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Architectural Designer | From Hong Kong (HK)



Master of Architecture

The Chinese University of Hong Kong | 2017-2019 (HKIA / RIBA Part II) (GPA:3.4/4)

• MArch Thesis: The Mnemonic Urbanscape

Bachelor of Social Science in Architectural Studies

The Chinese University of Hong Kong | 2012-2016 (HKIA / RIBA Part I)

Work Experience

Burton Hamfelt Urban Architecture, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Junior Architect (NL) | 2022-2023

• Mixed-Use Housing Design | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

• 'Optopper' - Modular Prefab Housing Prototype Design | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

• Transformation of Old Factory Area | Urban Design | Hanover, Germany

Architecture Design and Research Group (AD+RG), Hong Kong

Senior Architectural Executive | 2019-2021

Patrick is a young architectural designer from Hong Kong. He received his Master and Bachelor degrees from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has extensive design and projectmanagement experience in The Netherlands, Hong Kong and China with international collaborators such as UNStudio and WilkinsonEyre. He enjoys working in different stages, from conceptual to detailed design and to construction coordination. He is interested in history and sociology and believed they are the basis of good architecural design.

About Skills


Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign

3D: Rhinoceros, SketchUp

2D: AutoCAD

BIM: Revit

Rendering: Enscape/ V-ray

Project Statutory Submission

Contract Administration

Client/ Consultants Coordination

Tender Preparation


English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Elementary German & Dutch

• Lyric Theatre Complex, collab with UNStudio | Hong Kong

• New Operating Theatre for Tuen Mun Hospital | Hong Kong

• New Extension to Hong Kong Science Museum, collab with WilkinsonEyre | Hong Kong

The Oval Partnership, Hong Kong

Architectural Assistant | 2016-2017

• TaikooLi Chengdu (Alteration & Addition) | Chengdu, China

• ONE Hotel Haitang Bay - Sustainable Hotel Design | Sanya, China


Graduate Member | Oct 2020-now

Hong Kong Institute of Architects

Professional Assessment: Passed Paper 1-8, pending Paper 9 at March 2023

Shortlisted | Mar 2021

Via North Point | Creative Community Space Open Call

Hong Kong Arts Centre

2nd Runner up | Apr 2018

QianHai Design Competition (Student Category)

Hong Kong Institute of Architects

Exhibition And Publication


Connectere Art Show

Exhibition Design at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, Hong Kong


Vitality in Hyper-Density

UABBHK - Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (Hong Kong)

Exhibition Design at Hysan Place Hong Kong


Selected Competition Entry Exhibition

Biennale of The Central Academy of Fine Art Museum

Beijing, China

Hoogoorddreef - Mixed Use Housing Design, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Role Design Architect (Burton Hamfelt)

Location Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Year 2022-present

Project Type Mixed Use | Housing | Commercial |

Public Space

Size 40000 sq.m

Status Detail Design Associates Paul de Ruiter Architects, Inbo (NL)


-3D Design (Exterior Façades & Interior) in Revit & Rhino

-Coordination between collaborating architects

-Presentation Package for collaborators/ Municipality

This residential housing project is located in Amsterdamse Poort, which has become the city’s second centre with almost 16 million visitors per year. The building responds with different housing typologies to different urban conditions. One part contains the middle sector and the living and working units, which generate the smaller scale urbanity of the new residential street. The other part, containing social and free sector dwellings, becomes the urban facade to the two main busy roads. This facade is comprised of an urban, lively and sturdy plinth that serves as a visual base for a lighter top, which becomes the most expressive part of the building.

Collective Courtyard

Green Roof + Solar Panels

Active Plinth Programs

Nature-Inclusive Facades



afzonderlijke architectonische eenheid korrel dat er een afzonderlijke eenheid korrel dat er een variatie in afzonderlijke daaromheen bouwenvelop maakt aan het woonerf uit een

Flierbosdreefblok hebben uitstraling. Beide reeds bestaande Hoekblok (Blok Blok 3 heeft woonblokken binnentuin. Deze Tussen de Woonerf. Het binnenstraat.

Flierbosdreefblok hebben uitstraling. Beide bestaande Hoekblok (Blok 3 heeft woonblokken binnentuin. Deze Tussen de Woonerf. Het binnenstraat. in afzonderlijke daaromheen maakt het woonerf een blokken hebben een binnentuin met daaromheen bebouwing in de randen. Deze bouwenvelop maakt onderscheid in 3 verschillende type randen:

- Dreefrand

- Woonerfrand

- Winkelcentrumrand blokken hebben een binnentuin met daaromheen bebouwing in de randen. Deze bouwenvelop maakt onderscheid in 3 verschillende type randen: - Dreefrand - Woonerfrand - Winkelcentrumrand

Axonometric Diagram - Sustainability Strategy & Programmatic Strategy

Opbouw cluster 7 bestaat uit een dreefrand, woonerfrand, winkelcentrumrand en shopperhal bouwenvelop blok 3

De dreefranden zijn hoger dan de randen aan het woonerf en het winkelcentrum. Alle randen bestaan uit een basisvolume, voorzien van een optopping.

De dreefranden zijn hoger dan de randen aan het woonerf en het winkelcentrum. Alle randen bestaan uit een basisvolume, voorzien van een optopping.

Opbouw cluster 7 bestaat uit een dreefrand, woonerfrand, winkelcentrumrand en shopperhal

Opbouw cluster 7 bestaat uit een dreefrand, woonerfrand, winkelcentrumrand en shopperhal blok 3 bouwenvelop blok 3

Samenstelling van blokken met eigen collectieve binnentuin

Natuurinclusief, gemeenschappelijk groen en energiedaken blauwhoed blok - cluster 7 amsterdamse poort blok - cluster 7 amsterdamse poort

Rendering - Bicycle infrastructure of the housing complex is connected to the neighbourhood, facilitating urban circulation verglaasde loggia's (geluidsreductie 13 dB), volgens opgave Cauberg Huygen

1. Inwendig volume loggia tenminste 11,7 m3

2. Bij voorkeur een breedte van de loggia van tenminste 1,3 m (voorwaarde geluidbeleid Amsterdam).

3. Buitenschil loggia geheel te verglazen, behoudens de permanente openingen (zie punt 5).

4. De verglazing in de buitenschil mag tot 50% van het geveloppervlak te openen, te schuiven, weg te vouwen enz. zijn.

5. In de buitenschil als ook in de balkonpui (tussen slaapkamer en loggia) moeten voldoende spuivoorzieningen zijn.

De openingen zijn afgestemd op de slaapkamergrootte van 11,5 m2

- De opening in de buitenschil moet permanent open zijn, de spuivoorzieningen in de balkonpui uitgevoerd als twee deuren.

Opbouw loggia tbv akoestiek - houten latten 60x15 mm - firetdoek - regelwerk - steenwol isolatie 50 mm

Frans balkon

VMG versteeg, type PA270, alleen boven en onderregel aluminium waterslag geanodiseerd in kleur kozijn (C34)

HWA onzichtbaar: achter opbouw acoustiek

Loggiavloer - prefab betonvloer (ca. 250-300 mm, volgens opgave constructeur) - bevestigd middels doorkoppelsysteem (isokorf) te openen deel: kiepraam

Voor een goede werking van natuurlijke spuiventilatie speeld de hoogte van de opening in de buitenschil als ook de hoogte van de deuren in de balkonpui een rol. Hoe hoger de openingen/deuren, hoe groter de spuiventilatiecapaciteit, en des te minder de oppervlakten van de openingen/balkondeuren kunnen worden.

De permanente opening in de buitenschil bedraagt 0,30 - 0,34 m verdeeld in de buitenschil over een hoogte van 2,0-2,4 m.

- In de balkonpui zijn twee deuren met een breedte van tenminste 0,85 m en een hoogte van tenminste 2,30 m (per deur).

6. In de loggia komt een geluidabsorberende afwerking tegen het plafond en tegen de wand. Het gezamenlijke oppervlakte van de

Technical Drawings from Revit

Façade Design

Ontwerpvoorwaarden verglaasde loggia's (geluidsreductie 13 dB), volgens opgave Cauberg Huygen

Kozijnen - geanodiseerd aluminium C34


- metselwerk, baksteen: Wienerberger Nero Zwart Mangaan WF, halfsteensverband, voeg in kleur baksteen

- luchtspouw

- waterkerende laag

- HSB element plaatmateriaal isolatie dampremmende laag plaatmateriaal - gipsplaat

Bloemkozijn (bijvoorbeeld Reynaers) - geanodiseerd aluminium kozijn met verlengde lip (C34) - vast glas - afwerking binnenkant multiplex

Kozijnen - geanodiseerd aluminium C34

1. Inwendig volume loggia tenminste 11,7 m3

2. Bij voorkeur een breedte van de loggia van tenminste 1,3 m (voorwaarde geluidbeleid Amsterdam).

Each blocks have its own façade design, expressing different unit typologies and residential sectors. Nature-inclusiveness is considered in the façade - with bird nests embedded into the design, the housing complex not only houses residents of different sectors, but also residents of the mother nature.

3. Buitenschil loggia geheel te verglazen, behoudens de permanente openingen (zie punt 5).

4. De verglazing in de buitenschil mag tot 50% van het geveloppervlak te openen, te schuiven, weg te vouwen enz. zijn.

5. In de buitenschil als ook in de balkonpui (tussen slaapkamer en loggia) moeten voldoende spuivoorzieningen zijn.

De openingen zijn afgestemd op de slaapkamergrootte van 11,5 m2

- De opening in de buitenschil moet permanent open zijn, de spuivoorzieningen in de balkonpui uitgevoerd als twee deuren.

- Voor een goede werking van natuurlijke spuiventilatie speeld de hoogte van de opening in de buitenschil als ook de hoogte van de deuren in de balkonpui een rol. Hoe hoger de openingen/deuren, hoe groter de spuiventilatiecapaciteit, en des te minder de oppervlakten van de openingen/balkondeuren kunnen worden.

- De permanente opening in de buitenschil bedraagt 0,30 - 0,34 m2, verdeeld in de buitenschil over een hoogte van 2,0-2,4 m.

- In de balkonpui zijn twee deuren met een breedte van tenminste 0,85 m en een hoogte van tenminste 2,30 m (per deur).

6. In de loggia komt een geluidabsorberende afwerking tegen het plafond en tegen de wand. Het gezamenlijke oppervlakte van de afwerking bedraagt tenminste 9,5 m2

Optopper - Wooden Modular Housing Prototype in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Role Design & Project Architect (Burton Hamfelt)

Location Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Year 2022

Project Type Prototype Design | Housing

Size Flexible

Status Built

Client BuurtBoost/ VORM


-3D Design Studies in Rhino/ Enscape

-Production and Management of Presentation Package to collaborators and clients

The Design of 'Optopper' begins with the question: 'Why build new communities when you can sustainably build on top of them?'

The ‘Optopper’ is a circular, prefab, “all wood” - biobased, modular, fully equipped residential apartment that can be placed on top of almost any (post-war) flat. It is an innovative solution for the densification of our city centres and a concrete step towards a better more social neighbourhood.

The Project improves post-war residential areas with the aim of accelerating construction of affordable housing. The Optopper is a designed solution for the densification task and a concrete step towards a better neighbourhood.

The Optopper is available in different variants. The prefab residential units are available as studios and apartments with two to four rooms. A perfect home for starters, students, one and two-person households and small families, but also seniors, who need a different home but want to stay in their familiar neighbourhood and even in their own flat.

Future-proof Consideration - lifespan of each parts of the module is part of the design

Wasserstadt-Limmer - Mixed Use Urban Design, in Hanover, Germany

Role Design Architect (Burton Hamfelt)

Location Hanover, Germany

Year 2022

Project Type Mixed Use | Housing | Commercial | Public Space | Education

Size 35000 sq.m

Status Schematic Design Associates LOLA Landscape Architects (NL), UP+ (DE)


-3D Design Studies in Rhino

-Managing Presentation Package Production to collaborators and municipal officials

The Municipality of Hanover and WasserstadtLimmer GmbH & Co. KG initiated an international competition for the largest and most forward-looking urban development project in Hanover. Can we imagine a new type of urban neighbourhood that could be an example of a car-free, healthy, sustainable, climate adaptive and innovative community? And can we create a master plan for new urban living concepts that stimulate the local economy and new mobility concepts whilst integrating the surrounding areas?

The design approach is inspired by the near-natural setting of Wasserstadt Limmer surrounded by two waterways and the historical identity of the place once the home of the old Continental tire factory. These starting points form the basis for both the urban design concept and landscape planning strategy.

By using the historical footprint of the former Continental Tire factory, we create three unique neighbourhoods connected through landscape: the Urban Quarter, the Green Quarter and the Docklands. Each neighbourhood has their own distinct spatial characteristics and housing types. Along the northern banks, a special place is reserved for tiny house neighbourhood

Our overall ambition is to enhance the qualities of walking, cycling and public transport and create a car-free neighbourhood by excluding traffic and underground garage entrances to the northern edges of the plan in three separate zones.

GEOX Flagship Store Design in Milan, Italy

Role Design Architect (7478 Architects Rotterdam)

Location Milian, Italy

Year 2021-present

Project Type Retail | Retail Interior Design

Size 343 sq.m

Status Under Construction


-Detail Design Development

-3D Modelling (with Rhino) & Physical Model

-Renderings (with Enscape)

-Presentation Package Coordination & Preparation

GEOX, a renowned brand for designing breathable shoes is having a flagship store in Milan. The design reversed the typical retail store model of minimum display space with selected items shown on the shopfront by maximising display space. The wall/ circulation space all became display area of GEOX products. The mix of materiality created a modern approach to energizing the brand. Different systems, e.g. Niches system and vitrine system are designed to enhance customers' retail experience in an unprecedented setting.

Rendering - Main Entrance from Street Level

Rendering - Basement - Menswear Section

Rendering - 'Island' of Menswear Section

Physical Model Studies


Vitrine Area

Physical Model Studies - 'Niches' System

Role Project Architect (AD+RG)

With UNStudio (Joint Venture)

Location West Kowloon Cultural District, Hong Kong

Year 2019-present

Client West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

Project Type Theatre | Cultural Institution

Size 40000 sq.m

Status Under Construction (Expected Completion:2023)


-Construction Planning & Administration

-Detailed Design Drawings Coordination & Preparation

-Statutory (Government) Submission & Liaison

-Reply RFI (Request For Information) from Contractor

The Lyric Theatre Complex is a mixed-used building housing 3 theatres (Lyric Theatre, Medium Theatre and Studio Theatre), rehearsal rooms, F&B, performers office etc. Each theatre has its own distinct color which relates to its function. The color is not only applied in the auditoriums, but also in the correlating foyers, serving also as means of wayfinding. The circulation in the building is driven by a "Central Spine". The spine forms two curving, stacked ramps weaving around the theatre volumes. Along the "Spine", the view of the habrour will be revealed gradually, creating an aperture effect.

The West Kowloon Cultural District is a reclaimed land designed specifically for arts and cultural facilities in Hong Kong. The Master Plan was designed by Foster + Partners. The LTC is located next to the M+ Museum designed by Herzog de Meuron. It will connect to the "Artist Square" and promenade. forming a new urban connection between the city and the Victoria Harbour.

Lyric Theatre Detail Design

Detail Drawing Coordination - Section | Ceiling Detail | Rendering

Full BIM was adopted in this complex project to allow better coordination between architectural, structural and MEP designs. The BIM model is constantly updated and developed based on design meetings. Discrepancies between different disciplines can be minimized before construction.

MEP: Air Ducts

MEP: Fire Services Water Pipes

On-site CoordinationStage: Excavation of Basement


Role Architectural Designer (AD+RG)

With WilkinsonEyre

Location Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

Year 2020

Client Architectural Services Department

Project Type Museum | Cultural Institution

Size 33537 sq.m

Status Invited Entry


-Study & Comprehend Consultancy Brief

-Conceptual Design Development -

Tools: Sketch/ 3D Modelling/ Graphic Representation

-Consultants Coordination Meeting

-Preparation of Technical Proposal to Client

Hong Kong Science Museum (HKScM) & Hong Kong Museum of History (HKMN) were built in the 1990s and they were built in adjacent to each other. In need of a new expansion for both museums, the proposed design connected the two museums with an elevated courtyard which serves as a new exhibition space as well as new public open space which enhanced urban connectivity around the site. The design also introduce sustainable exhibition devices and interactive facades which will allow the museums to cater the needs of future technological development in the coming decades.

Pre-fab Local Timber Structure Sustainable

Kunming Story


Role Architectural Designer (Oval Partnership)

Location Kunming, China

Year 2016-2017

Client World Horti-Expo Garden

Project Type Commercial | Urban Design

Size 47307 sq.m

Status Detailed Design


-Conceptual->Schematic->Detail Design Development -

Tools: Sketch/ 3D Modelling/ Graphic Representation/ Revit

-Consultants Coordination Meeting

-Preparation of Presentation to Client

-Preparation of Technical Drawings to Local Design Institute (LDI)

"Kunming Story" is a retail street design project situated in the World Horti-Expo Garden in Kunming, China. The site is heavily vegetated with both natural and manmade landscape. The whole project adopted "storytelling design", from site analysis to detail design, we studied and designed every moments based on the experience of the past and narration of the future (i.e. proposed design scenario). The result is a calm, low-rose retail development with respect to the history of the city and the existing landscape.

The design begins with a detail site analysis, looking at the history of architecture and streetscape of the site in Kunming. The Chinese Tenent House with a pitched roof and a gable wall are the typical architectural features that formed the streetscape of Kunming. We studied the scale and spatial arrangement of these houses, and derived our design based on the site context - a horticultural garden full of landscape.

After careful site and spatial studies, different typologies of design were developed. As this is a retail street design, retail store requirement and experience were considered in the design process. The design resulted in a modern-day retail atmosphere with respect to the architectural and urban streetscape experience of the past.

Cluster Study and Design

Different typologies were mixed together to create a more vibrant, diverse retail experience. It formed different clusters, linked with link bridges, wide staircases and extended balconies to further enhance the streetscape.

Storytelling Design

Narrative Design has been adopted in the whole design development. During the design process, we imagined from the perspective of different visitors/ users to the site. Different spatial journeys and qualities were explored along the development. Storyboards, physical models were great tools to inspire the master layout plan.

One Hotel Haitang Bay


Role Architectural Designer (Oval Partnership)

Location Sanya, China

Year 2016-2017

Client Starwood Capital Group

Project Type Hotel & Landscape Design

Size 38348 sq.m

Status Completed (in 2020)


Detail Design Development

Tools: Sketch/ 3D Modelling/ Graphic Representation

-Preparation of Presentation to Client

-Preparation of Technical Drawings to Local Design Institute (LDI)

Local vernacular architecture and passive environmental design guided the overall approach and aesthetics of the development. This is emphasized by a series of external shading devices and green landscaping, presenting a spatial experience that is both rich in texture and mesmerizing in detail, heightened by the interplay of light and shadow. Elevations are not bereft of planting either — ‘green’ walls extensively planted with local vegetation complement the staggered roof terraces and semi-open courtyards to amplify the integrated quality of the architecture with its natural surroundings. Warm timbers and weather resistant metals form a harmonious composition alongside locally sourced lava stones, celebrating the beauty of humble, natural materials.

Locally sourced timber is one of the major facade material in the hotel. It gives life to vegetations and plants by letting them to grow freely on it.


Role Architectural Designer (AaaM Architects)

Location Shanghai, China

Year 2018

Client Danning Plaza

Project Type Sustainable Installation

Status Completed


-Conceptual Design Development -

Tools: Sketch/ 3D Modelling/ Graphic Representation

-Preparation of Technical Proposal to Client

-Preparation of Full Set Technical Drawings for Manufacturer

Daning Sound Installation is a sustainable installation designed as the Christmas Installation at the main entrance of Daning Plaza in Shanghai, China. It is made of hundreds of recycled glass bottles collected in Recycling Centre. The "Wheels" are motorised and rotated slowly against one another, producing symphonies of Christmas generated by the glass bottles which are filled with different volume of water.

镀制半透明金属色 回收玻璃瓶 (塑胶喷雾 保护膜包裹)

镀制半透明金属色 回收玻璃瓶(塑胶喷雾 保护膜包裹)

镀制半透明金属色 回收玻璃瓶 (塑胶喷雾 保护膜包裹)


敲击棒 LED射灯 电动马达

镀制半透明金属色 回收玻璃瓶(塑胶喷雾 保护膜包裹)


镀制半透明金属色 回收玻璃瓶 (塑胶喷雾 保护膜包裹)

镀制半透明金属色 回收玻璃瓶(塑胶喷雾 保护膜包裹)



灯膜灯箱 镀制半透明金属色回收 玻璃瓶(塑胶喷雾保护膜包 裹)




敲击棒 LED射灯 电动马达 大宁国际商业广场

组合5剖面图A A-01-405 2

1: 30 @ A3

镀制半透明金属色回收 玻璃瓶(塑胶喷雾保护膜包 裹)

组合5剖面图A A-01-405 2

玻璃瓶固定结构 LED射灯 灯膜灯箱 3 A-01-4054 A-01-405 2 1: 30 @ A3 组合5剖面图A A-01-405 2 塑胶喷雾胶片

灯膜灯箱 A-01-405

1: 30 @ A3


灯膜灯箱 LED射灯 LED射灯 敲击棒(可调较位置)

灯膜灯箱 镀制半透明金属色回收 玻璃瓶(塑胶喷雾保护膜包 节点图1:10

Rainbow Land Rehabilitation Community Hall For Abused Children

MArch Studio Project

Location Fanling, Hong Kong

Year 2017

Type Community Hall

Size 230sq.m

Client Precious Blood Learning Centre

In Bible, Rainbow has a special meaning, that it symbolises a dialogue about a promise made between the God and human. The idea of the project is to bring the sisters and children together under the big colorful shelter, and to recall their relationship with the God.

The dynamic shift of the project creates a certain degree of openness to the outside, and through the colorful openings on the roof, sunlight as the creation of god is being drawn in and reinterpreted into different colors, and the color of light changes in the course of a day, a season and a year.

The interactive play of sunlight, interior and exterior space hopes to provide a stable yet everchanging atmosphere of environment to the sisters and children, establishing dialogues between the god and his creation - the Nature.

The final design was commented by the users - the children and the sisters from the church. The physical model became a toy to the children for their free imagination.


Location Norht Point, Hong Kong

Year 2021

Project Type Installation | Urban Space

Status Shortlisted

North Point Estate, used to be the backbone of the North Point community, deserved to be honoured and respected once again. We believe only by understanding the past can we better design for the future.

“Viewing Through the Eyes of Tenants” is an interactive installation that brings the stories of the past (North Point Estate) to now (the existing pavilion) and hopefully passes on to the future generation.

The concept of the installation work originated from the history of the siteNorth Point Estate. It was built in 1957 and revolutionized Public Housing Design at that time, with a private balcony for each flat, facing the Victoria Harbour. There was also public open space in between the blocks and a public transport interchange in front of the North Point Pier. The whole community formed a strong bond with each other, serving as a backbone of the North Point neighbourhood. In 2002, the site was demolished, and no traces of the past can no longer be found on the site today.

Pulling Up-and-Down!

The “balconies” are installed by a safety pulley system, allowing kids of lower height to pull them down and read the old stories written on it or as an interactive device.

Storytelling Workshop

Storytelling workshops will be organised by local groups and former North Point estate residents (by invite) to verbally share their good old days. The “balconies” will become a storytelling media.

Writing to Share

The “balconies” are installed with transparent/ colored acrylic pieces, welcoming all the former North Point estate residents or public to share their interesting stories back in the old days.

Rolling Lens Ragale Ring Installation Design

Location Illinois, USA

Year 2020

Project Type Installation | Exhibition Design

Status Competition Entry

The original plan of Ragdale Ring was a symmetrical and static 2-D ring on a paved lawn surrounded by a low limestone wall. We retraced such important historic reference and modified them in two ways - one by pushing down the original ring in the plan and develop it into a visual rail on the ground and one by rotating the ring 90 degrees into a new “Lens”. By superimposing the components, a new interactive Ragdale Ring in 3-dimension is created. The horizontality (the rail) and verticality (the Lens) are concerted design as a new take of Ragdale Ring in 2020. With its intrinsic mobility, the Rolling Lens is a metaphor to the lens of a camera, framing different views on the site following the footsteps of the users on the campus.



Location Qianhai, Shenzhen, China

Organiser Hong Kong Institute of Architects

Year 2018

Project Type Competition

Status Second Runner Up | Student Category

Qianhai is a new development area in Shenzhen, China. The design competition called for entry to adaptively reuse an existing fire services pump room into a small art & cultural venue. The proposed design responded to the future masterplan of the site by adding a new curvature to the roof, giving the building a new visual identity. It also changed the materiality of the existing building so as to enhance the architectural transparency. Landscape elements, such as vertical greening and water features were deisgned to cohere with the future masterplan of the site as a urban park in Qianhai.

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