Greasy and attractive food helps in digestion Diet provides energy to body. But if we take indigestible food it becomes poisonous to our health. ‘Food’ plays an important role in our health. But we should also know what diet is to be taken and at what time.
As per ayurveda, Ghee and oils must be included in sufficient quantity in our diet. In the modern times, nobody is using them for the fear of the Heart related problems, Blood Pressure and Obesity. These lubricants intensify the activity of digestive system. Food is digested properly. They increase strength. Senses become strong. The color of the skin looks fair. Body air gets positive effect if ghee like ingredients are taken, faeces release effortlessly.
Using refined oil leads to joint pains. Lack of grease in joints causes acute pain. So sufficient oily products are needed while taking meals. Overall diet should be taken while it is hot and warm. It overall should be fresh and tasty. Such food increases digestion and it is air positive. This is called a ‘nutritious’ diet. If the food becomes stale and cool it increases negative characteristics like anger, heaviness, laziness etc., and this is termed as ‘non-nutrient’ diet.
If the diet is attractive, colorful and delicious, saliva starts secreting automatically and that fluid is highly useful in digestion and in the secretion of other digestive enzymes. So care should be taken that the utensils are clean and attractive. If the food becomes routine, one may feel repulsive towards taking food.
After preparing the food one should choose a place which is neat and tidy. Environment should be virtuous and beautiful. If the place is dirty and filthy our psyche gets agitated. That affects digestion too. To have food is a sacred activity, if one takes food with concentration, it gives good result. Keep the T.V. programs and telephonic conversations aside for a while, while you taking your meal.
“One should take diet with a pleasant mind. Anger, jealousy, hatred and fear suspend the taste and flavor of the food and digestive fluids do not secrete properly. So never open discussions that are unhealthy at the dining table and never see the hatred scenes.” – Acharya Balkrishna
One should maintain proper time for a good digestion. ‘What is the proper time to take a meal ? First of all we have to check whether the food that is taken earlier has digested or not. If that process is going on, it is not proper to take additional meal.
Because the digestive fluids have to give up their activity of digestion abruptly and take another task of secreting new digestive fluids for this additional meal. Then the whole activity leads to a great confusion and that leads to the disorders.