selec ted wor ks
2013 -2017
Students community centre 學生活動中心
Heritage 左營遺址保護
Contents architectural portfolio
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Floating SpaceLibrary & Kindergarten 浮動空間-圖書館與幼兒園
Area: 3224 m Location:Kaohsiung Port
The final design i would like to present is a library and a kindergarten which beside to each other with a semicircle shape.
Floating Space academic project 2017
Since the site is located at an abandoned harbour port, our team decided to renew it into a stunning living site.
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The main characteristic of the site is the sea and its’ shape.Due to it I decided to create alibrary and kindergarten with the site conditions. 畢業最終一個設計是呈現在高雄港的 幼兒園和圖書館的結合體。
基地位於逐漸被取代的高雄港,我們團 隊決定將這裡的海岸第一線改造成宜人 舒適的居住環境。 這基地主要的特色是海與地的連接和那狹 長的形狀。而我設計的圖書館與幼兒園就 是首先以基地條件的出發點為開始。
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Floating Space academic project 2017
Along the way through the kindergarten, it created a satisfy atmosphere since the large corridor and sufficient open space. The users of library and children from kindergarten may have a great interaction between land and sea.
Lower image : section Right image : floor plan of first floor Left image : floor plan of ground floor
How to create a great relationship between architecture andthe landscape is the main challenge to us. We observed lots of special items at here. Except some of the old buildings and also the conversation between the land and the sea. It isn’t a brand new land but also a historocal city. We hoope what we designed might improve the city of Kaohsiung.
如何在新與舊,建築和周遭產生良好的關聯 是很大的挑戰。而在這個有著重要歷史痕跡 的土地上,希望可以打造出能凸顯高雄特色 的美好生活。
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Floating Space academic year 2017
Upper image : South elevation Lower image: North elevation
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Floating Space academic year 2017
Left image : West elevation
Right image: East elevation
Lower image: Roof garden
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Floating Space academic projuct 2017
Into the Hill Multifunctional Community Centre
Into the Hill academic project 2016
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Since the characeristic of sustainbality here, “walking throigh the hill” is the crucial concept I use to design the multifunctional student community centre. Therefore I designed the height according Mount Kinabalu, which is a beautiful mountain in my hometown, Sabah, Malaysia. Wood structure is the main materials i chose beacuse i believe this natural contruction will create a pleasant place for users. The site is located at National University of Kaohsiung and I did some research about the other buildings and the landscape for creating the most suitable spaces for the students.
即將設在高雄楠梓國立大學的h學 生活動中心,因為綠色校園的緣 故,我這次的設計是以猶如走入起 伏不定的山丘裏為設計概念,希望 在這座校園裡營造出學生活力的秘 密基地。而建築的高度則是根據我 家鄉美麗的山丘神山來設定。 主要材料則是使用木構造,相信這 種大自然界的材料更能讓使用者有 擁抱大自然的氛圍,同時也符合以 永續理念來經營校園的理念。 設計者錢,基地分析上也研究了這 所大學其他建築的樣貌形式,在周 遭的地景方面也仔細觀察了地形和 植物等,讓這個設計可以更加地融 入這個校園
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Into the Hill academic project 2016
The site is rectangle in shape and the main connection between the road and school, due to it my design is not only an important interaction for the building user but also to the visitors. The height I decided hope to not disturb the natural of the university.
Into the Hill academic project 2016
The buildings are seperated in 3, the first is restaurant, the second buiding is classrooms and the last building is basketball court.
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基地的形狀主要是長條狀,所以在開始 設計的時候就希望沿著基地的形式去創 造外部與內部的連接。在高度上為了讓 人看見原本生長在校內的樹木,所以便 利用最多四層樓的高度來創造高低起伏 的概念。 設計的建築主要分成3座,從西邊算起 第一座主要是學生餐廳和交誼空間,第 二座是社團教室,第三座為大型的運動 場。在這三間之間利用景觀來串聯。
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Into the Hill academic project 2016
Folding Edge Shelter Heritage 遺址保護
Shelter Heritage academic project 2016
Design Concept The heritage is located at the west gate of Old City, FengShan. It is the last gate be founded. It completed the whole defensive wall and I designed the shelter for it by using the concept of folding and protecting. Since the heritage will be visited by archeologies and others people, the design of the structure and walkway need to be cautioned to not detroy the precious heritage. And the right images showed the designed process.
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設計概念 這個遺址位於鳳山舊城區。這是最後一個被找到 的城門。而這個寶貴的遺址需要一個保護殼來避 免熱曬雨淋,也讓考古研究者和參觀者可以逗留 在這裡。這個設計需要在結構上和走道上x要格 外注意,以免損壞到遺址。而右圖則是我的設計 過程。
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Folding Edge academic project 2016
Using the folidng technical to cover the heritage. There has some tiny holes on the folding plane to let the sunlight pass it through.
Folding Edge academic project 2016
Toilets and offices were placed beside the heritage.
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折板上有設計穿孔讓陽 光照入。洗手間和辦公 室也設在遺址旁,分別 讓研究人員和參觀者 使用。
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Folding Edge academic project 2016
Vale Crematorium, Chapel 儀式空間
It is a cemetery for christian which located in a small vale. The main spaces include the chapel, urns and furnace hall. Creating a space for them to pay a last respect to their love ones with the whole complete arrangement of the plan.
Vale academic project 2015
這是個為了基督教所設計的儀式空間,而這個儀式 是為生命最後旅程的離開而準備的。這裡包括教 堂,靈骨塔,火葬場。希望這個過程的巡迴和空間 的塑造可以為最後在世上的逝者和親人帶來平安, 紀念性的安慰和尊重。
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Vale academic project 2015
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Vale academic project 2015
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Vale academic project 2015