The harvest is ready!
Word Convention Honduras 2017
Una Palabra... de Richard Shakarian
The harvest is ready!
06 Editorial 08 A Word from
Richard Shakarian
Word Convention Honduras 2017
Testimony 1 A second chance
Testimony 2 The healing power of God in my family
Testimony 3 A new meaning to my life
NOVEMBRE 01, 2017
THE VOICE, is a digital magazine produced and published monthly. It is sent to all members of the International Fraternity of Business Men of the Full GospelFGBMFI, of Latin America and available to all readers. Direction and general coordination: Gerardo Townson (GUA) Collaboratos: Pepino Toledo(CR) Humberto Ruiz (VEN) Pablito Zarate (GUA) Manolo Gallardo (ES) Lic. Jorge Esquivel (PER) Design and layout:
he widow of one of four soldiers killed in Niger went on television on Monday to criticize President Trump for how he spoke to her during a condolence call last week, drawing a swift denial from Mr. Trump, who breathed new life into a bitter controversy that has transformed a tragedy into a political feud. Myeshia Johnson, whose husband, Sgt. La David T. Johnson, was killed early this month in an attack that is under investigation by the United States military, said the president had blundered through the condolence call he made to her last week, only deepening her grief because he did not seem to know her husband’s name. “The president said, ‘He knew what he signed up for, but it hurts anyway,’” Ms. Johnson said during an interview with ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos. “It made me cry because I was very angry at the tone in his voice and how he said it.” She said Mr. Trump’s memory seemed to falter during their exchange.
“He couldn’t remember my husband’s name,” Ms. Johnson said. “The only way he remembered my husband’s name is because he told me he had my husband’s report in front of him and that’s when he actually said ‘La David.’ I heard him stumbling on trying to remember my husband’s name. And that’s what hurt me the most because if my husband is out here fighting for our country, and he risked his life for our country, why can’t you remember his name?” Last week, Mr. Trump denied saying that Sergeant Johnson had known what he signed up for, but John F. Kelly, the president’s chief of staff — and who is himself the father of a Marine killed in action — told him when he received the news of his son’s death.
Jesús said: ““The harvest is ready, but the laborers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers into his harvest field. “(Luke 10:2)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut accumsan felis. Proin interdum sit amet ex accumsan venenatis. In varius nibh quis dapibus dictum. In pellentesque fringilla nulla sed ornare. Morbi sagittis quam eget accumsan pellentesque. Aliquam consectetur neque sit amet feugiat sodales. Nunc in nisi id magna maximus ultricies. Aliquam commodo accumsan mi in fringilla. Vivamus elit tortor, sollicitudin non viverra eget, consectetur at mi. Aenean vulputate dignissim feugiat. Curabitur luctus ex ac lectus posuere, eget mattis tortor porta. Proin sed nunc a nisl tempus vulputate. Donec eleifend porta pulvinar. Cras posuere risus sit amet arcu hendrerit, in ultrices nisi convallis. Integer feugiat sem non lobortis vehicula. Integer malesuada vitae magna vitae vulputate. Pellentesque sed elementum tellus, quis fringilla purus. Mauris lectus quam, cursus tristique pulvinar quis, tincidunt et nibh. Etiam porttitor orci et lectus venenatis, vel facilisis sapien gravida. Nullam efficitur posuere purus, quis vestibulum purus porta dignissim. Sed purus justo, sollicitudin in purus convallis, dapibus molestie mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec justo arcu, porttitor id urna sit amet, finibus sodales sapien. Proin vehicula id ligula nec consectetur. Integer porta, massa eget placerat laoreet, ligula dui dictum felis, quis placerat turpis lectus in erat. Curabitur erat nisi, tristique in posuere et, eleifend id metus. Nunc maximus purus in tempus tempor. Curabitur non risus eleifend, pretium magna a, rhoncus dolor. In suscipit, urna dignissim commodo fermentum, eros felis vehicula turpis, ac ultricies nibh nisi vulputate nisi.
NOVEMBER 01, 2017
Pellentesque eu tempor odio. Etiam mauris enim, congue vel velit vitae, fringilla accumsan elit. Integer auctor tortor augue, sed tristique nunc euismod id. Nullam fermentum ipsum nisl, pulvinar tincidunt enim suscipit ac. Vestibulum blandit sed metus nec euismod. Pellentesque ut finibus magna. Proin ultrices quam eu ligula mollis placerat ut eu justo. Donec ac lacus nec lorem consectetur vehicula eu vitae nibh. Morbi viverra nunc quis commodo mollis. Donec quis faucibus lectus. Maecenas dapibus ultricies velit quis dapibus.
Nunc venenatis urna ipsum, non lacinia risus viverra in. Donec euismod varius neque, at egestas est viverra eget. Donec egestas pretium libero, sed porta justo maximus in. Maecenas vitae massa sed justo viverra egestas ut quis orci. Sed at elit erat. Pellentesque tempor mi ut orci aliquet convallis. Sed elementum facilisis dui et fermentum. Quisque at ante nec eros volutpat imperdiet. Nullam non dignissim nulla. Sed dui lacus, maximus et fermentum vel, pellentesque id leo. Integer est lacus, dapibus a eleifend et, aliquam id urna. Cras ex quam, tincidunt nec facilisis sit amet, venenatis vel nulla. Nam mattis ipsum et ante scelerisque sagittis. Phasellus volutpat orci a ligula venenatis viverra.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut accumsan felis. Proin interdum sit amet ex accumsan venenatis. In varius nibh quis dapibus dictum. In pellentesque fringilla nulla sed ornare. Morbi sagittis quam eget accumsan pellentesque. Aliquam consectetur neque sit amet feugiat sodales. Nunc in nisi id magna maximus ultricies. Aliquam commodo accumsan mi in fringilla. Vivamus elit tortor, sollicitudin non viverra eget, consectetur at mi. Aenean vulputate dignissim feugiat. Curabitur luctus ex ac lectus posuere, eget mattis tortor porta. Proin sed nunc a nisl tempus vulputate. Donec eleifend porta pulvinar. Cras posuere risus sit amet arcu hendrerit, in ultrices nisi convallis. Integer feugiat sem non lobortis vehicula. Integer malesuada vitae magna vitae vulputate. Pellentesque sed elementum tellus, quis fringilla purus. Mauris lectus quam, cursus tristique pulvinar quis, tincidunt et nibh.
Etiam porttitor orci et lectus venenatis, vel facilisis sapien gravida. Nullam efficitur posuere purus, quis vestibulum purus porta dignissim. Sed purus justo, sollicitudin in purus convallis, dapibus molestie mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec justo arcu, porttitor id urna sit amet, finibus sodales sapien. Proin vehicula id ligula nec consectetur. Integer porta, massa eget placerat laoreet, ligula dui dictum felis, quis placerat turpis lectus in erat. Curabitur erat nisi, tristique in posuere et, eleifend id metus. Nunc maximus purus in tempus tempor. Curabitur non risus eleifend, pretium magna a, rhoncus dolor. In suscipit, urna dignissim commodo fermentum, eros felis vehicula turpis, ac ultricies nibh nisi vulputate nisi.
Nunc venenatis urna ipsum, non lacinia risus viverra in. Donec euismod varius neque, at egestas est viverra eget. Donec egestas pretium libero, sed porta justo maximus in. Maecenas vitae massa sed justo viverra egestas ut quis orci. Sed at elit erat. Pellentesque tempor mi ut orci aliquet convallis. Sed elementum facilisis dui et fermentum. Quisque at ante nec eros volutpat imperdiet. Nullam non dignissim nulla. Sed dui lacus, maximus et fermentum vel, pellentesque id leo. Integer est lacus, dapibus a eleifend et, aliquam id urna. Cras ex quam, tincidunt nec facilisis sit amet, venenatis vel nulla. Nam mattis ipsum et ante scelerisque sagittis.
FRATERNITY A group of people who like to come together to witness the love, compassion and reality of Jesus Christ. INTERNATIONAL It is aimed at men around the world, regardless of geographic boundaries with a deep concern for every man, every nation, every racial group. We are currently in more than 150 countries BUSINESSMEN Peasants, students, businessmen, merchants, workers, salesmen, professionals, industrialists, technicians, politicians, etc. Ordinary men who share with other men of their economic activity the love, mercy and reality of God in their lives. OF THE FULL GOSPEL It is an Explosive, Powerful Movement of the Spirit where manifestations of the power of God become evident. Liberations, miracles and healings, by ordinary men filled with the Holy Spirit
NOVEMBER 01, 2017
Pellentesque eu tempor odio. Etiam mauris enim, congue vel velit vitae, fringilla accumsan elit. Integer auctor tortor augue, sed tristique nunc euismod id. Nullam fermentum ipsum nisl, pulvinar tincidunt enim suscipit ac. Vestibulum blandit sed metus nec euismod. Pellentesque ut finibus magna. Proin ultrices quam eu ligula mollis placerat ut eu justo. Donec ac lacus nec lorem consectetur vehicula eu vitae nibh. Morbi viverra nunc quis commodo mollis. Donec quis faucibus lectus. Maecenas dapibus ultricies velit quis dapibus.
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NOVEMBER 01, 2017
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08 DE AGOSTO DE 2014
A word from Richard Shakarian
Dennis & Eva Spent just sent me this powerful story from Max Solbrekken in Canada. “I have not met Richard but he was the one who called me in 1977 and asked if we would have a meeting in Edmonton with Omar Cabrera. Omar came and later held a crusade in in Argentina. This turned out to be a historic REVIVAL. If Richard had not made that call Omar would not have returned to Argentina.
Later Richard conducted a stadium meeting in Santa Fe Argentina. The conviction of sin was so strong the people were holding their sides and groaning under conviction as they ran to the alter to find Christ and receive relief from their sins. God has not changed! Yes we have seen God do great things in the past. But TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION. A new fresh wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing.
The military stopped their religious persecution and within 18 months Omar had 8,000 new believers in Cordova and 450 ministers telling the story of Jesus with power and miracles in 150 different locations!
We can feel the difference in America! We felt the difference in Asia. And God is no respecter of persons! That means that all the good stuff that He has promised is available for you!!
This REVIVAL and others including Tommy Hicks who was a house guest at the Shakarians the night that Demos received the Vision brought hundreds of thousands of people into the kingdom of God.
If God can heal the Dying – make the lame walk – and forgive sins . .. Don’t you think that he can smile his favor upon you?
Remember just one day of favor can do more than 1,000 days of labor. Let me pray for you………. Dear Lord Jesus, you are the creator of this whole world. All power and wisdom is in your hands. Let your favor and your Abundant Life come mightily to your faithful people. As we obey your word and give into your kingdom let your Abundant Life take hold in our lives. Help us to take our eyes off ourselves, and to See the fields of GOD’S HARVEST they are ready to harvest right now! Love is forever Richard Shakarian FGBMFI World Headquarters and Vision Center Lake Forest, Caandachuiu qua nocapec ivicaus abus, quam anum tem deffrem
NOVIEMBER 01, 2017
Jesus said “I have come to give you life and that more abundantly” Yes it is God’s will for you to be loaded up with abundance in every part of your life. God used FGBMFI and one phone call to raise up 8,000 believers and 450 ministers in Argentina!!
Summary Honduras 2017 Word Convention
t felt like the beginning on Saturday night at Minute Maid Park, the arrival of a new force on the World Series stage. The Houston Astros are back, for the first time in a dozen years, and they want to stay awhile. “We took a lot of grief early,” said the Astros’ owner, Jim Crane, who bought baseball’s worst team in 2011 and kept it that way for a stretch. “But now the team is built to last, and hopefully we’ll have another whole bunch of chances to do this again.”
Lance McCullers Jr. usually starts. In Game 7 of the American League Championship Series, he followed Charlie Morton with four overpowering innings at the end. He allowed a leadoff single to his first batter and no other hits. He walked one with six strikeouts, all on swinging third-strike curveballs. McCullers spun curve after curve
— 24 in a row to end the game — and the Yankees never solved him. “He’s got as good a curveball as we’ve seen in the game this year,” said the Hall of Famer Nolan Ryan, whose curveball helped make him the majors’ career strikeout leader. “He has a lot of confidence in it, and it’s special to watch.” McCullers is 24, a first-time All-Star this season, and a power pitcher who has averaged more than 10 strikeouts per nine innings in his three-year career. He has not won a Cy Young Award, like Justin Verlander and Dallas Keuchel, the aces who front the Astros’ rotation. But he looks as if he may, someday. Yet so did his close friend and off-season training partner Jose Fernandez, who was killed in a boating accident last year in Miami, where he had played for the Marlins. McCullers’s father, Lance McCullers Sr., did not contend for awards, but seemed to be headed for a long career as a durable reliever when his arm betrayed him, without warning, in 1990.
NOVEMBER 01, 2017
They hope, of course, but the Astros do not know. Nobody does. Just when things are starting, they can also be ending.
“It happened one night in Detroit,” McCullers Sr. said on the field here after Game 7, streamers still dangling from the overhead wires. “I threw against the Royals and threw great for four innings or so. It was right at the All-Star break. I went home, came back and threw one game, and I had a twinge in my arm. Ended up having a blood clot. I did come back, but I was never the same.”
NOVEMBER 01, 2017
A 90 percent blockage in the axillary artery in his shoulder essentially ended his career. McCullers Sr. was 26 years old and had pitched 301
He was out of the game by 1996, when the Yankees opened a spring training ballpark near the family’s home in Tampa, Fla. McCullers Sr. took a hard-hat tour during construction, and once took Lance Jr. to meet the players in the clubhouse. The family still has tickets, eight rows behind the Yankees’ on-deck circle. “I grew up watching those guys;
I love those guys,” said McCullers Jr., who went to Jesuit High School on North Himes Avenue, the same street as the Yankees’ minor league complex. “But tonight, I had to do what I had to do.” The Astros envisioned a night like this in 2012, at the first draft for their general manager, Jeff Luhnow. They used the No. 1 overall pick on shortstop Carlos Correa, who signed for a reduced bonus that allowed them to meet the asking price of two other coveted prospects: McCullers and infielder Rio Ruiz, who was eventually traded to Atlanta for designated hitter Evan Gattis. In Game 7, Gattis lashed a homer for the Astros’ first run. Correa singled twice and scored. And McCullers authored just the third four-inning save to clinch a postseason series, after Oakland’s Vida Blue in the 1972 A.L.C.S. and San Francisco’s Madison Bumgarner (five innings)
in the 2014 World Series. On the podium behind second base on Saturday, as the Astros received their A.L. championship trophy, Correa draped an arm around Luhnow and reminded him of that first draft. The Astros envisioned a night like this in 2012, at the first draft for their general manager, Jeff Luhnow. They used the No. 1 overall pick on shortstop Carlos Correa, who signed for a reduced bonus that allowed them to meet the asking price of two other coveted prospects: McCullers and infielder Rio Ruiz, who was eventually traded to Atlanta for designated hitter Evan Gattis. In Game 7, Gattis lashed a homer for the Astros’ first run. Correa singled twice and scored. And McCullers authored just the third four-inning save to clinch a postseason series, after Oakland’s Vida Blue in the 1972 A.L.C.S. and San Francisco’s Madison Bumgarner (five innings) Correa, who signed for a reduced bonus that allowed them to meet the asking price of two other coveted prospects: McCullers a.
NOVEMBER 01, 2017
games for San Diego, the Yankees and Detroit. He would pitch just five more, all before his first son was born.
“Lord, I am going to work for you, in the Fraternity, but give me prosperity, prove me then, that gives prosperity to those who serve you.”
NOVEMBER 01, 2017
y name is Milton Eduardo Guerrero, I was born in 1958. I learned that to get things in life I had to work and I was a seller since I was little. I sold newspapers, Christmas decorations, toys, toys and even eggs. I studied at night, I graduated high school, then came the university.
One day, my girlfriend’s dad invited me to a breakfast of the International Brotherhood of Business Men of the Full Gospel of El Salvador (FIHNEC). There I had my personal encounter with Jesus Christ. When they made the call and went to the front, with my eyes closed I saw a white light in the extreme. I had seen this light before and feeling confident I said: “I have already seen you. You, you’ve already been with me. I, I already know you, just tell me, please. Where have I seen you? “ And he showed me an occasion when a driver on Route 30 passed the red light and I was on the street cruiser on my motorcycle, unable to do anything to avoid the hit, I just closed my eyes, and in that I was covered by the same light. When I opened my eyes, I was out of danger. It was not difficult for me to understand that it was Jesus Christ and I gave him my life. In the Fraternity I was taught that: “HEALTHY JESUS, SAVE, LIBERATE, PROSPER AND PROTECT”. I said:
When I began to serve him, God gave me a good job, I started to see profits, I quit and I was hired by an insurance company. God blessed me later with five more jobs simultaneously. Prosperity came in abundance. My girlfriend became my wife and my father-in-law gave us a beautiful house. The Lord blessed me with my first child and my first car too. Everything was fine, but I started to go crazy. I made myself crazy clothes. Crazy costumes. Crazy perfumes. Crazy jewelry. Crazy trips. At the age of 33 I began to drink, and to be an adulterer. I felt hypocritical, because I went to the Fraternity and lost myself in cumbia nights, on carnival Tuesdays and on conga Thursdays. In the end, I left that Christ who had given me so much, divorced my wife and left her and my four-year-old son. I resigned from the insurance company and I went to another company, where I sold so much that I was offered to be the Commercial Manager of the eastern zone. My ego grew and grew. I met a girl ten years younger than me, I proposed to her and we got married. I remember having a golden Mercedes Benz and looking at myself in the mirror said to myself: “Man Milton, how cute you are, how cute you are, Dad! New car, new houses, new beautiful woman with pisto and you will be Commercial Manager! “ But God had other plans. One morning I went to the restaurant where I used to eat breakfast and I asked for the newspaper and on the front page it appears that the insurance company declares itself bankrupt and all its businesses are lost and it was the company that I was going to become a commercial manager. Immediately I began to receive calls from all my clients: I answered, do
OR A FULL LIFE” not worry, give me time, but I could not do anything. I neglected the other companies and also took them off and overnight was an unemployed. When I finally got a job, I did not sell anything as hard as I could. As it was possible that I, a successful man, who had formed bodies of salesmen for other companies, could not sell. He had stumbled into credit cards, had run out of savings accounts, and had nothing to do with debts and clients.
Praise Ministry. I can never repay Christ for His kindness to me. Dear reader, Christ also awaits you in this blessed Brotherhood.
For all that, my new marriage would also sink. One morning, I began to hear a voice that shouted to me, “You are a failure, Kill yourself man, you are more dead than alive, end this! I go to the kitchen and I take an envelope of poison for rats and I take it, I go back to my room, I close the door, I lie down and start to see the false sky. As I see it all my body is tense, I know what is going to happen to me, my heart beats with all force that I hear in my ears like thunder. So lying on that bed looking at the false sky I begin to see how God had taken care of me, how He had blessed me and how I had dealt with destroying everything beautiful He had given me. I saw the face of my son who was looking at me and said: “Come, see me Are not you going to sleep with me?” And everything went out. Thank God, the maid arrived and on seeing me called an ambulance and woke up at Zacamil Hospital. I woke up that morning totally spoiled by the venom, I was almost blind, with a nasogastric tube, unable to gesticulate words. And there, in that terrible place, I remembered the Christ whom I had forgotten to live a totally ungovernable life. When I awakened my desire to die I had changed, I wanted to live and I asked for forgiveness and I talked to Him like I had never spoken to him. I said, “Prove to me that you are my father, prove me that I am your son, have mercy on me, do not allow me to die in this hospital bed.” When at last everything was silent, I realized that that Christ was with me.
When I left the hospital, my mother gave me $ 100. I bought an electric oven, margarine, cheese, flour, baking powder and some molds and I started to make quesadillas, when I finished putting them in a basket, I went to a church and I put my basket in the gutter to sell. There, the great salesman, the man of success, that false triumphant, humiliated had to swallow his tears. But there came a sincere friend who, seeing me like this, offered me a job. The pay was the minimum wage, but the power of God was manifest; I managed to pay many of my debts and God freed me from others, gave me back to my wife and my son, I joined the Fraternity again. He gave me my own business and I returned to have chariot and prosperity. He has allowed my wife and I to have been marriage counselors and we have a very precious roster of rescued marriages for Christ. Today I even have a
Julio Ramos Chorro, El Salvador, C.A.
NOVEMBER 01, 2017
n 1985, desempeñaba un cargo de mucha responsabilidad y mucho trabajo. Entraba a las ocho de la mañana y salía a las diez de la noche. Noté que iba rebajando de peso, lo atribuí a ese ajetreo, y no me preocupé, es más, no me sentía mal. Cierto día tuve que pasar un examen médico que el Banco y el Seguro exigían. Después del segundo examen me dijeron: Va a tener que internarse porque le vamos a hacer otra serie de exámenes. Todavía no me decían que era lo que pasaba, y yo no me sentía mal. A raíz de los exámenes me dijeron: ¡Usted tiene un tumor en un pulmón! Es una lesión bastante seria, pero no sabemos si es benigno o maligno. Lo mejor será que vaya a los Estados Unidos. A unos parientes médicos, la noticia les impactó, sin embargo yo no sentía temor. No
alcanzaba a comprender la magnitud del caso. Un amigo médico me puso en que pensar cuando me dijo: Esto te puede costar de treinta a cuarenta mil dólares. Tienes que llevar por lo menos doce mil dólares para el ingreso. Ya había asistido a la Fraternidad Internacional de Hombres de Negocio del Evangelio Completo, así que lo primero que hice fue llamar a unos amigos de mi Capítulo, que inmediatamente acudieron al Hospital, oraron por mí, y me dijeron: Julio ¡Tú estás sano! Un día antes del viaje, volvieron a llegar los amigos de la Fraternidad, me ungieron con aceite, y me dieron la dirección de un capítulo de Houston, y al final alguien me dijo: Julio, te declaramos sano en el nombre de Jesús. Al llegar a Houston fui al médico, y por la noche logré contactar a alguien del capítulo de la Fraternidad. La persona que contestó me dijo: Ponte la mano donde sientes la dolencia y vamos a orar. Al terminar me dijo: Oye Julio, en el nombre de Jesús yo te declaro sano y tú te puedes regresar mañana a tu país. Al día
siguiente, yo iba con eso de que ya me habían declarado sano, y le digo al doctor: Mire doctor, quisiera que me tomaran otra radiografía. ¡No! – me dijo mientras veía las radiografías – por todo lo que estoy viendo aquí, estoy de acuerdo con el diagnóstico de tu médico. Sin embargo insistí: Quiero que me tomen otra radiografía. Bueno – como quien dice ¡Usted paga! Fui al laboratorio de rayos X y cuando regresé con nuevas radiografías lo encontré viendo las radiografías de El Salvador. Al rato tomó una de las nuevas e hizo un gesto diferente. Volvió a ver la una y la otra. Al rato me dice, Mire: ¡Aquí ha pasado algo! En esta placa se ve una sombra bien marcada, y en las nuevas, ¡Ya no se ve! ¡Se me deshizo todo! – dije… ¡No!, No se preocupe – me dijo, – esto es en beneficio suyo. Ya no lo vamos a internar, sino que le vamos a repetir los exámenes que trae de El Salvador. Total que al siguiente día me hicieron nuevos exámenes. Al tercer día cuando llegué, me dice: Julio, las pastillas que le di, las va a seguir tomando por quince días, y mañana puede regresar a su país. Yo lo tomé primero como que me estaba desahuciando. No, no se preocupe – me dijo – usted está limpio, y puede irse mañana para su país. Eso fue en 1985, y desde entonces alabo a Dios y doy gracias a Jesús porque fui sanado milagrosamente en respuesta a las oraciones.
A new meaning to my life, thr Víctor Rodríguez
NOVEMBER 01, 2017
am 63 years old, father of three children and professionals, widower; professional and already retired. I was born in a corner of Ciudad Delgado and from my 12 years of age I left my house to work because my parents could not give me the studies. After three years of working, I was able to continue studying until I graduated as a Business Administration Degree from the University of El Salvador. This independence from my young age made me proud and that everything I was achieving believed that it was my own efforts, my ability and my intelligence and therefore I did not want to know anything about God. I believed in an atheist with a philosophy of my own, thinking that it was enough to help others as much as possible and avoid hurting others, I do not deny that this helped me to consolidate many friendships, but I was always far from God and therefore drank believing that he did it socially; but that I often exceeded myself by causing accidents and obtaining two suspensions of my license for reckless driving. I was also addicted to the pleasures with women and this led me to a disorderly life. On one occasion, I had a motorcycle accident. For speeding, I wrecked a taxi that stopped, causing it to spend 4 days in intensive care in the hospital, expelling blood
through the eyes, ears and mouth. His face was shattered because of the impact I flew out and passed over the vehicle to fall like a spear with his face against the pavement and at that time the helmet did not demand it. But my arrogance was so great and although I was in intensive care, I was still conscious and on the second day some of my wife’s uncles came to the hospital to want to pray for me and in that situation where all those who came to see me did not believe that I would live one more day, with signs because I could not see or speak, I had them removed from the intensive care room with absolute pride, without thinking that with difficulty my wife had obtained permission for people to enter that restricted sector and finish with 6 months of disability. So I was proud of God, believing that the pleasures offered by the world were more pleasing than walking in spiritual things. My life disorder led me to abandon my wife and children to accompany me to another woman. Believing that he was a good father, he continued to contribute all the material that my wife and children needed; but the father and husband were far from everyone. This caused a resentment of them towards me and my life away from my family was not the happiness that I looked for; but God had already prepared when I should reach him and brought me to the INTERNATIONAL FRATERNITY OF MEN OF BUSINESS OF THE FULL GOSPEL, this Ministry to which a friend had invited me five years ago and whom I begged to please do not do it again because I was an atheist and did not believe in God; but God has the day and the hour when his chosen children must come and when that moment came, He touched my heart and I began to feel the need to know more of God and I am back to the friend who had invited me before the first meeting of the Fraternity and was holding as a pastor Christian meetings and invited me again to their meetings. It was then that
I began to attend accompanied by my life companion and in one of those meetings came a fraternal who invites me to the Metrocentro Chapter. I began to attend and the testimonies struck me because I often heard that people who did not previously believe in God, were receiving miracles and started to get more involved in the Fraternity, I went to the National Convention the following month and there I am a friend of the childhood that asks me if I had already attended a SAEL and wanting to know more about what it was about in November 2007 I went to my first SAEL. During the event, in the program related to the family, everyone was asked how their family was formed and I innocently replied that I had a wife, three children and a life partner, because with this last one lived for three years logically I was told that this was not allowed in the Fraternity and I had to fix my situation. It was from that SAEL that God began to work: the same day, when I
returned, the relationship with my life partner was broken in a surprising way and I came back to ask forgiveness of my wife and each of my children who did not believe in me change because they knew how it was before; but from that moment God restores my family again and begins a new walk grasped by the hand of God and the blessings begin to arrive. The desire to ingest inebriating drinks disappears, my vocabulary changes and I do not say offensive words, my violent character disappears and harmony begins again in my home, the year I was in Fraternity I got my membership for life and six months after my arrival Chapter, they make me Treasurer, position in which unanimously, I have been elected every year to date. I also joined the Convention Committee, served in another similar Ministry that are the International Gideons and I am the President of my camp; three years of being in Fraternity, God gives me a trip to Canada together with my wife for more than a month with all expenses paid and despite being retired, God has put me in charge of an important guild of the country and I am manager of two more business associations, I am as a member of a collegial body of Management of an Autonomous where I worked before, I do not lack limitations of any kind, enjoyment of good health; God has placed me in places of great importance that I have not asked for, but He has given me, in material things He provides me with more than I need and that happiness I sought in the world, in travel, lusts and pleasures, I came to find in the ways of God and to stop Him be all the Honor and Glory, because it allows me to be part of the happiest people on earth
NOVEMBER 01, 2017
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