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How we can help you save thousands off the cost of your oil/fat


Premier Savings!

How we can help you save thousands off the cost of your oil/fat!

By Steve Calvert

In the fish and chip trade, most of us recognise the benefits of frying in fresh clean oil/fat. In these days of cost increases it has become even more important. We can have the finest quality potatoes, the best fish available, the most up to date shop with the very latest frying equipment and excellent well-trained staff. However, if your frying medium isn’t managed, kept clean and fresh you are wasting all that effort. Every satisfied, repeat customer that comes across your counter depends to a large extent on the quality of the fried product which in turn relies heavily on the oil quality in your pans. With social media reviews instant, you don’t want a bad review due to unclean oil.

From the moment you start to use your oil it starts to break down for a number of different reasons i.e., oxidisation, high temperature, moisture etc. However, the biggest single cause of oil breakdown is the formation of carbon particles during the frying process.

The carbon starts out in life as batter scraps, chip scraps and breadcrumbs etc. Initially these are removed by skimming with a fine mesh sieve, however, as you carry on frying, the particles you don’t remove carry on breaking down and getting smaller. Initially they fall to the bottom of the pan as carbon dust which is now too small to be picked up with the skimmer. It needs to be removed at this stage otherwise it carries on getting smaller until it is suspended in the oil, tainting the taste of the food sold. The oil then gradually breaks down, it oxidises to the extent that it starts to foam. Many shop owners don’t cascade-manage their oil. Those that filter and cascade-manage generally don’t dump oil ever again. The savings are often substantial.

This is where our filter machine becomes invaluable. There are a few different machines on the market, each one doing a similar job. However, by far, the most popular is our Merlin Master Fry. It’s a well-made, top of the range piece of equipment which has the added advantage of dual filtration through a pre-filter paper and then our Super Pad, thus removing the carbon and extending the life of the frying oil. In turn this gives a better fried product and reduced pan corrosion attack. Your investment in one of our machines will be returned to you time and time again both in savings and reputation through improved quality.

Our machines are used by many of the top award-winning shops many who have multiple shops.

With good oil management along with freshening due to your normal top up procedure and filtering daily, your oil will stay fresher for longer. At least 50% longer and in some cases, you will find you never need to change your oil again. The savings are self-evident, so is the vast improvement in the quality of your product.

Please feel free to call us on 01325 377189 or contact us

www.premier1filtration.com/contacts if you have any questions. We are more than happy to help.!

Premier 1 Filtration The Choice of Champions!

2020 Cod’s Scallops

2015 Frankies

2010 Atlantic 2019 Krispies

2014 Quayside

2007 Townhead Cafe 2018 Millers

2013 The Bay

2006 Petrou Brothers 2017 Kingfishers

2011 Chips at 149

2003 Finnegans

Steve Calvert MD at Premier 1 Filtration, said:

“Congratulations to all past winners from the National Fish & Chip Awards. Premier 1 Filtration are one of the major suppliers of Filter Machines, Filter Papers and Filter Pads to Fish and Chip Shops, Takeaways, Restaurants, Schools and Hospitals across the UK and Europe. We are a proud supplier to many of the best fish and Chip shops in the UK.”

Premier1 Filtration Great North Road Brompton On Swale North Yorkshire DL10 7JL Phone/Fax: - 01325 377189 07836 370234 www.premier1filtration.com

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