1 minute read



I like Ms. Daniels' honesty. Understanding both sides and not coming out as the mother who wails and says their child was a boy scout, honor roll, and a good boy. That’s what we typically always see on tv and in the media. With Lisa Daniels, she recognizes her son and confronts it but also fights that that isn’t the only thing that is left behind for his legacy.

Also, her comment to reclaim Darren’s narrative. It’s important for the truth, your truth to come out. Not a story


Kate M Smith, Chicago, 2021

I feel as if I have learned a lot from our insights and from Ms. Daniels. She has taught me well and reminded me that forgiving someone is powerful. I, too, have a story very similar to Ms. Daniels. I have lost my brother to gun violence here in Chicago. My mother has experienced the same pain Ms. Daniels felt. I’m still working on that letting go. It is hard for me but Ms. Daniels inspired me to be more forgiving.

And with that, God bless that great Godfearing woman. Thank you Ms. Daniels.

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