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H C Chang Portfolio
selected works from 2006 to present
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Graduated from Fu-Hsin vocational high school. Competition: T-shirt graphic design. Cosmetic container design. Supplier Award. Wood product design.
2006 復興商工畢業
Study tour in USA during summer vacation. Competition: LOGO design. Toy & Children’s Products Creative Design Cultural & Creative product design.
2007 暑假赴美遊學
Study tour in USA during summer vacation. Competition: Museum product design. Nominate. Bike design. Light Metal Award.
2008 暑假赴美遊學
Join the design workshop in Beijing during summer vacation. Competition: YSED. Craft Award.
2009 赴北京參與設計研討會
Graduated from Da-Yeh University of industrial design. Competition: TISDC. iF Concept Award. Exhibition: YODEX. DMY International Design Festival Berlin 2010. Work experience Shoes design assistant.
2010 大葉大學工設系畢業
Engineering assistant.
Tea set product designer. Competition: TICCIE. Taiwan Excellence Award. The Renaissanse of Pattern Design 2011. Excellent.
2011 茶具產品設計師
Tea set product designer. Competition: Handbag creative design award.
2012 茶具產品設計師
參加競賽: T-shirt 圖案設計 化妝品包裝設計–廠商獎 木器商品設計
參加競賽: LOGO設計 兒童玩具創意商品 文化創意競賽
參加競賽: 博物館商品設計–入圍 自行車設計 輕金屬競賽
參加競賽: 育秀盃 工藝競賽
H C Chang Portfolio
參加競賽: 台灣國際學生創意大賽 iF學生概念比賽 參加展覽: 世貿新一代設計展 德國DMY青年設計展 工作經驗: 女鞋設計開發助理
參加競賽: 文建會文創精品獎 台灣精品獎 故宮紋藝再生比賽–優選
參加競賽: 手提包創新設計
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H C Chang Portfolio
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從小就清楚自己的志向,國中 時不顧師長反對選擇進入復興美工 科,在高中期間培養了對工藝的熱 愛。之後就讀大葉大學工設系,因 為喜愛工藝,在大學期間的作品材 料大多運用竹子、藤材、木頭、陶 瓷等具有豐富性的在地文化素材。 認為唸設計不應該是單一狹隘的, 所以喜歡去選修外系課程,除了可 以增加不同領域的知識外,也可以 讓自己的作品更有廣度。 在鶯歌工作時對文創商品設計 產生了濃厚的興趣,並認定文化創 意設計就是自己將來所要走的路。
a cat lover live in the moment and addicted to reading and traveling. But confined by the fact that can’t travel alot, I expend my vision via reading. consider that the original idea of design comes from the daily experience, every detail of thing inspired people and believe that good design only happen when one enjoy his life and living. since I was little I’ve already knows my direction of life, I went to Fu-Shin Vocational high school despite of my parent didn’t support me, and I’ve adept the enthusiasm of crafting. After graduated from high school, I went to Da -Yeh University majored in industrail design, and has design many products made with local cultural material like bamboo, vines, wood, porcelain becuase of the passion of crafting. I think study in design can’t be narrow-minded, so I love to take optional course that’s unrelated to my major, not only gain knowledge from other industry, but also nourish my works with more depth of thouht.
H C Chang Portfolio
是個活在當下並且喜好閱讀和 旅遊的愛貓人,現實因素不允許到 處旅遊,就透過大量閱讀來開拓自 己的視野。認為設計的靈感來自於 生活中的各種體驗,每一個細節都 能讓人有所啟發,認真過生活並且 享受生活才能做出好設計。
When I was working in Yingge, I found I had a passion on Cultural creativity industry, and decided that’s the path I wanna devote in the future.
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西 施 椅 凳 Xi Shi
H C Chang Portfolio
2009 Wood/Vines
檳榔西施是台灣獨有的另類文化,在社會認知中 是個極具爭議性的職業。在許多產業道路旁會看到一 個色彩繽紛的小小方塊屋,裡面有身材姣好、穿著清 涼的辣妹們在兜售檳榔。 外籍攝影師歐陽峰,希望透過他鏡頭下的作品喚 起台灣人對檳榔西施們的尊重與關懷,不要用異 樣眼光看待她們,她們也都是為了生活努力打拚 的女孩們。 這則新聞報導吸引了我的注意力,讓我對檳榔西 施有了不一樣的看法,想將這獨特的台灣文化用家具 呈現出來。引人遐想的腰臀造型,表現出檳榔西施們 姣好的身材曲線;藤的可塑性高,選用亂編法來包覆 在木頭骨架外可展現出肉體感。此作品在2010年的德 國DMY設計展展出過。
Inspired by the curve of womens bottom, the basic idea of this chair is to design a furniture under Taiwan local culture. “Betel Nut Girls” is where we eventually get the idea from. This work was weaved by vines which has a flexible characteristic. Has attend DMY design expo, German.
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H C Chang Portfolio
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DINING Borosilicare Tea Pot Bamboo Tea Cup Ge Yao Cup Zen Tea Tray Blue-Dye Tea Set Univers Tea Set Taiji Tableware Tai Ya Tea Set
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耐 熱 燒 水 壺
H C Chang Portfolio
Borosilicare Tea Pot
2011 borosilicate/Wood
現代感的玻璃壺加上木頭提把,不同的兩種材質 結合在一起,創造出不同的視覺感受,冷調的玻璃質 感因為木頭的點綴而多了點溫暖;木頭提把在隔熱效 果上也有很大的作用。
Modern glass pot with wooden cap, the mixture of two different materials, shows a unique visual preception; the wooden handle on the top of the cap gives the blueish glass pot more warm tone; the wood on the cap can also provide the function of preventing heat when one using it.
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虛 心 雙 層 杯 bamboo tea cup
H C Chang Portfolio
2011 borosilicate
白居易《養竹記》:竹心空,空以體道,君子見 其心,則思應用虛受者。 竹子的節被古人引申為氣節,竹節的空心則被引 申為虛心。以竹節為設計意象的雙層耐熱玻璃杯,讓 人在飲茶時彷彿拿著一節透明竹子在飲用,茶香撲來 時更讓人心曠神怡。
Inspired by the shape of the bamboo’s stem which inside is hollow. let one feel like holding a transparent mug when he tasting the tea, enhance the experience when drinking.
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有 感 而 發 哥 窯 感 溫 杯
H C Chang Portfolio
Ge yao Cup
2011 Porcelain /Color changing glaze
Ge Yao is one of the five famous kilns, porcelain is known for the random cracks on the surface. With the new temperature changing technology, gives the ge yao pattern a whole new imagery. Pattern changes color when one pours hot water into it, let one has the “Ge Yao epic-like” perception, also, in this case, increase the founction of the product, remind one when having a hot drink. this work has attended “The Renaissance of Pattern design” design competation which held by National Palace Museum and attained quality award, also were listed to National Palace Museum collection.
哥窯為古代五大名窯之一,瓷器在燒製過程中因 含鐵量不一樣,導致表面有大小不一的裂紋而聞名。 將哥窯意象以新的圖紋展現在杯子上,結合感溫釉料 的技術;當使用者為杯子注入熱水時,圖紋會因為高 溫而產生深淺變化,帶給使用者「傳世哥窯」般的美 感體驗,並能加強產品的功能性,提醒使用者小心燙 口。此作品參加故宮舉辦的紋藝再生比賽獲得優選, 並列入故宮典藏。
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禪 茶 盤 2011 borosilicate/Wood
圓盤集水區是以日式禪花園作為概念發想,和傳 統花園不一樣的地方在於枯石庭園中沒有流水。但藉 由耙過的石礫,便可象徵海灣、海洋、河流或湖泊。 禪是種追求心靈平靜的生活態度,喝茶對於某些人來 說也是種找到內心平靜的方法。
Inspired by Japanese rock garden. The diversity of this garden from regular garden is it has no water inside. Via trimmed rock sand it symbolize the sea, ocean, river or lake. Zen is a lifestyle which persuade the inner peace, for somebody, tasting the tea is a way to obtain inner peace.
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Zen Tea Tray
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藍 染 茶 具 Blue-Dye Tea Set
H C Chang Portfolio
2011 Porcelain /Color changing glaze
荀子.勸學:「青取之于藍而青于藍,冰,水為 之而寒于水。」中國在三千多年前就已利用生鮮藍草 染色。染色在上色過程中因為溫度、浸泡時間的長短 都會影響顏色的深淺,想要深色就泡久一點,反之亦 然。運用感溫變色釉料突顯此點特性,泡茶剛注入熱 水時,圖紋會因高溫而變淺,隨著時間帶走溫度,圖 案又會變回本來深色的樣貌。
Chinese philosopher Xun Zi in his book On Learning mentioned: The dye extracted from indigo is bluer than the plant;so is the ice colder than the water. In China people knows how to use blue plant to dye back in 3,000 B C. While dyeing, it changes into various color depth by different temperature and the duration, the longer duration the deeper the color, vice versa. Utilize the color-changing glaze to manifest this characteristic, while pouring hot water into the cup the pattern turns into darker tone and with the time goes on, it eventually back to it original color.
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小 宇 宙 茶 具 組 Univers Tea Set
H C Chang Portfolio
2011 Porcelain/Wood
宇是空間,宙是時 間,合為宇宙。二字連 用,始於《莊子•齊物 論》曰:「旁日月,挾 宇宙,為其吻合。」可 見在中國古代先人創造 宇宙這一詞彙的時候已 經把時間和空間統一看 待,並為宇宙。 茶桌上的小宇宙, 此套茶具可以賦予茶葉 開展的空間;使用者飲 茶時可以享受喝茶的時 間。逗趣的太空造型, 為茶桌上帶來一點活潑 的氣氛,銀河系環帶意 象的握把處選擇木頭材 質,在視覺上較突出外 也能加強隔熱作用。
Inspired by chinese word univese which prounce as“yu-zhou”. yu means time and zhou represent space. Space-alike form bring one much fun when tasting the tea. made by wood and porcelain.
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食 器 文 化 Taiji Tableware
H C Chang Portfolio
2007 Bamboo/Wood
“Human are born to the earth, fed on food” Taiji has to opposite side, symbolize the root of the creation. People lives by eating, the life goes on via harmony. Via the spice jar on the table, food get into the realm of delight. Taiji compartment into two part, was the basic idea of this design, with natural material, let one has the healthy and good taste feeling while dining.
「人之生地,以食為氣。」太極生兩儀,是萬物 的根本,飲食是人們賴以為生的基礎,萬物透過調和 才得以生生不息。食物的美味需藉由餐桌上的調味罐 來調和出色香味俱美的境界。太極一分為二,以此意 象為餐具的設計重點,配上天然的素材,讓飲食更健 康、更有品味。
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泰 雅 族 茶 具 2008 Porcelain/Bamboo
以最具泰雅族特色的菱形祖靈之眼為意象發展, 泰雅族人的編織圖紋總是脫離不了菱形,菱形象徵祖 靈之眼,族人們相信有祖靈之眼在身邊便能永遠庇護 著自己。杯、壺等外型都用菱形表現,整套茶具收納 在竹盒裡更可以呈現祖靈之眼完整樣貌。
The work was inspired by Taiwan aborigine — Atayel Tribe’s rhombic pattern which symbolize “the eye of the ancient”. Atayel believes that “The eye of the ancient” would project oneself with keep it around him. The cup and the pot were create by rhombic form, and with the whole set fit in the bamboo package it manifest the appearance of “The eye of the ancient”.
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Tai Ya Tea Set
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LIGHTING Wallsticker tree light
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樹 壁 貼 燈 2009 Plastic/LED
壁貼結合LED,讓壁貼在裝飾外還多了點照明作 用,為空間增添不同的氛圍,模組化可讓使用者依空 間需求來拼湊出不一樣的大小樹燈。
Wall sticker combine with LED, makes wall sticker not only decorate the inviroment but also can light up the space, gives it more asthetic atmosphere. The modulate form provide various possibilty to fit in different size of space
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Wallsticker Tree Light
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OTHERS Bamboo Cosmetic City Bike
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化 妝 品 包 裝 設 計 2006 Bambo
竹子天然環保,運用在化妝品 的包裝設計上,強調化妝品成分的 天然。此系列作品獲得彰化加興廠 商獎。
Utilize bamboo which is natural and environmental material apply to cosmetic package, to punctuate the natural ingredient inside the product. This series has awarded the Zhanghua Jia-shin Prize.
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Bamboo Cosmetic
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花 器 Vase
H C Chang Portfolio
2006 Ropes /Glue
The 3D structure constructed by lines, entwined by different size of ropes and applied with glue to harden, became a aesthetic decoration.
線立體結構作品,將不同粗細的柔軟麻繩纏繞起 來並塗上南寶樹脂加以硬化,就成了空間擺設中的美 好裝飾品。
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都 市 腳 踏 車
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City Bike
2009 Conception
針對現代都會女性所設計的腳 踏車系列配件。
this bike is design for the modern city women.
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