City sculpture

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City Sculpture





01 Research Question



5 .What

27 Audience and Outcome

05 Design Area

“ Why must art be static? You look at an abstraction,

sculptured or painted, an entirely exciting arrangement of planes, spheres, nuclei, entirely without meaning. It would be perfect, but it is always still. The next step in sculpture is motion.


Alexander Calder




07 Research Methods


4 09 Experiment

29 Bibliography

City Sculpture / Research Question


Research Question


“ If your work doesn’t speak to people, it’s

beyond comprehension and risible, but if people engage with it, you become tarred with the brush of populism.

Antony Gormley Antony Gormley - Parallel Field

In unit 4 proposal, my research question was ‘How can graphic spatial design encourage new understanding between objects and physical space’. I found that I added too much additional things in the original exhibition. In addition, there are still some parts of visitors would like to have their own understanding about an artwork. If I changed an exhibition too much in order to convey the artist’s concept to audiences, they only can accept what I convey. Therefore, I decided to design an app as a gentle and optional way to solve this question.

Laura Ford - Days of Judgement-Cat 1&2

How can communication design encourage new understanding between objects and physical space

City Sculpture / Research Question


So I think some people need a platform to encourage the experience and understanding between objects and physical space.

Ai Weiwei - Forever

damien Hirst - Charity

In addition, the exhibition content was changed from Phyllida Barlow’s sculptures to contemporary sculptures and the physical space was transfer to London outdoor space. As we know, there are so many fantastic and marvellous contemporary sculpture in London like Antony Gormley’s Reflection in the Regent Place, and Eduardo Paolozzi’s Newton in front of the British Library. Those sculptures are sited in good locations that makes them easy to notice, but there are also a number of interesting contemporary sculptures hard to find. Additionally, sometimes we are curious about an unknown sculpture when we pass it and eager to know something about it, such as its inspiration, different perspectives, etc.

City Sculpture / Design Area


Design Area

Interaction Design


“ Use each interaction to be the best, most Marianne Williamson Eduardo Paolozzi - Newton


powerful version of yourself.

Living Lenses - Wishing Well

Based on the way users have the initiative when they are using a mobile phone, I am going to design an app for users to choose what they need and how to experience a journey. Considering sculptures are displayed in the environment rather than be set in an area, using an app is better than an introduction booklet or website.

City Sculpture / Research Methods


Research Methods

Primary and Secondary

“ My goal is to simplify complexity. I just want to build

stuff that really simplifies our base human interaction. Jack Dorsey Tomoaki Suzuko - Carson, Emma, Takashi, Zezi, Nia


As my primary research method, firstly I have read some books and websites about knowledge and principle of interaction design and contemporary sculpture to underpin my project, which also improved my understanding of this field. In my opinion, interaction design is about the relationship between objects and users, so I think it really can enhance traveller’s experience. Then, I checked the environmental sculptures online and visited as well. It gave intense me an direct feeling when I went to seek sculptures and recorded the walking time, which is totally different from searching on line. In addition, I also studied various kind of popular apps and analyzed how the designers solve the problem. Using other perspective from an excellent design might be useful to improve the experience of the journey.

Secondary research: -Analysing physical site and environmental installations as well. -Analyzing some detail information of sculpture -Case study

Primary research: -Reading some books and websites about a. interaction design b. contemporary sculpture

City Sculpture / Experiment



Previous Process

“ The underlying sense of form in my work has

been the system of the universe, or part thereof. For that is a rather large model to work from.

Folkert de Jong - Old DNA

Alexander Calder

In previous project, I decided to curated an exhibition engaging with visitors’ senses in order to encourage a new understanding. For that reason, I read her book and modelled a similar tiny sculpture to understand Phyllida Barlow’s thinking. But as I got insight into my project, I found that I might influenced visitors’ own thinking too much. Therefore, I tried to find another way to solved this problem.

hand-made Phllida Barlow’s sculpture


Considering visitors need to have their own option rather than inculcating artist’s idea, I changed to use app design to enhance visitors’ experience in exhibition. And in the tutorial on 12 May, I got inspiration from the website of Panorama Photographer that could use mouse to view different perspectives of concert. Furthermore, because of making the sculpture model, I found that there are lots of interesting perspectives that we couldn’t see in an exhibition, so I tired to combine the concept of Panorama Photographer and the idea of viewing interesting perspectives of sculptures and apply this as my app’s main function.

an app for Phillida Barlow’s exhibition


website of Panorama Photographer

City Sculpture / Experiment

City Sculpture / Experiment



I thought making an app only for one exhibition is too limited so I kept adjusting my project. According to Phyllida Barlow’s inspiration is from the River Thames, I adjusted the app for introducing the sculpture exhibitions around the river. However, this concept has a serious problem, most of those exhibitions are not existing, which means users only can view this exhibition on the app instead of going to visit and use the app as aids. Hence, I got a final adjustment to make it as a guide to lead users visit the sculpture in London environment.

recording sculptures around the River Thames

draft of user interface

Site Analyze

City Sculpture / Experiment


In order to visualize this concept, I recorded and analyzed some environmental sculpture and its site. I found that there are some artists have lots of sculptures in the city and some area of the city were deployed relatively more sculptures, which inspirited me to arrange them as a recommended route.

recording the sculptures in London environment

image about the sculptures around the River Thames

For example, there are ten sculptures made by differers artists around the River Thames, so I can arrange a travel named River Thames. And travellers can visit the sculptures when they are along the River Thames.

City Sculpture / Experiment



Apart from perfected my concept, I downloaded some popular apps in various fields to analyzed as well as studied. I analyzed the app’s font size, icon, colour, navigation, and visual identity and effect. I found that distinct type of apps have different navigation. Generally, social app like Facebook prefers to use hierarchical navigation and the navigation is more completed. In contrast, functional app like weather prefer to use flat navigation and it is easier to use.

finger gestures on screen

analizing app’s font size, icon, colour, and navigation

Case Study

City Sculpture / Experiment

These three screenshots are Facebook pages. Although Face book has a complicated navigation, it is clear to use. The links between function and function are easy to operate, and you just need to click it step by step.

On the other hand, this app Yahoo Weather is totally opposite. Its main functions are all showing in one screen. In the menu, user only can add different city apart from advertisements and setting.


City Sculpture / Experiment


Font Sizes

In iOS, color helps indicate interactivity, impart vitality, and provide visual continuity. The built-in apps use a family of pure, clean colors that look great individually and in combination, and on both light and dark backgrounds.

This font size form is based on the summary of popular app and the principle of UI design. Actually the font size is relate to screen resolution, 375x667 pt, so it is bigger than practical iPhone screen size.










apple news



City Sculpture / Experiment



Typeface Experiment

hand-made paper phone

testing font sizes on paper phone

I did some testing of what kind of typeface is more suit for phone’s screen. I mainly chose sans serif font as testing typeface. Also, I made a paper screen which is as big as iPhone 6 to test the visual effect of distinct font size in different typeface.

City Sculpture / Experiment

The system fonts of iOS 9 are now changed to the Apple’s new San Francisco fonts, replacing the previous Helvetica Neue. Apart from they have different shape, the main reason they changed is Helvetica is not suited for texts in small sizes. Although San Francisco is design for iOS, Adobe still couldn’t use it at this moment. But I think the advantage of San Francisco still can be a reference conditions. The font family named “SF” is used for iOS/ Mac and “SF Compact” is for Apple Watch. You can see the difference in round shaped letters like ‘o’, ‘e’. SF compact has rather flat vertical lines than that of SF. This difference gives texts in SF Compact more margins between letters, resulting in high legibility in small devices like Apple Watch.


City Sculpture / Audience and Outcome


Audience and Outcome

5 “ You have to create your life. You have to carve William Shatner Antony Gormley - Room


it, like a sculpture.



Mariana mentioned that countless people walk past the pieces in Sculpture in the City without looking up, while others lean on them to have a smoke break or chat with a colleague on her unit 3 publication, Art at a million miles an hour The sculptures have become part of their daily routine. Hence, the main audience is young London traveller who is interested in contemporary sculpture and my project attempts to catch their attention as they pass by.

First I will design the user interface of the app. And then I am going to make an introduction booklet and video for the app as its display way.

City Sculpture / Bibliography




human interaction, conflict, argument, debate. Margaret Heffernan Keita Miyazaki - Organisms of Control


Gormley, Antony; Cooke, Lynne; Coracle Press. Antony Gormley. New York : Salvatore Ala, 1984.

Panorama photographer

Barlow, Phyllida; Bradley, Fiona. Phyllida Barlow : sculpture, 1963-2015. Edinburgh, Scotland : The Fruitmarket Gallery, 2015.

Sculpture in the City 2015

Cooper, Alan, 1952-; Reimann, Robert; Cronin, Dave. About face 3 : the essentials of interaction design. Indianapolis, Ind. : Wiley, 2007. Lindsay, Peter H; Norman, Donald A. Human information processing : an introduction to psychology. New York ; Academic Press, 1977.


“ For good ideas and true innovation, you need


Futura LT Medium iOS 9 Design Guidelines - design+code What is the difference between Interaction Design and UX Design - Nick Kellingly Design to make technology human. - Danielle Reid jqbqp249b 10 principles of interaction design - Chad Vavra

Colophan written, designed and edited by Huankai Chen PG Diploma Design for Visual Communication Font: Futura Medium and Futura LT light Paper: Zen Pure White 150gsm by GF Smith Perfect binding at LCC Digital Printing Room Printed at LCC Digital Printing Room

Unit 5 Project Realisation and Report 15/16 PG Dip Design for Visual Communication Huankai Chen

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