Legal Website Design: How It’s Different than Other Website Designs (Part One) When it comes to the world of legal services, your first thought may be that there’s not a lot of room for creativity. And you’d be partially correct; legal website design can have its limitations. However, what makes an exceptional website stand out is how a designer uses the space. How a Legal Website Design Stands Out A great legal website design contains information that your audience craves and leaves them wanting more (ideally with your contact details). With so much competition out there, you need to stand out from the crowd. Your website is the strongest indication a visitor has about how you work and represent clients. If they can’t find what they need on your site or if it looks less than professional, how can they trust you and the services you provide? As an attorney, you’re probably already well-versed in the art of persuasive writing. You’re no doubt a pro at speaking convincingly in front of a crowd. So, isn’t it natural to assume that creating a website is just another way to show off your skills of persuasion? Well, yes and no. It’s important to remember that people visit websites with the intention of finding out more about a legal firm—and its services. They want to know more about your brand too. Therefore, your primary objective is to communicate your brand message in an engaging way – one that drives visitors to take action, while offering the info they need. Not only does your website need to provide legal information, but it also must inspire the reader to act and call your legal firm for an appointment. Strengthening Your Presence Online In today’s digital world, having a strong online presence is essential for legal firms of every size. Therefore, it can be challenging to stand out among the competition if you’re an attorney with scant knowledge of digital marketing. Therefore, a website can help you establish credibility and trust with potential clients. However, this still may leave you wondering what sort of design you should choose. To ensure your legal website design is successful then, you’ll need a distinctive website – one that reflects your practice areas and your personality. Creating the right design will allow you to connect with your clients and give them reasons to contact you for legal help and advice. Why is Website Design for Lawyers Different? There are many reasons why website design for attorneys is different from your average website. First, attorneys must comply with specific laws and regulations, including advertising rules, licensing guidelines, and disciplinary rules.
Although many regulations cover all types of businesses, legal advertising and marketing regulations are usually much more stringent. For example, you may be prohibited from using certain words or phrases, or including certain information in your marketing communications. In addition, your website should be designed to meet the expectations of a specific client base. For example, the legal needs of your business clients are very different from the information required by clients seeking a divorce. Finally, you’re in the service industry, and your website plays a critical role in helping your clients understand the value you provide. That’s why your website should serve as a virtual concierge, providing your clients with all the information they need to make informed decisions about their legal rights with regard to your services. 4 Attorney Website Basics When you partner with a digital marketing agency that specializes in legal website design, you’ll find that keeping things simple will help you reach your target audience faster. That’s because people visit your site with one goal in mind: to find the information they need as soon as possible. Also, while you may have an interesting story about your firm to tell, it’s best to keep the narrative straightforward and to the point. A clear and simple website design will also help you avoid violating any advertising mandates or laws. 1. Get to the Point Quickly Remember, you only have a few seconds to grab the attention of website visitors, so avoid long-winded introductions and get right to the point. Include a clear message about your areas of practice and the benefits you provide. Highlight your most prominent case results. 2. Keep Everything Modern and Up to Date Whether it’s the colors, the design elements, or the general look and feel of your site, you want to avoid using dated design trends. New technologies, such as artificial intelligence and virtual assistants, are becoming increasingly common, so you want to make sure your site is designed to accommodate these technologies. 3. Keep Everything Secure Your site should be designed in a way that protects your visitors and any sensitive information they may provide, such as credit card numbers or bank account details. 4. Keep it Mobile-Friendly More than half of all website traffic comes from mobile devices. To ensure that your site is friendly to mobile visitors, you should have a responsive design. Learn More About Creating the Ideal Legal Website Design by Contacting Attorney Marketing.Online
If you want to make your presence known online, you need to contact a leading legal marketing agency in the field. Give Attorney Marketing.Online a call at (888) 992-9529 to schedule a consultation today.