Th e M any Faces of Persev erance
e u s s i g n i m o c r e v t he o pl us more 08
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Edit or-in-Chief Mavian Arocha-Rowe
Lif est yl e Direct or Romina Nabhen
Execut ive Edit or Mia Guerra
Managing Edit ors Paola Ramirez and Milo SenallĂŠ
Associat e Edit or Lucia Rodriguez
Creat ive Direct or Christian Ruben
Direct or of Sal es Scott Rowe
Writ ers Beth Burns Sandra Carter Susan Ford Collins Kaley Dykstra Daniel Henderson Christine Horner Dr. Chad Larson Debora McLaughlin Lynda McGuirk Chris Mcmahan Dave Ramsey
Phot ographers
Advisory Board Johnny Arocha Pam Black Mario Luis
Redd Angelo John Mark Arnold Noelle Buske Tristan Colangelo Vidar Kristiansen Greg Pierce London Scout David Sherry Ondrej Supitar Matthew Wiebe
Advisory Board Paola Ramirez Vivian Reina Maggie Sabatier-Smith
For information on advertising and/ or subscriptions, call 404.793.7743 or email Editorial questions, submissions, and/ or pitches, email Vol. 2, Issue 2 Š Chispa Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use, without permission of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited. Photo credits are not given to improperly identified photos.
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e c n a r e #De l i v
Having the privilege to witness the growth of songwriter, artist Debra Black [who recently announced joining forces with duo team, The Ruins], I got a sneak-peak to their soon-to-be released single, Deliverance [releasing January 22, 2016]. Words cannot describe how this song fills me in depth, gets me to my knees, and like an open facet it pours life into my soul. Little do The Ruins know, their song was the catalyst to a speaking engagement I recently had. Little do they know, their song gave me the umf I needed to cross the barriers of what?s expected of an editor to begin thinking, what?s needed to be done by me for God. The Paris attacks just took place a couple of days ago and I, like so many of you were heartbroken at the chaos and utter violence and lack of heart. Yet, my heart cried louder not due to the violence, more so due to the question: Are the dead in heaven now? For the November|December issue I decided it was time for my deliverance. Simultaneously I was planning for two covers. I always do this in case one interview or photo shoot are held up. If both arrive at the same time, I would simply push one cover story to the next edition. Yet, something changed; oh yes, my deliverance. Cover A) An incredibly down-to-earth TV personality who is a loving mom and loving person. Cover B) A group of authors and speakers who are now famed in the modern Christian arena. Cover A is so very busy with the launch of two businesses, we had to push her interview for a later date. Cover B disillusioned my ever eager heart excited to unveil the Jesus they believe in to instead witness uncomfortable silence and self-confidence in these women. The question, IF hypocrisy exists behind the stage why should I or anyone else listen to them while on stage, was and is powerfully blaring in my mind. Because I hold tight to my responsibility with Chispa I decided to not feature these women who weren?t able to answer Why Jesus, when the mere reason they get on stage or sign book deals is to elevate Jesus. This dear readers is an episode of deliverance for me. Putting my foot down and not agreeing to the culture of this world has always been a challenge for me. As my husband has been able to witness, I truly, madly, deeply hate rejection. So, I tend to agree to things in order to not hurt someone?s feelings, yet I comprise my own values. Does this sound similar? Do you get entangled in the world of the Kardashians to eliminate critics saying you?re not
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Are you bringing your ?pink? to work? October may be the month we bring awareness to breast cancer by wearing pink; however, I believe we should wear our ?pink? daily. When woman wear their femininity business prospers and the world benefits. Men may lead most of today?s large companies, but numerous studies suggest these companies would be more profitable if there was a woman in the corner office, or at least more of them on leadership teams. Want to attract and retain top talent? Women are reported to lead the way in engaging the workforce and in being sensitive to their needs increasing employee engagement, creativity and innovation in the workplace. Have a desire to increase productivity? We tend to focus on people. Women use a collaborative, team approach that emphasizes open communication, empathy, inspiration, and motivation leading to increased productivity, profitability, and positivity. Wonder how to get your customers to buy? Be aware of your own spending habits. Women control roughly US $20 trillion of total consumer spending, and influence up to 80-85 percent choices ranging from automobiles to technology. We are more in
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touch with what the consumer wants because we are the majority consumer. Profits soar, shareholders gain and businesses thrive when women take charge. McKinsey & Company indicates organizations with gender-balanced leadership experience financial returns above the national industry median and women led organizations are more apt to give back in their community and in the world. McKinsey recently reports, ?Advancing women?s equality can add 12 trillion to global growth.? However, there is a problem. Many women don?t wear pink. We hide our greatest asset, our femininity. Instead of being seen we hide out. Instead of being heard we wait for an opportunity to speak and instead of being noticed we linger in the shadows. Each week women tell me their stories. They are asking themselves ?do I belong, am I good enough?? One woman said, ?The company will promote me when I am ready.? Her male colleague in the same role asked, ?How can I get my next promotion?? It is time to be seen heard and noticed, as a woman! Get started by wearing your P.I.N.K! Pursue: My motto is to ?Pursue your goals and don?t stop until apprehended.? Ask for what you need to advance in your career, to get funding for your business, to get the assistance you need personally so you can
Tel l i n g Ti m ewher e To Go what To Do Chispa Magazine
e r e h w
Bad St r eak
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work f or his good pl easure.? Perhaps you have no idea who Jesus truly is, or perhaps you have trusted in Jesus to forgive your sins, but recognize there are a few bad streaks in your life that still need to be put to rest. Be encouraged, His ?wills and works?in your heart. He gives not only the ability to overcome, but also the desire to overcome sin. Let?s not test our Creator with our antics, but let?s take the grace He offers us both for salvation and for sanctification. May our bad streaks be cut off and our good fruit be found in abundance. C
Text by Chris Mcmahan Photo by Matthew Wiebe
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Launch Your Next Season Wit h Fiv e(er ) Wor ds
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happi(er): Personal Achievement? Goal Setting and Taking Action. Set smaller goals in support of the larger objective. I am really happy when I accomplish a goal that I set out to achieve. That sense of accomplishment is a wonderful feeling. Ahhhh? The exhalation of relief. Much is talked about goal setting, but goal achievement is another issue. For any goal you set, you have to take action. Set small realistic tasks in support of the larger goal. Baby-steps are much easier than large leaps. For example, if the goal is to better organize your life, start with organizing an office drawer, labeling your shoe boxes or re-arranging a small section of your closet. Set a small goal each week. The accomplishment of the small goals will keep you motivated to strive for the larger objective. Be honest with yourself; are you willing to accept the necessary tradeoffs to accomplish your goal?
disciplined in mastering my daily interactions with others. I choose to be polite and respectful, treating others the way I want to be treated, and controlling the tenor of all my interactions. I often say ?Hello? and ?Thank You? regardless of the response of others. My goal is to develop a standard for interaction and not to waver. I want others to feed on the energy of my personal spirit, creating a healthi(er) environment for all. empow(er)ed: Knowledge, Confidence, Self-Assured. During my life my confidence grew very slowly over time, increasing as my knowledge and experience-base developed. If I could give my 30-year-old self a piece of advice about confidence, I would say two things. No. 1: Put yourself in a variety of different situations and No. 2: pick something that interests you and learn as much as you can about it. Broaden your horizons. Our lives can become very routine, not because we want it to be, but because it?s easy and doesn?t require a lot of thought. Strive to put yourself in different surroundings. Perhaps you volunteer, take classes, or go to a museum or some other exhibit that you appreciate, alone. The goal is to become comfortable with yourself and comfortable interacting with unfamiliar people; practice introducing yourself and making small talk. People that you don?t know
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have no preconceived notion about you. Therefore, you have a clean slate with each encounter. On Mondays in a quiet elevator I will often ask a fellow elevator-rider, ?How was your weekend?? I once read that people remember encounters based on how you make them feel, not based on what you do and say or who you are. Know somet hing about somet hing. People like speaking to interesting people, so know something about something interesting. If you find a subject matter interesting, chances are someone else will too. I love economics, health, and etiquette. I attend many luncheons and dinners with people that I don?t know. Table etiquette is a great conversation starter. I know little about gardening, cooking, cars, sports, children, etc? I know what I don?t know and I am very comfortable saying, ?I do not know anything about that, tell me more.? Confidence is about completely understanding your strengths and weaknesses and capitalizing on your strengths. Know what you know and know it well. Having conviction in your thoughts and presence will empow(er) you. st ronger(er): Mute The Noise, In Your Head. So often when we think of strength, we think of physical strength. Physical strength is relatively easy to achieve and can be a solitary undertaking. But, real strength lies in
s r a y e a G d i e l e o r H h T or F
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s r a y e a G d i e l e o r H h T or F
competitive again, we work long and hard to plan our wedding and pay for it, to find an apartment or home and furnish it, to plan for children, fund IRAs, and put away money for our life together.
which gifts Cathy would love. Thanking them, he carried his big brown bag full of packages across the street to be wrapped the way she would wrap them. And while they finished tying all the colorful ribbons he knew she We tell ourselves we?re accomplishing so much loved, he walked over to her favorite card together. But are we? No, we?re accomplishing shop to find one by her favorite artist, more and more apart? spending less and less inscribing his pre-thought, handwritten, time in common, taking care of our new home, heartfelt message inside. building our career, starting a family, And it worked. And it worked on her next dropping off kids, picking them up, birthday too. Then when he asked Cathy if she babysitting so we can go to meetings or take was ready to get pregnant, she clients to dinner separately, developing new enthusiastically said yes! ?You?re ready and friends in new circles, assuming greater so am I.? responsibilities at work and in our An overview of t he Three Gears of communities. Division of labor is what we call Rel at ionship: it but loneliness is what it feels like. And what 1 st Gear is f or st art ing t o l earn about each about our dreams? There?s no time or energy ot her or anyt hing el se. For l earning basic left for them now? increasing pressures, rul es and l imit s. longer hours, disappointments and arguments, heartache and blame unt il we 2 nd Gear is f or get t ing t hings done, f or reach a choice point ? t he choice t o shif t t o making money and being product ive. For 3 rd Gear creat ivit y and renewal ! This hol iday doing more-bet t er-f ast er. woul d be dif f erent he t ol d himsel f ? and her. 3 rd Gear is f or dreaming, f or creat ing and But how? Alan quickly realized that he?d been innovat ing, f or renewing, redreaming, and learning Cathy?s special-occasion skills since recreat ing they met, recording her formula for when, Yes, from time to time we?ll be in the same what, and how. For weeks he too listened gear at the same time? learning together, carefully to discover what she wanted and then, with his mental list in mind, he shopped producing together, or creating together. But sometimes we won?t be and there will be in the places she loved to shop, getting Mis-Gear-Matches, or Upsets. Like when you?ve in-depth advice from salespeople who knew
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Joy To Th e d l r W o Chispa Magazine
finished work on earth and spiritual investment in the disciples. He said, ?That they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves? (John 17:13). Our joy is the very joy of Jesus Christ. Paul described true Christians as those who ?rejoice in Christ Jesus? (Philippians 3:3). In 1 John 1:4, the Apostle wrote, ?These things we write to you that your joy may be full.? In 2 John 12 he also referred to his future visit in which he planned to teach God?s people more about the truth of Christ. The result would be a full experience of joy. The reception of God?s truth is also fuel for great joy. This Christmas, we can abide in Christ, receiving the fullness of His joy in us. This joy is made full as we cherish His truth and trust Him for all of our needs, by the indwelling Spirit. Everything else, no matter how pleasant or difficult, is secondary as a source of joy. Joy: The Great Christ mas Hope Perhaps the Christmas season, more than any other time of the year, reminds us of how quickly life passes and changes. Rather than grieve or complain about the vapor trail of our fleeting memories, we should let our Christmas worship spark encouragement in the reality of our eternal joy. First Peter 1:6-9 speaks of our temporary trials in this life that strengthen our faith in Christ. As we embrace our eternal hope we ?rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of
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glory? knowing we will receive the end of our faith? the salvation of our souls. Writing later on the same theme Peter reminds us that in this life we partake in the sufferings of Christ, but that someday we will ?be glad with exceeding joy? (1 Peter 4:13). Luke 6:23 tells us to ?leap for joy? when we consider the eternal rewards of heaven. Jude 24 affirms that Christ will soon present us ?before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.? C.S. Lewis believed that joy is the atmosphere of heaven. The gospels describe heaven as a place of ?joy in the presence of the angels? as sinners on earth are repenting and turning to Christ (Luke 15:7 +10). When faithful stewards are rewarded in eternity, Jesus describes their entry into heaven as ?the joy of the Lord? (Matthew 25:21+ 23). Rejoice! So, this Christmas, let the fullness of joy regulate your celebrations of Christ. It is the ideal time to recharge your joy? or as Paul said, ?Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!? (Philippians 4:4). The minor prophet Habakkuk spoke of the many disappointments, losses, and struggles of this life but affirms, ?Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer's feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills? (Habakkuk 3:18 + 19). By His strength, I pray this Christmas will be a season of great, high-stepping joy in YOUR world. C
Lu c y M o r il l o
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Chispa Magazine
How is your smile these days? Is it warm and inviting? Is it crooked with a hint of mischief? Or is it battle-weary and resigned? Your smile reveals a lot about how closely aligned you are with your authentic self. Let?s be totally honest with ourselves? life can be as brutal as it is beautiful. You may have faced adversity and challenges that, as a child, you never could have imagined. Yet, your authentic self remains undisturbed. It is dynamic, energetic, and boundless. This is the real you! Are you ready to reconnect? Notice your thoughts are pretty limited to the context of what society (and our relatives) have to say about you as judgments. How many innovative thoughts do you have each day, or are you recycling the same ones over and over again? But, then something miraculous happens. Dusk?s rising luminescent moon captivates you and you experience a moment of ecstasy and utter peace. All is right with the world? and you weren?t thinking about a thing. You were just alive? and brilliantly so! What does this tell us about our thoughts? Do thoughts propel us to our highest potential, contributing to our happiness? Or do they in some way keep us locked in a cycle of limitation? You might think the solution is to smother
negative thoughts by piling on more positive ones? as many self-help books recommend? but it goes much deeper than that. Most of our thought processes are habitual and just plain part of the package of being human. ?No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.? ? Albert Einstein Attempting to retrain the mind at the level of thought is a tedious process. Positive mantras and affirmations can be helpful if you are going through a particularly difficult time and need moment-by-moment self-care. It?s also beneficial to know that thoughts are a useful tool that is bi-polar in nature, meaning for every development, you can create a positive and a negative story about it. You may pick more predominantly positive stories to tell about yourself, while others pick more negatives stories. This too is part of the human condition. Thoughts can be very useful but contain only incomplete bits of information. Just having this simple understanding alone may empower you enough to prepare you for what is becoming a game-changer in lives all over the world: More import ant t han whet her t hought s are posit ive or negat ive is t ranscending t hought
thoughts with more thoughts was Einstein?s definition of insanity. Move beyond whether the glass is half empty or half full, tapping into the eternal and internal spring of your highest wisdom instead.
Any writer, artist, or other creative type will tell you that the muse is within. All inspiration arises from the void of emptiness. Get comfortable with not knowing, rolling around playfully with it.
When we don?t allow space around our thoughts, we are reactive rather than response-able. Whenever a challenge arises, rather than carelessly and spontaneously reacting, surprise those involved by remaining silent. Silence is extremely powerful and contains miracles. It shifts habitual patterns.
5. Higher t rut h arises f rom wit hin mindf ul ness. Wisdom, inspiration, and creativity are born in stillness. Creativity is inspiration expressed. All are expressions of the Infinite in small enough bytes each one of us can understand.
3. Give your imaginat ion a break. In Western culture, planning and projecting ahead is one of our greatest assets. To not have a plan is a terrifying prospect. Are you willing to open the door to spontaneity and the creativity that arises out of it? When you don?t know what to do, rather than project different scenarios, ask ?What?s next?? Leaving infinite possibility open is to create a vacuum that He must fill. It is even more powerful than projecting imagined preferred scenarios. 4. Say ?I don?t know,? of t en. At least to yourself! And then sit in the space of I don?t know, even if it is uncomfortable. This is very challenging, as often, we are expected and paid to know. You do know? it just hasn?t appeared in your awareness yet.
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The beauty of mindfulness is that even a child can express a thought at his or her own level of truth and authenticity, while continuing to dig deeper. Let us honor one another where we stand, knowing we each travel a unique journey toward higher consciousness. 6. Your t hought s are not who you are. Your identity is not wrapped up in your thoughts. Yet, it is the bane and suffering of our existence to believe it is so. Notice your most blissed-filled moments are empty of thought? a sunrise, your child?s smile. Then ask where your thoughts are coming from. Are they really coming from your brain, or is your brain just a receiver? 7. You are enough. This may be your most important guiding light. Remember that it?s only a thought that says you?re not enough just as you are. Begin to investigate life
an i nv i si bl e i nj ury
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er infidelitycancho n o i s s e r a n x ie ty p e dT h e M a M n
Fa c es o Pe r s e v e
D own synd brain injury Chispa Magazine
cancho er anxiety M
Th e M a n Fa c es o Pe r s e v e
D own synd brain injury
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Life is all about possibilities. There is nothing in life that?s impossible. I have overcome significant traumas in my life. The first was when my mother Sonia Mercedes Morales Puopolo perished on American Airlines flight No. 11 on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. I was completely, totally devastated when my Mom, my best friend was killed so tragically on that most horrific day in human history. The important lesson to be learned from this overwhelmingly tragic event is that I put all my energies into healing and into writing my book SONIA?S RING: 11 WAYS TO HEAL YOUR HEART []. It is a beautiful book that shows that MIRACLES DO HAPPEN and with LOVE anything is possible. I transformed that most negative, dark and miserable experience into something that offers others hope, inspiration and the wisdom to know that you are not alone, and that love lasts forever. Approximately ten years later after 09.11.01, on Friday, November 25, 2011, the day after Thanksgiving in the United States, I experienced another catastrophic event and I was hit by a car. A car ran over my left foot three times crushing it and causing me unbearable relentless pain which immobilized me for almost three years. I had another series of choices to make. For me the only way to go was onward in a positive direction so the path I choose was to succeed
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and heal. Therefore, with a laser sharp focus and incredible perseverance, supernatural strength, divine determination, and unwavering faith, I focused on my healing and I turned to my own book SONIA?S RING during my time of crisis and read every word I had written over and over to fill my soul with my own instructions [that I include in my book] on how to be resilient and overcome what I call a ?911 Moment;? a moment of pain and suffering whether divorce, death, financial loss, and so forth? we all have experienced pain and suffering and we have the power to not only survive but thrive. God wants us to thrive and shine!! I never thought my faith or my resolve would be tested a second time in such a profound way. The doctors said I would never walk again. Being a person of faith, that was unacceptable and I pleaded with God and the universe and some very special Tibetan Buddhist teachers and master healers to aide me to move into the next phase of my life. I wake up GRATEFUL each day with LOVE overflowing from my heart and soul, and I?m appreciative to share my story to show that MIRACLES DO HAPPEN and with LOVE, anything is possible. My message is one of HOPE, INSPIRATION, GRATITUDE, and ENDURANCE. My mission is to help spread healing and love to create peace. I have spoken about resiliency and how to overcome ?911 Moments? and so forth and I?m grateful
a l iso n f el ic ia n o Mother, Widow, CEO, Speaker, Author, Credit + Debt Coach, Sister, Friend, Worship Leader, and Prayer Warrior.
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n o s i l A
n o s i l A
n e r a K
Daughter, Entrepreneur, Leader, Business Partner, Philanthropist, Best Friend, Fighter + Sister Survivor. But, most importantly she is most proud of being a WOMAN.
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n e r a K
Photo by Gio Alma
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n o s i l l A Al l iso n d ia z
Grown from a mix of Georgia Red Clay and Canadian dust, a Southern Girl with a Heart for God, her Family, and Big Dreams. She?s a Warrior for Jesus, her Husband, and Her Family.
Chispa Magazine
We live on the northwest corner on the ninth floor of a high-rise condo building. Each day, the sunset paints a new picture through the windows of our living room. And, each evening, the sunset reminds me that I?ve overcome that day; I?ve made it through again. For more than 10 years now, we?ve been living in a perpetual state of overcoming, of turning our life?s tragedy into something triumphant one day at a time. On August 16, 2005, I walked into the corner room of neuro-ICU at 2 am and tentatively, I stepped toward my husband. Tubes and wires disappeared into his skull, his nose, and his mouth. Dried blood still pooled in his ears. Every part of him was etched with wounds; some wounds that would be surgically repaired, and wounds that would heal with time. Unseen with unanswered questions were the wounds that instantly changed the course of our lives. Danny had gone to the post office and used the errand as an excuse to test drive a customer?s motorcycle, but he never made it back to his shop. A red, Chevy Astro van pulled an ill-timed left hand turn in front of him. He tried to stop, braking hard and leaving an 80FT skid mark at the scene, but it wasn?t enough. Danny lay the bike down on his left, breaking his femur, all the ribs on his left side, slamming his shoulder into his sternum. The bike hit the driver?s front wheel and the momentum threw Danny
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in the pathway of the van. He was run over and no longer wearing his helmet. Hours later, in the heavy quietness of the neuro-ICU room, I held his swollen and road marked hand. I attempted to slow my heart in rhythm with his; if not for myself, but for our unborn son. With Corbin, still being God-formed in my womb at 33 weeks pregnant, I held the hand of my comatose husband while the other rested on my swollen belly. I had never felt so alone. Brain activity was minimal and intermittent. Even with the withdrawal of sedatives and pain killers, Danny still didn?t wake. The traumatic brain injury (TBI) Danny sustained tore apart neurons in his brain. The neurologist said he could die from these injuries; recovery would be a marathon, not a sprint. Danny did not move. He didn?t talk. He didn?t blink once for ?yes? and twice for ?no.? He did nothing. Danny?s body wasted away to 159 lbs. His muscles had atrophied and he was unable to even hold up his own head. He would open his eyes, but the spirit was missing, covered in the wake of traumatic brain injury. Five weeks after Danny?s accident, our son Corbin came through heaven and into my earthly, aching arms. He fought me for 27-hours of hard labor, finally emerging face
battles his right leg and foot and requires a toe brace for assistance. His left arm is still the weaker of the two and his fine motor skills are not what they once were. And, though he still uses a wheelchair for mobility, he is able to do most daily living activities independently. People often ask me how long it took Danny to wake up from his coma. And, I?m always unsure how to answer. What do you consider awake? When he gave his first thumbs up? When he finally spoke a word? When he moved all his extremities? When he knew my name? The truth is that Danny never really woke up; he emerged slowly over weeks, months, years, and now a decade. We still battle forward through the loss and difficulty and make every attempt to turn something so tragic into something better. No one sets out on the doorstep of tragedy and prepares themselves for 10 years. No, you do the next thing and then the next. You survive. Our bodies and our souls bear the wounds of our choice to fight daily in the spirit of overcoming. Brain injury is a thief, making a mockery of the person you love. It is a terminal disease that does not bring the mercy of death to end its?suffering. It is a tool that twists the injured and the relationships tied tightly to them. To remain is to endure.
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To come to a place of endurance, we must first, unfortunately, enter a place of suffering. To endure, requires us to be challenged and placed under continuous pressure. There cannot be endurance without an obstacle, a testing of faith and a decision to press on anyway. We always have a choice. We can choose to be a victim or a victor. We can choose our faith over our fear. It is easier said than done. I want my husband wholly restored. But, I have to measure my circumstances against my faith in God. I have to decide to bow to my sufferings or bear up into them with endurance. I want to run my race, whatever that looks like, and do it well. It is hard and I often feel like quitting. But, God has remained faithful. He has made Himself known to me when my endurance was failing. It is not in my own strength that I endure this race; it is only through God. To overcome, we must choose to take the pieces of our sufferings and make ourselves vulnerable to others so that they may be encouraged in their own circumstances. Overcoming is taking our hurts and sitting down with the hurting and letting them know they?re not alone. Overcoming is sharing our story, showing our scars and letting others see hope through us.
a s i l a n i G Gi n a l i s a M o n t e r r o s o Mother, Fighter, and Founder and President of Medicaid Advisory Group.
Gi nal i sa and Her Fami l y
Gi nal i sa's Daugh ter, Tara Chispa Magazine
which became Medicaid Advisory Group. I don?t want people to say, ?poor her.? I want them to see how I am using my obstacles in life to help others. I am building a future for my daughter and others in similar situations. I approach my business with the attitude that if something looks like a bad situation, I can find a way to make it a good situation. I tell my clients they can?t let tragedy define their lives. Whether there is a sickness in your family or you lose your job, getting hung up on the negative situation isn?t going to solve anything. And if the doctors give you negative news, it?s okay. Take the professionals advice but co-mingle it with what you feel and think. Do your own research and pursue what makes you feel comfortable. Follow your gut.
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a z i L Chispa Magazine
Liz a Ta l u sa n Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Cousin, Friend, Doctoral Student, Facilitator + Warrior.
a r u a L
l a u r a po sa d a
Mom, Attorney, Certified Master Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, Family Health + Fitness Activist, TV Personality, and a Philanthropic Icon.
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we did. We started a foundation to help other families.
to accept what is going and try to handle the obstacle the best way that you can.
My endurance has definitely been tested. There were many times when I was very, very sad and I was depressed during those first nine months but after my son survived the first surgery I reanalyzed my actions. If he was just a baby and he was so strong and he was a fighter, then I could do the same. Believe it or not with every surgery and with every problem that we faced, we actually got stronger because I could see his strength. I could see he was a champion and it made me reanalyze that I had to live in the now and I had to appreciate every moment that I had in life.
There is going to be ups and downs but that is part of life; it's what makes us grow and it makes us better human beings. The person I am today is definitely a result of my difficult situations.
I learned a lot from this situation. I learned I can overcome anything. I learned the importance of controlling your mind to stay positive. You definitely cannot let those negative thoughts take over your mind. If you do, then you're going to go from sad to depressed and you're not going to be able to move forward and turn an obstacle into an opportunity. I definitely believe it is very important to keep your faith, keep hope, and also find strength in family and friends. You don't have to do it alone. You don't have to be super woman when you simply need to cry. If you are not feeling good it is okay, you just need
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When I look back, I appreciate everything that has happened to us, obviously the good things but also the bad things. From challenges, we can see what we are made of. My advice is to every one: appreciate every moment that you have in life. Take care of yourself, try to stay healthy as much as you can and enjoy your now, enjoy every moment that you are living and always stay positive for the future.
e e n e R
Re n e e Is r a e l
Co-Founder & Mama Pop, Doc Popcorn.
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Overcoming adversity of any kind builds strength and the ability to persevere. It prepares us for all of life?s lessons, big and small. When I was younger, I would have looked at any roadblock as a negative, something to bulldoze through, ignoring all the uncomfortable feelings along the way. Now I try really hard to appreciate life?s tough spots as exciting puzzles and challenges to solve? an opportunity to grow and learn, whether it?s personal, family or business, all roads lead to Rome. I want to look at any given situation and ask, how can I do this better next time?
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h a r a S
Sa r a h M e e c e
Wife, Mother, Former Educator, Award Recipient of the Milken National Educator of the Year, Author, Speaker, and Motivator.
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promised to those who love him." There is no doubt in my mind that I am alive because of the grace of God. Therefore, with speaking at events, primarily to women, God has given me a message to share. I realize and recognize the importance of being in God's Word, surrounding myself with good, Godly people, and creating a deeper relationship with God. Because of my faith, I am able to look to the future with hope and praise. I know the key to life and success is perseverance through God's love.
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r e m m u S
Su m m e r V a s i l a s
Co-Founder + Director of Training, Waxing the City.
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That event was one of several triggers that together landed me at transition's doorstep. The real issue that was percolating for me was the fact that the meaning I once ascribed to my career was eroding. The most important sentiment that I had at the moment was that there was something more for me. But what? Transition is a process that requires us to re-examine our assumptions about identity, capacity, and values. The process served as a catalyst for me to dignify that which held value and meaning to me. It helped me step beyond a mine field of 'shoulds' that had influenced so much of what I'd achieved and welcomed into my life up until that moment. Even though I chose the process? transition? I was not immune to the emotions that accompany its earliest stages. I felt guilty for not working 60 hours a week like my ?successful?peers. I was ashamed because I couldn?t answer the question, ?what?s next for you, Linda??I was shocked by the way society wanted to instantly marginalize me. I was a persona non-grata for those still working full time or those involved on the professional treadmill that I'd known. The full time care givers that I met approached me with caution. I was incredibly alone. The isolation was palpable? enough at many moments to cause me to believe that the correct decision would be to stop my transition and revert back to working in my
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former vein. One long time friend?s comment sticks with me from that time. Upon learning that I?d temporarily stepped away from my crazy c-suite existence she said, ?You, of all people.? It would be incorrect to say my transition was a decision to stay home with my children? although they played an enormous role in it. My transition led me to many decisions including a work life that would allow for flexibility to be fully engaged in their worlds. Transition also challenged me to pursue more fully an interest in women's development that I'd held since college. My transition took nearly three years. About half way through I initiated a project that captivated my imagination? research on transition in women. I did this because I was frustrated by the lack of information available to me as I began my own process. I was amazed by what I learned and the incredible energy I encountered from the more than 200 women who participated in my research. I also emerged with an incredible knowledge base about transition and the process required to navigate it. I am thrilled to say that on November 3 rd of this year, Palgrave Macmillan will publish my book,Women & Transition: Reinventing Work and Life. When I got the phone call in London I was unaware of transition let alone what it would hold for me.
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a h t n a m a S ?
Sa m a n t h a Sk e l l y Visionary Leader, Daughter + Friend.
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I have overcome the fight and battle with my body and food. I was at a place where my world revolved around that obsession. I am now in a place where food is used for health and when hungry, and my body is a love vessel capable of greatness. I knew in my journey there was nothing I needed to add. It was all about, What can I take away in order to be more authentic. I wondered what I needed to let go of in order to reveal more of my authentic self. This was, and is a constantly journey. Keeping in mind I am exactly where I need to be and everything is working out perfectly is something I live by constantly.
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Photo by Patrick Oates Photography
s i r a d A ?
a d a r is r iv er a Wife, Mother, Sister, Friend, Volunteer, Missionary, Student. To come: Christian Counselor.
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There's a quote that has been very dear to my heart for many years, ?You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.? In the last eight years, I have overcome cancer three different times, a fall that broke my back, lost my job, and the betrayal of my husband. Yet the most difficult thing I haveovercomeisthe depression that came after every painful situation. It was really hard to get out of bed in the morning. I just wanted to hide under the covers and not talk to anyone. I didn't feel much like eating and I lost a lot of weight. Nothing seemed fun anymore. I was tired all
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the reason I had not had victory before was that I was fighting the wrong battle. I thought my fight was against my circumstances when really the war was waging in my heart. I thought depression was my diagnosis, but in my freedom I could see that it really was the fruit that grew from the root of sinful self-pity in my life. When I was freed, I was freed not only from depression but also from self-pity. God gave me victory in the war and not just in the daily battle. Once free, I could see that in my self-pity I was making myself big and seeing God and his ability as being very small. When I took Him at his Word, I could see clearly that those roles were wrongly reversed. My circumstances didn?t miraculously change, but God in his mercy gave me victory over them as well. God doesn?t just offer us the grace that forgives our sins, but He gives us grace to overcome physical trials as well. Once I had positioned myself to receive and not reject that grace, it flowed freely into my life. Although my circumstances were still very demanding, God?s grace was bigger. I literally had energy I had not had before. I had God?s eyes to see my circumstances and this new vision was void of fear. With my newfound courage I went on, even though the road was tough for many years, to walk in this victory. Never again will I maximize my circumstances and minimize my God. He must become greater
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and greater, and I must become less and less. (John 3:30) Those years of enduring taught me the importance of accepting God?s grace in the midst of a trial. He knows the end result of our trials and so He doesn?t fret about the unknown future like we tend to do. Enduring taught me to trust God in the process of the trial of my daughter?s health. The Bible promises that God will use all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose. Enduring taught me to see God?s purpose for pain and not try to escape it at every opportunity. Pain is not the enemy and removal of a trial is not the solution. Satan is the enemy and Christ is the solution. God is not focused on resolving all the pain in our life, but rather He uses it to shape us to be more like Christ. James 1:2-4 promises that if we endure/ persevere, we will lack nothing. We will be overcomers.
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Photo by Johnny Arraizy
a n a i r d A
e i b b e D Chispa Magazine
to be picked up, chase him around the yard, be alone with my child, help him up when he falls without help, I would not have believed it or could I have imagined it. When all of the abilities of a typical mom have been stripped away, I have been forced to find ways to connect with my child that resonate in both our souls so we have an amazing bond in spite of what I cannot do. On top of it all, I am a working mom. While I provide him with all that he needs, as a baby or toddler, he doesn?t quite understand that. Through all of the loss MS has brought my way, I learned what is important. So, I set aside our time together and I turn everything off. When my son is in my presence, I send him the message that he is a priority by not focusing on my email, work, or smartphone. We read particular books or watch particular videos that only we watch together. I make every effort I can to just, ?be there? for him and it has brought me so much joy and happiness to be still and watch him grow. Many say to me that the
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mommy/ child bond is there no matter what I can or cannot do for him. I?m not willing to test that. Fighting to find ways to connect in spite of what life dishes out is so important. Life can change in an instant so be present every moment you have with your child. I am here to tell you that you can do it with little, but love.
a r a l C c l a r a pu er t a
MBA Director, Community Relations El Nuevo Georgia
Until I was 22 years of age I was small in size; I never had to worry about gaining weight. I was able to eat without any worries. However, after I passed my 23 rd birthday and got married I started having issues with my health. I was getting big and big without any reason. At age 30 I started experiencing the same issues as the woman in Mark 5:25. I visited many doctors and received different options but no doctor was able to find the reason for the bleeding. The only agreement between all the doctors that I visited was that I had an enormous hormone imbalance problem. They further stated that it would be difficult for me to lose weight, which I must do in order to control the bleeding and other accompanying medical issues. I was put on
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homeopathic medicine as well regular medication and nothing worked for me. Many people prayed over me: my parents, my mother in law, and many church members from my congregation as well other congregations. I was feeling that God forgot about me. During my illness I was working on completing my MBA, I was a full time employee with my own business, and helping my husband with his business so I did not have time to be in bed. In August of 2013 I weighed 210 pounds. While I was at my doctor?s appointment he was confused why nothing worked on me and he told me to just get used to the condition
a c i r E
er ic a b a so r a
Wife, Mother to Jolyn + Ava, and RN BSN.
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Lil y Tem per l ey
y l i L
Widow Without Shame, Geographically Displaced Daughter, Sister + Aunt, Former Corporate Ladder Climber Partner, Lover + Baby-Incubator, Fashion Addict, Travel Junkie, Writer + Dreamer.
Looking back, life is full of lessons and trials. If I think of defining moments there are many, both positive and negative, the duality being essential for growth. However, there is one experience that has become the foundation to my life story, losing my husband to suicide when I was 29.
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a n u a h S Sh a u n a M a r t i n
Mother, Breast Cancer Survivor, Advocate for Health through Nutrition, Author of Daily Greens 4-day Cleanse, and Founder/ CEO of Daily Greens.
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e l l e h c i M Chispa Magazine
Pretty Preppy+ Warm All fashion by Tommy Hilfiger.
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Pretty Preppy+ Warm All fashion by Tommy Hilfiger.
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For t he L over of TOMS , aka The Her o. Make i t One for One Thi s Chr i s t mas .
All shoes available at
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All shoes available at
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The I mpor t ance of Knowi ng Your Fami l y Heal t h Hi st or y
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Photo by Anais Benoudiz
St yl ing Lips. Have another reason to love wine with Marsala, Pantone?s Color of the Year. Rock the trend on your lips with Avon?s Beyond Color Lipstick and Conditioner in Cantaloupe. Featuring a formula containing a blend of jojoba oil, caffeine and pomegranate extract that smooths and conditions lips, the lipstick delivers rich, creamy color, and provides fuller, younger-looking lips instantly. Formulated with collagen and SPF 15, Beyond Color Lipstick delivers real visible anti-aging results. The creamy lipstick minimizes the look of fine lines over time and creates younger-looking lips instantly; visit to locate an Avon Representative or to shop online.
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Th e Romi na Fi l es
Sof t Han d s Be iv e Mult i-Act ll ect ion Luxur y Co s; b y Clar in at Clar ins av ail ab le count er s, e. nat ionw id
Col or That Last s Your salon-fresh color never lasts long enough. Over time, your color begins to fade and turn off-tone due to routine washing, sun exposure or usage of heat styling tools. The John Frieda Colour Refreshing Glossrefreshes hair?s vibrancy in-between colorings by replenishing lost tones so your color looks fresh, like first-day color; available at mass retailers, nationwide.
So Fresh and So Cl ean-Cl ean If you?re rarely seen without your Nikes or a green juice, Clean Shower Fresh features a soft and sexy musky floral scent that will perfectly compliment your fresh and healthy lifestyle; available at
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Features 77
A new hom e for the holidays
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Features 79
f o r e w o P Th e s m o o r h s u M
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f o r e w o P Th e s m o o r h s u M
y a d i l o h r e d n o w
Photo Essay by David Sherry
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e v o l we d a e r to
Through t he Lif e of Tia Shurina Winter blues is a seasonal trend that is offset by the changing of seasons. As the days get shorter and the nights get colder, cozying up to an uplifting and motivational book may be the best companion this winter. Everything And A Happy Ending is a memoir about three interconnected relationships and three special men in author Tia Shurina?s life. The autobiography explores the interconnectedness of the human experience and reveals how the author, Tia Shurina, was able to turn controlled pessimism, doubt, and fear into blind optimism, faith, and love. Today Tia Shurina lives in Queens, NYC and still talks to her dad each and every day. She still spends time on the Jersey Shore, where she still feels safest in the bungalows she spent her childhood summers. She is, most days, truly filled with joy. She is, every day, truly filled with peace. She looks forward to a happy ending each and every day now. As she really enjoys her own happily ever after; available at
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Huffington Post, HGTV, and FoodTV to broadcast her mantra that creativeentertainingis simpler than we think; inCreative Entertaining, she expands the theme as only a book can. Sensibly, the bookis organized by season, not just with a panoply of varied photos which shows the reader how but with celebration theme ideas that let you brighten winter doldrums with color and warmth? celebrate spring with a host of different ethnic traditions? throw the summer party that stands out amongall the summerfĂŞtes? get crisply excited about all the things that begin in autumn? and lead the way into the most festive time of year with totally fresh ideas for a Holidays bash. From a Hamptons escape backyard bbq or Wimbeldon lunch to a New England Clam Bake or dinner at the farm, thebookis chock full of entertainingideas; available at bookstore. C
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Wel comi ng Bye Bye Boogies. The first-ever saline nose wipe, Boogie Wipes, was invented by two moms as a solution for their kids?sore, red, stuffy noses; available in 50,000 retail stores across the U.S. and Canada including Walmart, Target, Walgreens, and Toys ?R?Us. Grandma Was Right . GoGargle! is the new and improved version of what you might know as Grandma?s salt water home remedy for sore throats. For generations you have heard Grandmas (and doctors) recommend gargling with a glass of warm salt water to help relieve a sore throat. With soothing ingredients like honey, chamomile, aloe, and mint, GoGargle! is a simple, surprisingly tasty way to soothe a sore throat; available at Ice Chips. To soothe a queasy tummy naturally, ginger and peppermint are always a top choice in the arsenal of home remedies. When you are so nauseous even drinking tea is making you grimace, Ice Chips offers a delicious, all-natural and sugar-free candy in both Ginger and Peppermint flavors that may help; available at Aromat herapy On-t he-Go. This line of travel-ready essential oils means you can breathe more deeply and relax more thoroughly while traveling during the stressful holiday season, knowing you?re tapping into the earth?s most powerful natural remedies. The travel gift set is an
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Wel comi ng