The bird won’t sing. A short by,
Clover Bel
Chapter 1 Experienced
The bird won't sing He mocked. Ta. pp. ing. the cage She was born into You don’t own her voice It’s a choice. The only thing she can choose. Is to hide her pretty voice From you.
- To never sing again.
Late. To. The. Party. Late to the period party The late ‘bloomer’ Late for the first kiss All the other girls Seem to have got their invites years ago. Mine always showed up late. It was that lateness I’d blame For the pain Always in a rush ToReachSomethingWhichSeemedMuchLargerThanME. Convinced. If I was just that secondearlier .... Well who knows.
- But maybe being late to the party wasn’t the problem.
Don’t laugh at jokes you don’t find funny Hunny Dripping from your fingers If The Jar Stays Open Only flies will linger -Don’t laugh.
Rest those little eyes That dreamt to be awake When did you realise It was too late?
-Your eternal slumber
Grief Strangles The body Leaving it unable to see Anything. But grief Numbness It bears passion Whilst suffocating. Holding The body Hostage Allowing you To wallow In your sorrow Grief puts daylight savings On the mind. Preservation mode To survive the load -Your first experience with death.
Some of us think for one Maybe two How many other views are pushed on you? Some of us think for five or let’s say six But what really makes the family man tick? You see Little birds tend to forget When they’re not met With that genuine regret It feels more like greed That genuine care, the family man bleeds
- An individual Mindset
Unanswered doors Unanswered questions Linger In the air so thick Like smog We all see through it But You Chose to Breathe it Live within its Familiarity. -Live within the smoke and mirrors
You say But
You’ve changed. Nothing has changed for her.
The bitterness rolls off your tongue It’s unavoidable. I can smell it. You say this Despite Her Picking UP Another job just to make bills A pre-cooked Christmas dinner In a half working oven The broken shower The soaking hole above our heads The hole you left us in. An unfinished house That slowly rots. B r o k e n. Like the last of your love? For her? For us? Do you really think nothing has changed? Broken frames Age Upon the b r o k e n fireplace So imperfectly. P e r f e c t. Nothing has changed. Everything changed. - D I V O R C E.
Chapter 2 Experiencing
Do you lose the humanity as you age? Is it just a phase?
Dis placed in a day. Fending for yourself. Has never felt so difficult.
Leave me.
-My mind has been displaced
Damp days Soak the mind When The eyes Are Away From The Here And Now They’re bound Not to see the beauty around Damp days -Enjoy the rain.
My eyes hurt. My heart aches. My mind’s lonely. You hurt.
Blurred lines Skin thin Cuts deep Your heart bleeds. How empty did you allow yourself to become? They ask. Before you stopped caring Stopped asking Stopped feeling Stopped.
A dark time fell over innocent minds Adulting No longer kids in love F***ing for fun Dancing under the moon Overwhelmed with Jobs 9-5’s Bills Taxes The race The rats Reality The sad truth. The inevitable. The wheel we stay bound upon. Pining for our youth. Pining for who we once were.
A little bird Sat on my window I saw the freedom in her eyes. Something I hadn’t seen For a long time. I asked how she did it She shared her secrets. How to sneak around Become unnoticed. It was noted.
Chapter 3 Experience
Don’t allow space for the negativity, guilt, pain to grow. No water must feed those weeds. Guilt drowns the soul Keeps you full, weighted, heavy To free the guilt you must free yourself Until then You must drown Drown in the water Feeding Those Weeds.
In the next lifetime I’ll watch Before I speak Before I move I’ll watch &Wait Watch those eyes See what’s behind That mind.
Rainy Your light Shines bright Crafted from reflective light Your love is bold An unwavering gold.
You taught little girls how to be bold You showed us how much our wings could hold Whatever life sold Those unbreakable wings, behold. Even when they’re old.
A love that has always worked in it’s own way.
The end came When I chose To enjoy me. -Return.
We are told not to gaze too deeply Into the burning star For we’re told It’s bad For the windows To the soul We are told Fire burns Those who get too close Fire hurts But people hurt So should we not get too close?
Once In a while I stare deeply into you Searching.
-The Sun Gaze.
A love like yours Pours Into my soul You feed me Thank you.
-Meeting you, changed me, thank you.
She Broke The cage which housed her Picking splinters from her You are free To soar the sky With strong fragility. It’s time to sing again. Finally,
-Free yourself. Or become your cage.