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Nasi Lemak Klasik


As the name suggests, this roadside restaurant is where you go for a good old no-frills Nasi Lemak. Also known as Adam’s Corner, their bungkus option is the standard with a small piece of fried chicken, lots of chunky, jammy sambal pusu covering a bed of fluffy rice that is wonderfully oiled with a delicate coconut aroma. It’s a family recipe lovingly adhered to for over four decades.
Just before Simpang 207, Jalan Tungku, Kampong Katok, Bandar Seri Begawan Tel: 673-8650635

IG: @nasilemakklasik
Old Time Kopitiam
Although their classic fried chicken option always hits the spot, we love the tender, melt in your mouth rendang option in chicken or beef. This Nyona-themed restaurant makes a great plate that is packed with savory flavors and all the required sides. The Nasi Lemak Special is a celebratory meal that comes with both a large piece of fried chicken and beef rendang, and certainly left us heading towards a pleasant food coma.
Block A, No. 8, Bangunan Warisan Complex, Simpang 24 Gadong, Jln Gadong Tel: 673-2448282
IG: @oldtimekopitiam
Lot 33
Serving a hearty Malaysia-Brunei fusion, LOT33’s Nasi Lemak is a lovely plate of Southeast Asian nostalgia. Craving for the saucy, food-coma inducing comfort of beef rendang? They’ve got it. The crispity-crunch of perfectly spiced Ayam Berempah more your thing? Yup, they’ve got it too. Served with all the necessary trimmings, like their homemade acar and fried peanut anchovy mix, for a full meal.

Just before Simpang 207, Jalan Tungku, Kampong Katok, Bandar Seri Begawan
Tel: 673-8650635
IG: @nasilemakklasik