Jamie Wong's portfolio 2018

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Portfolio Jamie wong gRAPHIC DESIGN 2018

knowledge is accumulated bit by bit

hello nice to meet you

about me I am Wong Choi Man (Jamie), a fresh graduate of NCKU, majoring in industrial design. I am good at graphic design that I have designed on logo, diagram, leather album cover, website layout, etc. I am eager to build a long-term career in this field, especially on Commercial Graphic Design.

jamie wong's PERSONAL INFO.



W ong C hoi Ma n, J a mie

‧Ca nt o nese(Na t iv e)



‧Ma nda rin(Na t iv e)


j a m ie wong 0 5 0 8 @ gma il.c o m

‧English(a v era ge)


+8 5 2 5 4 2 9 0 6 7 5

‧Frenc h(I nit ia l)





Graduate d f r om

W o r k o n pie c e wo r k ( f r e e la n c e)

N ati o n al C he ng K ung U n i ve rsi t y-

lo go ,dia gra m,w eb la yo u t .e tc

In du stri a l d e s ig n

2008-2014 Graduate d f r om

C. C . C He e p Woh C olle g e ( HK- E n glis h- T a u g ht S c hool)

07/2017-09/2017 I n t e r n s h ip a t

Sa n Fa ng Chemic a l I ndu st ry Co.,Ltd (dep a rt ment o f sho es p iec e)

07/2014-08/2014 P a r t - t ime s a le s in

AWARD 2016-Year 2

Th e be st d e s ig n - P r od uc t D e s ig n

Lo g-On/ u nder Cit yS u p er (Life b o u t iq u es in H K)

introduction Skills


Id Ai Ps


Interests Music






CONTENTS 2D graphic design

Hello Children! OPM Sports 2019 ECjobsonline Overseas Internship Sharing Schnauzer Family Zhen‧ ZhenZhu LTCC(Lux&Tw) Karaa Lock Jamie - Me The Three of Us

12-15 16-19 20-23 24-25 26-27 28-31 32-35 36-39 40-41 42-43

3D product design

Quake‧Quick 46-49 Un-Tap-able 50-53 Retract-table 54-57

2d graphic design


01 magazine Hello Children! This is a book cover design of our project which is playing the role of an Kid Education Magazine.We aim at collecting some organization which are related to Kid Education. We arranged interview with them so as to introduce their company to parents.Parents can receive the advice or suggestion from the expert. Also,they can get more information of the activities for their kids.

Jamie wong's portfolio



Jamie wong's portfolio



02 album cover

Jamie wong's portfolio

OPM Sports 2019 During the Internship, I engaged in the leather ablum cover design 2019. Since the department I stayed was shoes piece, It should be a sporty styled album. As a result, I used the speedy line to compare to the

path of running. This design

implied a truth "Never look back, we should face to the sun and keep moving forward."



Jamie wong's portfolio



ECjobsonline is a job seeking website which provided the platform for both job seeker and employers to find their suitable jobs and employees. I am glad to have the chance to revamp their website. The layout included plenty of UI and UX design which I have never explored before.

Jamie wong's portfolio

03 website layout ECjobsonline



Jamie wong's portfolio



04 poster Overseas Internship Sharing 2017 Since I was one of the leader of the Public Relation in our department. We hold different events like this, an overseas internship sharing. I designed the poster and posted it on Facebook so as to attract more audience.

We were glad to invite two senior students to be our speaker and shared their internship experience in Japan. Eventually, the audience who came outnumbered than I expected. I belive it was a sucessful event that I have held so far.

Jamie wong's portfolio



Jamie wong's portfolio


05 banner Schnauzer Family It was a great pleasure that I had a chance to design for the Schnauzer Family which is a group of dog lovers. They held different activities throughout the whole year, therefore, I designed this vertical banner for them to fit their themes everytime.


06 stall logo Zhen‧ ZhenZhu

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This was the first case job which offered by my friends. They had participated a food fair in Hong Kong therefore they needed a logo for their Beverage stall " 真 ‧ 珍珠 ". The drinks they sold are some kind of Chinese tea, thus I used the calligraphy words with a stroke at the back to emphasize the Chinese style.


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07 organization logo Luxembourg Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce

Jamie wong's portfolio


My sister is one of the member of Luxembourg Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce so that I could have the chance to design for their logo. Two flag were combined into a " Tai Chi " presented the closed relationship of cooperation between this two countries.


Jamie wong's portfolio



08 Product & Poster Karaa Lock

Jamie wong's portfolio

The interior and exterior circles of the plate are often decorated with continuous pattern. The circle is formed by 6 or 8 petals, occasionally visible ten or twelve opening. The range of elements was wide, usually they were animals, plants, landscapes, figures, auspicious patterns and even some were Chinese and foreign languages. Between the opening of the picture , it was usually filled with gold and other auxiliary decoration.



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Jamie wong's portfolio

09 Pop Art Jamie - Me This is the first illustration of myself after I have the lessons of illustrator. We were told to apply the color of Pop Art to present ourselves. Hence, I did a little research on Pop Art and chose the colors which I loved. Also, I took the common element, dots, into my picture so as to make it more plentiful.



10 Illustration The three of Us In order to celebrate our 10th anniversary friendship, I drew the three of us by illustrator as a gift for them. Beside, I chose the facial expression and the color which could mostly represent us.

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3d product design


11 Product Quake‧Quick Quake Quick is used when an earthquake occured. As implied in the name, it can lead the rescue team to find victims quickly as the concept behind is to convert the traditional way.We found victims from inside to outside which could shorten the time consumed sharply.

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BACKGROUND On the lesson, we have learnt how to use raspberry pi to write program so as to control Quake Quick.




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When an earthquake happened, the ultrasonic sensor will measure a different distance between it and the ceiling, then Quake Quick started working and search around the house.

The infrared sensor on Quake Quick keeps searching around in order to find the victims. After it found one victim, it recorded its location and send to the rescue team.

Rescue team no longer have to search for thevictims from outside to inside. They can grasp all the location of the vitims by Quake Quick. Therefore,the time is taken onto search can be largely reduced.



Jamie wong's portfolio

12 Form Un-Tap-Able The topic of the project is to choose one character in Super-hero then we had to analysis the feature of it and put them onto other product.Therefore, i chose Malefiicent since she has some distinct characteristic. For instance, she has a pair of cold eyes, pale skin, red lips.etc.These strong feature is suitable to be placed on other product.



Side view

45°C view

Jamie wong's portfolio





Front view


Back view



13 Furniture Retract-Table In Taiwan, college student always have to move because of the promoting grade. Meanwhile, most of the furniture is made of wood which is heavy and led troubles also inexpedience for student during moving house.Therefore, we used cardboard as a material to design the furniture.

Jamie wong's portfolio

3 different sizes of desk can be retracted,Put the 2 smaller one under the largest one.If putting them on to the largest one,it becomes a cabient.




We investigate lots of method until latch. This is the main concept of retract-table.We use the method of latch to steady them when it is a cabinet.Just like it is shown on the right.

This shows the side view of the structure, spcae are calculated in order to stronger the structure. In an additional, we added a board behind every desk, it can stronger the surface not easy to deform.

Jamie wong's portfolio

Above is the actual using condition , the largest desk is used as upper surface. Meanwhile, user can pull the smallest one out and use it as a working place. Our team had tested it with different height then we found out the most suitable one which fit human factor. Even though the desk is made of cardboard, stacking up cardboards can strengthen the intensity. Thus we eliminated the stereotype of cardboard, which is soft and weak. We believe this design can be the trend within student field.


Jamie wong jamiewong0508@gmail.com +852 5429 0675

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