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BC Boat Registration Tips for Seasoned Owners and Beginners
It is essential to have a fundamental understanding of BC boat registration whether you already own a boat in Canada or are considering doing so in the future. This guide will help you correctly register your boat, no matter how long you’ve been a boater or if this is your first watercraft. It will provide you with important information and advice about how to do so in a way that complies with applicable regulations.
There is no better way to prepare for a life on the water than to become well-versed in the rules unique to British Columbia, from learning which boats are required to be registered to being aware of the documents that will be needed for filing. Feel free to read up if you want to make the most of your time on the water.
Avoid Registering Your Vessel Until You Have Made All Upgrades or Repairs
Making sure your boat is seaworthy and safe is one of the most critical steps before registering. You may be eager to go on the water as soon as possible, but you shouldn’t. Only once you’ve had a chance to do all the necessary renovations and repairs. The government will only be able to conduct a thorough safety inspection of your boat if there are problems, such as a broken window or a damaged fuel line.
It’s also a good idea to examine before registering a pre-owned boat. If you discover a problem after the fact, the only option is to sue the previous owner for selling a defective or hazardous boat or failing to disclose known defects. As if that weren’t bad enough, legal action is prohibitively costly and has been known to drive some individuals to bankruptcy over a bit of disagreement that might have been avoided.
Find Out if there are Any Restrictions on where or when You Can Operate Your Craft in British Columbia.
You need to make sure that you are aware of any limitations in British Columbia regarding where or when you may operate your craft. Most provinces have distinct regulations that apply to your boat based on whether it is propelled by a motor with more than or less than 15 horsepower and whether it is used on lakes, rivers, or open water.
Boats with less than 15 horsepower are free to navigate the waters of British Columbia in any direction and at any time without being subject to any regulations. When operating within a 300-meter radius of shorelines and navigable waterways or a 300meter radius of an anchored vessel, boats with 15 to 40 horsepower are required to show their registration number on all sides of the ship while the boat is in motion.
Get Acquainted With BC Boating Laws and Regulations
You may be acquainted with the fundamentals of sailing, such as how to steer and tie a cleat hitch, but you should still learn the local restrictions before setting sail. You’ll need specific safety gear like a life jacket or fire extinguisher in certain situations. Certain authorities require PFDs if you plan on transporting people on your boat. Knowledge of BC boat registration procedures is also necessary.
Vessel registration requirements and deadlines vary by jurisdiction, with some requiring it before use and others giving you 60 days from the date of purchase. Penalties for late registration vary widely depending on the jurisdiction. And some jurisdictions require registration of boats with motors more significant than ten horsepower, while others accept anything with a propeller. It is vital to familiarize yourself with the boating rules in your state or province before setting sail to be aware of the situation once you go out on the water.
Know What You Need For Your BC Boat Registration
Even if you’ve had your boat for several years, it’s still an excellent idea to double-verify that you have everything you need to register it before you go out to do so. Do you know the length of the boat that you own? Which kind of ship is it, exactly? Is it a sailboat? Have you obtained the registration number from the manufacturer if it is an outboard motor? It can seem like an unnecessary precaution, but the last thing you want is to be in the middle of the BC boat registration procedure when you realize that you forgot to bring an essential item. Most agencies dealing with boat registration will only let you proceed once they have received all the necessary information.
So, are you ready to get started? The first step is to contact the National Vessel Registry Center, Corp at their site to register your boat. Regardless of whether you’ve owned a boat before or not and if your ship still meets the original manufacturer’s safety guidelines, registration is something that every boater has to consider.