How to Project Manage Commercial Painting in Hollywood

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How to Project Manage Commercial Painting in Hollywood

Are you somebody who has recently been put in a position of responsibility at your workplace with regard to arranging and managing a large-scale painting project? If so, then you have come to the right place to find out exactly what you need to do in order to make it a successful venture! There are plenty of different elements of managing a commercial painting project, it goes far beyond the simple things like picking a color scheme! With all of this in mind, here are some of the best tips for how to manage commercial painting in Hollywood.

Balance Your Budget

The cost will always be the first thing that needs to be considered for any commercial painting job. You need to weigh up things like how much the project is going to have an impact as a long-term investment. You don’t want to break the bank and go over budget at the risk of the company’s stability, but at the same time, you want to make sure that the job is high quality enough to really make a difference.

Aim For A Period Of Downtime

The last thing you want to do is arrange a large-scale painting project for a time when your premises or business is going to be super busy. If there is any projected downtime in the near future, perhaps a summer break or a festive holiday break, it might be sensible to arrange the renovation for the time when it is going to be least populated. In some cases, this can even be over a weekend when the business is shut, or even overnight if your chosen company offers to work in an ‘out of hours’ fashion.

Pay Attention To The Weather

If the painting is of an exterior nature, then you might want to plan your project to be undertaken during a time in the year when the weather is going to be kindest to you. Things like high winds, rain, and extreme humidity can all have a negative impact on the condition of an exterior paint job, so try to arrange your project for a time of the year when your conditions are going to be the most suitable.

Communication Is Key

As a project manager, it is your job to make sure that all involved parties are kept up to date with what is going on. Be prepared to communicate with both your bosses and the painting professionals to gather updates that can be shared across the country. The more people feel included and updated, the smoother the whole process will be.

So, if you are looking for a company to undertake your commercial painting in Hollywood, then look no further than Just Right Painting. Get in touch with our dedicated team and we will be happy to answer any questions that you might have before booking a consultation appointment to assess your project and the potential cost. We very much look forward to being able to help you with what you need.

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