7th World Parliamentarians’ Convention on Tibet, 7-10 May 2019, Riga, Latvia
Andrius Navickas
Thank you very much. Good morning everybody. Janis said that I have to talk for an hour. He said that I have to talk an hour about how beautiful Latvia is. Of course I think Latvia is very beautiful. This convention was also very good. I feel very adequate. For me it is important that now I have more friends than before the convention. But the problem is that I want to be very much at home. All my thought is about the election in Vilnius. It is more about home. So I will speak very brie�ly. I want to thank everybody for being here. For me it is important that this convention convinced me that we are no small nations who are only spectators of drama of history. Sometimes we think that it is impossible for instance China will accept our demand. Even very small action is very important. Every friendship is very important. I sincerely hope that may be not 8th but the 10th convention will be held in Tibet. We will discuss which nations are in need of our solidarity. As His Holiness said in his video message this convention is about justice. Without justice there is no peace. Without justice there is no normal life. I want to thank you for teaching me what does justice mean. I want to thank you for teaching me how to be consistently �ighting for rights but not by hating other people but by being in the right place.
I want to thank Janis because he did an excellent work. I think without him this convention would not be so good. For me it was the �irst time to meet people from the Tibetan Parliament and from the Tibetan government. You are very �ine people. It was a great pleasure to see you. It was a great pleasure to be with you. It was a great honour to be with you all. I want to �inish my speech and say: Be not so serious. Be joyful because as I said yesterday,