Workshop and diaries R

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Counseling’s theories 1 System University Ana G Mendez Educ 584 Individual Counseling Professor: Carlson Karen Workshop 0ne Casandra Joiner

Counseling’s theories 2 Workshop one Counseling to nourish from different theoretical approaches, each one of them has its particularity and some are combinations of both. According to Kottler (2008) theories can be divided in insight - oriented approaches and action- oriented approaches: Client Centered, Existential, psychoanalytic, Gestalt and Adlerian belong to the first classification. Behavioral, Cognitive, Rational Emotive belong to the action- oriented. However, the use of these theories in the field of counseling can be flexible; it can be combination of both approaches. Specially, the Rational – Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is one of my favorite, this theory was developed by Albert Ellis in the 60's, even though Albert| Ellis had a background psychoanalyst he decided to create his own method. The REBT as Wayne F (2005) “is based on the concept that emotions and behaviors are result from cognitive processes; and that it is possible for human beings to modify such processes to achieve different ways of feeling and behaving”. REBT is one of therapies that come under the heading „cognitive-behavioral. The REBT believes that behavior and emotions of people are the result of what people think, assume or believe about themselves, of people and the world. Dr. Ellis made a list of the most common irrational beliefs. Wayne (2005) defines irrational beliefs are “to say that the thinking does not match the reality or what is actually there, compared to what is perceived or interpreted in the client‟s thinking.” Some of these beliefs are: oved.

despair. Counseling’s theories 3 ities is easier than facing them. The REBT helps clients to change those irrational beliefs through a process he called ABC: A: is Activation (event) something that happened, B: Beliefs about A and C: consequences that may be reflected in behavior and emotional problems. This technique is based on cognitive theory is useful especially in the field of counseling because of two reasons: first the therapy process does not require extensive time and second the clients are people who need counseling and not a more comprehensive treatment. On the other hand this quality also becomes a limitation for the REBT as Kottler (2005) stated “REBT are probably less effective with some kinds of cliente those who already have problems with over intellectualizing or who don‟t have the capacity to reason logically” p. 172 I believe this technique mixes a bit of psychoanalysis and cognitive terms that make it a useful alternative therapy with different tools to help clients find possible answers to their emotions and behaviors. Using the ABC method provides a graphic overview of the client‟s problem, allowing the mental health professional take an action plan to address this situation. In conclusion, The REBT is a practical technique that actually is used in many settings, although it has certain limitations its contribution to mental health field is appreciated. Like all theories have their pros and cons and these are feasible according to the situation and reality of the therapeutic dynamics.

References Kottler, J & Shepard, D. (2005.) Introduction to counseling: voices from the field. Belmont, Ca: Thomson.

System University Ana G Mendez Educ 584 Individual Counseling Professor: Carlson Karen Workshop 2 Casandra Joiner

Transferencia y Contratransferencia El siguiente trabajo es sobre dos conceptos esenciales en la psicoterapia: Transferencia y Contratransferencia los cuales fueron creados por Sigmund Freud en el siglo 18 y actualmente siguen vigentes en el campo de la salud mental como parte del proceso terapéutico. Freud realizando sus estudios sobre la histeria se percato que existían impedimentos que obstaculizaban la buena relación entre el terapeuta y el paciente, estos impedimentos obedecían a sentimientos bien sea positivos o negativos por parte del cliente al terapeuta, a este fenómeno Sigmund Freud lo denomino transferencia. De acuerdo a Cuevas (2010) La transferencia es “un tipo de relación de objeto terapéutico característico que consiste en poner en la persona del terapeuta sentimientos en el presente que no corresponde y que en realidad son desplazamientos de afectos del pasado” p 12. Es decir, este fenómeno es una especie de distorsión de la realidad que consiste en ciertas actitudes y respuestas afectivas por parte del paciente hacia el terapeuta. Luego Freud considero que este fenómeno no era negativo y que más bien era provechoso para la terapia. La contratransferencia es el mismo proceso pero de manera contraria. Es decir del terapista al cliente, ambos fenómenos están entrelazados por un concepto fundamental llamado la Alianza Terapéutica la cual consiste en una especie de pacto o contracto entre dos personas en este caso el cliente y el terapeuta que aprender a trabajar en común, tanto en el aspecto intelectual como afectivo. Sin embargo, para establecer esta alianza es necesario lidiar con la transferencia y la contratransferencia. Debido a que el propósito de la terapia de orden psicoanalítica es traer al nivel consciente recuerdos y sentimientos estancando en el inconsciente, la transferencia facilita esta situación,

ayudando de esta manera a que el proceso terapéutico se desenvuelva mediante la ventilación de emociones escondidas. Sin embargo, la transferencia puede afectar de manera positiva como de manera negativa, dependiendo de la intensidad de desplazamiento de sentimientos como en la respuesta sabia por parte del terapeuta. Los psicoanalistas igualmente introducen el concepto de neurosis de transferencia, y afirman que esta condición aparece en la terapia y su consecuente superación aunada a la alianza terapéutica son las claves del éxito del tratamiento. Transferencia y contratransferencia son situaciones que tienen sus ventajas como sus riegos, el terapeuta debe ser profesional y mantener una postura neutral si quiere lograr sus objetivos, aunque este sea un ser humano el aspecto ético debe apoyar el manejo de la contratransferencia. En caso que la contratransferencia no pueda ser manejada debe optar por referir al paciente. Dependiendo del corte teórico que posea el terapeuta este va manejar la transferencia y la contratransferencia de acuerdo a sus criterios, no obstante ambos fenómenos siempre se presentaran dentro del proceso terapéutico y su manejo profesional será crucial para el beneficio del paciente y del terapeuta.

Referencias Cuevas, A (2010). Psicoterapia individual y grupal. DF, México: Instituto politécnico Nacional. Gonzalez, J ( 2006 ). La fortaleza del psicoterapeuta: contratransferencia. DF, México: Instituto politécnico Nacional.

System University Ana G Mendez Miramar Campus Casandra Joiner Educ 584 Work shop 3 Focusing techniques 2

Focusing Techinques One of the affectives interventions is focusing technique. According to (2012) “The Focusing process is based on research into successful personality change done by Eugene Gendlin and his colleagues. They compared successful therapy clients with unsuccessful ones, discovering that success in therapy could be predicted from client behavior in the first few sessions. If at some point in the session the client had an unclear bodily awareness, and slowed down his or her talking in order to refer to this and try to symbolize it, then the psychotherapy would ultimately be successful.” Therefore, focusing techniques seek out the introspection of the client. The concept elemental of focusing is the felt sense. stated “felt sense: a body sensation that is meaningful” this sense cannot be expressed in words. The process for focusing method has six steps: 1- Clearing a space: in this step Gendlin suggest asking one self how am I doing? 2- Getting a felt sense: is listening inside to access the felt sense. 3- Finding a handle: Identifying words to describe the felt sense. 4- Resonating: Examining the words identified in step three. 5- Asking: involves getting to know what the felt sense is 6- Receiving: helping the client to accept whatever has come.

This approach provide a structures practice that helps both clients and therapies develop the courage, skills, and attitudes useful for exploring unidentified difficult experiences and come out with information that gives significance to life. Due to these focusing techniques identifies inner experiences as a pointer of change; Focusing offers a pioneering and influential approach that brings an exciting new facet of meaning to our labor as counselor and the clients.


Diario Reflexivo 5

La clase educ 584 fue un curso súper interesante e importante para nuestra formación como consejeros, en el pudimos aprender sobre sobre las diversas teorías piscologías y sus respectivas técnicas en el uso de la terapia individual. Igualmente mencionamos habilidades, estrategias y tips sobre como conducir una entrevistas, que aspectos legales, verbales y físicos son esenciales para que el proceso de la terapia se realicen de la mejor manera. Experimentamos realizar una entrevista inicial, vivimos la experiencia y el feed- back que nos enriquece como estudiantes. En definitiva fue una clase estupenda, con mucha armonía y solamente con un solo punto negativo: el factor tiempo. Por lo general fue muy fructífera, actualizada y divertida.

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