Do Sunburn Relief Products Heal Your Skin?
Sunburn relief products don’t actually heal your skin. Rather, they only ease pain, discomfort, and swelling. The good thing is that you don’t need to go to your healthcare provider just to obtain sunburn treatment. Most sunburns can be easily treated using home products.
What Sunburn Relief Products to Use?
There are plenty of them. Here are some you might want to try:
Aloe Vera Gel
It has been proven to be useful in alleviating discomfort because of the compound aloin present in the gel. It can stop inflammation and soothe burned skin. However, it doesn’t cure the skin. But it moisturizes it and prevents the skin from flaking or drying. When buying aloe vera gel, inspect the product. It must only contain natural ingredients. When you purchase sunburn relief from Arizona Sun, you get the southwest’s best tool for treating skin ailments. Many clients find this aloe to be a miracle gel and it’s been helping their burned skin go away. It’s also effective in stopping the pain.
Oatmeal Bath
But choose colloidal oatmeal. Mix it into a bath to soothe sunburns. The oats can hold a lot of moisture. It then transfers the moisture to your skin for instant release of discomfort. This type of ground oats contains several antioxidants that can effectively reduce inflammation. It’s easy to find packets of colloidal oatmeal in most stores.
Yes, it can help your sunburned skin because it contains lactic acid. The acid is known to be an effective exfoliant. It removes dead skin from the burn. Milk also contains antioxidants that can reduce inflammation. When you store your milk in the fridge, the cold temperature soothes the sunburn. If you wish to use this therapy, just fill a bowl with milk. Then, use a clean washcloth and place it in a bowl. If the milk is not cool, you may allow the soaked washcloth to rest in the fridge for a few minutes. When it’s already cool, apply it to the burn.
It’s rich in vitamin C and many people are using it to treat wounds and burned skin. In addition to vitamin C, honey also contains antibacterial properties. Thus, it is proven to heal sunburned skin and prevent it from getting infected. Furthermore, it moistures dry skin while it soothes the pain.
Essential Oils
You may also use chamomile, lavender, sandalwood, or peppermint essential oil. The oils may help heal your burned skin. They are not scientifically proven. However, if you wish to try them, make sure to follow the instructions.
Getting Rid of Sunburn Overnight
There’s no proven treatment that can get rid of your sunburn overnight. Even if the condition is mild, you can’t get rid of it instantly. It can take a few days to heal.
For more information about sunburn relief products, please visit our shop here.