9 minute read

The team share their thoughts while working from home, and the activities keeping them sane




Oh dear. This is not exactly how any of us hoped we would be spending the final quarter of the year. It was unfortunate enough already that we all had to postpone that much needed vacation a year ago – firstly, to a cool, random destination around the planet, then secondly, as the virus scenario worsened, to an approved destination with which we share a travel bubble (Editor proceeds to cry in Singlish). However, with a green lane that specifies travel to Singapore being for the purpose of an essential government or business-related purpose, we are all going to have to make do right here.

Come on people brighten up! Human beings are the epitome of creativity. With all our various pursuits in tandem with the technology we have available to us, it does not take too much effort at all to keep ourselves entertained.

Sketch or paint, traditionally or digitally. Engage in arts and crafts with your kids. Put together that model, whether it’s Lego or a Gundam. Grab that cookbook and whip up a new dish. Write a story or keep a journal to look back on in the future. Catch up on the latest shows and films, play a new video game, or flip through the books on your dusty pile. Grab your camera and walk around the garden during golden hour. Weave and sew a unique facemask of your own. Get into shape by tailor making a home workout just for you, or join an online fitness class with awesome instructors. Go for a jog but do it solo, choose your location carefully and consider all factors for your safety and that of others.

As for the BiG Team, these are our personal thoughts on this 2nd lockdown, and what we have been doing to pass the time.

Wan Zainal

For one whole year, I was gloating to my Malaysian and Singaporean friends; Covid? What Covid? Brunei was free for a full year until it struck again! And of course, it was not going to be as breezy as it was in 2020. My whole daily routine suddenly changed and I had to quickly adapt to retain some level of normalcy in my daily life.

I maintained my morning exercises by designing my own home workouts with whatever apparatus that I had bought during the first lockdown, coupled with online classes conducted by my gym, after breakfast every day. Post exercise, I make it a point to shower and dress up like I’m going to the office so I’d be ready to catch up with my team first thing in the morning and attend online meetings as and when required throughout the day (and I’m not sure if I’m alone in this department, but I feel like I’m attending more meetings than before!). Come 5pm I’d be thinking what’s for dinner?

The best thing that has come out of this pandemic must be the sharpening of my cooking skills - I’ve been poring over numerous recipes from my humongous collection of recipe books and finally trying them out! I’m thoroughly convinced that me coming out of this post-pandemic world will be a fitter person, a better cook, and a more resilient individual in every department.

I would be lying if I said I did not feel a touch of superiority regarding how well Brunei fared during its lockdown a year ago, when compared to the rest of the world. With 3 siblings living in Australia, England, and Japan; I had a faux first-hand exposure to reality on the ground outside the Sultanate courtesy of regular Skype sessions with family abroad. However, once the 2nd wave came for all of us here – well, let us just say it has been quite the reality check.

At the time of this publishing, we in Brunei will be well into our 3rd month of a lockdown. I thank our Ministry of Health for once more proving a tremendous level of foresight and willingness to take the difficult steps necessary to combat this pesky virus. We did not want them to. They themselves did not want to. But they did, because this is how we will beat Covid and win.

The question that remains is how to stay sane and safe during this new normal? The steps that I have literally been taking is my form of therapeutic release. With an isolated jogging route within my neighbourhood, I have registered for so many virtual runs that I spend between 40 to 70 minutes beating the pavement with my ASICS five times a week. As I strengthen my body, I too sharpen my mind by devouring the many books on my toread pile. If ever there was a time to better oneself, now is that moment. I hope you all will make the best of it too.


With an ongoing pandemic & current partial lockdown in Brunei and as a Mother to two toddlers, I feel like I’m at the end of my rope. My boys are full of beans and to keep their little minds busy has been a challenge. They demand around-the-clock-attention and parenting while juggling conference calls and tight deadlines is no joke. It’s like running up the hill while juggling balls in your hands and at the same time, being asked to sing Wheels on the Bus. Some days it can be overwhelming and you just want to scream your lungs out! And some days, it’s a smooth sailing boat. Here’s what I practice in order to stay sane during these uncertain times:

Morning yoga. For at least 10 minutes, I would give my kids screen time and let them watch their favourite story while I do my yoga for mindfulness. It’s definitely a win-win situation.

Create a Work Schedule. It is important to line up your day carefully, with set working hours, plans on how many hours you hope to work that day, the calls that you need to return and the tasks that you need to tick off. And, to have that small corner for your workstation, that helps too to keep you motivated.

To-do list. A simple list of what meals to cook, kids bath time, snacks, take them out for a walk, fun activities and all sorts to keep their minds engaged and entertained before they start to yell and throw things out of boredom.

Capitalize on Naptime. Take advantage of naptime for staying productive while WFH. Whether your kids nap for one or three hours, use this time to finish the assignments that require your complete focus. Drink that coffee if you haven’t in the morning. Do whatever that is good for your mental health while the little ones are still snoring because it matters. Step away from your laptop for a while, take a walk, eat your favorite food then go back to work with a fresh mind.

Breathe. If it doesn’t work out, take a deep breath and know that you’re not alone in this. Keep trying, show yourself some compassion, don’t be too hard on yourself. Blast out your favourite song and dance to it with your kids. Shake it off and let it all out. Tomorrow is a new day and it’s another chance to make things work.

This pandemic has actually been a blessing in disguise. Despite the madness on some days, I’m still grateful that I get to spend my time with my children, watch them grow and celebrate their achievements no matter how small. Stay safe & sane, folks! - Kina Bakar.


I don’t remember much of what I did back when Brunei first got hit with Covid. I remembered I was slightly depressed working from home, as its quiet difficult to get inspirations for my work. I remembered there were lots of activities in the kitchen where my sisters and I venture the world of baking. I remembered listening a lot of Didi and Friends and Bob The Train just to entertain my nephew. However this second wave lockdown feels different, in a good way.

With having everyone in the house working from home, it feels somewhat productive and calm. My sisters and I took the initiatives to rearrange our tables and chairs in the living room for a more convenient and comfortable working station, with a table full of snacks on the sides for us to munch. Seeing everyone’s actively doing their own work motivates me to be more proactive at my work too. We even got our own happy pills to cheer us up in between works; our adorable, chubby little niece!

Not forgetting our other sister and her family living in another house, we make sure to video call each other at least once a week. And just like the first wave of Covid, my sisters and I take the oppurtunity to bake and cook new recipes that we’ve been meaning to try. However this time, we got an additional coming on-board; my Mom! My mom’s energy to cook and bake us foods that my siblings and I never imagine she would do, is no joke and we love it. She has inspired us to learn and bake more, and this has helped us to entertain ourselves.


Even more so than in 2020, whirlwind horror that it was, this partial lockdown proved to be a different set of tribulations. It was a test in many things: a test in patience, a test in grit and self-preservation, a test in frustration management even, but most of all, it’s been a test in being mindful. You are the things you consume so I’ve been trying to get in a daily dose of positivity (the noncovid kind) where possible. But just like effervescent tablets and vitamin supplements, supply has been running dangerously low—it’s difficult to stay sane and optimistic when the world is ill.

But on the other hand, the introvert in me has been having the time of their life, waiting week after week for the latest episode of RHOBH, sipping on delicious kombucha, adding rainbow sprinkles to pancakes and learning to make my own sundried tomatoes. A birthday has come and gone but I don’t bat an eyelid at all; sometimes it’s nice to just stay in and celebrate with the party you were born into. And the best thing is, I haven’t had to reach for my makeup bag in months.

While it’s been proving to be a challenge, I still believe in stopping to smell the flowers despite the ongoing pandemic; I’d just prefer to have them contactlessly delivered to me and, preferably sanitized.

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