1 minute read
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
It was certainly an unforgettable moment for Yati Roszaimey, her husband Azrin Mohaimin, and four other Bruneneians as they reached the Everest Base Camp earlier this year. “Personally for me, it felt surreal (to arrive at Base Camp). I thought I might not make it, '' she explained due to being hit by mild altitude sickness three days into the hike which severely affected her gut and appetite. “You really have to be prepared mentally and physically”, she advised. The group officially arrived to proudly wave the Brunei flag on 12th March, exactly eleven days after they had set out from Nepali Flat near the Lukla Airport. The group was led by Michelle Basir, a sports massage therapist and avid trekker. It is her second time reaching Base Camp but the shine of the journey hasn’t escaped her. “The scenery is out of this world! The Himalayan range is beyond beautiful. Having summited a number of mountains and been able to fly Brunei's flag there, it is always a proud moment. Nepal has a special place in my heart so I would love to do this on more mountains in Nepal in the future.”
