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QWhy use a Society of Master Qualified Saddle Fitter?
: Why should I use a Society of Master Saddlers Qualified Saddle Fitter to come and check my saddle?
A: Using a Society of Master Saddlers (SMS) qualified and registered Saddle Fitter is the right choice for your horse’s welfare. Just like other equine professionals a qualified saddle fitter will have undergone years of training and have the necessary experience to ensure the saddle you are using fits both you and your horse.
A qualified saddle fitter is there to help and guide you through the saddle fitting process and when you see the SMS Qualified Saddle Fitters’ logo you are getting the best for your horse. They will have completed in-depth training and gained practical experience over a minimum of three years before sitting their examination to gain the globally respected City & Guilds qualification.
The SMS saddle fitting qualification is the only qualification run by a non-commercial organisation in the UK. Gaining this qualification isn’t easy and there is a thorough examination process to get through. At training and exam days, the Society can draw on a pool of approximately 30 assessors and lecturers, all of whom are highly experienced saddle fitters who have spent many years in the profession. These Assessors have all completed formalised assessor training and are totally objective in their decision whether to pass or fail each candidate. Also, the Society’s examination system is Externally Quality Assured by City and Guilds who carry out face to face inspections of its assessment processes.
SMS saddle fitters are trained to follow a set protocol and guide you through the saddle fitting process. They will carry out a full and thorough consultation when they see your horse and will provide the most suitable advice for the horse and rider. Also, for further peace of mind, the SMS has a standalone Liaison Officer if there is cause for complaint.
The training SMS saddle fitters undergo is thorough and includes anatomy and conformation, templating, gait analysis, back palpation, saddle construction and faults, saddle features, flocking to fit, rider assessment, and much more. The SMS stand by its training being so thorough and extensive, after all it is the welfare and comfort of the horse, and the safety of the rider that is crucial.
Once qualified they must attend a refresher course every two years and complete a set level of continued professional development (CPD). All SMS-qualified saddle fitters must abide by a strict code of conduct to remain on the SMS register.
The SMS would always advise horse owners to do their homework on who they entrust for their saddle advice and fitting.
The best place to look is the SMS website (www.mastersaddlers.co.uk) where you will find a list of all registered, qualified saddle fitters.

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