'('n orr l.irt'llr" irrr<l ls wtrll-known throughout the wrlrl<1.




rwr:t I ( itrographical Position

:l.t):.t:,o0(, irrlri rl )lliI lls, I langzhou lists as the No. 5 largest run()nll ;rll llrr' ptovin< ittl capitals or cities in China. lt Irirs lrrri:;r lir ll(lr r ()\/('r I (lislricts, including Shangcheng, Xiirt lr|rrfl, Xllilr (llr(' W(rsl Lake), Gongshu, Jianggan, lSirriiirn;1, \'t rlriIrfl ittt<lXiitoshan, as well as 5 cilies (or ( ( )r il rlr('i,t lr rr lt tr ltt r;1 l,it t'i ttt, li(lyilng, Tonglu, Jiande and Clrrrrr'irrr llr(. lill,rl iilr'i t 0l llilllgzhou amounts 10 16,596 sq, lrrtr rrnrllltl' lill,rl lrol rttlitliott l;,477,8OO F !-

()l r\r't tl(,il| lt'It,,l n,t lirll()t I llrr,ilitit,s()l llangzhou lrthr'\'ilrrlrr lltt'lirr rrous (:ili()s and Scenic I'i lllv' sl ri rolh tg, Nir tgl x r, lUtLr() Mountain and

Long-Standing History and Splendid Culture

rlrilt Nl0lUllitln orr llrc oast, yandang l

rl, tlt t, \,V('t


tor r,

Hangzhou, this famous historical and cultural city, is one of fhe seven ancienl

l.orrghu Mountain of Jiangxi

'lttr r'1t\, pirssirrg.Jinhua and euZhOU, and ll\l{lltlitit) ()l liuiian province on the south. rtil|l l\4or rrrtirirr, y(jllow Mountain of Anhui '1il( r, itr

capitals in China. With crystalline lakes ancl picturesque mountains on the west as well as the grand Qiantang River on the cast, jt looks like a scroll of Chinese painfing dazzling for its brilliant history and culture. As early as more than 4,ooo years ago, namely the Noolithic Age, there were people labored, livo<l ir.r Liangzhu and l-aoheshan area, which w()ro rosl)ocrlivoly locatoci in thc north of thc cily ()l I lar)gz.lx)u irrtrl on thc) wosl of thc Wost Lill((), ilr)(I cr()ill(xl 1lr(r ri('ll "l.iilngzl)u (lrtltrtro," wlrir:l r is r('l )ul(xlirs llx) "1 )irwr) ()l lll() ()rior)1ill (liviliz.irli()lr " lr) lll(' rrrCorrlt'rl lri.sl()ry, I lilr)gzll()il is r('llilr(l(r(l irs llrt' ('()nl(:r ()l 1[)() Wuyu(' (lullrrr(', wlrit'lr, l()S()ll)(:r willl I luilxia

l .lirrlrrra Mollntain on the west, as t|l r lrrilliarrt metropolises aS Shanghai, r{ )r t, Wl t.\i iln(l Nanjing on the north. ,


r,- :,r

(lrrlltrrt' ()l (l()nlrirl l'lirins (( ()rnl)rising ll)() rrrirl<llc irri<l lowt:r rt:irtrllos ol llro Yr:llow Itivor), lri)s lirrrrrorl tlro slrlonrlicl culturo ()f tho Chincso nati()n.

Arr icnr Ilridge in Liangzhu Ă„rea l,inngzlru Culture traces back to 42OO years ago, namely lirt rrvcrc<l in 1916 tear Liatgzht area,


rrrrr(lrcr rivcr ol Zhcjirrng l)rrrvirrrc

rrlrrrrl Mrrrlrrrrr


Neolithic Age It was


Hangzhou City has gone through a history as long as over 2OOO years. It successively became the territory of the Wu and the Yue States (two of the Warring States during the Eastern Zhou Period) during the period of Spring and Autumn (77O-476 B.C.), and later of the Qin Dynasty, when Emperor Yingzheng, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, set it as the Qiantang County in the 25th year of hlis reiqin (222

Tides of Qiantang River

B C ). In the Northern an(l S(nllllon) l)ynilstios, Ilrukllrisrrr wils intr(xhlcod into Hangzhou ancl so()n [)rovllil(:(1. I]y lllo Sui l)yl)ilsty, lliu)gz.lx)u, as the

terminal of the south-nortlr (;rilr)(l (liutitl, lrrrs rrr()rrrk:<l its lttrco of

urbanization, which gavo l)ri()rily l() llro (x)rnlll0rciul c:c:onorny, and got tho name "Hangzhou" ever sinco. 'I'ho tloUing-Hangzhou Crancl Canal, which boasts as a political, economical and cultural giant dragon in the ancienf China with its head in BeUing and the tail in Hangzhou, stafted its canalization from the end of the Spring and Autumn Period and didn't take shape till the reign of Emperor Suiyang, the second emperor of fhe Sui Dynasty Having witnessed a history of more than l,3OO years and gone through various vicissitudes of lifo, this giant dragon, which enjoys the same fame wifh the creat Wall as an ancient miracle, is still holding hundreds of barges and thousands of sails and has brought Hangzhou opulence and prosperity. Serving as an artery to transport grain, the canal has driven the commercial

flourish of the regions

alongside, which accordingly offers fertile soil for the development and prosperity of its culture.

Numerous historical and cuitural sites scatter plcasingly in the city of hrr'rlrrrtrp


orr tlrr,Srr ( rrrrsr,wrry


A CitY of ShoPlling At -ott

of the scenic sptlts itround the West Lake you ctll

See Stores and booths

sellilg ltlcal specialties, souvenir

and artware. And of cours(), yotl can find many shoppinl malls, supermarkets and chilin stores at the commercii streets of Hangzhou, inclucling Yan'an Road, Jiefang Roac Hubin Road, Qingchun Rclittl, Zhon$shan Road, Fengc Road, etc.

Unique lll(

:i t

I I Drt lt lt tt 'I s

Traclitional Craflworlt

Silk Cloth Silk in


tr rt

t lt, t', , t lnt tg ltlrrlr

it has formed a complol(r st rl oI

I rlr x lt

lr llr






lt tr lt tr


raw maferial provision, liltrlrttl', \\'r',1\ lllll rllll I I l\,r'l and developed l4 categorit:s rtlttlovt'l -'txr vrllll'l of designs, all with a go()(l sitl(' lll tttott' llt+ttt I countries and regions.


llfOt,rrrkr ()l' llilltgzhou is divided into fhree

!l'(,fnll(tll llrtx:rrtkr, landscape brocade and portrait tfe ltf(xht('(t(l l)y I)u Jinsheng Silk Weaving Factory.

i(l [)u ,llnslroltg had the factory built and, on the


Zhaog Xiaoquan

tttltlt ttrs, rltrvcloped


irlor r

Prper Fan

lk, lls rnultl-r;olored t rftrl on l,hlkxlcrphia


gclo$ors Zhang

lrors ('iln bo traced rrrly {2lrrg Dynasty, )rlglnillly known as (lltg. wlfh fine craft

technique and has now fallen into I5 categ()ri()s wllll o\/r'r ,t(,ll Vllllöll6

rrrrrtrlll<t tr)rice, it {0()<l .sul<-: in both tl lirKllgn countries tl sllv()r medal on

and more than l,3oo designs, among whicl) lrlitt'k pitltt,r litll Hll Sandalwood fan boast the most famous. Black pitl rtrr lilll lt'llllllttts ftl ribs made of low ground-rattan and sectors ma<lt: ol tttttlltt'rry ;tttlttt with both sides lacquered, it can work as sunsltittltr ()r rillll Tllflllr sandalwood fan, as the name tells, is made of sttttrlitlwootl tttttl mothproof if kePt in wardrobes

l, I O, Now Zhang Xaoquan Scissors Manufactory ontorprise and its line of products boasts good loncls,



gxlngll Fan is a noted traditional handicraft of

Bamboo Chopsticks

llnngzhou Silk and Dragon well Tea, boasts as

lengzhou, Invented cluring the reign of Emperor lynAsty, lt features good material and exquisite


Tianzhu Bamboo chopsticks Macle of indocalamtts (:illIl(r l'r()l Tianzhu Mountain, the chopsticks are capped with silvor, ahlrl)lllltlll pearl, ivory, etc. and pyrographed with clesigns of figures of lltr<ltlll Iandscape, flowers and scenes of

the west Lake. ln terms of sizes and lengths, they are divided into

over lo categories and boast not only a practical buY but also presentable gifts Emulate Celadon with peerless craft and clcsiglls 1rk'ltslt to both the eye and the mind, celaclott worhs ol ll Southern Song Dynasty boasts the hi5!lrost tlt'\'t'lrrpt among its type. Emulate works of cclexl()lt ol lltr' Sot lllttt

Song Dynasty have found favor wiltt tttitttv vlhllllfts Hangzhou.

Silk parasol Silk parasol of tlitrlgT.l l( )t I l|lllllrltFi llä llHll made of bamboo and silk umlrrt:llit Iitlrt'l(, Wltt'lt ll't llllcrll looks like a flower bursting int<l lrl()ssottl; rr'ltllr, ll'c Jrtltlntl, Vangxingji


llü lrnrol

rosomblcs a segmcnt of bamllo<).

:otnnt(rrciitl Streets 'lllt (Jllltll t(, I iIlo, tlrunt tower and the Sconic spot Itr,\Vr rM()urrltrirr il.s thc center, the strect starls tlt(,il()tlltirrrtlsltiwukui Lane on the east ancl r',th


II llt(.s()lt1[l

and Nanshan Road on the west.

tl lntl ,(.r'litl Str()ot of the Southern Song Dynasty '.,1 I rk r|li ( )l I lilngzhou. Now there are I 08 shops llrrg lr.irl rousos, hr:rbal medicine stores, silk cloth ',lro1 rs, rrlt:.

Qinghefang Streer

r'('lln|{ Illtl)in Road on the north and extending il)l )(,t()r M()untain Road on the south, Nansharr r

rltrl str<rot lbaturing bars, teahouses, galleries, irrrrl lroir.sls a good place for relaxation and


l{oirrl is il l)oclestrian street famous for ifs silk ror rrrrlscrrllttures on the road help retrospect lrtr lttslry wlrilc tburteen steles with inscriptions ('itl(rg()ri()s of

Thr Vclt [,akc in the Dawn


oI Sllk'llrwrr on ll t( )r(' lltiln 20o


tt'ollts irlxrrrl silk

Nanshan Road

xinyifang Street Extending 5oo meters long ancl occupying




28,947 sq m., Xinyifang Street runs through 8 distinctivo builciings ittr neighbors an anabranch of Jinghang (BeUing-Hangzhou) Grant Clelnill ll regarded as the only commercial pedestrian street locafed in the north of Hangzhou.

Road Infersecting Jiefang Road on the north and Wushan Square on South Yan'an

the south, South Yan'an Road is


commercial and trade zone and feafures

grand shopping centers and towering office buildings, including Yongjin Plaza,

Qingbo Department Store, Yaojiang Building, Pacific Shopping Center and Yuanhua Plaza, etc. with the abuilding ()nos. thc total construcfion area will roaol)

lloo,(x)o s(1. rn.

Picking \fater Shield

ITcsr Lake

Snack Food flangzhou

is famous for its snacks and refreshments

Zhi Wei Xiao Long ( Steamed Stuffed Dumpling) Stean)(xl still dumpling is a specialty of the Zhiwei Restaurant in Hangzhou. It is still with fresh pork, shrimp or ham and specially made aspic and then st()iu

lVoĂ&#x;otarlan Ham) As a traditional vegetarian t, lll(t oulsine is so named because it is usuaily (l

ltl l'ir()). ltinder and tasty, it serves as either

Cat's Ears


Mao Er Duo (Cat's Ears) Cute and delicious, if is another special snat,l Zhiwei Restaurant. Caf's-ears-like flour petals are cooked with diced chk:k ham, mushroom, scallop and bamboo shoot.

luo Ba (Crlspy Rice Cooked with Tomato Juice

lrorrr <llptr made of shelled fresh shrimps and y rl('(t rna(lo of japonica rice or sticky rice. colden sltrlrnps are totally soaked in sweet sour tomato (!llllor irs a clish or as a refreshment.


over roaring fire It tastes juicy and delicious.

Xia Bao Shan Mian (Noodles with Shrimp and Mud Eel) Fresh murl is boned and cut into slices. Then quick-fry with vegetable oil and thc:n in lard and sesame oil. Fry shrimps mixed with egg white. Then c( them with noodles.

Braised Bamboo Shoors

rĂźl0od Bamboo Shoots) Bamboo shoots are r(!ll stlr.frlod and stewed with oil ancl sugar. ll's (!itt('n with drinks or rice.

Pian'er Chuan Mian (Noodles with Pork, Bamboo Shoot and Pick Ntxdlcr with Shrimp and Mud Eel

Cabbage) A famous snack of Kuiyuan Restaurant in Hangzhou, it is cooked with pork slices, bamboo shoot and pickled cabbage and looks appetizing and

Xl Hu Chun Cai Tang (Water Shield

Soup) Cooked wirh water shield


from the West Lake and slices of Irilm and chicken, the soup not only looks appealing with verdant wator shiold, red ham and white <rltlt:kcn .slices, buf also tastes Iottr lt:r irrr<l fro.sIr. Warcr Shicltl Sotr1,

l{Fadln wtth Frrk, llsnrhrr bd I lhlrrt.

Shrxrr rrnrl


Mi Zong Da Bao (Steam.ed Stuffed Bun) Stuffed with aspic and pork (sometimes sweetened bean paste, sosame or vegetables), it is steamed over rOirring tlro ancl b()asts soft and f?tsty.

Stt,rrnrql Strrllrrl



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