W A N G Interior
Architectu re
D e s ig n
Resume 4
Permeable 6
Gather 16
North Central Side 22
Prada 32
Core 38
Contact 46
Hello! My name is Chi Wang.
This portfolio is a complication of selected works from my academic years in Arizona State University. The archite c tural and de sign approache s are to adapt human behavior and human scale in different perspectives. Whether it is conceptual design through interviews to schematic design or sketches to model making, I am always interested in how design changes human behavior. Through architecture I was able to explore more options to change the topography of the landscape and surroundings.
RESUME E D U C AT I O N A r i z o n a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y | Te m p e , A r i z o n a August 13 - May 17 Bachelor of Science in Design with concentration in Interior Design
EXPERIENCE F r e e l a n c e D e s i g n | Te m p e , A r i z o n a November 16 - Present Self Employed Renderer during design development phase, assisting selecting finishes, collaborate with architect on design concepts and approaches.
Gould Evans, Canary | Phoenix, Arizona June 16 - August 16 Interior Design Intern Full-time intern, rendering floor plans, space planning, selecting finishes, assembled material board, completed specifications, and assisting designers with multiple projects.
G u B o n I n t e r i o r D e s i g n | Ta i c h u n g , Ta i w a n June 14 - August 14 Interior Design Intern Scheduling appointments, developed schematic design drawings, space planning, managed design presentation, and office assistance.
HONORS & AWARDS Arizona State University Dean’s List Art Exhibition T h e V i o l e n c e o f Tr u t h : E n c o u n t e r w i t h J o s e B e r n a r d i Spring 17 ASU Design Excellence Nominee Spring 15 | Spring 16 | Fall 16 Gensler Brinkmann Scholarship Nominee Spring 16
EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITY IIDA ASU Chapter Board Social Media & Event Coordinator April 16 - April 17 IIDA 2016 Couture Committee | Phoenix, Arizona August 15 - September 16 IIDA Member January 15 - Present
SKILLS Photoshop InDesign Illustrator Auto CAD Sketch Up | V-Ray Microsoft
M a n d a r i n
E n g l i s h
PERMEABLE Tempe | Arizona
The Farmer Education building is located on Arizona State University campus. The building was very enclosed and rigid. Our approach of the project is to make education more permeable by breaking the architecture and bring out the PhD student lounge to the exterior of the building. Making the connection of education and the community visible. Through the collaboration and research from the student, the building became transparent to the school. In collaboration with Mariana Lopez Serratos & Jen Grysho *ASU Design Excellence Nominee
Collaboration E x t en t s i o n Classrooms Of f i c es
A x o n o met ric Diag ram
Con cep t Progra m
F irs t F loor
Secon d Floor
The new entrance of the Farmer Building is located at the North facade, below the new PhD lounge. The new entrance allow the people to approach the building with a whole new experience. The seating bleacher and movable block allows the people to sit and relax at a fully shaded entrance. The purpose of the space is to give the building a new identity of collaboration and reaching out for more social interaction. After entering the second floor through the grand stairs, the users are to brought into a new collaborative space. The gallery space on the right of the entrance is a flexible space that can change into an art gallery, event space, and a relaxing location.
Third Floor
The grand stairs invited the users to a fully shaded patio with wealth of information and news on the digital wall on the right of the second floor entran ce into the building. The third floor expressed making education more permeable by opening up the teachers offices with frosted glass for privacy, more collaboration spaces for the faculty and students, a new PhD. lounge in the extension, a hospitality zone for multi-uses, and flexible classrooms. The new configuration of the third floor floor plan is to bring the faculty and student closer
B ui l d i ng St ru ct u re
Da y Usa ge
E v e n ing Us ag e
Even in g PhD Access
Permeable project focused on four different areas. The new entry of the building, interior courtyard, Ph.D. lounge, and the third floor. The design was developed to contrast with the original architecture, while enhancing the new extension, which is the Ph.D. lounge. The new extension design footprint reference the original building grid facade, by alternating the existing glass and concrete, we were able to extrude the education into the community. With the user research of the site, most student walk through interior courtyard of the building. We are bringing in the new typography by building the extension that was placed at the north of the building to utilizing the north courtyard. By completing this project we will be able to bring the School of Education into the ASU community and create a new dialogue of making education Permeable.
GAT H E R Tempe | Arizona
Gather is a plan to bring the Tempe community together. This project is to re-create the Sun Devil Stadium at ASU to become a 365 access to the public. By re-freshing the stadium with the new Flex Board design, we will be able to host different events such as farmers markets, fitness classes, movie night, and pop up art galleries. Gather brings people into the stadiu m making a new topography of community engagement and the relationship from ASU to the sur rounding community. In collaboration with Daniel Gonzalez, Thomas Ibrahim, Meaghan Socaciu, & Yiao Zhang. *ASU Cluster Top 5 Finalist
terrace to refresh the stadium
experience to recreate the experience
to reconnect the communities
Flex Boa rd Con cep t Sketches
Gather project focus on the year round community engagement and allow ASU to reach out to the local communities, businesses, and artists. Through Gather we will be able to bring people together and create a better society and Arizona culture. Through the Flex Board we are able to transform the stadium to different spaces and create multiple atmosphere. The curved canvas shade was created to provide shading for the summer and zoning purposes. Our ultimate goal is to provide a flexible space to the community to utilize the space all year around specially during the football off-season. Gather not only will be able to promote ASU in a bigger perspective but also to restore relationships and create opportunities to make Phoenix an innovative city.
N o r t h C e n t ra l S i d e Phoenix | Arizona
North Central Side is a boutique hot el bar located in Phoenix, Arizona, North Central historical district. The project was inspired by a handmade quilt that became into a 2D graphic study and 3D study models. The concept of the project is to escape from the city into a blooming flower that allow the users to restore from the world. The hotel was designed within a reused shipping container. The architecture notion of the bar tells a story of a building breaking the structure facade creating a whole new experience of a glass box. *ASU Design Excellence Nominee *IIDA Pride Award Finalist
D es i g n C o ncep t Chi Wang INT 262 - Engle
Chi Wang INT 262 - Engle
Quilt Inspir atio n
2D Graphic Studies Nervous and Scared
F i r s t F loor
First Floor Ceilin g Plan
Chi Wang INT 262 - Engle
2D Gr aphic
S ec o nd Flo or
3D Models
North Central Side Hotel & Bar was inspired by the questions:
“Where do you go to escape from it all?�
and how the emotion illustrate into graphics. This project attempts to answer the question by demonstrating the transition from a nervous state to a calm through the hotel and bar. The focus of the project was to create an experience between the user and the architectural structure within the interior design, while reconstructing the site into a culturally influential hotel and bar. The new space would be emotional, social, and memorable and also maintain the simple and environmental need for the client. The exterior view was designed to keep the space visually and physically spacial through the use of glass. The wood and the desert inspired interior color palette introduce local materials and preserve the cultural essence of Arizona. The North Central Side Hotel is designed in a typical shipping container. The challenge of the project is to design two dynamic interior living spaces with a limited and narrow space. The design emphasis the emotion that carries through the bar to the hotel rooms.
Pr emium Deluxe S uite
Premium Deluxe Suite design concept was inspired by the blooming rose petals that resemble the nature and the sharp angle that express the thorn that comes with it. The ceiling feature guide the user through the space from the entry space all the way to the bedroom. The design uses the transparency to expand the room into a more spacious and less crowded.
No r th Elevatio n
S o uth Elevatio n
01 A.3.2
02 A.3.2
6'-9 1/4"
3'-0 3/4"
SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"
Do uble Deluxe S uite
Double Deluxe Suite design concept was to open up the shipping container into one cohesive interior. The design carries through the space without any interference in between. With the custom bunk bed furniture the space was able to adapt for two or more users.
No r th Elevatio n
S o uth Elevatio n
P R A DA Tempe | Arizona
Before it was a harware store, the Tempe Hardware Building was an Odd Fellows Hall and functioned as a town hall, ball room and community center for the Idependen t Order of Odd Fellows fraternity. The IOOF is an organization cen- tered around three values: Friendship, Love, & Truth. Their mission is to promote charity and unity while p roviding education and aid to the less fortunate. This history and original intent of the space created the problem of how to take a building intended for charity and transform it into a highend, exclusive, branded retail store for PRADA. In collaboration with Shanti Okawa.
34 Desi gn C o ncept
This concept is intended to highlight the contradiction between the new and the old through the imposed angular shapes, breaking the symmetry of the original facade. However, the IOOF value on education creates an opportunity for a connection between the new and the old through art education and apreciation. This PRADA store will use this connection to create not only a high-end flagship store, but also a large scale art gallery for the public. The bands are design to introduce PRADA to a new audience, starting at an educational scale in the gallery, then moving to an occpiable space in the retail area, and then finally at a human scale in the lounge, gradually making PRADA more and more accessible to a new client base.
F loor P lan
E levat ion
Monu mental Scale Occu piab le Scale H u man Scale
CORE Tempe | Arizona
Core is a flexible office space that focus on five work modes including focus, restore, collaboration, social, and learning environment to enhance employee working productivity. Our concept is providing a flexible Core that allows users to customize space to their personal preferences. By having the flexible core it provides a more efficient and engagi ng work place. In collaboration with Lauralee Montemurro & Renee Wesolowski *ASU Design Excellence Nominee
pink o lea nd er
s t a mp comp osition
Core was inspired by the flower, pink oleander, the idea of the heart of the flower; the beginning of the blooming flower. The trace of the flower became the base of the water color stamp composition. The color gradient of the stamp composition emphasis the energy of the flower later bloomed through the flower petals. The programming of the space emphasize the stamp composition, with the flexible space in the core of the office. The flexible core allow the people to change the space into different identity and made to custom for the clients. The architecture was designed to capture as much northern light as possible, allowing more natural light into the space. We re-designed the whole roof structure into angels that allow the natural light to come in without harsh direct light.
C onc e pt Sket ches
f o c us r e s t or e c ol l a borat ion social learn
A rc h i t e c t ure C oncept Sk etc hes
Floor Plan
f o c us r esto r e c o llabo ra tion so c ial lear n
Ff ii ttnne e ssss
St ora sto r a ggee
Priva uddiiooss p r i vat tee Sstt u
Ccoonnfe f e rr eennccee
W o rrkk sSt at at itoinosn wo
Ma m m ai ill Rroooom
Kkiitt cc hh eenn && pPatio atio
Lolcke r rRo o c ke roooms ms
A ar trit st i s t Ppoods ds
24ʼ i on n Rer ecceeppttio 30ʼ
a t iio o Pp at
b rreeaakk ro B R oo m om
Eel el eccttrrii cc aa ll s
Wwo o rrkk Ss tt aa ttiioonns s
m om m Car c a r ee Mo
Through our research of flexibility, we discovered that flexibility ignites collaboration in the workspace. The ability to work in a flexible workspace is based on the role that eac h employee has. Flexible space could adapt a ll user’s preferences and their working position. There are opportunities for employees to work directly with their managers or superiors to determine the best working arrangement based on their personal preferences. Our research also shows when a company supports the employee’s needs, they are more likely to be engaged in the work place, commit to the company, and drive results.
Co llabo r atio n
Rela x
Big Con feren ce
Sma ll Con ference
chiwangdesign.com chi.wang02@gmail.com 1.480.289.8217
W A N G P o r t f o l i o