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UK’s best fish and chip shops to embark on a study trip to Norway – The Whitefish Nation
The National Federation of Fish Friers (NFFF) has revealed that all fish and chip category winners of the National Fish and Chip Awards 2023 will be given the chance to visit Norway on a once in a lifetime trip haddock from Norway to the UK, they will also have the opportunity to meet with the Norwegian fishing industry and study the science behind the country’s successful fishery management programme.

With competition already fierce, the stakes have been raised further by the competition’s headline sponsor, Seafood from Norway, proudly represented by the Norwegian Seafood Council (NSC), who will host the category winners on an educational study trip to the proud whitefish nation – a country laced in rich fishing heritage and home to the world’s largest cod stock.
With many of the category shortlists having now been announced, and the awards on the near horizon – February 28th – the hopeful friers won’t have long to wait to find out who has been crowned top of their field.
The trip, which will see the winners visit one of the best places in the world to fish sustainable cod and haddock, will feature an action-packed itinerary including a voyage onboard one of Norway’s frozen-at-sea vessels to experience first-hand the Norwegian fleet’s worldclass sustainable fishing and processing facilities, producing premium quality whitefish for the UK’s favourite dish.
The winners’ time in Norway will give insight into how the Norwegian cod and haddock that fills UK fryers, is sustainably harvested from the country’s cold, clear waters - the perfect environment to yield distinctively chunky and succulent flesh. Not only will winners learn about the vital supply chain of sustainable cod and

The annual awards celebrate the very best fish and chip shops in the UK, with a range of tough criteria to be judged against. As well as some of the longstanding coveted award categories, including the Quality Accreditation Award, Best Mobile Fish & Chip Operator, Best Multiple Operator and Best Newcomer, 2023 sees a new category in the mix. The Environmental and Sustainability category celebrates businesses that strive to achieve and implement the most sustainable practices possible in their shops – from sourcing products with the best sustainability credentials, to the use of clever energy management and a careful approach to packaging and waste management. The winner of this category will of course be joining the others on the visit to Norway, a country that is synonymous with its sustainable fishing practices.
Victoria Braathen, UK Director of the Norwegian Seafood Council comments; “Norway is a proud supplier of sustainable seafood to British consumers through close collaboration with distributors and the many talented, dedicated fish and chip operators across the UK. We are extremely excited to welcome the category award winners to Norway later in the year to experience cod and haddock fishing in Norway’s cold, clear waters first hand. What better way to understand the importance of origin – especially when preparing the nation’s favourite dish.”
The awards ceremony will take place on the 28th of February 2023 at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge. Comedian and presenter, Jason Manford, will present this year’s awards, tickets are on sale and discounted accommodation is available with ticket sales.
For further information on the National Fish and Chip Awards 2023 and to book your place, visit: www.thefishandchipawards.com