Visions from Beyond

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Visions From Beyond the art of chin li cheng

Copyright Š Chin Li Cheng 2014 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission of the copyright holder. Book designed by Chin Li Cheng Artwork by Chin Li Cheng Printed in Singapore by KHL Printing Co Pte Ltd

Drawings. Paintings. Games. Films. Music. Dance. To me, these are all forms of Art, and what they all offer in common is a way to enter another world, a world created by Art, for I believe Art exists where reality does not. Through this artbook, I hope to be able to open a window into worlds that would otherwise remain imprisoned within my mind, through my paintings. Each artwork is a link from the real world to another world, a way to witness my Visions from Beyond.

Visions from Beyond | 7

Connor’s Cave Explorers are about to discover in this cave something that will change the world… Named Connor’s Cave as the mood of the painting was inspired by the track “Connor’s Life” from the Assassin’s Creed 3 Official Soundtrack, composed by Lorne Balfe. In the background are the ruins of a city, with a wall blocking off the cave torn open. Three explorers stand at the mouth of the cave and if they enter they will discover the artifact… Top A strange, mysterious artifact that has been hidden in this cave for a long time. Its power is immense, but none can be sure whether it will be for good or worse. Middle These explorers have navigated the ruins and now they stand at the mouth of the cave, where they will make a great discovery should they continue. Bottom This cave, untouched by the civilization outside, is overgrown with nature, innocent to the goings-on of the outside world.

Visions from Beyond | 9

Final Journey When the harbinger of destruction is also your final hope, there is no choice but to fly willingly into the jaws of death. A great maw opens in space, swallowing stars, planets and ships alike. As it spreads, it threatens to destroy the entire universe…but what if the only way to stop it lies within its terrible, gaping maw? This artwork represents the fact that when one is left with nothing to lose, then facing death head-on is a choice that will be willingly taken, for the only difference is whether one dies fighting or running. Top For the devouring force, not even planets can stand in its way. In life, sometimes we face challenges that we cannot hide from, not even if we blockade ourselves with all we have. Middle Others have tried to stop it before, but all till now have failed. There are things in life that people deem impossible because many have tried and all have failed. Their failure serves as a reminder of the difficulty of the task at hand, but it is up to us whether to learn from those failures or to deem the task as truly impossible. Bottom Against the vastness of the universe, a tiny ship bears on it all the hopes of Mankind. Its mission: To travel into the jaws of death in an attempt to save humanity. Times come when we must face a huge obstacle, and sometimes it is the tiniest things that can be the key to overcoming such obstacles.

Visions from Beyond | 11

Fire Strike Will you be safe when fire seeks to satiate its hunger for fuel? Fire is a very destructive force not many things can stand in its way. However, with future technology, perhaps barriers can be made that can stop the forces of nature and the allconsuming force of Fire itself. Then, when fire comes, who will be fortunate enough to hold this technology? This artwork conveys the theme that only the fortunate and resourceful enough survive. Top The unfortunate or unresourceful are swallowed by the flames, for it is survival of the fittest. Middle Those with the resources to survive can climb above all others, even nature itself, as mankind can proved. Bottom Fire, as are obstacles, are not isolated events. There is no knowing how many and where it can strike.

Visions from Beyond | 13

Orbital Assault Humanity has always looked to the stars for hope, but now it rains fiery death down upon them. This painting aims to capture the intensity of a sci-fi battle between ships in orbit and the orbital defences on the ground. The green and red colours were chosen to create contrast. It also asks the question: How effectively can we really defend ourselves if war came to us from the skies? Top This automated defence cannon situated at the top of a building fires back against the enemy, hoping to save the city from the raining death. Bottom Though the defences fire back, large portions of the city have been reduced to rubble. Without a proper way to shield against the attacks, destruction is inevitable.

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The Privateer Scourge of the stars, no job is too far-fetched for the Privateer, so long as the pay is right. A deadly mercenary who sells his services to any who can pay him well enough, the Privateer is feared by any enemy of his patrons. The cloak he wears around his armour was taken from a mystic, its magical properties protecting him from many harmful forces. His helmet incorporates the most advanced sensors and his pistol fires energy bolts capable of ripping through most armours. On his armour, he wears belts containing tools and gadgets to aid him in achieving his goals, as well as another pistol slung on his belt as a spare or for dual wielding. Top Different types of cloaks, armours and helmets were tested to achieve the look, with the aim to achieve a neutral look fitting of a mercenary. Middle Colour schemes were tested to achieve a more unique look. The blue and yellow was chosen as contrasting colours to compliment the silver/grey of the armour. Bottom A view of the Privateer from different angles.

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Angelfall Even the most divine can be damned. No matter whom you are and what you do, one is never truly safe from falling from glory. The Angel, seen as an icon of purity, represents the epitome that one can reach, and his impaling on a stake in the darkness represents the depths which one can fall. Top There are more than one stakes in this place, each waiting for their victim. This personifies the idea that once one has fallen, it is inevitable that in the future, more will follow. Bottom The angel is impaled through the heart and the blood that flows through is red. This reflects the fact that even the greatest of people are but human, shedding the same blood as we, and as all humans they are subject to our mortality.

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Bird of Time “Bird of Time, on the wing, how far is she who flies?� Based on a line from the lyrics of the song Bird of Time, which was the credits music for the game Total War: Shogun 2, this piece aims to incorporate the themes of the leaving/ passing of a loved one, letting go, and strength in the face of loss. These themes are drawn from the song, which is about a soldier leaving his loved ones to go to war, while they long for his return but remain strong and accepting of the possibility than he may never return. Top Here, the bird soaring towards the skies represents departure. As the bird goes on the wing, it is leaving for its destiny and we cannot hold it back, just as when people depart our lives, sometimes we must let them go to seek their destinies. Middle The Samurai represents strength and human emotions. Samurais are the legendary warriors of medieval Japan, always serving his Lord unquestioningly and with his life, thus befitting as a symbol of nobility and strength. However, a Samurai is also human and being human, feels emotions. As we humans face the loss of something close to our hearts, we are sure to experience emotions such as sadness, no matter how strong we are. Bottom Mountains are seen as immovable objects of nature, and here it represents the strength and resolve needed in the face of loss. The leaves represent the tears of the one suffering loss. Though the winds are strong and blow the leaves away, the mountain stands adamant and unshakeable, as one must be against a fate unchangeable.

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Cypher A dancer takes the spotlight in the centre of a circle known as a “cypher”. A cypher is the name given to the circle that forms when street dancers get down and dance, and others join in around them, resulting in the circle. People from the circle take turns to go to the centre and dance, sometimes resulting in call-out dance battles. The cypher highlights the unity and culture of street dancers. Being a street dancer myself, though not a very experienced one, this piece is a reflection of my experience in the cyphers. Top For dancers, shoes are like our paintbrush and the floor our canvas. The shoe in this piece is based off the Adidas Gazelle, a favourite amongst b-boys and also one of my personal favourite shoes for dancing. Middle The lighting is meant to be like the lighting in a nightclub, which street dance has its roots in. Street dancers used to be more frequent in clubs before the rise of modern “club dance styles”. Bottom In a cypher, everyone is watching the dancer in the centre, but they also interact with him, directly or indirectly. Some people may give ‘props’ to the dancer to encourage him, some may be eagerly awaiting their turn or some may not like the person in the centre and be waiting to engage in a dance battle.

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Dwarven Warrior A brave warrior of the dwarves who will fight to the end to defend his people. Dwarves in fantasy are commonly seen as a bearded, stubborn, hardy race with an affinity with the Earth and working with materials from the Earth. This is reflected in their ferocious, unwavering and heavily armed and armoured warriors. This piece started as a 2530 minutes speedpaint, hoping to capture the strength, ferocity and hardiness of a Dwarven Warrior. Later, I spent about two hours more refining it until it reached its current state. Top The roar of a Dwarven Warrior as he charges into battle is terrifying indeed. I added some details of saliva and vapour to add to the effect of his roar and perhaps bad breath. No dwarf is complete without a glorious beard, especially not a Dwarven Warrior. Middle The favoured weapon of most Dwarves across most fantasy worlds, the Axe is a deadly weapon especially when wielded by a Dwarven Warrior. Many skulls it will cleave in defense of the majestic halls of the Dwarves. Bottom Since ancient times such as the Romans, soldiers have been awarded pieces of metal when they complete heroic deeds, so why not for Dwarven Warriors? These metal pieces, embossed with runes, are records of the glorious deeds of this Dwarven Warrior.

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Flight I’ve always wondered how beautiful it must be to be held in the cradle of the skies. In a way, this is a continuation of the previous artwork, ‘Bird of Time’. This time, the perspective changes from the one who has to witness the departure to the one who is departing. Taking to the skies, the bird joins its fellows and soars onwards to far horizons. Perhaps, when the time comes for one to leave us, one is instead taking his/her rightful place in the world, leaving the home to continue on the road of destiny. Top The Sun can be seen as a symbol of hope for it is the bringer of light. A great light far in the distance, it is as a beacon for us to follow when we are lost, the torch that lifts the veil of darkness that we may see the beauty of the world ahead of us. Bottom Birds are often used as symbols of freedom, for they soar through the skies unrestricted. They forge ever onward towards the horizons, seeking their next goal. Petals are beautiful things, but in the wind they are but a fleeting sight. Together, these two elements represent the fact that as we ride on the currents of time towards our goals, moments will pass us by as fast as blossoms in the wind, but their beauty will never be forgotten.

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Green to Gold As fast as the horse is, it will never be able to reach the birds, just as neither of them can win the race against time as the setting sun turns the trees from green to gold. This artwork shows the fact that some things will always remain out of our reach, no matter how hard we try. Perhaps one day, in the future, all things may be possible, but now some things are beyond our control. Top A horse is a strong and fast animal, but it is confined to land and shallow waters. It may ride like the wind, but unlike the wind, it can never sail the skies. This represents the idea that there are things that are out of our control and reach. Middle The birds come and go and when they are on the wing, they are untouchable by the animals on the land, such as the horse. They represent the things that we cannot control or reach. However, even birds cannot outrun time‌ Bottom ‌but the way to handle time is not to run away from it, perhaps, but to stand still as the trees, embracing the flow of time as it changes us, just as it turns the trees from green to gold.

Visions from Beyond | 29

I See Fire Water can wash away the flames of destruction, but not the pain of failure and defeat. This piece explores the theme of loss and failure. The immediate loss brought about by failure can be forgotten soon, just as a rain can douse the fires burning a village. However, the sorrow of one’s failure to prevent the loss may last far longer, just as the warrior would not soon forget his failure to protect his village. Top Tears run down this brave warrior’s cheeks; though he has fought with courage and valour, he has failed in the end and nothing can change that. Middle This warrior has put his life at risk and was even wounded in the process, but this time bloodshed and bravery was not enough. Bottom The fires burn in the back even as the rains fall. Though they will be gone soon, they still dance around in the darkness, taunting the warrior for his failure.

Visions from Beyond | 31

Spider Cave A dozen red lights, bringer of blights, cometh from the shadows, maker of widows. An adventurer explores a cave, unaware that he is being watched by giant spiders hungry for another meal. This artwork was drawn around the theme “First day at School�. At first glance, it seems to have no link to the topic. However, take a look from a darker perspective. An innocent child sent to school is preyed upon by the older, less kindly students. Add in some fantasy analogies and there you have it. Top The adventurer here represents the innocent child that will be for the first time, exposed to bullies and malice. In his hands are a torch, representing the light of his innocence and virtue (will it be put out or will it continue to burn?) and a sword, representing his ability to resist malicious acts. Bottom Spiders are often seen as devious, deadly creatures and giant ones more so. Here, they represent the bullies and more malicious students that will seek to influence or harm the innocent child.

Visions from Beyond | 33

The Mutant Foul darkness must be met with cleansing fire. When darkness and light clashes, who will prevail? As the mutant tries to hold off the burning tip of the holy spear thrust at him, he swings his own flail in an effort to kill his attacker. Two titanic forces, locked in battle. Top Mutated out of recognition, this former human is now a creature bent on destruction. Feared and treated with utter contempt by humans, it is not surprising why this creature would want to destroy everything. Middle This huge weapon wielded by the mutant can only be supported by one of unnatural strength. If it lands a blow, surely the victim would be crippled or killed. Bottom The human warrior thrusts his spear, burning with holy fire, at the head of the mutant. However, it is held back by the creature and the human must win this contest of strength or lose his weapon and perhaps even his life.

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Plague Tower All things foul and pestilent flow to the Plague Tower, nerve centre of corruption. In a tainted land filled with foul growths, the Plague Tower is at the centre of it all, like a beacon for all the rotten and diseased to climb towards. Even the land itself, filled with horrendous growths, seem to reach out towards the Plague Tower. Top What seems like a mocking parody of a tree, the Plague Tower is the source of all the corruption in this land. Bottom Swarms of insects carrying the plague come and go from the tower, spreading its corruption far and wide.

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The Ronin In the calmness of nature, a fierce warrior walks, each contrasting another and beautiful in their own ways. The idea behind this painting is to contrast the warlike nature of a warrior to the serenity of nature as he walks through it. I find it somewhat ironic when warriors do their bloody deeds in the midst of the beauty that surrounds them, like a contrast of ideas. Top The butterfly on the plant represents nature, a seemingly innocent, beautiful and calm creature. Bottom The Samurai represents the warrior. Although a warrior, Samurai are well versed in philosophy and poetry and are so perhaps more in tune with nature than most other warriors. A Ronin is a Samurai without a master, and thus he would wander through the leaves, searching for an answer and purpose in life. His mask gives him an added ferocity that brings out the aspect of the warrior.

Visions from Beyond | 39

The Sundering The heavens themselves split to let forth its fury as two nations go to war and the world is sundered. This artwork depicts a war between two imaginary nations, with one side pushing forward to claim the massive tower carved from nature itself. As the defenders falter, a wizard atop the tower summons a meteor from the skies, threatening to wipe out both armies in an attempt to hold the tower. Top The attacking troops, in their bronze-coloured armour and purple flags, fight against the defenders in their steel-coloured armour and varied flags. The defenders are pushed up against the hills and cannot hold off the attackers for long. Middle The wizard stands at the opening atop the massive tower, casting a terrible spell that will split the heavens and bring forth their fury. Bottom Fire comes from the skies – the impact of the meteor will surely inflict massive casualties to those around it and both armies would likely be caught in its blast.

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Map of Alderaan A map of a fantasy world named Alderaan. It consists of the mainland, the Isle of Namahelia to the West and the Northlands. Alderaan is a medieval-fantasy world where warring kingdoms vie for dominance of the mainland. The Isle of Namahelia and the Northlands are home to other dangers that lurk, waiting for the Kingdoms to weaken themselves before they strike‌ Top The Mainland is home to four great nations. Once dominated by hundreds of warring tribes, the greatest of these tribes have grown into these nations. In the Southwestern deserts is the Kingdom of Ommaeros, in the West is the Indalus Imperium, in the centre Bytarium and in the East the Fenverian Empire. Middle A large island far west of the mainland, Namahelia was only discovered recently by the Indalus Imperium and it is home to dark creatures that must be quelled in the Imperium wishes to extend its borders off the mainland. Bottom A mysterious land that has hardly been charted, it is rumoured to be home to an ancient civilization that has fallen into decadence. From here, a great threat will come to assail the mainland‌

The Nations of Alderaan

Bytarium is the kingdom built around the River Bytar, the greatest river in the mainland and the only river to cut entirely through it. Its position puts it under pressure from both the Indalus Imperium and Fenverian Empire, though it has since allied itself with the Imperium after its intervention saved Bytarium from a Fenverian invasion. However, tensions have grown between the Imperium and Bytarium due to worries about a Bytarian monopoly over the River Bytar that could adversely affect the Imperium and allow Bytarium to grow in power in no small measure. Bytarium worships all the gods except for Shimal, the Goddess of Greed.

The Fenverian Empire is the great Empire in the East, the only nation that can stand up against the Indalus Imperium in military strength. Fenver is a harsh land and this harshness has forged a hardy and strong people, unwavering and always united in the face of hardship. These qualities are what made the Fenverians capable of growing to such power and being able to deter the mighty legions of the Imperium. Fenver has been at war with all the three other nations at one point, but they have since come to a truce. The Principality of Dysar and the city-states of Caesarea and Serenity are vassals of the Fenverian Empire. The Fenverian Empire worships the Covenant of the Unbroken, which consists of Malinal (the God of Earth), Luquenos (the God of Water) and Vehemos (the God of Fire).

The Indalus Imperium was the first civilization to grow out of their tribal ways. Led by their Immortal Emperor, who has since disappeared, the Imperium’s might is nearly unrivalled. The Imperium now constantly seeks the return of their Emperor, led by the religious/military organization known as the Order of the Silver Star. The military might of the Imperium is unrivalled in Alderaan and it has unique cities of towering metal, a craft it learned from the mighty warsmiths of the metal city of Mekhan. The Indalus Imperium worships Vhoulken, the God of War, solely.

The Kingdom of Ommaeros is a mysterious land in the desert, its cities sparse and many of its people nomadic. It does not have a massive standing army, but its ruler himself deters any invasion. Ommaeros is ruled by The Sorcerer, who lives in his great and strange tower in the centre of Ommaeros. Nobody knows what The Sorcerer is up to, but most people leave him to his devices as trade with Ommaeros is profitable. The Kingdom in the Desert is a staunch ally of Bytarium; while the Indalus Imperium is allied with Ommaeros, it does not trust the schemes of The Sorcerer. The Kingdom of Ommaeros does not worship any god, its subjects deferring to the authority of The Sorcerer. However, The Sorcerer calls upon any god that might aid him in his machinations when he needs divine aid.

The Gods of Alderaan

The God of Fire. The symbol of Vehemos was designed with the number 4 in mind, that being his sacred number.

The God of Water. The symbol of Luquenos was designed with the number 3 in mind, that being his sacred number.

Vehemos rules over all that is fire, including the volcanoes of Alderaan. King Pyranos of Demnevos, which was conquered by the Indalus Imperium, was devoted to Vehemos. The main shrine of Vehemos lies around the cone of a great volcano in Fenver, greatly fortified and protected by his followers who believe they are shielded from the fires by their lord. Vehemos is part of the Covenant of the Unbroken, an alliance of Gods formed to combat the growing power of Vhoulken.

Luquenos rules over the seas, the rain, the rivers and everything else that is water. For nations reliant on these bodies of water, such as Bytarium and the Principality of Dysar, Luquenos is the most important God. However, the Indalus Imperium manages to maintain a strong navy through the might of Vhoulken, though it still cannot compare to the Dysarian fleets. The principal shrine of Luquenos is in Port Esubrius, the capital of the Principality of Dysar. The fabled Port Esubrius is said to be the greatest port in all the seas of Alderaan. Luquenos is part of the Covenant of the Unbroken, an alliance of Gods formed to combat the growing power of Vhoulken.

The God of War. The symbol for Vhoulken was designed with the numbers 6 and 7 in mind, those two being his sacred numbers. He has two sacred numbers as war means conflict between two different sides, and there must be differences for there to be war. Once a weaker God, Vhoulken consumed the Gods of Chaos and Order when they were weakened by conflict with one another to become much stronger and since then, with war raging across the mainland of Alderaan, he has grown to become almost the most powerful God, second only to Shimal, the Goddess of Greed and Fear. The main place of worship for the followers of Vhoulken is the Silver Monastery in Manhakam, the Imperium’s Capital.

The God of Earth. The symbol of Malinal was designed with the number 5 in mind, that being his sacred number.

The Goddess of Greed and Fear. The symbol for Shimal was designed with the number 8 in mind, that being her sacred number.

Malinal is lord of the Earth, but he is also a very reclusive God. He rarely engages in the affairs of the divine or the mortals, preferring the peace of his realm. Though he has the power to shake Earth and split the lands, his reluctance to be involved in anything means his power is rarely seen. The location of his principal shrine is unknown, though it is rumoured to be hidden in the jungles of Kimmeria.

An evil Goddess who has consumed many of the other Gods to become so powerful, she was the one who corrupted the Northlands and the Isle of Namahelia, bending those that lived there to her will and filling the lands with her corrupted creations. She has remained hidden from the mainland, biding her time for centuries, sending harassing forces and waiting for the mainland of Alderaan to weaken themselves through war before unleashing her greatest terrors upon the world to swallow it all up.

Although considered part of the Covenant of the Unbroken by most worshippers, Malinal has never acted against Vhoulken, or against anyone else for that matter, and is thus not at open war with Vhoulken.

Visions from Beyond | 45

Crucible of Fear There is naught but despair to be found in the Crucible of Fear. Hidden deep in the forests of Namahelia, the Crucible of Fear is the name given to the temple complex dedicated to Shimal, Goddess of Fear and Greed. Here, foul sorceries are at work, all in the name of the Dark Goddess. Top Imposing black pyramids carved with occult runes are the temples of Shimal, but real terror lies not on them or within them, but beneath them‌ Bottom A figure steps forth from the baleful light. The figure is too far to be discerned properly, but there is no doubt that is does not harbor good intentions.

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Port Esubrius The grandest port of all, home to the titanic statue of Luquenos, the God of Water. The capital city of the Principality of Dysar, Port Esubrius is also known to be a largest, grandest and most well fortified port in all the seas of Alderaan. It is home to the Dysarian Fleets, who are unrivalled on the seas, and serve as a port to many trading ships. Blessed by the God of Water, its harbor is always safe. Top Many ships come to Port Esubrius to trade or simply to gaze upon its grandeur every day. Sailors, except those of the Imperium, also come here on pilgrimages to pray for safe voyages and other blessings from Luquenos. Middle The Spear in the hand of the statue of Luquenos is hollowed out and serves as a tower. Here, the admirals of the Dysarian fleets and other important people run the operations of Port Esubrius’ harbor. Bottom On the lands behind the port itself are large but sparse towns. Most of the fortifications are at sea, with the settlements on land being homes, farms, and other civilian buildings.

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Duel Under the Broken Sky Swords clash and blood will be spilled as battle is made in the heart of darkness. The Indalus Imperium’s forces arrive on Namahelia and set about cleansing it of Shimal’s dark influence. In the heart of the Crucible of Fear, a commander of the Order of the Silver Star engages in a duel against the fearsome Herald of Shimal. This duel will decide the fate of Namahelia; whether it falls into Imperial hands or remains in the dark clutches of Shimal. Top A commander of the Order of the Silver Star, equipped with the best arms and armour the Imperium has to offer, trained to perfection and with the experience of many bloody years, few in Alderaan can stand alone against such formidable warriors. Bottom The Herald of Shimal has four arms, each holding a deadly blade and its body is like oil, flowing and quickly regenerating any wounds. Though it has no eyes, it can still see through its magical senses. Adorned with golden trinkets that do not really serve any purpose, the Herald of Shimal is truly an embodiment of Fear and Greed.

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Luminar All knowledge flows to Luminar, home to the great Library-Citadels of legend. The fabled Library City of the Indalus Imperium, Luminar contains more knowledge than any other place in Alderaan. The Library-Citadels each belong to a Librarian House, which is responsible for the keeping of knowledge within the Citadel. These Librarian Houses have since formed a friendly rivalry with each other, constantly competing to obtain knowledge, but never acting in all out violence that would pose a threat to the knowledge contained in the pages sealed in the Libraries. Top Each a fortress in its own right, the Library-Citadels are made of metal using techniques from the Warsmiths of Mekhan. The Librarian Houses garrison them with a huge retinue of guards, librarians and other servants. Within each Library Citadel is a huge repository of knowledge of immense value to the Imperium, thus justifying the expenses spent to protect them. Bottom A chapel-house of the Order of the Silver Star. The religious/military order that dominates the Indalus Imperium, the Silver Star has holdings almost everywhere in the Imperium, no less in a city as important as Luminar. A chapel-house of the Order of the Silver Star. The religious/military order that dominates the Indalus Imperium, the Silver Star has holdings almost everywhere in the Imperium, no less in a city as important as Luminar.

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Manhakam With its legendary metal spires, Manhakam is a city ahead of its time in a world of swords and arrows. The capital city of the Indalus Imperium, Manhakam is where excessive grandeur meets technological supremacy. Using the techniques of the Warsmiths of Mekhan, the lords of the Imperium have crafted a city made of more metal than Mekhan itself. Its towers scrape the skies, towering over even the mountains on the horizon. Manhakam is a reminder to all the lay their eyes on it of the power and defiance of the Indalus Imperium. Top The spires of Manhakam are home to the most important people of the Indalus Imperium, from which they lord over their subjects and decide their fates or perhaps even the fate of Alderaan itself. Such is the power of the Imperium that others may only dream of it, like the subjects below looking up upon the imposing structures. Bottom Manhakam is bordered to the East by a mountain range, beyond which lies the city of Mekhan, home to the Warsmiths whose technologies helped build Manhakam itself.

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Shimal Knight A corrupted creature who fights only for greed and terror. Knights of Shimal were once human, until they were corrupted by their greed and drawn into the service of Shimal. Over time, this corruption changed their bodies into unrecognizable forms. They now hide behind their black armour, a baleful light emitting from where was once their eyes. They scour the lands in seek of gold and to sow terror upon Shimal’s enemies. Top A strange, terrible glow emits from where was once the Knight’s eyes and it is said that those who fall under its gaze feel extreme, immobilizing terror. Bottom A golden wristband, Shimal’s first gift to the Knight, entices the Knight’s greed and draws him down a path of corruption from which there can be no return.

About I am Chin Li Cheng, traveler of worlds and architect of dreams. So too are you and everyone with an imagination, for where reality forbids, imagination does not and I believe this is the beauty of art: Bringing to life worlds that do not exist otherwise. Beginning my journey in the oriental pearl of Singapore, I have always fantasized about strange and beautiful worlds filled with beings that cannot be in reality – my mind drifting through various worlds, sparked by the epic stories and games such as The Lord of the Rings (and other of J.R.R Tolkien’s work), Warhammer 40,000, Star Wars, The Elder Scrolls, Dungeons & Dragons and many others, not to mention above all else, history itself. In my artworks, I have a personal preference for grim, gritty realism, although surreal beauty also fascinates me. Whenever possible, I also try to incorporate meanings behind my artworks for many of them are descriptions of myself during a particular point in my life, expressing feelings and thoughts that cannot be put in words. When away from the screen, I enjoy reading, watching films, gaming and dancing. Books, films and games take me into different worlds where I can experience the imaginations of others and be inspired and learn from them. Dancing brings me into another world where I can take a break from the stress of everyday life and work. I also hope to one day be able to travel the expanse of the real world and experience all our home world has to offer. Though not many years have passed in my journey, I hope to continue traversing these alternate realities and transcribe them onto my paintings that they may one day be shared with others and open doors for them to visit my worlds.

“That which reality forbids, imagination does not. Such is the beauty of art: Bringing to life worlds that do not exist otherwise.”

- Chin Li Cheng

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