6 minute read
Our Most Nimble Financial Resource
The Annual Fund
By KeriAnne Tisdale

Ajata “AJ” Mediratta ’83 tells a story to illustrate Choate’s impact upon his life, an impact others may recognize. “Choate was a game changer for me in so many ways,” he says. “During my fifth form year, my eight-man crew ‘shell’ crashed shortly after finishing the Head of Connecticut regatta. The boat would have sunk in the cold October water if we hadn’t been able to limp over to a nearby crane barge. As the varsity coxswain managing the shell, it was completely my fault.”
Mediratta’s story doesn’t end there, though. “Pulling the recovered, crippled boat out of the water, back at the dock in front of hundreds, was humiliating. But Coach Ben Sylvester had my back, and with his help, I regained the trust of my crew, and we went on to excel at the Head of the Charles regatta in Boston. When I graduated, I told Ben I would find a way to make good on the cost of the damaged boat. He just laughed and counseled me to give to the Annual Fund — and to trust in the school to spend it wisely. And so, I did, and I have never regretted it.”
Next month, when Choate’s Inspire the Next campaign concludes, thousands of generous alumni, parents, and friends — most of our donors — will have participated in the campaign through loyal support of the Annual Fund. Currently, 8,200 alumni, parents, and friends have contributed to the campaign.

As many know, the Annual Fund is a critical component of our budget each year, providing 11 percent of the School’s annual revenue with nimble financial resources to do all that we strive to do. Much more than a line item on the budget, our Annual Fund allows us to address emerging needs and take advantage of opportunities while continuing to grow the academic program. It is a perfect time and opportunity for alumni to give and be part of what comes next at Choate.
- Alex Curtis, Head of School
Ali Jennison ’79 has been a loyal supporter of the Annual Fund for years because “Choate changed my life, exposing me to a huge world I didn’t know existed — people, ideas, variety. The friendships made during those years have sustained me and inspired me to be open-minded to the unexpected.” She has designated her Annual Fund gifts to faculty support or the arts because “I believe a student’s mind needs one small spark to be ignited into curiosity and discovery. Learning to be a better writer, have an opinion, make a decision, all happen during these years. I chose a creative path, pursuing a career in graphic design. The Arts Center with its angular stone façade, sleek windows, curved exhibition walls, and large studios were the daily visuals that energized my imagination.”

Paco Martinez-Alvarez ’78 also makes his Annual Fund gifts to the arts:
"Choate challenged me to explore new areas of study not previously available to me, to stretch my thinking into new horizons, and to learn to fend for myself away from home. The arts played an integral part in my education and experiences at Choate. They are often the first line item that gets cut from a budget. Designating my support to the arts ensures they stay alive!”

In many ways, support via the Annual Fund allows Choate to live its values. For more than a decade Choate has been committed to keeping tuition increases low and stable — averaging 2.9 percent. A Choate education is a substantial investment for families and predictable increases are important as our families plan for their children’s education.
Raz Surdulescu ’94 often designates his Annual Fund gift to Financial Aid, because, he says, “I arrived at Choate from a vastly different economic reality and was only able to study and ultimately graduate from Choate thanks to its very generous Financial Aid program.” Surdulescu came to Choate shortly after the Iron Curtain fell in the early 1990s in Eastern Europe. He was extremely impressed with the Choate campus, faculty, and students, many of whom have remained lifelong friends. “Studying at Choate, among passionate teachers, like-minded classmates, and cutting-edge facilities, was a dream come true. I am grateful for the amazing opportunity Choate offered me, and I wish to pay it forward and enable other students to enjoy and benefit from the incredible gift of a Choate education regardless of their own economic reality.”

Ashley Holt ’99 and Khari Stephenson ’00 both talk about the role Choate played in their lives as part of their reason for supporting the Annual Fund, with gifts to athletics. Stephenson says, “Athletics has been a big part of my life. I went on to play soccer professionally for 12 years and a big part of that was my experience at Choate. Had that not happened, my soccer career may have never been. That being said, my support of the Athletics program may help to develop the next professional athlete.” Holt believes:
All qualified students should have the opportunity to attend Choate, experiencing everything it has to offer. Unfortunately, tuition is a huge gating factor for most. By designating an Annual Fund gift to Financial Aid, you are able to have a direct impact on the amount of aid that is given to qualified, talented, and deserving students.”
Curtis adds, “One important aspect of the Annual Fund is that gifts are put to immediate use. Unlike the endowment, which is meant to sustain the school over time, the Annual Fund fuels life on campus today, which is why we ask our community to contribute every year.”
Testimonials from alumni across decades share their many reasons to give back. Some wish to honor their Choate experience; others hope to create an even stronger school for future generations. But one thing all donors have in common is that they believe in the power of a Choate education, and they choose to be part of its continued success, in part, by contributing to the Annual Fund. It’s not too late to make a gift to the Annual Fund and be part of inspiring the next!
Ways to Direct Your Support
Academic Programs
Fund innovation and excellence across all academic disciplines.
Maintain and enhance the outstanding visual and performing arts programs.
Provide critical resources for all 81 of Choate’s interscholastic teams.
Equity & Inclusion
Support initiatives that celebrate our diverse community and promote equity, justice, and fairness for all.
Provide funding to help our faculty remain at the forefront of their fields through professional and curricular development.
Financial Aid
Help change the lives of students who could not otherwise afford to attend Choate.
Health & Wellness
Help students create habits that will ensure their intellectual, physical, and mental well-being throughout their lives.
Fund advanced technology to enhance the student experience in classrooms and beyond.