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Hewigo a sure bet for the future
The pandemic shows how quickly conditions can change. As a Hewigo customer, when this happens, you can count on the full backing of a range manufacture that has the same confidence in the future that you have: • £600,000 has been invested in a fibre cutting machine, hybrid pressbrake and state of the art shearing machine to make the manufacturing at Oldbury in the West
Midlands more automated and efficient. Also over £200,000 to equip our new Service
Department for the challenges of the next few years, underpinned by our highly-rated
Service Contract • Our ranges offer more value than ever. Extras, which many other companies charge for, are now part of the standard package from
Hewigo. Your working environment is just a little bit more trouble free and efficient. • Having an autonomous manufacturing facility in the UK we are unaffected by economic changes such as our relationship with Europe and can respond rapidly to any of your requirements. • Our eye is sufficiently on the ball to market changes. We have developed a ‘Click Collect’ range with new features that give more emphasis on the practicalities of collection and delivery. Phillip Purkiss MD of Hewigo UK says
“This is not a range for everyone as there will be many who will return to conventional ways once the pandemic is over. However there is no doubt that Click & Collect will take a greater share of turnover in the progressive outlet” The financial capacity within Hewigo means constant innovation, stylish options and the latest technology. You can be assured that not only are you getting a best value range but a commitment to the future for service, parts and business support. For further details call Hewigo on 0121 544 9120 or visit www.hewigo.com
Hewigo (UK) Ltd
Bateman House Little Fields Way Oldbury The UK’s West Midlands B69 2BT Visit: www.hewigo.com T: 0121 544 9120 E: sales@hewigo.com No.1 manufacturer of High Efficiency frying ranges
ranges from Hewigo
• Frylite • Triple Filtration • Fish Drainers in Cabinet and Pan • Tongs and Chip Scoop Holders • Coloured LED front panel lighting • Choice of front panel design including new
ART DECO style or powder coated • SMART thermostatically controlled chip box • Your cash register integrated free