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Travel Hacks

Flights are rarely enjoyable but there are definitely ways to make the experience easier and more manageable. With flights schedules resuming, you might be a little out of practice, so we have compiled 10 hacks that will guarantee you an easier journey!


1The Right Bag:

Packing your suitcase or bag can be an existential nightmare. Although space saving organisers are not a new thing, you might be surprised at the variety of item specific bags out there. Choose organisers based on the items you want to bring – a shoe bag will have the right sturdiness and depth to protect them from getting smooshed during the flight. If you are in a real pinch and can’t find any, then mesh laundry bags with a zip can be a decent last-minute replacement. They also come in different sizes so you can separate your belongings accordingly. This small move will save you heaps of time!

2Know your Options:

We’ve all been there: missed flights, last minute cancellations or just a complete change of plans. As much as we hate clicking that little button to opt in for travel insurance, the extra fee brings you the peace of mind you need for a stress-free flight! Just make sure to really read the terms and conditions so you know what circumstances you’re actually covered for. Don’t want to take on travel insurance? Check if your flight ticket has the flexibility to be changed or sold on if you need to, prior to booking, and you’ll save yourself a whole lot of unnecessary worrying. This information will normally be stated in any online booking processes or can be shared by your booking agent.

3Get Comfy!

It really does make a huge difference what your wear and although you might want to throw on a pair of heels or skinny jeans for that perfect airport instapic, sitting for hours in that can make your flight extremely unpleasant once the pressurised cabin air starts to take effect. Loose clothing and layers also mean you can add or remove clothing as needed (we all know how quick the planes and airports can shift between tropical vibes to Antarctic winter). Think light t-shirts, hoodies or sweaters, scarves, loose pants or leggings. Ditch heeled shoes for trainers or flat shoes.

4Hydrate x 1,000:

Airplanes are drier than a baby biscuit, so drinking extra water is a given but you can boost your body and skin’s hydration with a few extra tricks. Pack some Oral Rehydration Salts that you can get easily at any pharmacy or doctor’s office, and make it on the plane with your reusable water bottle. Want an extra lick of moisture to make sure your skin stays quenched? Grab some samples of hydrating face masks or creams from your favorite, and apply liberally once you’re on the plane (with clean hands!).

5Internet, Anywhere:

Ah, the collective rush to find a sim card operator or WiFi connection upon touchdown. Skip the endless queuing and save time, and in the long run, maybe money too with either a portable mobile hotspot or Wifi internet dongle. These devices have come a long way since they entered the market and accessibility and quality of connections has improved. These devices also provide a more secure connection so you can surf stress-free.

6Up Top:

Pre-flight security checks are a bummer, especially when you have a carry-on bag or luggage. A little organisation can go a long way to making sure you breeze through as quick as possible. Pack all the things you’ll need to get checked or scanned at the top of your bag, and secured altogether so you don’t have to dig into the bottom of your bag if you are asked to remove items for checking. Some airports even allow for a faster processing line for a fee. This privilege is also sometimes attached to purchased access to airport lounges – another great hack if you’re in transit and the waiting time is long. If you decide not to leave the airport itself during a long layover, the lounges are a great way to make the trip a lot more comfortable. They often include free meals, free WIFI, resting areas and best of all, hot showers.

7A Thousand Miles:

If you are not already on the airline miles game, it’s definitely time to get on it. Discounted flights, upgraded seats or even free checked baggage allowance – these perks are really worth the hype if you travel even twice a year. Since there are lots of options to choose from, it’s helpful to narrow down based on your destinations and the airlines that service them. Star Alliance is one of the biggest groups that includes major South-east Asian airlines like EVA air and Cathay Pacific but if you are really only flying to one destination often then it’s best to pair up with the programme run by those particular companies to maximise your points collection and redemption opportunities!

8Wild Things:

This one’s for the parents out there – travelling with kids does not need to be an anxiety inducing journey. Taking advantage of the free kid’s play areas or taking them for a walk around the airport is good way to get little ones tired out so they will end up sleeping on the plane ride. It does double duty by helping you get some good blood flow going pre-flight (this can relieve general stiffness and aches from sitting down for too long).


Shut the world out, literally. Noise-cancelling headphones bring your flight comfort to the next level. Crying baby? Snoring seat neighbour? Angry Karen in the front aisle? They will be a thing of the past if you invest in a pair. To make plane naps easier, opt for ones that are lightweight and fit in your ears as opposed to bulkier over your ear styles if you are heading on a longer flight.

10Let’s Hear it for the Snack Life:

This is pretty much the answer to every minor problem, especially if you’re travelling with kids. Pack as many healthy options as you can before resorting to chippies or chocolate. Choosing food from the dietary restrictions section when you book a ticket also helps to make sure you get your meal before everyone else and usually ends up being a much healthier, fresher meal than what’s on offer.




For those among us familiar with the more modern facets of entertainment culture in our Sultanate, the name Zed Peace is one we know well. For those who are not: meet our resident go-to hip-hopper (and a pretty good one at that). What may surprise you is that growing up in the era of competitive Pokemon card games, of which he is a fan, the man who founded Comet Games Enterprise is a thoughtful individual with a great appreciation for our national roots and history. Armed with effective research skills to mirror his quality verses, 2020 was the year he delivered us Letters to Brooketon, followed by the unearthing of Agro’s different food groups in 2021 from the seeds sown by his imagination. •• IG: @cometgamesent



From university students taking breaks between classes, to colleagues killing time at the office, all of us can relate to the creators of the 2022 card game Monsters of Chaos. Getting bored is human nature, so when confronted with ample spare time one day, marketing executive Haji Abdul Azim Haji Mohd Said roped his colleague Dewi Amalia binti Haji Hidup into playing a competitive card game. As this activity became more routine, and with the addition of Mohammad Yusuf Abu Bakar to the deck, the trio set out to create something all their own. These core founders comprise the soul of the group. Backed up by five supporting units who comprise the group’s backbone by assisting with research, mechanics, and graphics, to troubleshooting via play-testing, they went on to form Team Eico. •• IG: @eico.games



Studying any aspect of medicine is a lengthy process, and at times can be stressful. A form of therapy that enabled this creative whiz to unwind was playing numerous board and card games while in the UK. With locales such as Games & Latte, as well as Nerdee Café in Brunei allowing him to continue doing so after returning back home, it did not take long before he took his passion one step further. The founder of Guardian Games, Hafidz Yakob went on to create Rainbow Madness, and Agung, in 2021. With a few other ideas for potential future projects swimming around in his head, this humble fellow also acts as an advisor of sorts for others following his steps within Brunei’s tight-knit gaming community. •• IG: @Guardiangames.bn


Your Cards Right

Life is similar to a deck of cards. You do the utmost best that you can with the hand that fate has dealt you. Whether you start off favourably, or are required to work tirelessly to buff up your personal skills and talents in order to catch up, the end game is a result of our ability to strategise in order to succeed in the grand game of life. Creativity takes many forms and over the past couple of years, Bruneians have come to the table with a glint in their eyes and an edge to their smiles, as they layout a variety of games that showcases ingenuity, and imagination. So put down that phone, put down that tablet. Take a step away from your monitor, and leave behind your screen. For in this day and age it is more important than ever that we go back to basics and embrace human-to-human interaction and to have fun in the process. Here, is one way to do just that. Have a seat everyone, I’ll deal. Venue: Wild Magic No.18, 1st Flr, Bangunan Desa Delima, Spg 44, Serusop


Your Cards Right

Life is similar to a deck of cards. You do the utmost best that you can with the hand that fate has dealt you. Whether you start off favourably, or are required to work tirelessly to buff up your personal skills and talents in order to catch up, the end game is a result of our ability to strategise in order to succeed in the grand game of life. Creativity takes many forms and over the past couple of years, Bruneians have come to the table with a glint in their eyes and an edge to their smiles, as they layout a variety of games that showcases ingenuity, and imagination. So put down that phone, put down that tablet. Take a step away from your monitor, and leave behind your screen. For in this day and age it is more important than ever that we go back to basics and embrace human-to-human interaction and to have fun in the process. Here, is one way to do just that. Have a seat everyone, I’ll deal. Venue: Wild Magic No.18, 1st Flr, Bangunan Desa Delima, Spg 44, Serusop



A veteran of Brunei’s myriad gaming circles back in the day, and now a key member of the still-growing larger community of our current times; Yazin grew up exposed to the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy tabletop role-playing game as well as the Magic the Gathering collectible card game. The artwork was cool, the games imaginative, the competition fierce. Little did he know however, was that this early exposure would lead to him founding Wild Magic in March 2019. The locale serves the dual purpose of being a retail store for all of Brunei’s hobby, and tabletop gaming needs, as well as increasingly playing a larger role as a communal hub for gatherings of geeky and nerdy gamers (myself included). A big proponent and supporter of creatives in Brunei making games locally, Yazin himself launched a tactical strategy card game called Everlight. •• IG: @wildmagic @everlightccg

Are you familiar with earworms? You know, that moment when a melody is stuck in your head on repeat for so long you need to sing your heart out to remove all traces of it. Now imagine that, but think card games. Even though Shannon Osman grew up playing board games, card games held little interest. So it struck her as a surprise when she developed an idea for one in 2020, which rattled within her skull until enough was enough and she converted her concept into something tangible called Kueh Ku! Stalking more than 300 designers on Instagram led to her assembling an all-women team of 4 others – all of whom had never met before – to design the cards, instruction manual and box packaging. Launched just a few months ago, she was surprised yet again, by the great reception it has received. •• IG: @kuehkubn



An artist gifted with creative tendencies, Joanita was once a brush wielding force to be taken seriously. I say ‘was’ not due to a decline in activity but because she stayed in sync with the times we live in. Embracing the transition to the digital age saw her arm herself with her new weapons of choice, a stylus and tablet. While playing a mix and match memory recall game themed around Australia with her daughter one day, she was asked why there was not a Brunei-themed equivalent. This led to the creation of Beautiful Brunei in 2021, followed by Moons & Masjids in 2022 – mix & match sets both educational and representative of our home. Going by the moniker Jellybean Dreams, and with her products being featured at conventions in Singapore and Dubai, her mission to take over the world one family at a time is well underway. •• IG: @jellybeandreams



From the collective depths of the minds that make up Eico Games comes their first official product, Monsters of Chaos. This fast paced and competitive card game rooted in the realms of fantasy is bound to have players giggling madly, as they watch and listen with glee to the voices of rival players rising several decibels upon realising that their impending victory is being snatched away in the blink of an eye. With 109 cards split into Hero, Action, and Tower decks; will you come out on top as the adventurer of the day, after slaying enough monsters to earn the 15 crystals needed to earn 1st-place bragging rights? Or will that smug look on your face rapidly disappear when someone plays a magic burst card that completely flips the tables on you? Conceptualised in March 2021 and turned into reality by January 2022, this is a game for between 2-5 players that can last from 30-45 minutes on average … unless of course you are too busy cursing at the other players. •• Available at: @Wild Magic @Magic Dungeon @Kitsu Models


When you conjure up an image of a vibrant rainbow arcing across the horizon in all its glory, the last thing that comes to mind is the potential destruction of friendships. Exaggeration? … Maybe. It depends on how close they come to victory before you spoil their plans and seize the initiative in this easyto-play and relatively fast paced colour based game. Brunei’s answer to UNO (yes, I am aware how strong this statement is); Rainbow Madness will see players trying to collect all the seven colours of the rainbow in order to win, while actively preventing each other from doing so. Whether you take a player’s cards outright, or swap them with ones they do not want, or foil their plans by using a spectrum card to cancel their actions, this game for 2-5 players can be settled in just 15-30 minutes. The first of homegrown Guardian Games’ lineup of products, the beauty of this game lies in its simple yet effective mechanics. Race you to the rainbow! •• Available at: @Wild Magic @Magic Dungeon @Kitsu Models


Hungry for more? Of course you are, which is why Comet Games has got you covered, though, they are going to make you work for it as you harvest crops in this fast paced game. With 2-6 players racing to see who can accumulate 250 points first, get ready to familiarise yourself with a variety of homegrown produce that makes up the staple of a Bruneian diet. Split into vegetable, fruit and cereal categories; each of these cards, which are worth a different number of points must be connected to an initial agricultural HQ card placed in a central position at the start of the game. From papayas and rambutans (fruit), to corn and sweet potato (cereal), as well as bean sprouts and egg plants (vegetables), these are just some of the produce that need to be connected with matching cards until a player satisfies the requirements to harvest them for points. With action cards and recipe cards added to the mix, the game is spiced up further. Rival farmers can earn points earlier than usual or take advantage of moves made by others. So don your wide brimmed rattan hat and engage in a fun game that proves there is often beauty in simplicity. ••

Available at: @cometgamesent

AGUNG Thinking caps on everyone. Engage in a round of strategic planning, as political intrigue abounds in this 1 to 4-person card game that will see players immersed within the maneuverings of the Malay royal court. Created at the end of 2021 by Guardian Games, the mechanisms and matching artwork is a respectful nod to Malay Archipelago-based ethnic cultures and a terrific tribute to the local gaming scene. From the Pahlawan, Temangong, and Permaisuri, to the Laksamana, Shahbandar, and Raja himself; 10 unique character cards spread across 4 different classes (Crown, Shield, Sword, Scroll) are assigned to competitors who will battle it out in 4 distinct phases (Declarations 1 and 2, Reveals 1 and 2). Assembling your deck into a front and back row affects what abilities can be brought to bear; from ousting or protecting cards of a similar class, to shifting card locations which can affect your total score. So will you succeed in making your Title Claim, or will the secretive Agent cards who bribe, act as decoys, and scheme behind the scene earn you the right to call yourself Agung. There is only one way to find out. ••

Available at: @Wild Magic , @Magic Dungeon and @Kitsu Models



A genre with whodunit vibes that brings to mind the classic board game called Cluedo; Letters to Brooketon is a surprisingly meaningful tribute to factual events in Brunei’s history. Based on the 1890s–1920s when coal was being mined in Muara Town, as part of Rajah Brooke’s area of governance, competitors take on the role of miners in this 3-6 player game. There is one problem however, as not everyone is who they may seem. Is it the lady to your left? Is it the fellow to your right? Nobody knows, and this is the goal of the game as player’s trade accusations among one another and are even required to provide proof to back it up too! Steps will be taken. Mistakes will be made. All anyone can truly say is that there is a mole in the group, and for the record, it may very well be you. The 3rd product in the Comet Games lineup, this game that takes around 20-30 minutes to play is a clever undertaking that is equal parts entertaining and thought-provoking. Will you be the one to topple the White Rajah? After all, one man’s mole is another man’s freedom fighter. ••

Available at: @CometGamesEnterprise @Games & Latte

Things just got dialed up to an 11 and this is the furthest statement possible from an exaggeration. Everlight the Card Game is a tactical 2-player ‘mano y mano’ competitive game packed full of fine details. From the artwork of its champions, heroes, and allies, to the mechanics utilised in-game that have been extensively put through the grinder. Beta-testers from the US, the UK, Malaysia, and Yazin’s inner circle in Brunei helped hammer out the fine points to ensure a well-balanced and smooth in-game progression. From adding adjacent allies’ defensive values onto your own to survive a round of combat, to activating an exult ability to lessen the blow from losing an encounter, to being on death row nearby the graveyard; the devil is in the details as players compete for victory points. With several easy-to-follow tutorials online it is not hard to understand, however, the best teacher in life will always be the well-versed player sitting opposite you. Players such as those found at the Everlight founder’s other creation – the community hub known as Wild Magic. ••

IG: @wildmagic @everlightccg


The Wild Card in the deck for this quarter’s gathering, because while not taking the form of a card game per se, the concept of Match & Play games has been around for as long as I can remember. I loved them as a kid and 30+ years later I still enjoy them as an adult. A simple premise to be sure; from visual memory and discrimination to identifying patterns and similarities, this is a fun way to teach problem solving and fine motor skills to young children at a key stage of their early development. What makes the Beautiful Brunei, and Moons and Masjids games particularly appealing is the tone they strike with local culture, religion, and life in general in Brunei. These 32 tiled (16 paired images) box sets naturally goes even further courtesy of the lovely artwork making up their aesthetics. Digitally designed by Joanita, who prior to this creation had already garnered a reputation for herself as not just an artist, but via her first ever product – Blessed Baby Milestones – 30 cards representing a child’s first year of life and significant events in between. •• Available at: @peekaboutique.bn @mothercarebrunei @jellybeandreams Hari Raya Aidilfitiri has been taken to new heights as a delicious Malay twist is thrown into the mix. Kueh Ku is a fast paced game that revolves around the oh-my-nommygoodness treats that we have all come to associate with this time of year. From Kueh Penyaram and Kueh Batik, to Kueh Cincin and my all-time personal favourite, Seri Muka; different snacks are worth a different number of points. With adorably cute artwork that its illustrator coincidentally started sketching out for fun prior to being made part of this project, players compete to amass the most points. Not as easy as you might think. The Kueh Sampit forces another player to trade their entire hand with yours. The Nini (grandma) card makes you lose an entire turn. The Kueh Mor is a double edged knife that can either earn you loads of points, or actually net you nothing at all. Nothing however compares with the chaos caused by Onde-Onde, as every single player is forced to get up, switch seats with the person next to them, taking ownership of the other player’s hand in the process. Bring your sweet tooth to the table! •• Available at: @kuehkubn



Ideal for between 4-8 players, The Lepak Game is basically a spin-off from the popular Cards Against Humanity, except in this instance players are required to provide “the most Malaysian response possible”. After a player reads out a specific scenario, the remainder picks relatable responses that range from being crude and ironic to downright hilarious. ••

IG: @rojakculture

From grading assignments and students, to finishing your paperwork and dealing with an overly bureaucratic school system, experience the life of a teacher in this funny Malaysian classroom board game. Every player receives a different type of school category such as rural, vernacular,

1 1 2 boarding, and special education and more, providing you with different privileges and challenges. Let’s just THE CIKGU LIFE (2018) say by t he game’s end, you are likely to have a better appreciation of what teachers go through. ••

IG: @thecikgulife

What About our Neighbours?

While Brunei’s wonderful creatives are the new kids on the block, our neighbours in Malaysia and Singapore are old hats at this as they have a pretty large offering to contribute to the domestic and regional markets, dating back as early as 2013. With a myriad selection here are the 5 forms of good old fashioned interactive entertainment that caught our eyes.


KAKI LIMA (2019)

From its beautiful streets and heritage sights to the welcoming community and delicious food, Kaki Lima takes everything that people love about Penang and placed it right into a board game. With characters based on actual Georgetown residents that the artist creator has spotted, players walk around card tiles to reach places on their task list in this cute tribute. ••

IG: @kakilimacardgame



What comprises the Singaporean Dream? Is it a 5-room flat in Punggol with a walk-in-wardrobe? A cushy day job with guaranteed mid-year and year-end bonuses? A place for your kids at a prestigious school or the ability to travel worldwide when you please? Find out in this humorous card game in which 2-6 players are encouraged to steal, sabotage, and pay their way toward becoming the perfect Singaporean. A Malaysian edition was released in 2019. •• IG: @thesingaporeandream


In a contest to accumulate the most number of points; players select their unique hawker stall, then race to obtain the necessary ingredients required to cook up a variety of dishes. There’s flour, chilli, noodles and more, that can be used to prepare nasi lemak, fish head curry and Ma La Xiang Guo, just to note a few. Players get to sabotage others by inflating prices, gaining family recipes, and suspending licenses, in this fun game brought to us by the creators of The Singaporean Dream. ••

IG: @hawkerwarsgame



Getting Jiggy with it

Graphic artists tend to live life at both ends of a professional creative spectrum. On one end you have the struggling artist whose art is often undervalued. A shame given the uniqueness of the creations they produce. On the other you have the entrepreneur who through their works are able to collaborate with various companies that use their prints in one form or another. Take Ashikin Hussin from Sabah for example, better known by her nickname Eureka. Her digital artworks have led to enamel pins, badges, fridge magnets, stickers, mugs, posters, notebooks, and headscarves bearing the fruits of her imagination. In my eyes however, none of these compare to the 500-piece jigsaw puzzles that she has produced in collaboration with the likes of @repiecepuzzles and @galisonpuzzles. These puzzles are a whimsical take on celestial bodies and stargazing, blending cute elements with her appreciation for the diamond encrusted night sky. This is just one source of ideation as she gets her inspiration from all that is around her. As busy as she always seems to be, when your work revolves around that which you love, there will always be more to come. Do check her out as these puzzles are but the tip of the iceberg. •• IG: @eurekaartstudio

Now that is cute!

Caricature artists are illustrators who are loved the world over for their oft times comical yet accurate representations of people. While this style of sketch-art can differ depending on who wields the pen, the artworks they produce are usually popular. Meshing elements of Japanese anime with the comical style prevalent in the Malay Archipelago just happens to be the what the “scribble-scribble” mind behind Komei Playground does best. In addition to her overly cute depictions of her clientele, this illustrator works toward getting her brand and style to adorn other mediums. From floral tote bags, notepads, and mobile phone covers, to washi emoji tape, and a series of postcards of the different Malaysian states, the cute selection is, well, difficult to describe other than simply being that, very cute. The wooden square shaped clock that doubles as a storage box, and is adorned with her artwork is actually kind of clever and a slight break away from the norm, and makes for a potentially interesting décor piece. Though she is a fan of pastel colours, it is easy to conclude that lavender is obviously one of her favourites hues. Keep an eye open at your next community pop-up event, for she attends them regularly. •• IG: @komeiplayground

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