Sooin Choi Portfolio

Page 1



TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 All about ME Resume Experience Specialty

02 Design Philoshophy 03 User Experience Design iRiver p.Ple P10 for new interaction style Samsung Air-conditioner design for 2011 Cyworld multimedia service for 1318 user

04 User Interface Design Cannon Digital IXUS 900Ti for new interface style On-line Media Design for Korea Times

05 Epilogue is a piece of writing at the end of a work of literature or drama, usually used to bring closure to the work. The writer or the person may deliver a speech, speaking directly to the reader, when bringing the piece to a close, or the narration may continue normally to a closing scene.




1987. 10. 21생

EDUCATION 한동대학교 산업정보디자인학부 재학 중 제품디자인 전공 | 시각디자인 전공 | 경영학 부전공 포항 세명 고등학교 졸업 포항 환호 여자 중학교 졸업 포항 장성 초등학교 졸업

SKILLS OPIc: IM(Intermediate Mid) TOEIC ( )점 워드프로세서 1급

Adobe Photoshop CS3_expert(상급) Adobe Illustrator CS3_expert(상급) Adobe Dreamweaver CS3_ intermediate(중급) Adobe Flash CS3_intermediate(중급) 3D Max_intermediate(상급) Rhino3D_intermediate(중급) eStream Presto_expert(중급) Studio, Producer, Composer, and Editor

Seeing the changes through

삼성 2011년향 Air Conditioner 디자인을 위한 방향성 제시 SK Telecom 신개념 유심 칩 개발 프로젝트 참여 iRiver PMP 사용성 평가를 통한 새로운 인터페이스 제안 Cyworld 1318 User를 대상으로 멀티미디어기반 서비스 제안 Basketball X 새로운 웹 UI 디자인 프로젝트 참여 Town Watching 위험한 장소를 개선하는 공공디자인 삼성 테크윈 카메라 Super Easy UI 아이디어 제안 한동대학교 인트라넷 ‘CIS’ UI Flow Redesign

OVERSEES EXPERIENCE RockUK Frontier Centre Hospitality team | Volunteer

2009 교원그룹 대학생 마케팅 디자인 공모전 마케팅부문 최우수상 수상 한동대학교 재학성적우수장학금(상위5%)




This document shows a selection of work I have done over the lastyears at the faculty of Industrial Design Master’s course in the Handong Global University. In my work, you will find a blend of interaction design, industrial design and graphic design with very social and expressive characteristics.

큰 꿈을 꾸자는 뜻에서 BIG PICTURE는 나의 Philosophy이다. 코 앞에 닥친 상황만이 아닌 앞을 내다볼 줄 아는 그런 mind를 가진 designer 최수인이 되고자 한다. 디자인에 있어서도 1차원 적인 사고 방식을 넘어 그 이상으로 담긴 내적인 아름다움 의미를 알아내고 그것을 디자인에 적용시킨다. 항상 user의 입장에 서 그들을 포괄하는 넓은 디자이너가 되기 위해 노력해 나간다.

USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN iRiver p.Ple P10 for new interaction style

User Experience Design is the practice of designing products, processes, services, events, and environments with a focus placed on the quality of the user experience and culturally relevant solutions, with less emphasis placed on increasing and improving functionality of the design. you will find a blend of many kinds of designs with very social and expressive characteristics.


User Profiling

Selection of Persona

Usability Test



User Profiling’s Framework Demographic Character Experience Preference

Standard of Persona

Userbility Test Design Direction

User Character Technological Environment Usage Consideration

Heuristic evaluation Benchmarking Framework Issue Task selection Userbility Testing


Demographic 인류학적인 점에 대한 차이

Character 개개인 성향에 따른 사용자의 needs 차이

User Profiling을 정리하기 위한 선정 기준을 발췌하고, 그 기준으로 명확한 구분을 주어 Persona 선정 기준으로 사용

Object Oriented Control 평상시 기기나 시스템에서 익숙했던 모션을 조작 방식에 대입한다. 따라서, 사용자가 따로 학습하지 않아도 사용에 있어 불편함이 없는 시스템 조작 방식을 말한다.

Experience 이전에 기기를 사용했는지 여부에

Minimized Step

따른 차이

기존에 문제가 되었다 Structure 단계를 최소화시켜 바로 인지할 수


있도록 사용자에게 제공하는 조작

사용자가 중시하는 요소에 대한

방식을 말한다. 2번의 단계 거침


없이 한 번의 손동작으로 자신이 원하는 needs를 바로 충족 시킨다.

Intuitive View Icon, Layout 등 시각적인 사용자의 Needs에 맞게 연동시키는 것을 의미한다.

USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN Samsung Air-conditioner design for 2011

P 12

Getting Design Insight

Problem Analysis Finding Causes Define Needs 2nd Filtering 48 Critical Problems Grouping Problems Data Filtering 1st Filtering Data Shaping Grouping by Subject User Research 11 House User Research

Overall Design Insight

Performance and Care

Emotional Touch

No Essential

1. Integrate 2 In 1 단순한 물리적인 기기연결 이상의 통합적인 링크

2. Break The Biase / Get Trust 기기의 인식변화를 통한 부가기능의 신뢰도 회복 및 향상

3. Sensitive To Air and User 사용자 변화에 민감하게 반응하는 스마트한 기능 제공

4. Satisfy My Taste 다양한 사용자층을 만족시키는 디자인

5. Dynamic Cooling Spectrum 상황에 맞춤화된 냉방

Edged Style

6. Ugly Duckling 미운 오리새끼를 백조로 사용자들의 편의를 위해 제공되는 기능들(무드조명, 필터청소, 제습 등)이 때로는 방해요소나 좋지 않은 인식으로 다가가기도 한다. 이러한 방해요소나 좋지 않은 인식들을 사용자에게 거부감을 주지 않고 친숙하게 다가가게 한다.

7. Let Me Know 사용자를 배려하는 효과적인 정보전달

8. Save Me The Money 비용에 대한 불안감 해소

9. Unlimited Space Covering 사용자 환경을 고려한 공간활용의 자유화

0. One Space, Multi Condition 상황에 맞춤화된 냉방

USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN Cyworld multimedia service for 1318 user

P 15

리서치 1차 필드 리서치, 벤치마킹 리서치 결과 1차 사용자 조사 insight 도출, 서비스기회요소파악 1차 사용자 조사 FGI, In-depth Interview

리서치 2차 서비스 기회요소 파악

Ideation & prototype

인터넷사용에영향을미치는환경적요소는무엇인가1318 User를 대상으로하는멀티미디어기반서비스/어플리케이션/위젯/기능제안 1318사용자의멀티미디어매체이용행태및기호조사 1318 사용자들의주요관심사는무엇인가 멀티미디어서비스, 디지털기기이용행태및사용의도는무엇인가 디지털기기, 인터넷사용에영향을미치는환경적요소는무엇인가 사용자조사의목적신규인터넷멀티미디어서비스에대한니즈및아이디어도출 인터넷에서주로사용하는서비스와이를사용하는이유는무엇인가 기존서비스에대한개선사항및사용자니즈는무엇인가 멀티미디어관련서비스및기능에대한사용자니즈는무엇인가

10대들의 주요 관심사 및 행동 패턴/반경

User, Process, and Context

생활패턴 및 주요 관심사 관계 형성 및 커뮤니케이션

PC 및 인터넷의 전반적인 활용 행태 PC 이용 환경 및 제약 PC 이용 목적 및 주 사용 어플리케이션 인터넷 이용 목적/의도

데이터 정리 Insight 도출 보이지않는사용자니즈/행동패턴발굴 잠재적인사용자의의견, 행동패턴, 니즈등을발굴함

모바일 & 디지털 기기 활용 행태 멀티미디어에 대한 의식 및 활용 행태 인터넷에서의 멀티미디어 사용 경험 및 기대 가치

종합적인접근을통해잠재적불만사항및니즈를분석하고유추함 다양한사용자행위/패턴을수집하고이들간의연계고리를찾아분석함

사용자의자연스러운행동프로세스에대한고려 사용자참여형조사관찰을통해실제적인사이트도출유도


P 18

Cannon Digital IXUS 900Ti for new interface style

Design Studio seeks to attract, inspire, create desires and motivate the people to respond to messages.

DIGITAL IXUS 900 Ti Elegantly Shining Quality

DIGITAL IXUS 900 Ti Elegantly Shining Quality

DIGITAL IXUS 900 Ti Top View

1,000만 픽셀 CCD / DIGIC III의 얼굴 우선 AF/AE ISO 1600 고감도 / 23만 픽셀의 고해상도 2.5인치 LCD 모니터 순정 티타늄 재질의 곡면 디자인

1,000만 픽셀 CCD / DIGIC III의 얼굴 우선 AF/AE ISO 1600 고감도 / 23만 픽셀의 고해상도 2.5인치 LCD 모니터 순정 티타늄 재질의 곡면 디자인

1,000만 픽셀 CCD / DIGIC III의 얼굴 우선 AF/AE ISO 1600 고감도 / 23만 픽셀의 고해상도 2.5인치 LCD 모니터 순정 티타늄 재질의 곡면 디자인



Introducing New Feature

Introducing New Feature

DIGITAL IXUS 900 Ti Left_side View 1,000만 픽셀 CCD / DIGIC III의 얼굴 우선 AF/AE ISO 1600 고감도 / 23만 픽셀의 고해상도 2.5인치 LCD 모니터 순정 티타늄 재질의 곡면 디자인

DIGITAL IXUS 900 Ti Elegantly Shining Quality

DIGITAL IXUS 900 Ti Back View

DIGITAL IXUS 900 Ti Elegantly Shining Quality

DIGITAL IXUS 900 Ti Top View

DIGITAL IXUS 900 Ti Elegantly Shining Quality

1,000만 픽셀 CCD / DIGIC III의 얼굴 우선 AF/AE ISO 1600 고감도 / 23만 픽셀의 고해상도 2.5인치 LCD 모니터 순정 티타늄 재질의 곡면 디자인

1,000만 픽셀 CCD / DIGIC III의 얼굴 우선 AF/AE ISO 1600 고감도 / 23만 픽셀의 고해상도 2.5인치 LCD 모니터 순정 티타늄 재질의 곡면 디자인

1,000만 픽셀 CCD / DIGIC III의 얼굴 우선 AF/AE ISO 1600 고감도 / 23만 픽셀의 고해상도 2.5인치 LCD 모니터 순정 티타늄 재질의 곡면 디자인

1,000만 픽셀 CCD / DIGIC III의 얼굴 우선 AF/AE ISO 1600 고감도 / 23만 픽셀의 고해상도 2.5인치 LCD 모니터 순정 티타늄 재질의 곡면 디자인

1,000만 픽셀 CCD / DIGIC III의 얼굴 우선 AF/AE ISO 1600 고감도 / 23만 픽셀의 고해상도 2.5인치 LCD 모니터 순정 티타늄 재질의 곡면 디자인


Introducing New Feature


Introducing New Feature


Introducing New Feature

IA (Information Architecture)를 통한 menu depth 조정 및 interaction 방식을 수정한 form-factor에 맞게 재해석하여 디자인하였다. interaction 방식 또한 사용자의 행태에 초점을 맞추고, 관련된 기능과 형태를 변형하였다.


Introducing New Feature

Compare Old & New

DIGITAL IXUS 900 Ti Elegantly Shining Quality

DIGITAL IXUS 900 Ti Back View

1,000만 픽셀 CCD / DIGIC III의 얼굴 우선 AF/AE ISO 1600 고감도 / 23만 픽셀의 고해상도 2.5인치 LCD 모니터 순정 티타늄 재질의 곡면 디자인

1,000만 픽셀 CCD / DIGIC III의 얼굴 우선 AF/AE ISO 1600 고감도 / 23만 픽셀의 고해상도 2.5인치 LCD 모니터 순정 티타늄 재질의 곡면 디자인


DIGITAL IXUS 900 Ti Elegantly Shining Quality

DIGITAL IXUS 900 Ti Elegantly Shining Quality 1,000만 픽셀 CCD / DIGIC III의 얼굴 우선 AF/AE ISO 1600 고감도 / 23만 픽셀의 고해상도 2.5인치 LCD 모니터 순정 티타늄 재질의 곡면 디자인

Introducing New Feature

DIGITAL IXUS 900 Ti Top View

1,000만 픽셀 CCD / DIGIC III의 얼굴 우선 AF/AE ISO 1600 고감도 / 23만 픽셀의 고해상도 2.5인치 LCD 모니터 순정 티타늄 재질의 곡면 디자인



Introducing New Feature

Introducing New Feature

1,000만 픽셀 CCD / DIGIC III의 얼굴 우선 AF/AE ISO 1600 고감도 / 23만 픽셀의 고해상도 2.5인치 LCD 모니터 순정 티타늄 재질의 곡면 디자인


Introducing New Feature

Compare Old & New

P 20

Korea Times for new interaction style

On-line Media Design seeks to attract, inspire, create desires and motivate the people to respond to messages.

1. 페이지주제

The Korea Times 메인 화면 / 정보공유

News site of the here | The 2008 Newspaper Award

Incredible Hulk Can the new movie make you forget this TV classic?



| Business |

sharing of information

4. 화면 설명

3. 화면구성

Thursday, May 22, 2008 | 2:13 p.m. ET

2. 파일명

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Technology | Opinion | Life & Style | Art | Sports | Community | Special

From Times OnlineMay 19, 2008

Ask the boss: Jeroen van der Veer 

Research Quick Menu

정확하고 명확하게 레이블을 위치시킴으로 사용자에게 쉽게 인식될 수 있게 하였다.

 Headline News를 사용자의 시선에 맞게 왼쪽 상단에 배치하였고 사용자의 시선을 확실하게 유도하기 위하여 다른 뉴스보다 크게 배치하였다. 들어왔을 때 이 날의 해드라인 뉴스를 다른 것에 시선을 뺏기지 않고 볼 수 있다.

 상단 탭에 있는 주요 메뉴들을 다시 주요 뉴스로 재분류하였다. 토픽에 대한 뉴스를 보다 빠르게 볼 수 있다.

 Quick Menu를 오른쪽 상단에 배치하고 체크박스로 자신이 설정할 수 있다. 

 



technology opinion

life & style art

 Photo News를 따로 두어 사진으로 사용자가 뉴스를 선택할 수 있게 하였다. 텍스트보다 이미지가 사용자의 시선을 가짐을 염두해둔다.


community special

As some speculate that crude price will head for $200 a barrel and pump prices top £5 a gallon, Times Online links you to top industrialist Jeroen van der Veer, chief executive of Shell, who will answer your questions on the outlook for the oil industry. He believes that by 2100 the world's energy system will be radically different to today's, and that choices that will be made during the next five years will produce effects that will shape the world for the next half century.

Photo News>>

Email us at Times Online will publish the top 20 questions and answers later this week. Business >>

Sports >>

Opinion >>

Chancellor to meet with supermarket representatives over the threat posed to the UK economy by spiraling food prices Latest attempt to compete with Google involves paying consumers who buy items they find through its search service

Life as a tax exile in Switzerland has lost its lustre for the British F1 driver and he pines for the family he left behind Court hears the incredible extent of the performance-enhancing drugs programme of former Sydney Olympics golden girl

Rip up your textbooks, the doubling of oil prices has little to do with China's appetite A new way to decide: we should be free to make choices but coaxed away from the worst ones

Life & Style >>

You need not be on a long-haul flight to have deep vein thrombosis. Sitting for too long at your desk can put you at risk Raymond Blanc's asparagus tips and Celia Brooks Brown on spring herbs and May's seafood

Contact our advertising team for advertising and sponsorship in Times Online, The Times and The Sunday Times. Search to buy or rent UK property. © Copyright 2008 Times Newspapers Ltd.

5. 플로우 차트와 로직

6. 텍스트

7. 그래픽 / 무비클럽

상위메뉴에서 하위메뉴로 가는 단계에 대한 정확한 feedback을 주어야 한다.

pop-up으로 구동해야 할 메뉴들.

기사를 serch할 때 단어 자동완성기능과 관련기사를 제공하여 사용자가 쉽게 원하는 내용에 가게 한다.

→ Dictionary, Sitemap, PDF, 동영상 파일

그래픽 요소를 중점적으로 웹사이트를 개편화하였다. 기존 웹사이트의 flow 문제점을 찾아 개선화 시키는 동시에 시각적인 효과를 부각하여 조금 더 생동감있는 웹 사이트를 구축하였다.

Thursday, May 22, 2008 | 2:13 p.m. ET

Thursday, June 5, 2008 | 1:55 p.m. ET

News site of the here | The 2008 Newspaper Award

News site of the here | The 2008 Newspaper Award

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Ask the boss: Jeroen van der Veer

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They're wrong about oil, by George

Research Quick Menu

 



technology opinion

life & style art


community special

As some speculate that crude price will head for $200 a barrel and pump prices top £5 a gallon, Times Online links you to top industrialist Jeroen van der Veer, chief executive of Shell, who will answer your questions on the outlook for the oil industry. He believes that by 2100 the world's energy system will be radically different to today's, and that choices that will be made during the next five years will produce effects that will shape the world for the next half century.

Photo News>>

Fears over oil supplies drive prices through another record, as UK motorists face steep petrol price rise for holiday

Times Online will publish the top 20 questions and answers later this week.

Sports >>

Opinion >>

sitemap sitemap || dictionary dictionary || PDF PDF

Chancellor to meet with supermarket representatives over the threat posed to the UK economy by spiraling food prices Latest attempt to compete with Google involves paying consumers who buy items they find through its search service

Life as a tax exile in Switzerland has lost its lustre for the British F1 driver and he pines for the family he left behind Court hears the incredible extent of the performance-enhancing drugs programme of former Sydney Olympics golden girl



Rip up your textbooks, the doubling of oil prices has little to do with China's appetite A new way to decide: we should be free to make choices but coaxed away from the worst ones

Life & Style >>

You need not be on a long-haul flight to have deep vein thrombosis. Sitting for too long at your desk can put you at risk Raymond Blanc's asparagus tips and Celia Brooks Brown on spring herbs and May's seafood

Contact our advertising team for advertising and sponsorship in Times Online, The Times and The Sunday Times. Search to buy or rent UK property. © Copyright 2008 Times Newspapers Ltd.



A dispute over funding for Shell Petroleum Development Company is almost resolved, according to the Anglo-Dutch group

Former chief executive faces possibility of civil charges relating to an accounting scandal after receipt of 'Wells notice'

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From Times Online June 5, 2008

Manchester City set to move for Ronaldinho


Get fit for basketball

American Airlines yesterday appeared to cross the Rubicon, asking its passengers to pay $15 (£7.60) to check in a bag when they arrive at the airport. What will be its next gambit? Perhaps, a $5 charge for using your laptop inflight, pay-per-view movies and coin-operated lavatories. AMR, the airline's parent announced yesterday that its new baggage fee, plus a whole raft of other service charges would generate hundreds of millions of dollars in extra revenue.

British basketball is booming. Our national team has won promotion to Europe’s Division A and boasts a genuine star in Luol Deng, who plays for the Chicago Bulls. Not only that, the sport is rapidly being taken up at grassroots level. More than a quarter of a million adults in England now play regularly, making basketball a more popular pastime than rugby or athletics, according to Sport England, the body that promotes community sport nationwide.

How long will that keep the creditors at bay? For AMR and every other airline operator the soaring cost of jet fuel has exposed a fatal weakness for an industry that has been riding for years on a wing and a prayer.

Each game is made up of four 12-minute quarters, which will test your aerobic fitness. To improve your stamina, do cardio work such as running or cycling at 80% of your maximum heart-rate for 25 minutes, four times a week.

It is not just some carriers tha Since the end of January, the cos Related Links You bet BA got the message Gulf's golf links to their fleets and adding

Since the end of January, the cost of the fuel that keeps planes in the air has risen by almost 60 per cent. Redundancies expected in the City as JPMorgan said that it would cut Bear Stearns jobs worldwide after the two banks merge


Ashton blows big chance as rivals seize moment Ashton hopes West Ham keep word on pay rise

Airlines fly by the seat of their pants

It is not just some carriers that are in trouble; the business model of an entire industry is close to bust.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008 | 1:55 p.m. ET

Related Links You bet BA got the message Gulf's golf links Even as the price of a tonne of jet fuel hit $1,350 per tonne in Rotterdam yesterday, airlines were still increasing capacity, adding more and bigger planes to their fleets and adding more routes. North Atlantic traffic, the big earner for most airlines, has not been growing since January and Asian routes are similarly stuck in the doldrums but more planes are flying more kilometres every day, according to statistics from the Association of European Airlines. From January to May, capacity for scheduled European airlines rose by 3.5 per cent as traffic grew by 1.7 per cent.

Mark Hughes has given his backing to Manchester City’s ambitious attempts to sign Ronaldinho, the Barcelona and Brazil playmaker, after being confirmed as the Barclays Premier League club’s new manager yesterday. Hughes will be given £50 million to spend, plus any cash he raises from the sale of players, and is said to be enthused about the prospect of partnering Ronaldinho in attack with Jô, his Brazil team-mate, next season. As revealed by The Times last week, Jô will soon join City from CSKA Moscow in a club-record £18 million transfer, but it is talk of an audacious move for Ronaldinho that will set pulses......

Basketball involves explosive jumps, sprints and changes of direction, all of which require fast twitch muscle fibres (the type of muscle used for generating short bursts of strength or speed). Build these up in the gym with weight training for your leg muscles – do multiple sets of eight repetitions with heavy resistance – around 70% of the maximum amount you are able to lift. The dynamic moves on court make knees and ankles prone to injury, so use a balance board (see Kit Bag) as preparation. Standing on the board, tip your ankles from side to side to develop strength. To improve your balance, which is key for taking shots, stand on the board without letting the edges touch the ground. The hoop is 10ft from the ground, so you’ll need to develop your vertical jump. The best way to add power is with tuck jumps: leap into the air, bringing your knees to your chest at the same time. Repeat 10 times. Finally, stretch proper court. Incorporate mov basketball, such as latera bounding.

It doesn't add up and yesterday, AMR admitted as much, announcing that its airline would shrink. The company will shed between 75 and 80 jets reducing the available seats by 12 per cent. In explanation, the company said that its jet fuel bill was $665million more in the first quarter than a year before - in other words, while fuel cost 45 per cent more, revenues rose by only 5 per cent. British Airways said last week that it had been

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